Abdallafilho2016, Performance, Metabolic Variables and Enteric Methane

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DOI: 10.1111/jpn.



Performance, metabolic variables and enteric methane

^ s hair lambs fed Orbignya phalerata and
production of Santa Ine
Combretum leprosum
A. L. Abdalla Filho1, D. Dineshkumar1, M. Barreal2, C. McManus1,3, V. R. Vasconcelos4, A. L. Abdalla1 and
H. Louvandini1
1 Centre for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture, University of S~ao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil
2 partement Milieux, Productions, Ressources et Syst
De emes, Montpellier SupAgro, Montpellier, France
3 Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, University of Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil, and
4 Federal University of Piauı, Teresina, Brazil

In this study, the possibility of using Babassu (Orbignya phalerata) and Mofumbo (Combretum leprosum) leaves for
lambs feed was verified. Performance, biochemical and haematological parameters, microbial protein synthesis,
nutrient apparent digestibility and enteric production of methane (CH4) were evaluated. The experimental treat-
ments included diets with forage-to-concentrate ratios of 50:50, with the leaves of the experimental plants
replacing 33% of the Cynodon dactylon (Tifton-85) hay with three treatments: control (no hay replacement) and
substitution with Babassu or Mofumbo. For the performance study, 24 Santa In^ es lambs were used, in a random-
ized experimental design with eight repetitions (5 male and 3 female) for each treatment and 48 days of experi-
mental trial. After this period, for nine days, six animals from each treatment were allocated in metabolic cages
to determine the apparent nutrient digestibility, microbial protein synthesis and nitrogen balance. Simultane-
ously, enteric CH4 was measured in vivo. The control group showed higher (p < 0.05) apparent digestibility of
acid detergent fibre. Enteric CH4 production of lambs fed Mofumbo leaves did not differ from that of the control
group, but was lower (p < 0.05) than in those fed with Babassu. The inclusion of Babassu and Mofumbo leaves
showed no negative effects on animal health and did not compromise performance. Mofumbo also presented
CH4 mitigating potential, indicating that those plants can be used as ingredients in the composition of lamb diets
with the advantage of reducing methane production.
Keywords Babassu, Mofumbo, tannin, tropical legumes

Correspondence A. L. Abdalla Filho, Av. Centen

ario 303, 13400-970, Piracicaba, S~ao Paulo, Brazil. Tel: +55 19 3429 4731; Fax: +55 19 3429 4610;
E-mail: adibefilho@cena.usp.br

Received: 29 March 2016; accepted: 1 June 2016

such as Babassu (Orbignya phalerata) and Mofumbo

(Combretum leprosum). Those plant leaves are con-
In particular when there are feed shortages in natural sumed by sheep (Meier et al., 2014), but studies on
pastures that grow on arable land used for food pro- their possible effects on animal production are still
duction, small ruminants can incorporate the leaves required.
of plants other than grasses into their diets, which do Commonly, these plants are rich in secondary
not necessarily compete with foodstuff. In this scenar- metabolites, including tannins, produced by plants in
io, the use of local resources can act as important their intermediary metabolism, which may present
alternatives to buying in animal feed such as concen- various degrees of condensation and a wide variety of
trates, contributing to the food security, sustainability chemical structures, thus presenting different biologi-
and economic viability of the activity (Schader et al., cal properties (Soltan et al., 2013). Even though some
2015). anthelmintic (Cenci et al., 2007) and antioxidative
There is a wide variety of trees and shrubs in Brazil- (Luciano et al., 2011) activities are described in rumi-
ian flora that grow in marginal areas without compet- nants, tannins can have influence on different physio-
ing with food that can be used for feeding ruminants, logical aspects such as N metabolism, feed intake and

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 1
^s lambs
Babassu and Mofumbo in diets of Santa Ine A. L. Abdalla Filho et al.

