Ingles Water Pollution

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contaminated water as that which undergoes changes in its composition until

it becomes unusable. Our rivers, reservoirs, lakes and seas are drowning in
chemicals, waste, plastics and other pollutants.

-What is water pollution? - DANI

Water pollution occurs when harmful substances (often chemicals or
microorganisms) contaminate a stream, river, lake, ocean, aquifer, or other
body of water, degrading the quality of the water and making it toxic to
humans or the environment. .

-What are the causes of water pollution? LEANDRA

Water is especially vulnerable to pollution. Known as the “universal solvent,”
water is capable of dissolving more substances than any other liquid on the
planet. It's the reason we have Kool-Aid and bright blue waterfalls. It is also
the reason why water becomes contaminated so easily. Toxic substances from
farms, cities and factories easily dissolve in it and mix with it, causing water
A-Types of water pollution LEANDRA DANI

-Groundwater - leandra
When rain falls and seeps deep into the earth, filling the cracks, crevices and
pore spaces of an aquifer, it becomes groundwater, one of our least visible
but most important natural resources. For some rural residents, it is their
only source of fresh water. Groundwater becomes contaminated when
pollutants (from pesticides and fertilizers to leached waste from landfills and
septic systems) reach an aquifer, making it unsafe for human use.

-industrial activities dani

Discharges of chemical products from these sectors are one of the main
causes of water eutrophication.
-sawege discharges dani
More than 80% of the world's wastewater that reaches the sea and rivers is
-fuel spill dani
The transportation and storage of oil and its derivatives gives rise to leaks
that can reach water sources.

These data show the country that pollutes the ocean the most and which is
the greatest pollution.
Consequences of water pollution dani

The deterioration of water quality has negative effects on the environment,

health and the global economy. The president of the World Bank himself,
David Malpass, warns of the economic impact: "The deterioration of water
quality slows growth and exacerbates poverty in many countries."

Solutions for water pollution lea

Half of the planet's inhabitants will live in areas with water scarcity by 2025,
so each contaminated drop today represents an irreparable loss for
tomorrow. For this reason, we must avoid water contamination with
measures such as those presented below:

-Reduce CO2 emissions to avoid global warming and ocean acidification.

-Reduce the use of chemical pesticides and nutrients in agricultural crops.

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