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Historical Review

Horm Res Paediatr 2022;95:579–592 Received: August 8, 2022

Accepted: August 10, 2022
DOI: 10.1159/000527011 Published online: November 29, 2022

Rickets, Vitamin D, and Ca/P Metabolism

Walter L. Miller a Erik A. Imel b, c
of Pediatrics, Center for Reproductive Sciences and Institute for Human Genetics, University of
California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA; bDepartment of Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine,
Indianapolis, IN, USA; cDepartment of Pediatrics, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA

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Keywords poparathyroidism with immune defects was described in
Bone · Calcitriol · FGF23 · Parathyroid · Parathyroid hormone · 1968, eventually linked to microdeletions in chromosome
Phosphorus · Rickets 22q11.2. X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets was reported
in 1957, and genetic linkage analysis identified the causative
PHEX gene in 1997. Autosomal dominant hypophospha-
Abstract temic rickets similarly led to the discovery of FGF23, a phos-
Rickets was a major public health problem dating from Ro- phate-wasting humoral factor made in bone, in 2000, revo-
man times, and medical descriptions of rickets date from the lutionizing our understanding of phosphorus metabolism.
17th century. Sniadecki first advocated treatment by expo- © 2022 S. Karger AG, Basel
sure to sunshine in 1822; contemporaneously, several British
physicians advocated use of cod liver oil. Both approaches
were successful. Work in 1924 showed that exposure to UV Early History of Vitamin D-Deficient (Nutritional)
light endowed fats and other foods with antirachitic proper- Rickets
ties. Vitamins D2 and D3, the antirachitic agent in cod liver oil,
were, respectively, produced by UV radiation of ergosterol Several recent histories of rickets and vitamin D are
and 7-dehydrocholesterol. Calcitriol (1,25[OH]2D3) was iden- available [1–4]. Nutritional rickets has affected children
tified as the biologically active form of vitamin D in the early since antiquity. Soranus of Ephesus, a Roman physician
1970s. The vitamin D 25-hydroxylase, 24-hydroxylase, and during the reigns of Trajan and Hadrian, left a remark-
1α-hydroxylase were cloned in the 1990s and their genetic ably complete text on gynecology, midwifery, and new-
defects were soon delineated. The vitamin D receptor was born care, stating:
also cloned and its mutations identified in vitamin D-resis- “When the infant attempts to sit and to stand, one should help
tant rickets. Work with parathyroid hormone (PTH) began in its movements. For if it is eager to sit up too early and for too
much later, as the parathyroids were not identified until the long a period it usually becomes hunchbacked (the spine bending
late 19th century. In 1925, James B. Collip (of insulin fame) because the little body has as yet no strength). If, moreover, it is too
prone to stand up and desirous of walking, the legs may become
identified PTH by its ability to correct tetany in parathyroid- distorted in the region of the thighs. This is observed to happen
ectomized dogs, but only in the 1970s was it clear that only particularly in Rome as some people assume, because cold waters
a small fragment of PTH conveyed its activity. Congenital hy- flow beneath the city. (Now) if nobody looks after the movements © 2022 S. Karger AG, Basel Correspondence to: Walter L. Miller, wlmlab @
Erik A. Imel, eimel @
of the infant the limbs of the majority become distorted, as the

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whole weight of the body rests on the legs … then of necessity the
limbs give in a little, since the bones have not yet become strong.”
[Soranus. Gynecology, Book II, 48. Translated by O. Temkin.
The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1956]

As detailed by Bagley [5], the descriptions provided by

both Soranus and soon thereafter by Galen provide evi-
dence that rickets was commonplace, perhaps even typi-
cal, among Roman children due to breastfeeding up to a
year of age and the common practice of swaddling new-
borns for the first few months of life, preventing exposure
to sunlight. O’Riordan and Bijvoet [6] cite other early,
imprecise reports from Theodosius of Bologna (in 1554),
and Bartholomaeus Reusner (in 1582), and state that “lat-
er texts, from Holland in 1614, might be referring to rick-