digestibility affecting the animals’ performance (Patra and the proportion of ingredients used in the
and Saxena, 2011). experimental diet of each treatment is presented in
Also, tannins, provided in the form of supplements Table 1.
or present in plants in the diet, often, but not always Chemical analyses of plants and diets (Tables 2 and
(Beauchemin et al., 2007), show the potential for the 3) were based on the content of dry matter (DM).
reduction in CH4 emissions (Abdalla et al., 2012; Concentrations of organic matter (OM; ID number
Staerfl et al., 2012; Moreira et al., 2013). Methane is 934.01), crude protein (CP; ID number 2001.11) and
one of the by-products of carbohydrate ruminal fer- ether extract (EE; ID number 2003.5) were deter-
mentation and, to a lesser extent, of amino acids in mined according to AOAC (2011). As recommended
the rumen and hindgut of ruminants. Depending on by Uden et al. (2005), neutral detergent fibre content
their sizes and the consumption of dry matter, sheep (NDF; ID number 2002.04) was analysed according to
and goats produce 10 to 16 kg CH4/yr (Hristov et al., Mertens (2002), and acid detergent fibre (ADF; ID
2013). In addition to contributing to the intensifica- number 973.18) and lignin (LIG; ID number 973.18)
tion of climate change, these emissions represent a were determined sequentially following the method-
loss of approximately 5 to 7% of dietary energy (Hris- ology proposed by Van Soest et al. (1991). Hemicellu-
tov et al., 2013). lose (HEMI) and cellulose (CEL) were calculated by
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the difference between NDF, ADF and LIG. Total phe-
including leaves of Babassu and Mofumbo in the diet nols (TP), total tannins (TT) and condensed tannins
for lambs. (CT) of plants and diets were evaluated using the
methodology proposed by Makkar (2003).
Materials and methods
Location Table 1 Proportion of ingredients (DM) used in each experimental
diet (%)
The experiment was approved by the Ethics Commit-
tee on Use of Animals of the Escola Superior de Agri- Treatments
cultura ‘Luiz de Queiroz’ – CEUA-ESALQ/USP
Ingredients Control Babassu Mofumbo
(Protocol 2013-7) and conducted in the Animal Nutri-
tion Laboratory of Centre for Nuclear Energy in Agri- Tifton-85 51 34 34
culture, University of S~
ao Paulo, located in the City of Plant leaves 0 16 16
Piracicaba, State of S~ao Paulo, Brazil (LANA-CENA/ Corn grain 34 34 34
USP). Soya bean meal 13 14 14
Mineral mix 2 2 2

Experimental treatments
The experimental treatments were diets based on the Table 2 Chemical analyses, total phenolic (TP), total tannin (TT) and
condensed tannins (CT) content of the plants used
use of the leaves of two taniniferous plants as rough-
age hays: Mofumbo or Babassu. The leaves were Plants
obtained from the experimental farm of the Federal
Parameters Tifton-85 Babassu Mofumbo
University of Piaui (UFPI), dried in the shade and
chopped to a maximum length of 1 cm. Dry matter (g/kg) 945.7 945.0 946.2
Tifton 85-hay (Cynodon dactylon) was used as a con- Organic matter* 943.2 943.8 933.2
trol treatment. The diets consisted of 33% replace- Crude protein* 62.4 82.6 82.8
Neutral detergent fibre* 826.7 755.7 664.3
ment of Tifton-85 by the plant to be evaluated, on a
Acid detergent fibre* 519.9 568.6 505.7
dry matter (DM) basis, resulting in three treatments Hemicellulose* 306.9 187.1 158.5
(T): control, Babassu and Mofumbo. In addition, each Cellulose* 262.4 314.0 144.1
animal received approximately 335 g/day of concen- Lignin* 245.4 231.8 349.7
trate mixture composed of 69% crushed corn, 29% Ether extract* 16.0 20.4 50.6
soya bean meal and 2% mineral mixture, to meet the Total phenols† 5.09 76.06 217.55
requirements of weaned lambs weighing 20 kg and Total tannins† 2.71 60.74 171.91
Condensed tannins‡ 0.14 78.38 245.18
with daily gain of 100–150 g/day, according to the
NRC (2007). To achieve the similar protein values *Expressed in g/kg DM.
between the treatments, a 50:50 roughage/concen- †Expressed in grams of tannic acid/kg DM.
trate ratio was used. Water was provided ad libitum, ‡Expressed in equivalent gram leucocyanidin/kg DM.

