Biocompatibility-Of-Root-Filling-Pastes-Used-In-Primary Teeth

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Biocompatibility of root filling pastes used in

primary teeth

 nior2, M. S. Rizzo3, R. D. Moura4, M. S. Moura5, M. D. M.

C. C. B. Lima1, A. M. Conde Ju
5 5
Lima & L. F. A. D. Moura
Postgraduate Programme in Dentistry, Federal University of Piauı (UFPI), Teresina; 2Department of Morphology, Federal
University of Piauı (UFPI), Teresina; 3Department of Clinic and Veterinary Surgery, Federal University of Piauı (UFPI),
Teresina; 4Postgraduate Programme in Pathology, University of S~ ao Paulo; and 5Department of Pathology
ao Paulo (USP), S~
and Dentistry Clinic, Federal University of Piauı (UFPI), Teresina, Brazil

Abstract area of the region in direct contact with the open tube.
ANOVA with the Tukey post-test and Kruskal–Wallis
 nior AM, Rizzo MS, Moura RD,
Lima CCB, Conde Ju
analysis followed by Dunn’s post-test, with significance
Moura MS, Lima MDM, Moura LFAD. Biocompatibility
established as P < 0.05, were used for data analysis.
of root filling pastes used in primary teeth. International
Results At 7 days, all groups had severe acute
Endodontic Journal.
inflammatory infiltrates. Inflammation was reduced at
Aim To evaluate the biocompatibility of two pastes 21 days in the CTZ paste group. Mild chronic inflam-
designed to fill the root canals of primary teeth. matory infiltrates were observed after 63 days in the
Methodology A study group of 54 mice received CTZ and Ca(OH)2 paste groups; these groups also
subcutaneous tissue implants of polyethylene tubes showed a significant decrease in collagen fibre density
containing CTZ or calcium hydroxide paste or, as a (P < 0.05), which was not observed in the control
negative control, empty tubes. Biocompatibility was group. The average tissue thickness, perimeter length
evaluated on days 7, 21 and 63, yielding a total of nine and area in contact with the tube decreased during
groups of six animals each. Following the experimental the experimental periods in all groups.
intervals, the implant areas were removed and sub- Conclusion The CTZ and calcium hydroxide pastes
jected to histologic processing. After the tissues were demonstrated biocompatibility with subcutaneous tis-
stained with HE and Masson trichrome, two patholo- sue in this experimental model.
gists performed a histologic analysis of the samples in a
Keywords: biocompatibility, calcium hydroxide,
blinded manner. Collagen fibre formation, tissue
primary teeth, root canal filling materials, subcutane-
thickness and inflammatory cell infiltration were
ous tissue.
analysed qualitatively. Quantitative morphometry was
performed for the thickness, perimeter length and tissue Received 26 August 2013; accepted 29 May 2014

canal disinfection in primary teeth with pulp necrosis

(Harini Priya et al. 2010, de Sousa et al. 2011).
The complex morphology of root canal systems and These conditions may also impede the development
the root resorption of primary molars are uncontrollable of permanent tooth follicles as well as the establish-
factors that may hinder proper chemical–mechanical ment of accurate working length (Molander &
Dahlen 2003, Barja-Fidalgo et al. 2011, Gondim
et al. 2012).
Correspondence: L ucia de F
atima Almeida de Deus Moura, Most of the recommended techniques for filling root
Department of Pathology and Dentistry Clinic, Federal Uni- canals of primary teeth propose the use of instrumenta-
versity of Piauı, Rua Angelica, 1650, Bairro de Fatima, tion and the chemo-mechanical preparation of the root
CEP 64049-532, Teresina, Piauı, Brazil (Tel.: +55 86 3233
3050; e-mail: canal system (American Academy of Pediatric

© 2014 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal 1
Materials biocompatibility Lima et al.