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ets under the titles of ‘Ailment of Saint Willibrod’ in Fig. 1. … and Prof. Huldschinsky said, “Let there be light”, and
which children had knobs on their ribs and ‘Ailment of there was light – UVB quartz-mercury-vapor light (with appropri-
Saint Machutus’ in which children had deformed legs,” ate protection). From Chesney [14].
thus the classic “rachitic rosary” was known at least 400
years ago. The 1634 Annual Bill of Mortality of the City
of London listed 10,900 deaths, ascribing 14 of them to
“rickets,” and by 1659, 441 deaths were ascribed to rickets significance of the sun both in prevention and cure of
[6]. Most authors date the medical understanding of rick- rickets.” Thomas Percival reported the use of cod liver oil
ets from 1645, when Daniel Whistler described rickets for “rheumatisms” in adults, and quotes a letter from a
and osteomalacia in his MD thesis [7], soon followed by physician, Robert Darbey, the last paragraph of which re-
Francis Glisson’s extensive text, first in Latin in 1650 [8], ports its salutary effect in two children with apparent
then in English in 1668 [9]. In 1772, Levacher de la Feutrie rickets, but without using that term [12]. Both D. Schütte
published a French text on rickets, including descriptions in 1824 [13] and others (reported by ref. [6]) showed that
of devices to straighten deformed bones [10]. cod-liver oil was effective in treating rickets. As reported
by Chesney in 2012, 60–90% of urban British children
had rickets in the late 19th century, but its cause and treat-
Vitamin D – Sunshine and Fish Oil ment were controversial [14]. Theobold Palm, a medical
missionary, noted the absence of rickets in Asian coun-
The first person to implicate deficient sunlight in the tries, but a high incidence in Britain, with a much higher
etiology of rickets and its use as a cure may have been the incidence in crowded urban areas; he recommended sun-
Polish physician/chemist Jedrzej Sniadecki (1768–1838). baths and relocating rachitic children from urban to rural
As reported by Wlodzimierz Mozolowski [11], in volume areas [15]; Bucholz reported curing rachitic children with
1 of his “Dziela,” written in 1822, but published in 1840, incandescent light in 1904 [16].
Sniadecki stated: The science of the etiology and treatment of rickets
“If the parents’ financial status permits, it is best to take the advanced rapidly after World War I. Mellanby rendered
children out into the country and keep them as much as possible puppies rachitic, then supplemented their diets with var-
in the dry, open and pure air. If not, at least they should be carried ious additives, noting that fats, notably cod liver oil, re-
about in the open air especially in the sun, the direct action of paired the bony defects, concluding that “fat-soluble A”
which on our bodies must be regarded as one of the most efficient
was responsible for the antirachitic action [17]. In 1922,
methods for the prevention and the cure of this disease… Thus
strong and obvious is the influence of the sun on the cure of the McCollum et al. [18] showed that heat and oxygen inac-
English disease, and the frequent occurrence of the disease in tivated the fat-soluble vitamin A in cod liver oil, but not
densely populated towns, where the streets are narrow and the the fat-soluble “calcium-depositing vitamin” (i.e., vita-
dwellings of the working-class people low and very poorly lit.” min D), showing that vitamin A was not responsible for
Mozolowski concluded: “From the passages quoted the salutary action of cod liver oil. Also at this time, UV
above it is quite clear that J. Sniadecki fully realized the light was successfully used to treat rickets [19, 20] (Fig. 1);

580 Horm Res Paediatr 2022;95:579–592 Miller/Imel

DOI: 10.1159/000527011
Table 1. Brief history of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D research

∼120 Soranus of Ephesus appears to describe rickets

1645 Daniel Whistler describes rickets and osteomalacia
1650 Glisson’s De Rachitide Sive Morbo Puerili Quoi Vulgo
1789 Thomas Percival and Robert Darbey advocate oral cod liver oil for rickets
1840 Jedrzej Sniadecki advocates sunlight to treat rickets
1852 Richard Owen describes the parathyroid glands in the rhinoceros
1880 Ivar Sandstrom describes human, dog, cat, horse, cow, and rabbit parathyroids
1890 Theobold Palm: rickets more common in urban industrialized areas
1904 Bucholz treats rickets with incandescent light
1909 Berkeley and Beebe ameliorate human tetany with a parathyroid extract
1919 Huldschinsky treats rickets with light from quartz-mercury lamp
1922 McCollum shows cod liver oil contains an antirachitic factor that is not vitamin A
1922 AM Hanson prepares a bovine PTH extract
1924 Hess & Weinstock and Steenbock & Black: UVB light renders foods antirachitic
1925 James B. Collip prepares a better bovine PTH extract (“Parathormone”)
1926 Martha May Eliot shows that either cod liver oil or sunlight can cure rickets

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1930 Askew prepares and characterizes ergocalciferol from irradiated ergosterol
1936 Windaus & Bock prepare cholecalciferol from irradiated 7-dehydrocholesterol
1937 Albright describes “vitamin D-resistant rickets” (hypophosphatemic rickets)
1957 Winters describes X-linked dominant hypophosphatemic rickets
1960 Rasmussen shows PTH activity in small PTH peptide
1961 Prader describes “vitamin D-dependent rickets” (VDDR)
1968 DiGeorge syndrome
1970 Egon Kodicek identifies 1,25(OH)2D3 (calcitriol) as the active form of vitamin D
1970 Complete amino acid sequence of PTH
1973 Fraser shows that VDDR is 1α-hydroxylase deficiency
1974 Mark Haussler discovers vitamin D receptor bound to chromatin
1978 Reports of vitamin D-resistant rickets by Brooks et al. and Marks et al.
1987 PTHrP cloned
1988 Baker et al. clone the human gene for the vitamin D receptor
1988 Hughes et al. report first mutations in the vitamin D receptor
1993 Cloning of the calcium-sensing receptor
1995 Cloning of PHEX by the HYP Consortium as the cause of XLH
1997 Groups at McGill, University of Tokyo, and Showa University clone rat and mouse 1α-hydroxylase
1997 Fu et al. at UCSF clone human 1α-hydroxylase and show its mutations in VDDR
1997 Klotho identified
1998 Wang et al. discover the most common 1α-hydroxylase mutations
2000 FGF23 discovered: the long-sought “phosphatonin”
2004 Cheng et al. show that CYP2R1 mutations cause 25-hydroxylase deficiency
2006 Kurosu et al. link klotho activity to FGF23 signaling
2011 Schlingmann et al. describe CYP24 mutations causing infantile hypercalcemia
2018 Burosumab (anti-FGF23 antibody) approved for treatment of XLH