2 Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH
A. L. Abdalla Filho et al. ^s lambs
Babassu and Mofumbo in diets of Santa Ine

Table 3 Chemical analyses, total phenolic content (TF), total tannin (TT) blood with EDTA were used to determine haematocrit
and condensed tannins (CT) of the different diets according to Coles (1984), and haemoglobin, using
Treatments the colorimetric cyanomethaemoglobin method
(Thrall, 2006). The samples without EDTA were cen-
Parameters Control Babassu Mofumbo trifuged (10 min at 1310 g and 4 °C) for the separa-
Dry matter (g/kg) 944.3 944.1 944.3 tion of blood serum. The samples were stored at
Organic matter* 945.1 945.2 943.5 20 °C for further analyses of the parameters includ-
Crude protein* 119.7 124.2 124.2 ing aspartate aminotransferase (AST), creatinine, total
Neutral detergent fibre* 701.8 687.9 673.3 protein, glucose, urea and serum albumin. These
Acid detergent fibre* 364.6 369.2 359.2
parameters were evaluated using commercial Labtestâ
Hemicellulose* 337.2 318.7 314.1
kits and a spectrophotometer (PerkinElmer-UV/Vis
Cellulose* 176.5 183.0 155.8
Lignin* 179.6 176.0 194.9 Spectrophotometer EZ150 Lambda, S~ ao Paulo, Brazil).
Ether extract* 33.4 34.9 39.4
Total phenols† 2.20 10.50 26.80
Apparent digestibility of nutrients
Total tannins† 1.20 8.00 20.80
Condensed tannins‡ 0.10 9.30 28.50 After the performance of trial period, six animals of
*Expressed in g/kg DM. each treatment (four males and two females) were
†Expressed in grams of tannic acid/kg DM. placed in metabolic cages for nine days for daily diet
‡Expressed in equivalent gram leucocyanidin/kg DM. sample collection of feed offered and total orts, as well
as for the collection of faeces and urine excreted, in
order to determine the nutrient apparent digestibility,
Performance evaluation
microbial protein synthesis using urine purine deriva-
Twenty-four Santa In^ es lambs (9 females and 15 tives and nitrogen balance. The diet, orts and faeces
males), 149  4.7 (mean  standard deviation) days were weighed and a representative sample of 10% of
old and average live weight of 20.4  5.31 kg, were each material was stored under refrigeration at 4 °C.
used in a randomized experimental design with eight Urine samples were collected in buckets previously
repetitions. The animals were maintained in individ- acidified with 100 ml of 10% H2SO4, the volume was
ual pens (1.0 m x 1.5 m) fitted with a feeder, water determined and the sample was stored in a graduated
trough and recycled rubber flooring. For five days, the cylinder. The diet offered, orts and faeces were dried
animals underwent adaptation to the diet, fed twice a in a forced ventilation oven at 60 °C for 48 h, milled
day, in the morning (08:00) and in the afternoon to 1 mm in a Willey-type mill and subjected to chemi-
(15:00). The amount of food provided was adjusted to cal analysis as previously described.
give 20% orts daily. The trial period lasted 48 days
including the adaptation days.
Microbial protein synthesis by purine derivatives
Daily, before the provision of the diet, the orts from
the previous day were weighed and daily dry matter For the estimation of microbial protein synthesis
intake (dDMI) was determined. Weekly, the animals in vivo, purine derivatives (PD) were determined in
were weighed before the morning feeding, to deter- the samples of urine using high-performance liquid
mine the average daily weight gain (ADG), calculated chromatography (HPLC), under the protocol adapted
by linear regression of individual animal weights over from Balcells et al. (1992) and Makkar and Chen
time and the total gain in weight (TGW) calculated (2003).
throughout the experimental period. Feed conversion After thawing at room temperature, the acidified
(FC) was calculated as the ratio between the total con- urine samples were homogenized in a sonicator (ul-
sumption and the total weight gain of the animals. trasound) for 5 min due to the presence of particulate
material deposited at the bottom of tubes. Then, 5 ml
of these samples was centrifuged for 20 min at 582 g
Biochemical and haematological parameters
and 4 °C. Two millilitres of the supernatant fraction
Animal health was evaluated by monitoring the bio- was sampled and transferred to another container
chemical and haematological parameters. On days 1, where 0.25 ml of oxypurinol and 2.75 ml of ammo-
24 and 45, blood samples were collected through nium monobasic phosphate 0.0025 M were added.
jugular puncture using vacuum tubes, with and with- The samples were then homogenized in a vortex.
out anticoagulant (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid – With the aid of a syringe, 1 ml of the samples was fil-
EDTA). Immediately after the collection, samples of tered using a Millexâ 13-mm filter (0.45-lm),