Dentistry 2012). The use of calcium hydroxide (Ca University of Piauı (UFPI) (opinion No. 067/12) and
(OH)2) paste predominates over other techniques for the with the ethical guidelines for animal experimentation
pulp therapy of primary teeth. As a root filling material, advocated in the ‘European Communities Council
Ca(OH)2 paste demonstrates antibacterial action, bio- Directive’ of 24 November 1986 (86/609/EEC) regard-
compatibility and tissue repair capacity (Hauman & ing recommendations for the care and use of labora-
Love 2003b, Mohammadi & Dummer 2011). tory animals.
Alternative pulp therapies that have been developed This experimental trial began in November 2012
include those that recommend restricting treatment and was concluded in May 2013 upon euthanasia of
to the pulp chamber and methods that may promote the last test animal.
the disinfection or sterilization of root canals with
necrotic pulps, as in the use of antibiotic-containing
Animal model
pastes (Cappiello 1964, Takushige et al. 2004, Pinky
et al. 2011, Trairatvorakul & Detsomboonrat 2012). A total of 54 mice (Mus musculus) were used. The
Cappiello (1964) developed a paste for filling root animals were Swiss albino males from 6 to 8 weeks of
canals in primary teeth. The paste comprises chloram- age that weighed between 15 and 30 g. Throughout
phenicol, tetracycline and zinc oxide with eugenol as a the experiment, the animals were housed in a vivar-
vehicle and is currently known as CTZ paste (powder ium with standard rations and access to water ad libi-
base provided by a pharmacy in proportions of 1 : 1 : 2 tum. All animals were examined every 2 days and
chloramphenicol/tetracycline/zinc oxide, respectively). monitored for local or systemic changes.
This method obviates the need for canal instrumenta- The animals were wormed with Baskenâ suspen-
tion, thereby facilitating its use in young children and sion (14.5 mg pyrantel pamoate + 9.5 mg oxantel
users of public health services (Cappiello 1964). pamoate kg 1), which was administered orally in a
Successful endodontic treatment of teeth with pulp single dose 7 days prior to the onset of the experi-
necrosis requires reducing or eliminating infection mental procedural.
within the root canal system. The medicaments used
in the pulp therapy of primary teeth should possess
Root canal pastes
antimicrobial activity and be biocompatible, particu-
larly given the proximity of contact in the furcation The biocompatibility of the CTZ and calcium hydrox-
and periapical regions (Silva et al. 2010, Barja-Fidalgo ide pastes was tested using an empty tube as a neg-
et al. 2011). ative control. Histological analysis was performed on
Biocompatibility is the ability of a material that is the tissue samples for each material at three different
in contact with a tissue to promote an appropriate intervals: 7, 21 and 63 days. The tissue response
biological response with minimal inflammatory reac- was analysed for nine groups with six animals per
tions. Methods that deploy substances in the subcuta- group, which were distributed as follows: Group I –
neous tissues of laboratory animals are commonly six animals received a polyethylene tube containing
used to evaluate the biocompatibility of endodontic CTZ paste for 7 days; Group II – six animals received
materials (Hauman & Love 2003a, Viola et al. 2012). a polyethylene tube containing CTZ paste for
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bio- 21 days; Group III – six animals received a polyeth-
compatibility of two pastes for the root canal treat- ylene tube containing CTZ paste for 63 days; Group
ment of primary teeth (CTZ and calcium hydroxide IV – six animals received a polyethylene tube contain-
pastes). The null hypothesis was that there is no dif- ing calcium hydroxide paste for 7 days; Group V – six
ference between the biocompatibility of CTZ and cal- animals received a polyethylene tube containing
cium hydroxide pastes in mouse subcutaneous tissue. calcium hydroxide paste for 21 days; Group VI – six
animals received a polyethylene tube containing cal-
cium hydroxide paste for 63 days; Group VII – six ani-
Materials and methods
mals received an empty polyethylene tube for 7 days;
Group VIII – six animals received an empty polyethyl-
Ethical approval
ene tube for 21 days; and Group IX – six animals
The procedures used in this study were in accordance received an empty polyethylene tube for 63 days.
with a protocol reviewed and approved by the Ethics The micronized powder base for the CTZ paste was
Committee on Animal Experimentation, Federal provided in 250-mg capsules by a compounding

2 International Endodontic Journal © 2014 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Lima et al. Materials biocompatibility