Hess noted that rickets had a seasonal variation, being tablished that “UVB” radiation (∼280–320 nm) was the
most prevalent in late March, after children had been in- active form of sunshine [25]. The carefully controlled
doors during the winter [21] and that such “heliotherapy” work of Martha May Eliot led to the acceptance of both
increased circulating phosphate levels [22]. cod liver oil and sunlight in the prevention and cure of
The link between sunlight and dietary supplementa- rickets [26]. Cod liver oil is unpalatable, but milk and
tion with a “vitamin” came in 1924, when Hess and other foods were soon irradiated with UV light, nearly
Weinstock at Columbia University [23] and Steenbock eliminating rickets. The material activated by UV light
& Black at the University of Wisconsin [24] showed that was traced to the “sterol” fraction of both animal and
UV radiation of either certain fats or plants endowed vegetable foods, suggesting that light acted on a choles-
them with antirachitic properties; the use of filters es- terol-like molecule (now known to be 7-dehydrocho-

Rickets, Vitamin D, and Ca/P Metabolism Horm Res Paediatr 2022;95:579–592 581
DOI: 10.1159/000527011
lesterol) in skin. In 1931, Askew et al. [27] reported the cloned between 1984 and 1990, and the identification
isolation and structural characterization of ergocalcif- of the genes and enzymes participating in vitamin D
erol (vitamin D2) from irradiated ergosterol. Desmond metabolism followed (reviewed in [39]).
Bernal was first to use X-ray crystallography to study
biological molecules, showing that cholesterol is a pla- Vitamin D 25-Hydroxylases
nar, 4-ring structure, and determining the structure of Study of hepatic vitamin D 25-hydroxylation was
vitamin D [28]. In Göttingen, Adolph Windaus, recipi- complicated by the presence of multiple enzymes that
ent of the 1928 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work could catalyze this reaction (at least in vitro), and by the
with sterols, showed that D2 was produced by UV ra- lack of obvious regulation of this step, so that circulating
diation of ergosterol [29] and that D3 is similarly pro- 25OHD concentrations are mainly determined by dietary
duced from 7-dehydrocholesterol [30]. The antirachitic intake and exposure to UV light. In 1990, two groups re-
component of cod liver oil was found to be identical to ported 25-hydroxylase activity in both mitochondria and
vitamin D3, thus closing the loop between fish oil and microsomes and cloned cDNA for an enzyme initially
sunshine. An outline of research discoveries concern- called P450c25 [40, 41], but that enzyme mainly hydrox-
ing calcium metabolism is presented in Table 1. ylates C26 and C27 in bile acid synthesis; it is now termed

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CYP27A1 [42], and its mutations cause cerebrotendinous
xanthomatosis without disordered calcium metabolism
Vitamin D Biosynthesis and Its Disorders [43], and hence it is not a significant vitamin D 25-hy-
droxylase. Several hepatic microsomal P450 enzymes can
Early clinical descriptions of two severe, infantile ra- also catalyze some 25-hydroxylase activity, but are clearly
chitic disorders presaged the elucidation of the path- minor players [39].
ways of vitamin D synthesis and action. Resistance to In 1994, Samuel Casella et al. [44] reported two broth-
the action of vitamin D, even when administered in ers of Nigerian parentage who had hormonal findings
huge doses, was reported by Fuller Albright in 1937 and suggesting 25-hydroxylase deficiency, but subsequent
was logically termed “vitamin D-resistant rickets” [31]; studies found no mutations in CYP27A1. In 2003, David
in 1961, Andrea Prader described a clinical phenocopy Russell’s laboratory reported that microsomal CYP2R1
of this disorder that was sensitive to high-dose vitamin was a potent vitamin D 25-hydroxylase [45]; in collabora-
D therapy [32], and became known as “vitamin D-de- tion with Michael A. Levine, they used DNA from an
pendent rickets.” Such observations raised the question EBV-transformed cell line established from one of Ca-
of what chemical forms of vitamin D were biologically sella’s patients to identify a homozygous mutation of
active. Using tritiated vitamin D3 revealed polar me- CYP2R1 that impaired 25-hydroxylase [46]. Follow-up
tabolites; substantial biochemical effort (silica gel chro- studies found no CYP2R1 mutations in 27 Nigerian chil-
matography, reversed-phase chromatography, mass dren with sporadic rickets, but missense mutations were
spectrometry, and NMR spectrometry) identified the identified in affected members in 2 of 12 families [47].
principal form in human circulation as 25OHD3, which These genetic findings confirm that CYP2R1 is the prin-
was more potent than D3 [33]. From 1969 to 1971, sev- cipal human hepatic enzyme catalyzing 25-hydroxylation
eral groups, notably that of Egon Kodicek in Britain, of vitamin D; 25-hydroxylase deficiency is very rare,
identified 1,25(OH)2D3 (calcitriol) from the kidney as probably because other enzymes contribute to vitamin D
the truly active metabolite of vitamin D [34–37]. The 25-hydroxylation in vivo. Polymorphisms in or near the
corresponding forms of vitamin D2 were soon identi- CYP2R1 gene differ in their worldwide distribution and
fied, as were other metabolites hydroxylated at C24, affect vitamin D homeostasis [48].
C26, and the various combinations of these hydroxyl-
ations [1, 4]. This work established that both vitamins Vitamin D 24-Hydroxylase
D2 and D3 are 25-hydroxylated in the liver, that 25OHD Most vitamin D is inactivated is by its 23- and 24-hy-
is the predominant metabolite in the circulation, and droxylation by mitochondrial CYP24A1 in the kidney
that the kidney then 1α-hydroxylates 25OHD to bio- and intestine, initiating the inactivation pathway leading
logically active 1,25(OH)2D2 or 1,25(OH)2D3. The dis- to calcitroic acid. Ohyama et al. [49] first cloned CYP24
ease identified by Prader in 1961 was a defect in renal by purifying the protein from rat renal mitochondria,
1α-hydroxylation [38]. With the dawn of the era of mo- raising an antiserum, and screening a rat kidney cDNA
lecular biology, most steroidogenic enzymes were expression library; the human cDNA was reported 2 years