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 3
^s lambs
Babassu and Mofumbo in diets of Santa Ine A. L. Abdalla Filho et al.

transferred to vials (Agilent 1.5 ml) and subjected to commercial CH4 standard (Praxair Industrial Gases,
HPLC analysis (Agilent 1100). The HPLC system was Osasco, SP, Brazil; 995 ml/l purity).
equipped with a quaternary pump, degasser, auto- The production of CH4 was expressed in g/day, g/kg
matic gun samples, thermostat, photodiode array of dry matter intake [g/kg DMI, considering the
(UV–Vis) and Zorbax ODS C18 column (250 9 changes in DMI as the lambs enter the chambers
4.6 mm, 5 lm particles). After the quantification of (Moate et al., 2012)], g/kg of live weight (g/kg LW),
allantoin, uric acid, xanthine and hypoxanthine, and the CH4 emission intensity, calculated according
microbial nitrogen (MN) absorbed in the small intes- to Hegarty et al. (2010), was expressed as g/kg in
tine was calculated according to Makkar and Chen average daily weight gain (g/kg ADG).
Statistical analysis
Nitrogen balance
Statistical analyses of the data were performed
For the nitrogen balance calculation, the total N con- using SASâ v.9.2 (Statistical Analysis System Insti-
centration (N) of urine and faeces samples was deter- tute, Cary NC, USA). The variables obtained were
mined by the micro-Kjeldahl method (AOAC, 2011), submitted to analysis of variance using PROC GLM.
using steam distillation with sodium hydroxide solu- For biochemical and hematological repeated mea-
tion 12 M (NaOH), collecting this in the solution of sures, PROC MIXED was used fixed effects of treat-
boric acid (H3BO3) and titration with a solution of ment (T), sex (S) and their interaction (T*S) were
0.025M H2SO4. tested. PROC REG was used to analyse the effects
The N retained was calculated as the difference of concentrations of CT of diets on all the variables
between the total N consumed and the total N studied. A 5% significance level was used.
excreted: N retained = (N consumed) (N excreted),
where N consumed = N ingested from the diet offered
and N excreted = N excreted in the faeces and urine.
No differences were found between the treatments
(p > 0.05) in terms of average body weight at each
Enteric methane production
weighing (Fig. 1). Daily dry matter intake, average
Simultaneously with the apparent digestibility assay, daily gain, the total weight gain and feed conversion
enteric CH4 production was quantified in vivo. In each also did not show significant differences between the
test, six different animals were housed individually in treatments (p > 0.05) (Table 4). An effect of lamb sex
open circuit chambers for gas emission measurements (p < 0.05) was observed for ADG, TGW and FC where
following the methodology described by Abdalla et al. male animals showed higher average daily weight
(2012). gain (147  10.0 g/day) and the total gain in
The animals were kept in the chambers for two con- weight (6.63  0.456 kg) compared to females
secutive days, with an average flow of indoor air
removal of 125 L/min (measured by anemometer-EC
AD Instrutherm-250, S~ ao Paulo, Brazil); the internal Control
temperature (24.2  0.72 °C) and humidity 27
(66.5  2.21%) of the chambers were measured reg- 26
Body weight (kg)

ularly at 2-h intervals. The quantity of eliminated Mofumbo

gases and CH4 concentration was measured daily for
each animal in each experimental treatment. 24

