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NAME: …………………………………………………………………. CLASS: ………………….

[5 marks]
Question 1 to 5
Read the text carefully in each question. For each question, choose the correct
answer A, B, C or D. Mark the correct answer in your answer sheet.


Millions of people- From New York to Canada- had no lights, no heating
and no food. Thirty million people had no electricity for 13 hours.

1. Based on the news headline ;

A. there was no electricity for 13 hours

B. 13 people had no electricity

C. millions had no electricity

D. thirty million people had no food only

Friday, 16 March
I can see very well, so yesterday I bought a pair of glasses> T took the
boat to my office and I could see all the ships on the River Thames!
There were lots of ships, so it was difficult to get to work. The river
didn’t use to be so busy. But I’m so pleased that I can see clearly again.

2. On Friday the 16th March, I……..

A. travelled without my glasses

B. travelled with my new glasses

C. travelled alone on a river

D. travelled on a ship
3. On 5th January , Emma posted that this year she………

A. is going to write about a big brown bear

B. is going to write about mountains

C. is going to write about her amazing adventures

D. is going to write about adventures

4. Based on the guide ,in the main section you need to

A. keep it short, interesting and include your feelings and opinions

B. keep it short, interesting and include readers feelings and opinions

C. keep it short , interesting and include friendly opinions

D. keep it short, interesting and include your information

5. The advertisement on LUMINA torch describes the

A disadvantages of the torch

B advantages of the torch

C quality of the torch

D price of the torch

[4 marks]

Questions 6 to 9
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each blank.

Sandra Smith is a paramedic. She ___(6)___ in a hospital . She worked at the

hospital __7__ she was 23. Sandra drives an ambulance ___ 8___ emergencies

And what does she like most about her job? It is very rewarding, she says ‘
Everyday is __9__. I never know what will happen next . You have to make
decisions very quickly in this job.

6. A. works B. worked C. working D. work

7. A. as B. since C. yet D. till

8. A. on B. by C. to D. from

9. A. challenging B. challenge C. challenges D. challenged

[5 marks]
Questions 10-14
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. For each question,
choose the correct answer A, B,C or D. Mark the correct answer.

10. Jason lives in __________

A. Kuah C. Pulau Payar

B. Thailand D. Seberang Perai

11. Which of the following did Jason not see while snorkelling?

A. fish C. coral Reef

B. huge sharks D. whales

12. What did Jason do in Mid-April?

A. He went to the Langkawi Sky Bridge.

B. He hiked to the top of Gunung Raya

C. He went snorkelling at Pulau Payar

D. He went to Thailand

13. What was Jason’s view from the Langkawi Sky Bridge?

A. waterfalls and wildlife

B. eagles and horn bills

C. the Andaman Sea

D. Langkawi Sky Bridge

14. From the blog, we know that Jason _________

A. Didn’t swim at Pulau Payar Marine Park

B. Saw lots of animals at Gunung Park

C. Went to Langkawi Sky Bridge alone

D. Took a train to get to Sky Bridge

[6 marks]
Questions 15-20
Read the text about the three different cool jobs. Write alphabet (A to C) in
the given space.

The search and rescue pilot

Adela Campo is a search and rescue pilot. She flies a helicopter to look for and
save people in difficult situations. How long has she done this job? ‘I learnt to
fly at university and I’ve been a pilot for 12 years,’ says Adela. ‘I choose this
job because I love flying. It’s also very rewarding – it feels good to help people
and keep them safe.’ What does she enjoy most about her job?’ I love working
as part of the team. Well all work really well together.

The police officer

Tyler Hadden has been a police officer for eight years. But he doesn’t drive a
police car – he rides a horse! Bess, his horse, is very clever and friendly. Why
did he choose this job? ‘I love horses and every day is different,’ says Tyler.
‘One day we’re at a parade, the next we’re at a football match. When there
are lots of people at an event, there can be problems, so we need to make sure
nothing goes wrong. I enjoy meeting new people most. People like police horses
so they talk to me and Bess a lot.’
The wildlife vet

Jill Johnson is a vet. She was worked with wild animals on South Africa since
she left university. She looks after the animals to make sure they’re healthy.
‘I choose this job because it’s exciting – there’s always something new and
challenging. Last week, we travelled for three hours to rescue a baby elephant
that was stuck in the mud.’ And what does she like most about her job? ‘
Working with wildlife is very special. Every animal teaches us something

A. The search and rescue pilot

B. The police officer

C. The wildlife vet

15. Every animal teaches us something different ( )

16. Bess his horse, is very clever and friendly ( )

17. It feel good to help people and keep them safe ( )

18. She has worked in South Africa ( )

19. I love horses and every day is different ( )

20. I have been a pilot for 12 years ( )

[5 marks]
Questions 21-25
Answer question 21-25. Read the sentences about elements in a story and spell
the words correctly.

21 A book about an exciting or dangerous a________


22 A story about something that is difficult to m______

understand or explain

23 A scary story h_____

24 A story about love r_ _ _ _ _ _
25 A book based on imagined science that S______
usually takes place in the future.

[10 marks]

You’re writing to your friend, Saiful. You want to invite him to go on a kayaking
tour with you on Sunday. Write Saiful an email.

In your message tell him:

⚫ To tell him what time and where to meet you.

⚫ What he should wear and bring

⚫ How much is the fee

Write about 30-50 words

Write your email below
To :
From :

[15 marks]

Your school is having a Charity Sale. Write an email to invite your friend to
invite him / her to go to your school’s Charity Sale.

Charity sale
You can buy food, books, pencils, coffee and many more. There are many games too!
Date : 10th December 2022 (Saturday)

Time : 9.00 a.m. – 9.00 p.m.

Venue : School hall, Sekolah Kebangsaan Tanjung Bunga

Come and join us!

Write your email to your friend in about 60 – 80 words.

To :
From :

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