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later [50]. Homozygous or compound heterozygous mu- tained the first human clone [60]. Human keratinocytes
tations in CYP24A1 causing hypercalcemia were reported have robust 1α-hydroxylase activity when grown in se-
in 2011 [51, 52]. Most patients were infants with weight rum-free, low-calcium medium; they made a keratino-
loss, failure-to-thrive, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, cyte cDNA library and screened it with oligonucleotides
and/or nephrocalcinosis, with normal 25OHD levels, having sequences corresponding to the ferredoxin-bind-
normal to moderately elevated 1,25(OH)2D levels, low ing and heme-binding sites of other P450s, identifying a
24,25(OH)2D levels, and low levels of parathyroid hor- putative 1α-hydroxylase cDNA. Multiple experiments in-
mone (PTH). Once known causes of infantile hypercalce- dicated that the CYP27B1 encoded by the keratinocyte
mia are eliminated, the diagnosis is usually “idiopathic cDNA was the same as the renal enzyme; most notably,
infantile hypercalcemia”; however, such infants may have keratinocyte cDNA from a patient with 1α-hydroxylase
CYP24A1 mutations. In addition, heterozygous deficiency carried the same mutations found in the pa-
CYP24A1 mutations may lead to clinically apparent hy- tient’s genomic DNA. Thus, “vitamin D-dependent rick-
percalcemia in individuals ingesting very large amounts ets type I” was vitamin D 1α-hydroxylase deficiency, as
of vitamin D [53, 54]. In the 1950s, there was a dramatic expected based on Prader’s report in 1961 [32]. The hu-
rise in the incidence of “idiopathic infantile hypercalce- man CYP27B1 gene was cloned and localized to chromo-

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mia” in Britain shortly after the introduction of excessive some 12 [63]; at the same time, St-Arnaud and Glorieux
fortification of milk and cereal with vitamin D [55]. Brit- cloned the rat cDNA and used it to map the human gene
ain and most of the world then banned fortification of to 12q13.1-13.3 [58]. This was the predicted location, be-
milk with vitamin D, and the incidence of hypercalcemia cause in 1991, taking advantage of the very high incidence
decreased, but the USA and Canada, which added much of 1α-hydroxylase deficiency among the French Canadi-
less vitamin D to milk and other foods, continued their an population of the Charlevoix-Saguenay-Lac Saint Jean
successful policy of milk fortification; this history was re- region of Quebec, that laboratory had mapped
viewed in detail in 1967 [56]. Contemporary data show 1α-hydroxylase deficiency to chromosome 12q13-q14 by
little correlation of serum calcium levels and vitamin D linkage analysis [64].
intake in normal adults [57]. “Vitamin D 1α-hydroxylase deficiency” is a mecha-
nistically descriptive term designating “hereditary pseu-
Vitamin D 1α-Hydroxylase do-vitamin D deficiency rickets”, “vitamin D dependent
1α-Hydroxylation has been of long-standing interest rickets,” or “vitamin D-dependent rickets type I.” Be-
because of its importance in normal physiology and be- cause 1α-hydroxylase deficiency is rare, most studies
cause synthesis of 1,25(OH)2D is impaired in several clin- have reported only a few individuals. However, in 1998,
ical disorders. Classic approaches for protein purification Wang et al. identified the mutations in 19 patients from
failed because of the very low abundance of 1α-hydroxylase 17 families in multiple ethnic groups [56]. DNA sequenc-
in renal mitochondria. However, in 1997, four groups (St- ing and microsatellite haplotyping showed that French-
Arnaud & Glorieux [McGill U. Montreal], Takeyama and Canadian patients carried a single haplotype and the
Kato [U. Tokyo], Miller & Portale [UCSF] and Shinki & same CYP27B1 frameshift mutation (958ΔG in codon
Suda [Showa U., Tokyo]) using different approaches re- 88) that ablates enzyme activity. This study also found
ported the cloning of the human, rat, and mouse cDNAs that multiple families carried a third copy of the 7-base
[58–62] and the human gene [62, 63] for the mitochon- sequence CCCACCC that is normally duplicated in
drial vitamin D-1α-hydroxylase, subsequently termed CYP27B1 exon 8, causing an inactivating frameshift mu-
CYP27B1. Kato’s group used mice lacking the vitamin D tation. This 7-bp insertion was associated with several
receptor (VDR), which thus overproduced the different microsatellite haplotypes and was found in sev-
1α-hydroxylase enzyme, and then screened a cDNA ex- eral unrelated ethnic groups, indicating that the 7-bp in-
pression library for activation of a VDR construct [59]. sertion arose recurrently de novo [65]; the recurrent na-
The Glorieux and Shinki groups increased rat renal ture of this mutation has been confirmed in other studies
1α-hydroxylase mRNA by feeding the animals a diet de- [66, 67]. Some rare missense mutations retain partial ac-
ficient in calcium and phosphorus, then used probes cor- tivity [68, 69], but most patients with classic findings
responding to the conserved P450 heme-binding site to have nonsense mutations [70].
identify candidate sequences [58, 61].
At UCSF, Walter L. Miller’s laboratory, collaborating
with Anthony A. Portale in pediatric nephrology, ob-