The CH4 concentration was assessed in a gas chro- 23

matograph (Shimadzu GC2010TM, Tokyo, Japan) 22
equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) and a
capillary HP-Molesieve column (GC 30 m 9 0.53 mm
9 25 lm). The operation conditions of the chro- 20
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45
matograph were column temperature (isothermal) at
60 °C, injector at 200 °C, detector at 240 °C and car-
rier gas (He) in constant flux at 10 ml/min. The con- Fig. 1 Average body weight at each weighing day of Santa In^es sheep
centration of CH4 was determined using a calibration fed Tifton hay (control), Babassu or Mofumbo according to the experi-
curve (0, 30, 90 and 120 ml/l) prepared with a mental treatments.

4 Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH
A. L. Abdalla Filho et al. ^s lambs
Babassu and Mofumbo in diets of Santa Ine

Table 4 Means of daily dry matter intake (dDMI), dDMI in percentage of body weight, average daily gain (ADG), total weight gain (TWG) and feed
^s lambs fed Tifton hay (control), Babassu or Mofumbo according to the experimental treatments
conversion (FC) presented by Santa Ine

Treatments (T) p value

Parameters Control Babassu Mofumbo SEM T S T*S REG

Daily dry matter intake (g DM) 663.06 738.73 728.56 67.362 0.6948 0.4260 0.9521 0.6363
Daily dry matter intake (% LW) 2.94 3.12 3.21 0.144 0.4284 0.8182 0.9969 0.3611
Average daily gain (g/day) 98.45 103.31 110.78 12.063 0.4145 0.0267 0.4979 0.5084
Total weight gain (kg) 5.01 6.11 6.06 0.645 0.4145 0.0267 0.8653 0.5084
Feed conversion 6.49 5.52 5.46 0.422 0.5906 0.0389 0.7338 0.3272

T, treatment effect; S, sex effect; T*S, interaction between T and S; REG, linear regression; SEM, standard error of the means.

(107  13.1 g/day and 4.83  0.589 kg). Females retained (g/day) by lambs of the treatments did not
presented higher FC values (6.43  0.386) than males show differences (p > 0.05) between the treatments
(5.22  0.299). (Table 7).
No differences were found between the treatments When the enteric methane production was
(p > 0.05), but an effect of sex was found for haemat- expressed in grams of CH4/kg of live weight and CH4
ocrit (p < 0.05), where female animals showed higher intensity (g/kg ADG), animals on Mofumbo treatment
values (32.7  0.54%) than males (30.8  0.42%). showed lower values than animals on Babassu
The biochemical parameters such as total protein (p < 0.05), but neither was different to the control
(g/dl), albumin (g/dl), glucose (mg/dl), urea (mg/dl), (Table 8). Also, sex affected CH4 production, where
aspartate aminotransferase (U/l) and creatinine (mg/ female animals showed higher (p < 0.05) values
dl) of animals during the experiment did not show the (144.5  15.57 g/kg ADG) than males
differences (Table 5) between the treatments (95.4  11.01 g/kg ADG).
(p > 0.05). Female animals showed greater (p < 0.05)
creatinine (0.94  0.040 mg/dl) and urea
(36.5  1.50 mg/dl) levels than males (0.78  0.031
and 30.8  1.16 mg/dl). Lambs fed Babassu or Mofumbo grew faster than
The control diet had a greater apparent digestibility those fed control diet, but the variation between indi-
of ADF (p < 0.05) than the other diets. There were no vidual lambs meant that the differences were not sta-
differences between the diets in the other nutritional tistically significant. The inclusion of Babassu and
characteristics (Table 6). Mofumbo leaves in the diet of lambs was well
Purine derivatives concentration (mmol/day and accepted by the animals because no significant differ-
lmol/day/LW0.75) excreted in the urine, the estima- ence was observed in the daily dry matter intakes and
tion of MN (g N/day) absorbed and the amount of were in accordance with NRC (2007).
nitrogen consumed (g/day), excreted (g/day) and

