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How to do scrambled eggs

The first thing that you need to look is for the materials, the materials are very simple and you
probably have them at home, you will need a frying pan to cook the eggs, the eggs and a stove to
heat the pan.

The first step to start making our scramble eggs is turn on the stove, then you will put the pan on the
stove to make it warm, and you will wait about 2 minutes to the pan to be ready.

The next thing that you have to do is crack your eggs, crash de eggs in the side part of the pan, once
they break, separate it into two parts so that the inside of the egg falls into the pan, then you will
wait until the white part of the egg is fully cooked

Once that the white part of the egg is cooked, the next thing thay you are going to do is scramble the
eggs with the spatula, and mix it well for about like 1 more minute

When the eggs are fully cooked, grab a plate and put the eggs on it, add some salt and pepper if you
want and enjoy.

In conclusion, the scrambled eggs are a simple and delicious breakfast for the morning, is easy to
make and fast, soy if you don’t have a lot of time in the morning and you want a nutritious breakfast,
the scrambled eggs are the perfect option.

Gustavo Alemparte

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