Rickets, Vitamin D, and Ca/P Metabolism Horm Res Paediatr 2022;95:579–592 583
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serum concentrations of 25OHD were normal but those
of 1,25(OH)2D were very high [73]. That report proposed
the patient had end-organ resistance to the action of
1,25(OH)2D and proposed the name “vitamin D-depen-
dent rickets type II” (VDDR-II) to distinguish it from
VDDR-I (1α-hydroxylase deficiency). Marx et al. [74] de-
scribed a brother and sister who developed infantile rick-
ets with similar clinical and laboratory findings, but
whose hypocalcemia responded to doses of calcitriol
about 20 times higher than those needed to treat
1α-hydroxylase deficiency; this suggested a disorder in
the unknown molecule(s) that mediated the action of vi-
tamin D. Rickets with alopecia, now recognized as a clas-
sic presentation of vitamin D-resistant rickets, was re-
ported in 1979 with clinical/metabolic characterization

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[75] (Fig. 2), and a study in 1982 showed absent binding
of 1,25(OH)2D in cells from a similar patient [76]. The
human VDR was cloned in 1988 [77], and mutations
causing vitamin D-resistant rickets were identified soon
thereafter. The human VDR is a typical zinc-finger pro-
tein nuclear receptor, encoded by a gene on chromosome
12q13-14, very near the CYP27B1 gene for the vitamin D
1α-hydroxylase. The first mutations in the VDR gene
were reported in 1988 [78], and mutations were soon
found in all exons and all functional domains of the VDR

Parathyroids, Their Function, and Their Hormone

Fig. 2. The two sisters, aged 7 years (left) and 3 years (right), with
rickets, alopecia, and vitamin D resistance who were reported by The assiduous efforts of Renaissance anatomists failed
Rosen et al. [75].
to reveal the parathyroid glands, which escaped notice
until the 19th century. Both Remak in 1851 and Virchow
in 1864 apparently mentioned parathyroids briefly [80].
Richard Owen (1809–1882), describing his 1852 autopsy
The Vitamin D Receptor of an Indian rhinoceros that died at the London Zoo, re-
ported “a small, compact, yellow glandular body attached
Albright’s paper in 1937 [31] is generally credited as to the thyroid at the point where the veins emerge” [81].
the first description of vitamin D resistance, but he lacked In 1877, Ivar Sandström (1852–1889), then a medical stu-
the assays now used to define that disorder clinically; and dent in Uppsala, described the parathyroids in detail by
based on the prominence of renal phosphate wasting and dissections and histology of dogs, cats, cattle, horses, and
hypophosphatemia in this description, his patient may rabbits and then confirmed his results in 50 human ca-
instead have had X-linked hypophosphatemia. In 1969, davers. His manuscript was apparently rejected by prom-
Mark Haussler at the University of Arizona provided the inent German journals [82, 83] and finally appeared in a
first evidence for a VDR that bound to chromatin [71], local Swedish language journal in 1880 [84, 85]. Experi-
and in 1974, he reported that a specific cytosolic receptor mental parathyroidectomy (sparing the thyroid) caused
bound calcitriol and associated with chromatin in chick- tetany and seizures, which had previously been noted in
en intestinal cells [72]. He coauthored a 1978 report de- experimental thyroidectomy (which did not spare the
scribed a young woman with hypocalcemia, hyperpara- parathyroids) [86, 87]. Despite this, most early investiga-
thyroidism, osteomalacia, and osteitis fibrosa in whom tors believed that the parathyroids were functionally, as