Table 5 Haematocrit, haemoglobin and biochemical means values of Santa In^es lambs fed Tifton hay (control), Babassu or Mofumbo according to the
experimental treatments

Treatments (T) p value

Parameters Control Babassu Mofumbo SEM Ref T S T*S REG

Haematocrit (%) 32.18 31.91 31.38 0.600 24–50 0.6438 0.0135 0.3106 0.4752
Haemoglobin (g/dl) 11.74 11.89 11.63 0.383 8–16 0.8905 0.3235 0.4816 0.9691
Total protein (g/dl) 6.74 7.29 6.94 0.217 6–7.9 0.1136 0.7333 0.1975 0.7747
Albumin (g/dl) 2.63 2.69 2.49 0.129 2.4–3 0.5546 0.2374 0.3115 0.3896
Glucose (mg/dl) 47.36 48.45 47.65 3.165 50–80 0.9690 0.7498 0.3375 0.9412
Urea (mg/dl) 35.06 33.64 32.31 1.650 17.1–42.8 0.5128 0.0080 0.9829 0.3064
AST (U/l) 91.56 84.79 86.27 5.970 60–280 0.7062 0.5708 0.4387 0.6404
Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.84 0.84 0.90 0.044 1.2–1.9 0.4870 0.0051 0.9214 0.3280

AST, aspartate aminotransferase; T, treatment effect; S, sex effect; T*S, interaction between T and S; REG, linear regression; Ref, reference values
according to Meyer and Harvey (2004); SEM, standard error of the means.

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 5
^s lambs
Babassu and Mofumbo in diets of Santa Ine A. L. Abdalla Filho et al.

Table 6 Apparent nutrient digestibility (%) of Tifton hay (control), Babassu and Mofumbo diets fed to Santa In^es lambs

Treatments (T) p value

Variables (%) Control Babassu Mofumbo SEM T S T*S REG

DM apparent digestibility 63.4 59.5 61.8 2.46 0.5465 0.6617 0.7988 0.7897
OM apparent digestibility 64.8 60.7 62.8 2.41 0.4918 0.6749 0.8127 0.6744
CP apparent digestibility 67.9 61.9 64.6 2.92 0.3732 0.3727 0.5297 0.4828
NDF apparent digestibility 59.7 54.3 55.8 2.67 0.3634 0.9343 0.6145 0.3184
ADF apparent digestibility 54.6a 44.0b 45.7b 2.54 0.0258 0.2138 0.8575 0.0605
HEMI apparent digestibility 65.9 67.3 68.1 3.62 0.9088 0.3298 0.5428 0.7322
CEL apparent digestibility 41.2 31.6 36.9 7.37 0.2442 0.1460 0.0702 0.7074

DM, dry matter; OM, organic matter; CP, crude protein; NDF, neutral detergent fibre; ADF, acid detergent fibre; HEMI, hemicellulose; CEL, cellulose. T,
treatment effect; S, sex effect; T*S, interaction between T and S; REG, linear regression; SEM, standard error of the means.
Different letters in the same row indicate statistical difference (p < 0.05).

^s lambs fed Tifton

Table 7 Purine derivatives (PD) excreted, estimation of microbial nitrogen absorption (MN) and nitrogen (N) balance of Santa Ine
hay (control), Babassu and Mofumbo according to the experimental treatments

Treatments (T) p value

Parameters Control Babassu Mofumbo SEM T S T*S REG

PD (mmol/day) 6.13 4.70 6.00 1.276 0.6915 0.5479 0.6345 0.6418

PD (lmol/day/kg0.75) 568.46 437.19 516.97 112.537 0.7147 0.5202 0.6976 0.9380
MN (g N/day) 2.82 2.85 2.87 0.114 0.9648 0.5197 0.6766 0.6987
N consumed (g) 14.45 16.30 15.95 1.391 0.6964 0.3313 0.9946 0.5418
N excreted (Faeces) (g) 4.78 6.03 5.80 0.615 0.3290 0.2293 0.7942 0.3611
N excreted (Urine) (g) 4.56 4.29 3.31 0.575 0.5447 0.4876 0.6726 0.1200
N retained (g) 5.11 5.98 6.83 0.827 0.5652 0.7692 0.7178 0.1594

T, treatment effect; S, sex effect; T*S, interaction between T and S; REG, linear regression; SEM, standard error of the means.

