Explore A Civic Issue

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Explore a Civic Issue

Gender Equality

Stage 1:
1. The issue I want to use for this culminating activity is:
Gender equality.
2. I want to explore this issue because: (Reason for investigation? Why is this
important to me?)
As someone who’s a woman and therefore, a minority, gender equality has always been
something I’ve been extremely passionate about for a long time since it’s always been
important to me that everyone has equal rights and opportunities.
3. Two questions I have about my issue are:
- What are the main reasons for lack of gender equality and in which places is
gender inequality more prominent.
- Which provinces/territories have most gender equality and least.
4. One source of information I have already found that is related to this issue is:

Stage 2:
Fact #1 Fact #2 Fact #3
The Fact 30% more women than 2.4 million. That’s the
(statistic, date, Women in Canada are men lost their jobs or number of women and
example, case study more likely than men to were put on unpaid girls living on low
experience intimate leave at the height of income.
partner violence (IPV). the [Covid-19] crisis.
Self-reported data
collected in 2018
shows that 44% of
women reported
experiencing some
form of IPV in their
lifetime (since the age
of 15).Footnote2
Access more
information on GBV
key statistics for
Title of Source What is gender-based Our Approach to 10 Ways We All Need
(remember, each fact violence? Women’s Rights and to Advance Gender
must come from a Gender Equality Equality Today
different source)
Author N/A Linda Hershkovitz, N/A
(Last Name, First NIFC President

Publisher Government of Canada NIF Canada Canadian Women’s


URL https://nifcan.org/our-a https://canadianwomen

https://women-gender- pproach-to-womens-rig .org/blog/10-ways-we-a
equality.canada.ca/en/ hts-and-gender-equalit ll-need-to-advance-gen
gender-based-violence y/?gclid=CjwKCAjw2K6 der-equality-today/?ga
/about-gender-based-vi lBhBXEiwA5RjtCYrGW d=1&gclid=EAIaIQobC
olence.html 8tdS5u5NzeT6ztxOM- hMI0pDQpaWFgAMVN
XuVvfxmgilPSsPrUGU 21vBB3LoA5rEAAYBC
Xu-h2p5olGfYBoCu80 AAEgLD9PD_BwE

Stage 3:

Source of Information

Is the author or publisher of the website

Yes / No
Is the contact information available? Yes / No
Are the author's credentials available? Yes / No

Objectivity and bias

Is the purpose of the site clear and available on
Yes / No
the home page?
Is the intended audience clear? Yes / No
Is the content objective? Yes / No
Is there advertising on the website? Yes / No

Currency of Information
Is the date the website was created available? Yes / No
Is the date the website was last updated or
Yes / No
revised available?
Does the website include a "What's New" or a
Yes / No
link for updated material?
Is the subject covered in depth? Yes / No
Are there links to other similar websites? Yes / No

Is there a bibliography listed or a resources
Yes / No
Is the material on the site supported with
Yes / No
Can you find two other reliable sources to
Yes / No
corroborate the material on the site?

Design and ease of use

Is the site organized and easy to navigate? Yes / No
Are there links to the home page? Yes / No
Is there a site map, table of contents, or a
Yes / No
search function?
Is the site free from spelling, grammar, and
Yes / No
punctuation errors?
Does the site load quickly and are all links
Yes / No

Stage 4:
Stage 5:
Work Cited

Canada, Women and Gender Equality. "Government of Canada." Women and Gender
Equality Canada, 7 Feb. 2022,

Howard, Jessica. "10 Ways We All Need to Advance Gender Equality Today." Canadian
Women’s Foundation, 16 Apr. 2020,

"Our Approach to Women’s Rights and Gender Equality: New Israel Fund of Canada."
New Israel Fund, 24 Dec. 2020,

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