584 Horm Res Paediatr 2022;95:579–592 Miller/Imel

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well as anatomically, associated with the thyroid. In 1899,
Gustave Moussu reported that an equine parathyroid ex-
tract worsened myxedema in dogs but benefited hyper-
thyroidism, and suggested that the action of the parathy-
roids was to restrain the thyroid [88].
The roles of the thyroid and parathyroids were distin-
guished in 1909 when Berkeley and Beebe ameliorated
human tetany with a parathyroid extract [89], and
MacCallum and Vogetlin noted that parathyroid destruc-
tion caused tetany responsive to intravenous calcium
chloride [90]; these studies connected the parathyroids to
calcium metabolism. An alternative hypothesis was that
the parathyroids were detoxifying organs, as parathyroid-
ectomized animals excreted methyl guanidine [91], and
its administration caused tetany [92]. PTH was identified

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independently by Adolph M. Hanson (1880–1959), a pri-
vate practitioner working in his garage in Faribault, MN
[93–95], and by James B. Collip (1892–1965), chair of
biochemistry at the University of Alberta, who was fa-
mous for preparing the insulin used by Banting, Best, and
MacLeod in Toronto. Hanson lacked Collip’s resources
and influence; McCullagh’s 1928 review [96] does not
even mention him. Hanson patented his preparation, but
was unable to market it, and eventually assigned his pat-
ent rights to the Smithsonian Institution [82]. Collip may
have been inspired to work on the parathyroids by his
1919 meeting with Noel Paton, the principal proponent
of the “methyl guanidine school” [97]. Collip’s prepara-
tion was superior to Hanson’s, corrected the tetany of Fig. 3. Captain Charles Martel: before his hyperparathyroidism
parathyroidectomized dogs [98], and caused hypercalce- (left) and after 6 years of bone loss (right). From Bauer and Feder-
mia in normal animals [99]; in an era when every little mann [104].
observation could be published, these two papers are sur-
prisingly modern in their thoroughness and scope. Col-
lip’s preparation was then marketed by Eli Lilly with the
brand name “Parathormone.” A history of this work, PTH Action and Vitamin D
based on personal notes and files as well as the published
literature, is provided by Alison Li [97]. Over the next 20 years, clinical disorders of hypo- and
The harsh HCl extraction procedure used by Collip hyperparathyroidism were reported, most famously the
resulted in the partial degradation of PTH into multiple case of Capt. Charles Martel with hyperparathyroidism
peptides; Rasmussen showed that one of these peptides of due to a mediastinal tumor (Fig. 3) [104]. Studies of hy-
only about 33 amino acids was active in raising Ca levels perparathyroidism did not reveal the site of PTH action,
in rats [100]. The 84 amino acid sequence of bovine PTH leading to a vigorous debate: J.B. Collip said it acted on
was reported in 1970 [101], the sequence of the bioactive bone, while Fuller Albright said it was on the kidney; both
N-terminal 34 amino acids of human PTH was reported were right, but they fought over this issue for 17 years
in 1972 [102], and the full-length protein in 1978 [103]. [105]. Albright described “pseudohypoparathyroidism”
Teriparatide, the N-terminal 34 amino acids of human as an example of the “Seabright-Bantam” (sic) syndrome,
PTH, is marketed by several firms for treatment of osteo- referring to the male Sebright bantam chicken and its fe-
porosis. Several reports describe its use in children, but it male feathering pattern; this is now known to be due to
has not been approved for children because of animal an aromatase defect [106], but these animals were long
data suggesting a possible risk for osteosarcoma. thought to represent “end-organ resistance” to the action

Rickets, Vitamin D, and Ca/P Metabolism Horm Res Paediatr 2022;95:579–592 585
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of a hormone [107]. In fact, patients with pseudohypo- hormone; a major role in fetoplacental calcium transport
parathyroidism do not have mutations of the PTH recep- was suggested by its abundant expression in fetal mem-
tor, but are a heterogeneous population with different branes [120], and an active role in maternofetal calcium
GNAS mutations (for review see [108]). Thus, Albright is transport was shown in 1996 [121]. Thus, PTHrP, dis-
generally credited for describing hormone resistance as a covered in adult cancer, appears to be mainly a fetal hor-
mechanism of disease. mone with multiple roles in calcium and bone metabo-
In 1968, Angelo DiGeorge (1921–2009), a founding lism.
member and past president of the (LW)PES, described
congenital hypoparathyroidism in conjunction with thy-
mic aplasia and immune defects [109]. The syndrome was Phosphate Disorders and FGF23
broadened to include multiple congenital anomalies and
became known as a developmental field defect of the third Discoveries about the physiology of phosphate metab-
and fourth pharyngeal pouches; thus, “DiGeorge Syn- olism were facilitated by the existence of several disorders
drome” became known as “velo-cardio-facial syndrome.” caused by abnormalities related to fibroblast growth fac-
The majority of these patients had a deletion on the long tor 23 (FGF23), especially the genetic forms of hypophos-

