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Section 2

Innovative teaching strategies in mathematics, if incorporated into the teaching process,

have shown potential benefits (AlGani, 2019). AlGani's (2019) findings from interviews revealed

limited integration of technology and innovative teaching methods in mathematics education

within schools. He emphasized the need for a more engaging and interesting teaching approach to

capture students' attention and enhance understanding. Notably, low-achieving students faced

challenges in comprehending problems, indicating a deficiency in creative thinking skills related

to fluency, flexibility, and novelty aspects (Yayuk, Erna, Purwanto, As'ari, Abdur Rahman, &

Subanji, 2020). Schoevers et al. (2019) found that students demonstrated higher creativity in math

during open lessons, where teachers encouraged discussions and embraced students' ideas. While

some regular lessons had a similar open atmosphere, the level of mathematical creativity was not

consistently observed.

Ulu, Mustafa, and Ozdemir, Kemal's (2018) study revealed that fourth-grade students

predominantly favor the strategy of algorithmic calculation in mental estimation for basic

mathematical operations. Mental mathematics, encompassing cognitive strategies for flexible

thinking and number sense, plays a crucial role in improving computational fluency and problem-

solving skills (Saskatchewan Ministry of Education., 2011, April). The ability to perform mental

mathematics enables students to determine answers and propose strategies without relying on

external aids. Furthermore, (Prodigy Game Team, Peters, A., & Mahimker, R., 2021) emphasized

the significance of mental mathematics, stating that students who struggle with relatively simple

equations in their heads may face challenges with more advanced mathematical content.
Teachers in constructivist mathematics classrooms actively engage students in the learning

process. Although constructivist teachers use different methods, most employ five contextual

teaching strategies: relating, experiencing, applying, cooperating, and transferring (Crawford, M.,

& Witte, M., 1999, November). Through this, it urged the students to practice leadership skills,

which helped them to develop mathematical and statistical concepts they have (Laz, H. A., &

Shafei, K. E., 2014). On the contrary, a research paper titled "Efficacy of Direct and

Constructivist Approaches to Mathematics Instruction for Underperforming Students in the

Netherlands," authored by Evelyn H. Kroesbergen, Johannes E. H. Van Luit, and Cora J. M.

Maas, indicated that the outcomes of their study suggest that contemporary changes in

mathematics instruction, which emphasize students constructing their own knowledge, may not

yield positive results for students with lower academic achievements.

The study conducted by Syafriafdi, N., Fauzan, A., Arnawa, I. M., Anwar, S., & Widada,

W. (2019) suggests that the utilization of a specific learning tool has the potential to enhance

students' motivation. Their findings conclude that students who engaged with realistic

mathematical learning tools exhibited a higher proficiency in understanding fraction concepts

compared to their peers using conventional learning methods. Consequently, the study implies

that real-time mathematics-learning tools could serve as effective replacements for conventional

teaching approaches. (Watson, A., & Ohtani, M. (Eds.)., 2021)., they cited that the use of tools to

support mathematical learning is nothing new. According to Botha, H., Kundema, I., & Van

Putten, S. (2019), the role of visual literacy in teaching mathematics is to enhance learners’

understanding of complex concepts, accommodate their needs, promote their logical and critical

thinking, and develop their communication skills. To develop learners’ visual literacy, teachers
need to use meaningful teaching styles and strategies in mentoring and guiding their learners,

giving them sufficient opportunities to engage in meaningful tasks.

Widada, W., Herawaty, D., Lusiana, D., Afriani, N. H., Sospolita, N., Jumri, R., &

Trinofita, B. (2020), the division of fractions is one of the difficult materials for elementary

students. Students can be more meaningful in preparing propositions about fraction operations.

Students can state that the division of fractions is a repetitive reduction. By providing contextual

problems students can complete the process of abstraction, and can reach the concept of fraction

division appropriately. According to Purnomo, Y. W., Widowati, C., Aziz, T. A., & AIP Conf.

