Xavier Carpenter - 3. FDR and The New Deal Spreadsheet

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FDR and the Democrats’ New Deal Name________________________________ Date:________

NEW DEAL Definition- What did it do? Who specifically would Was the Explain if the policy was
PROGRAM: the program help? program a success or a failure?
created for
Acronym and date: recovery,
relief or
Was a national labor relations Labor workers in the US The program The policy was a success
Wagner Act act that established the legal during the 20th Century, was created because it later led to the
right of all workers in the help with their working for increase of work
20thcentury. conditions and reformation conditions and the
productivity of their work. of workers productivity of work done
labor rights by workers.
during the
20th century.

This was a short lived job This was issued to create The program This was a success since it
Civil Works program that came to life manual labor jobs for was created gave 4 million people in
Administration during the New Deal during millions of unemployed for recovery the US jobs and paid 200
the Great Depression. workers throughout the since the million dollars a month.
US. Great
caused alot of
people to lose
their jobs and
so this helped
those people
recover and
get a job.
This was created to provide This act specifically This act was This was a success since
Agricultural relief to farmers during the helped the farmers who instetuded for this act later led to the
Adjustment Act Great Depression. had a surplus of supplies recovery creation of the
by reducing this number since many Agricultural Adjustment
and encrougaging farmers were Administration, this
agricultural prices to rise. losing money program was created to
from the relieve farmers in the case
abundance of of an emergency such as
agricultural the Great Depression.
The Civilian Conservation This specifically helped This act was This act was considered a
Civilian Corps was a work relief out young men get a relief since success since it planted
Conservation program that gave millions of employed and make it helped more than three billion
Corps young men employment on sustainable incomes young men trees in the US and helped
environmental projects during the Great relieve from create shelters in more
during the Great Depression. Depression. being in debt than 800 parks
and not nationwide.
having much

This specifically helped This act was a This was a success since it
Federal Emergency This Federal Emgergency the government and states relief since it came up with a little more
Relief Act Relief Act was created to to combine to create relief was made to than 3 billion dollars in
relieve the collapse of tax for the people. relieve the relief to unemployed
revenues and the mounting pressure on people.
costs of emergency relief in the
the US. government
and states in
the US.

The National Youth This was specifically This was a This act was a success
National Youth Administration was created created to help the youth recovery for since it increased the
Administration to help the youth acquire jobs get jobs with variety and all the jobs employment rate of young
much like the Civillian give jobs to young women that were lost women and young men,
Conservation Corps did. as well. due to the this also because it gave
Great the youth the ability to
Depression. earn for themselves.

The National Industrial This was enacted by This was a The National Industrial
National Industrial Recovery Act was congress to help the reformation Recovery Act was a
Recovery Act established to supervise fair nation's economic since it success because it made
trade codes and also recovery during the Great supervised industries have to right
guaranteed laborers a right to Depression. the fair trade down codes of fair
collective bargaining. codes in the competion that eventually
US. fixed the prices and wages
in the US.

The main purpose of the This was created for the This was This act was a success
Works Progress people who fell victim to enacted to since it gave 8.5 million
Works Progress Administration was to the Great Depression, help recover out of the 11 million
Administration provide useful work for people who lost their jobs, people who people who were
millions of people who homes, money, and even lost alot from unemployed during the
suffered from the Great family. the Great Great Depression.
Depression which preserved Depression.
their skills and self-respect.

The Glass-Steagall Act was This was created for the This was a The Glass-Steagall Act
Glass-Steagall Act an act that separated people since it was reformation was considered a success
commercial banking from enacted to get the people since it since it created the
investment banking. of the US to trust the reformed the Federal Deposit
banking system. way banking Insureance Corporation
worked in the and many other things
US. that helped the economy
recover and reform inot
today's banking.
The Security and Exchange This was created for This was a The Security Exhange
Security and Commission was made to investors since it reformation Commission was a
Exchange help investors be protected protected them from since it success since it helped
Commission when investing in stocks. fraudulent and reformed the investors stay protected
manipulative practices. way investors and regulate the securities
coudl invest. markets.

The Public Works Created for the This was a This administration was a
Public Works Administration was an unemployed people in the recovery success since it created 70
Administration adminsistration to help US durin the Great since it percent of the nation's
decrease the unemployment Depression. helped new education buildings
rate in the US throught the unemployed and 10 percent of the
construction of highways and people nation's new roads.
public buildings. recover and
get a job.
Rural The Rural Electrification This administration This was a This administration was a
Electrification Adminstaation was an mainly helped the farmers releif since it success since it brought
Administration administration that was have power but also was tried to the amount of rural farms
created to bring power and created to help with the relieve the having power to almost
electricity to rural farms and unemployed but didnt amount of 96 percent of farms and
backcountry. quite achieve that. unemployed was able to achieve
people in the electrification of rural
US but also a farms during this time.
since it
power to the
rural farm
The Social Security Act was The Social Security Act This was a This law was a success
Social Security Act created to give a federal was made to help any reformation since it brought about
safety net for elderly, American with a of old laws laws to help financially
unemployed and disadvantage. that helped aid the misfortune people
disadvantaged Americans. the in the US and helped
unfortunate create what we have
citizens of the today.
The Tennessee Valley The Tennesssee Valley This was a The Tennessee Valley
Tennessee Valley Authority was created to Authority was created to reformation Authority was a success
Authority control floods, improve help the people who lived since it since it severely slowed
navigation, improve the along the river and also reformed the down the amount of
living standards of farmers, used the river for river's flooding on the Tennessee
and produce electrical power transport. navigation, river and also helped
along the Tennessee River. flooding, and people navigate along the
prodcuced river.
power along
the river.
Which new deal program do you think the country most needed at the time to raise spirits for the economy? Why?

I think the deal program that was most needed for the country to help rais spirits and the economy was the Works Progress
Administration since it gave over 8 million unemployed people jobs which tackled a large number of the unemployment rate in the
United States during the Great Depression and is what severly helped the US relive the depression at this time.

Which new deal program do you think was the worst idea listed from this sheet? Why?

I think that not one of these new deal programs was a bad idea since every idea contributed to the rise of our economy during this time
and helped get people jobs and sustain a livable life, all of these new deal programs helped US progress to what it is today, with
electricity everywhere and navigation being easy the new deal programs benefited the United States in many ways.

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