^s lambs fed Tifton hay (control), Babassu or Mofumbo according to the experimental
Table 8 Enteric methane (CH4) production of Santa Ine

Treatments (T) p value

Enteric CH4 production Control Babassu Mofumbo SEM T S T*S REG

g/day 9.7 14.9 8.7 1.76 0.0608 0.3553 0.9210 0.4769

g/kg DMI 14.3 19.0 10.9 2.16 0.0625 0.7822 0.8403 0.2275
g/kg LW 0.36ab 0.54a 0.30b 0.061 0.0489 0.4765 0.9238 0.3256
g/kg ADG 121.6ab 163.7 a 74.6b 16.52 0.0085 0.0244 0.0941 0.1476

DMI, dry matter intake; LW, live weight; ADG, average daily gain; T, treatment effect; S, sex effect; T*S, interaction between T and S; REG, linear regres-
sion; SEM, standard error of the means.
Different letters in the same row indicate statistical difference (p < 0.05).

Studies have shown that when the concentration of plants used (Barry and Duncan, 1984; Waghorn et al.,
tannins in the diet exceeds 50 g CT/kg DM, feed con- 1994; Aerts et al., 1999).
sumption by ruminants was reduced, due mainly to The Babassu and Mofumbo leaves provided the
the reduction in acceptability and conditioned aver- nutritional requirements for growing lambs, allowing
sion (Frutos et al., 2004; Mueller-Harvey, 2006). As the animals to perform adequately. There were no sig-
the level of CT observed here was well below this nificant differences between the diets in ADG and FC,
value, no negative effect was seen on the consump- suggesting that the inclusion of these plants as
tion of the diet, as other authors have shown when replacement for Tifton-85 hay may be useful in the
using diets with similar CT content, irrespective of the feeding of lambs. Although not statistically different,

6 Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH
A. L. Abdalla Filho et al. ^s lambs
Babassu and Mofumbo in diets of Santa Ine