Proc. (2017), the division of fractions is often acknowledged by a mysterious rule which is not

based on conceptual knowledge. In alignment with this, Baroody and Hume (1991) conducted a

study emphasizing the challenges many children face in learning mathematics due to

developmentally inappropriate instruction. Their findings advocate for a pedagogical shift where

teachers leverage and cultivate children's informal strengths rather than approaching them as

blank slates. The study suggests that linking symbolic arithmetic to informal understanding is

crucial, and instructional methods should actively encourage reflection and discussion. According

to the researchers, adopting a developmental approach can transform traditionally difficult topics,

such as fractions, into meaningful, thought-provoking, and interesting learning experiences for all

children, including those labelled as learning disabled. This perspective underscores the

importance of aligning instructional strategies with students' developmental stages to enhance

mathematical comprehension and engagement.


AlGani, Y. A. (2019). Innovative Ways to Teach Mathematics: Are they Employed in Schools?

Yayuk, Erna, Purwanto, As'ari, Abdur Rahman, & Subanji. (2020). Primary School Students' Creative
Thinking Skills in Mathematics Problem Solving. European Journal of Educational Research, 9(3), 1281-

Schoevers, E. M., Leseman, P. P. M., Slot, E. M., Bakker, A., Keijzer, R., & Kroesbergen, E. H. (2019).
Promoting pupils’ creative thinking in primary school mathematics: A case study. Thinking Skills and
Creativity, 31, 323-334.

Ulu, M., & Özdemir, K. (2018). Determining the Mental Estimation Strategies Used by Fourth-Grade
Elementary Students in Four Basic Mathematical Operations. International Electronic Journal of
Elementary Education, 11(1), 63-75. DOI: 10.26822/iejee.2018143962.

Prodigy Game Team, Peters, A., & Mahimker, R. (2021, January 05). 12 Mental Math Practices to
Improve the Skills of Students of All Ages. Prodigy Game. Retrieved from

Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. (2011 April). Mathematical Processes. Retrieved from

Crawford, M., & Witte, M. (1999, November). Strategies for Mathematics: Teaching in Context.
Educational Leadership, 57(3), 34-38.

Laz, H. A., & Shafei, K. E. (2014). The Effectiveness of Constructivist Learning Model in the Teaching of
Mathematics. University of Tabuk- Faculty of Science- Department of Mathematics- Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. Retrieved from

Kroesbergen, E. H., Van Luit, J. E. H., & Maas, C. J. M. (2004). Effectiveness of Explicit and Constructivist
Mathematics Instruction for Low-Achieving Students in the Netherlands. The Elementary School Journal,

Syafriafdi, N., Fauzan, A., Arnawa, I. M., Anwar, S., & Widada, W. (2019). The Tools of Mathematics
Learning Based on Realistic Mathematics Education Approach in Elementary School to Improve Math
Abilities. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(7), 1532-1536. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.070707

Watson, A., & Ohtani, M. (Eds.). (2021). Task Design In Mathematics Education. In New ICMI Study Series
(p. 331).

Baroody, A. J., & Hume, J. (1991). Meaningful Mathematics Instruction: The Case of Fractions. Volume
12, Issue 3.

Botha, H., Kundema, I., & Van Putten, S. (2019). Enhancing visual literacy in the mathematics classroom:
The case of Dar es Salaam. Vol. 37, No. 2. Retrieved from

Purnomo, Y. W., Widowati, C., Aziz, T. A., & AIP Conf. Proc. (2017). Fractions division knowledge of
elementary school students: The case of Lala. AIP Conf. Proc., 1868, 050021.

Widada, W., Herawaty, D., Lusiana, D., Afriani, N. H., Sospolita, N., Jumri, R., & Trinofita, B. (2020). How
are the process of abstraction of the division of fraction numbers by elementary school students?
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1657, 012040.

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