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The Iroquis joined the British, and the Algonquins and the Hurons joined the French
2. Washington fought them because the French built a fort where he wanted to build a fort
3. The delegates wanted to form a union because they wanted to defeat the French, to sign
an agreement with the Iroquois
4. The Frenches attacks were successful because they had native Americans on their side,
who killed the important people which allowed them to kill the soldiers
5. Pitt was able to persuade more colonists to fight because he promised large payments
for military service and supplies
6. The Iroquois sided with the British because their enemies were joining the French
7. Washington was a bad leader because he risked the lives of his soldiers for a defeat
8. The choices Braddock made were going to fight, basically telling the enemies where
they were, and being overconfident
9. The war was really important to the British
10. The British gained a lot of land by defeating the french and signing the treaty

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