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arm of chromosome 22 (chromosome 22q11.2 deletion phatemic rickets caused by renal phosphate wasting.
syndrome) [110]. The acronym CATCH22 (cardiac ab- While not a complete assessment of every discovery, we
normality/abnormal facies, T-cell deficit due to thymic provide a general overview of the journey highlighting
hypoplasia, cleft palate, and hypocalcemia due to hypo- several important milestones and advances in phosphate
parathyroidism resulting from 22q11 deletion) is also disorders in the last century, leading to the discovery of
widely used [111]. Botto et al. [112] found an incidence FGF23 and directed treatment of patients with these dis-
of about 1:6,000 births, making it is one of the most com- orders.
mon chromosomal disorders. Although earlier authors had described case reports of
It was known from the 1920s that deficiency of either rickets that was difficult to treat, in 1937 Fuller Albright
vitamin D or PTH caused hypocalcemia, but through the provided the first detailed investigation of a child with
1960s, the connection was unclear, despite complex, hypophosphatemic rickets due to renal phosphate wast-
well-executed experiments [113, 114]. Children with ing and without other evidence of renal tubulopathy. He
1α-hydroxylase deficiency (formerly termed “VDDR-I” characterized this disorder as being a “vitamin D-resis-
or pseudo-vitamin D-deficiency rickets) typically have tant rickets,” based on the inability to effectively heal the
hypocalcemia and secondary hyperparathyroidism [38, rickets with doses of vitamin D usually used for nutri-
115], and patients with CYP27B1 gene mutations causing tional rickets, and the ability to demonstrate some skele-
1α-hydroxylase deficiency have elevated PTH values tal improvements with higher vitamin D doses than usu-
[65], even in those where there is partial retention of al [31]. In 1957, Winters et al. [122] then highlighted sev-
function [68]. When the genes for rodent and human eral published cases of different forms of rickets to which
1α-hydroxylase were cloned in 1997 (described above), it “vitamin D resistance” was attributed, but noted especial-
was soon shown that PTH activates expression of the ly the X-linked dominant familial form of hypophospha-
mouse Cyp27B1 gene [116], closing the loop between temic rickets as a “vitamin D-resistant” form of rickets.
PTH and vitamin D. Shortly thereafter, Prader et al. [123] described a patient
with hypophosphatemic tumor-induced osteomalacia.
Early efforts to treat patients with hypophosphatemic
Parathyroid Hormone-Related Protein rickets and osteomalacia focused on the application of
high doses of vitamin D, which carried a risk for vitamin
Hypercalcemia without elevated circulating PTH was D toxicity. Frame and Smith noted that adult patients
long noted as a paraneoplastic syndrome in some adult with acquired hypophosphatemic osteomalacia could
patients with malignancies. A long search led to the iden- improve using phosphate salts [124]; in children, the rick-
tification of a parathyroid hormone-related protein ets could also be refractory to oral phosphate salts [125].
(PTHrP) by groups in Melbourne, Australia [117, 118], Given the limited response to vitamin D, Stickler et al.
and in San Francisco [119]. The physiological roles of [126] tried to treat familial hypophosphatemic rickets by
PTHrP remain under investigation; it is a widely ex- increasing the calcium-phosphate product through in-
pressed autocrine/paracrine factor, rather than a classic creasing intake of phosphate and calcium (on alternating

586 Horm Res Paediatr 2022;95:579–592 Miller/Imel

DOI: 10.1159/000527011
days to ensure absorption), without vitamin D. However, A consortium of investigators was convened to find
this approach also proved unsuccessful, and they con- the genetic cause of XLH, through linkage studies in kin-
cluded that, at least to some degree, gastrointestinal ab- dreds. Eventually this led to the discovery of the phos-
sorption was also impaired. However, based on later un- phate-regulating gene with homologies to endopeptidas-
derstanding of the underlying physiology of X-linked hy- es on the X-chromosome or PHEX (originally published
pophosphatemia, true “vitamin D resistance” at the level in 1997 as PEX and later changed) [133]. However, the
of the receptor is not actually part of the pathophysiology. protein PHEX is expressed in bones and teeth and is not
Thus, the term “vitamin D resistant rickets” is misleading a humoral factor.
and in the modern setting should be abandoned in pa- A kindred with an autosomal dominant form of hypo-
tients with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH) phosphatemic rickets had been described in 1971 by
and applied only when the VDR gene is mutated (see Bianchine et al. [134], having similarities to XLH. Mi-
above). chael Econs later studied another kindred with this in-
In 1978, Charles Scriver provided an important link to heritance pattern, which was described as autosomal
the apparent abnormalities in vitamin D responsiveness. dominant hypophosphatemic rickets (ADHR) [135].
He and his coauthors used a competitive binding assay to Persons with ADHR presented with a similar biochemical