lambs fed Babassu and Mofumbo had an ADG of fractions in the rumen of animals fed with tannins can
4.9% and 12.5% greater than those fed the control be dramatically reduced (McSweeney et al., 2001;
diet, suggesting the possible benefits to be investi- Herv as et al., 2003).
gated, because these differences may have been signif- As an estimate of microbial protein synthesis,
icant if more animals per treatment had been used. excreted PD were measured and were not affected by
Health of lambs was not compromised by the the inclusion of Babassu or Mofumbo leaves in the
feeding of Babassu or Mofumbo. In addition to the diets. Several studies have reported the effects of tan-
presence of CT, the plants tested may also present a nins reducing the growth of several species of ruminal
wide variety of compounds that require further study, micro-organisms (Jones et al., 1994; Nelson et al.,
including toxicity, which could affect the animal 1997; Min et al., 2002; Sivakumaran et al., 2004).
health. Hence, haematological and biochemical According to Patra and Saxena (2011), the sensitivity
parameters were monitored and the results observed of micro-organisms to tannins can vary substantially,
showed that there were no intoxication symptoms in which is dependent on the microbial species as well as
lambs fed with 33% of Babassu or Mofumbo replacing the type or source of tannins used. According to these
Tifton hay for 57 days. authors, the effects of tannins on microbial growth are
The haematocrit and haemoglobin were within the attributed to their interactions with extracellular
reference values for the species, as well as total pro- enzymes and bacterial cell walls, causing morphologi-
teins, albumin, urea and AST. Glucose and creatinine cal changes in these structures, in addition to acting
values were below, but close to, the reference values directly on the microbial metabolism; these can form
(Meyer and Harvey, 2004). complexes with proteins, preventing them from being
Glucose is the only source of energy for the central degraded in the rumen.
nervous system, and the regulation of its concentration Generally, the improved animal performance
in the blood is related to glycogenesis in the liver (Val- observed when tannins are at moderate levels in the
adares Filho and Pina, 2011). The values found in this diet is attributed to these complexes, increasing the
study did not differ between the treatments and are flow of essential amino acids to the intestine and
slightly lower than the reference values, ranging from increasing its absorption in the blood (Makkar, 2003),
50 to 80 mg/dl (Meyer and Harvey, 2004), but do not which is dependent on the quantity and quality of
necessarily characterize hypoglycaemia, because no dietary protein, in conjunction with the protein of
clinical symptoms or metabolic disorders were microbial origin that flows from the rumen to the abo-
observed. In addition, small differences regarding the masum (Patra and Saxena, 2011). Nitrogen balance
reference values may be observed between the breeds, was not affected by feeding Babassu or Mofumbo,
because Santa In^es hair sheep is a tropical breed. without the changes in the route of dietary nitrogen
Creatinine is formed from condensation and sponta- excretion (urine/faeces), which were observed by
neous muscle creatinine dehydration, and its elimina- other authors using CT aiming CH4 mitigation (Soltan
tion depends on the individual’s muscle mass, age and et al., 2013).
sex (Fettman and Rebar, 2006). The concentration of The effect of tannins on the reduction in enteric
creatinine did not differ between the treatments and CH4 production is usually related to its direct action,
was slightly below the reference values ranging from by inhibiting the activity of methanogenic micro-
1.2 to 1.9 mg/dl (Meyer and Harvey, 2004), which organisms and/or reducing the digestibility of rumen
may be related to the young age of animals fibre fractions (Patra and Saxena, 2011). In the treat-
(149.4  4.7 days) and, consequently, lower muscle ment with highest content of CT (Mofumbo), this rel-
mass in relation to adult animals on which the refer- ative decrease in fibre digestibility and the reduction
ence values are based. in enteric CH4 emission were observed. However, ani-
With regard to the digestibility of nutrients, signifi- mals on Babassu, despite the decrease in fibre
cant differences were observed in ADF: the control digestibility, did not show lower CH4 production,
treatment showed the values higher than Babassu and probably because the content and activity of CT in this
Mofumbo treatments, suggesting that specific parame- treatment affected the digestibility without affecting
ters such as the CT content of plants included in the the population of methanogenic micro-organisms.
diets with Babassu and Mofumbo interfered with the According to Hristov et al. (2013), it is important
digestibility of this fibre fraction. Although tannins that the benefits of the reduction in the emission of
have their effects primarily on proteins, they also have CH4 do not hide the possible harmful effects of tannins
effects on carbohydrates (Schofield et al., 2001). Sev- on nutrient digestibility and production parameters.
eral studies have shown that the digestibility of fibre In this work, despite the lower digestibility of a fibre

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 7
^s lambs
Babassu and Mofumbo in diets of Santa Ine A. L. Abdalla Filho et al.

fraction in Babassu and Mofumbo treatments, there ADF, did not compromise animal performance, indi-
was no productivity reduction in the lambs. cating that those plants can be used as ingredients in
Numerically, CH4 yield (g/kg DMI) and intensity the composition of lambs’ diets. Also, although there
(g/kg ADG) from the lambs fed Mofumbo diet were is no statistical evidence, Mofumbo may have CH4
23.4 and 38.6% lower in relation to the lambs fed mitigation potential, contributing to the sustainability
control diet. This difference may be not statistically of the sheep production activity.
significant due to the small number of animals used
and a large variation between individual lambs. The
reduced CH4 emission, without compromising the
performance of animals, shows that this plant has The authors thank Comiss~ ao Nacional de Energia
the potential to be used as a CH4 mitigation agent. Nuclear (CNEN) and Conselho Nacional de Desen-
volvimento Cientıfico e Tecnol
ogico (CNPq) for pro-
viding financial support.
The inclusion of Babassu and Mofumbo leaves in the
Conflict of interest
diet showed no deleterious effects on animals’ health
and, despite having reduced apparent digestibility of The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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