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demonstrate that 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25[OH]2D phenotype to XLH: hypophosphatemia, impaired tubular
or calcitriol) levels were impaired in children with hypo- reabsorption of phosphate, and low or inappropriately
phosphatemic rickets [115]. With the combination of hy- normal calcitriol levels. However, it was clear from this
pophosphatemia and low or low-normal calcitriol levels kindred that not everyone developed “rickets.” This fam-
being key components of this renal phosphate-wasting ily demonstrated incomplete penetrance. Additionally,
disease, studies were then conducted to confirm that ad- some children presented similarly to XLH and then nor-
dition of calcitriol was critical to healing the osteomalacia malized their biochemistry over time. Others were con-
and rickets [127–129]. Combining phosphate salts with firmed as normal during childhood and developed new
high doses of calcitriol (or other active vitamin D ana- onset severe hypophosphatemia and osteomalacia as ado-
logues) became the standard of care for children with lescents or adults. Genetic linkage studies in this and oth-
XLH. Both the effects of XLH on phosphorus and on cal- er ADHR kindreds led to the discovery of FGF23 in 2000
citriol are mediated through the kidney, but neither ad- [136]. The name FGF23 derives from its structural rela-
ministration of phosphate nor calcitriol corrected the re- tionship to other FGF (fibroblast growth factor) mole-
nal phosphate leak [127]. The underlying cause of the cules and does not imply an action on fibroblasts. FGF23
phenotype in XLH remained elusive. was also cloned from tumors causing tumor-induced os-
A key step in further understanding of XLH was the teomalacia [137]. FGF23 proved to be a humoral factor
generation of the hyp mouse model, published in 1976 by normally expressed in bone, and the mutation causing
Eicher et al. [130]. This mouse model recapitulated the ADHR occurred in a cleavage motif, leading to impaired
X-linked dominant inheritance pattern and the biochem- proteolytic cleavage preserving intact, active FGF23 [138,
ical and skeletal phenotype of XLH. Even though the ge- 139]. FGF23 appears to fulfill all the characteristics that
netic defect had not yet been discovered, this model en- had been expected of the hypothetical hormone “phos-
abled studies that eventually demonstrated clearly that a phatonin” [140].
hormonal factor was responsible for the renal phosphate Multiple causes of autosomal recessive hypophospha-
wasting, rather than a kidney factor. Through parabiosis temic rickets or ARHR were also discovered starting in
experiments, Meyer et al. [131] were able to demonstrate 2006, through studies of clinically affected patients. These
that the wild-type mouse developed phosphaturia when linked abnormalities of 3 additional genes, DMP1, ENPP1,
parabiosed to the hyp mouse, indicating that crossing of and FAM20C, to increased gene expression of FGF23
a humoral factor was causative [131]. Further confirma- [141–144]. Thus, the common feature of each of these
tion of a humoral factor came when Nesbitt et al. [132] genetic diseases (XLH, ADHR, and the forms of ARHR)
conducted crossed renal transplant experiments between is high FGF23 expression, along with the resulting bio-
hyp and wild-type mice. The hyp mouse kidney did not chemical consequences of excess FGF23.
develop phosphaturia when transplanted in the wild-type Klotho had been discovered in 1997 in a mouse model
mouse, but the wild-type kidney did develop phosphatu- that had multiple aging-related phenotypes [145]. While
ria when transplanted in the hyp mouse. klotho had been thought to be a gene conferring an anti-
aging phenotype, several of the features of klotho defi-

Rickets, Vitamin D, and Ca/P Metabolism Horm Res Paediatr 2022;95:579–592 587
DOI: 10.1159/000527011
ciency actually recapitulated mineral metabolism disor- as chronic kidney disease. Future studies will expand our
ders, including hyperphosphatemia and high calcitriol. understanding of mechanisms and the consequences of
The deficiency of klotho in mouse models was strikingly too much and too little FGF23, phosphorus, and their in-
similar to that of FGF23 deficiency [146]. In 2006, Ku- fluence on overall mineral metabolism.
roso et al. [147] made the critical connection when klotho
was found to be a crucial cofactor in the signaling of
FGF23 through FGF receptors. Alpha klotho enables sig- Statement of Ethics
naling of FGF23 through the FGF receptors, FGFR1, 3,
Not applicable.
and 4, and provides tissue specificity of FGF23 activity,
primarily in the kidney. Ichikawa et al. [148] demonstrat-
ed the first pathogenic variant in klotho causing human Conflict of Interest Statement
disease. This patient had hyperphosphatemic tumoral
calcinosis along with extreme elevation of intact FGF23 Dr. Erik A. Imel receives research funding and consulting from
consistent with a response to FGF23 resistance [148]. Ultragenyx Pharmaceuticals and consulting fees from Kyowa Ki-
rin Pharmaceuticals.
It is important to note that treatment with calcitriol

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and phosphate does not lower FGF23, but rather stimu-
lates FGF23 levels as demonstrated by multiple studies in Funding Sources
normal humans and in patients with XLH [149–151].
Since FGF23 mediates the hypophosphatemia seen in The authors have not received any funding or financial support
for this work.
XLH, it is logical to target FGF23 itself to improve the
phenotype of XLH. A placebo-controlled trial of anti-
FGF23 antibody (burosumab) in adults with XLH dem- Author Contributions
onstrated increased phosphorus levels, fracture healing,
and other salutary patient-reported outcomes [152], and Walter L. Miller wrote the material concerning the early his-
tory of rickets, vitamin D, and PTH; Erik A. Imel wrote the mate-
in children burosumab improved rickets more than con-
rial concerning phosphorus and FGF23; both authors reviewed
ventional therapy. and approved the entire manuscript.
Much has been learned regarding phosphorus metab-
olism since the first description of children and adults
with hypophosphatemic rickets. FGF23 has become crit- Data Availability Statement
ically important in our understanding of these disorders
No new data were generated for this report.
and also has relevance to more common conditions such

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