pharmacy (Teresina, PI, Brazil), and the paste com- tubing, subcutaneous tissue and skin, was removed
prised chloramphenicol 62.5 mg, tetracycline and fixed in buffered 4% paraformaldehyde for 24 h.
62.5 mg and zinc oxide 125 mg with 0.1 mL of
eugenol vehicle (Biodin^ amica, Ibipor~a, PR, Brazil).
Histologic analysis
Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) powder (analytical
grade) (Biodin^amica) was provided in 250-mg cap- Following fixation, the polyethylene tubes were
sules and reconstituted in 0.2 mL of distilled water removed from the fixative, dehydrated in increasing
(Isofarma, Eusebio, CE, Brazil). concentrations of alcohol, cleared in xylene, embed-
To prepare the two pastes, the powders were dis- ded in paraffin and blocked. The blocks were cut
pensed onto sterile glass plates and mixed with their using a microtome (Leica RM 2245) to yield 5-lm-
respective vehicles by a metal spatula at the time of thick longitudinal semi-serial sections. Tissues were
use. stained with haematoxylin and eosin (HE) and Mas-
son trichrome (Putt 1972).
The sections were examined under a binocular light
Experimental design for subcutaneous implantation
microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) at 100, 200 and
Animals were pre-medicated with Tramadol at a dose 4009 magnification and digitally photographed.
of 2 mg kg 1 (Tramadol hydrochloride 50 mg mL 1, A histologic analysis was performed by two patholo-
Hipolaborâ; Sabar a, MG, Brazil) by deep intramuscu- gists, who were blind to the experimental conditions,
lar injection with a 1-mL syringe. After 10 minutes, at different times. Both examiners analysed the same
anaesthesia was induced using a combination of fields. The Masson trichrome and HE stains were used
xylazine (10 mg kg 1) (xylazine 2% Xilazin â; Syntec, to analyse the collagen fibre formation and thickness,
Cotia, SP, Brazil) and ketamine (80 mg kg 1) (keta- respectively, at 2009 magnification. The inflammatory
mine hydrochloride 50 mg mL 1, Clortaminaâ; Bio- infiltrate was analysed at 4009 magnification with HE
Chimico, Itatiaia, RJ, Brazil) prepared in the same stain. The intra-examiner agreement was based on two
syringe and administered by deep intramuscular injec- histologic evaluations performed at different intervals
tion. The back of the animal was shaved, and the sur- on 10% of the sections, which were arranged in order
gical region was disinfected with a 1% solution of from the smallest to the largest increase (j = 0.80 and
chlorhexidine gluconate. 0.81). The interexaminer agreement (j = 0.79) indi-
In preparation for the dorsal implantation in each cated interexaminer reliability.
animal, polyethylene tubes that were 1 mm in inter- The tissues that contacted the open end of the
nal diameter (peripheral catheter type scalp No. 27 tubes were analysed and graded for the following his-
Solidorâ; Shijiazhuang, China) were sterilized in ethyl- tologic findings: 1. formation of collagen fibres, 2. tis-
ene oxide and closed at one end with an Allis forceps. sue thickness and 3. inflammatory infiltrate. The
The tubes were heated, sliced into 1-cm segments and density of collagen fibre formation was graded as 0
filled with the material to be tested. After a 0.5-cm lin- (absent), 1 (mild – collagen fibres arranged similarly
ear incision was made at the caudal lumbar dorsum, to normal connective tissue), 2 (moderate – individual
the soft tissue was dissected, and a tube was inserted collagen fibres were observed, but did not display lin-
into the tissue. The skin incision was closed with 5.0 ear features or a typical wavy microanatomy) and 3
nylon sutures (Shalonâ Sutures; S~ ao Luis de Montes (severe – very dense, individual collagen fibres cannot
Belo, GO, Brazil). be distinguished) (Silva et al. 2009, Queiroz et al.
For the first 24 h following implantation, the ani- 2011).
mals received tramadol analgesia (2 mg kg 1), which The tissue thickness was assessed by the extent of
was administered by deep intramuscular injection fibroblast cell layers formed and the presence of
every 6 h. macrophages in the peripheral contact region of the
At the end of 7, 21 or 63 days, animals from each tube and classified as follows: 0 (normal – no layer),
group were pre-medicated with tramadol (2 mg kg 1) 1 (slightly increased – 1 to 3 layers), 2 (moderately
by deep intramuscular injection and euthanized with increased – 4 to 10 layers) and 3 (intensely increased
an anaesthetic combination of xylazine (10 mg kg 1) – more than 10 layers). The inflammatory infiltrate
and ketamine (80 mg kg 1) prepared in the same was analysed qualitatively to assess the characteristics
syringe and administered by deep intramuscular injec- and concentration of polymorphonuclear cells (PMN)
tion. The implant area, which comprised polyethylene and mononuclear cells, which were classified as

© 2014 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal 3
Materials biocompatibility Lima et al.

follows: 0 (no cells), 1 (mild – 1 to 10 cells), 2

(moderate – 11 to 20 inflammatory cells) and 3
(intense – inflammatory cell concentration ≥21 cells) Upon removal, all implants were covered with a visi-
(Silva et al. 2009, Queiroz et al. 2011). ble, palpable and transparent fibrous capsule. There
were no signs of rejection in the specimens. The tubes
containing CTZ paste displayed progressive darkening
Morphometric analysis
over time.
Morphometry, via quantitative analysis of the tissue The results from the qualitative histologic analysis
area that directly contacted the open part of the tube, of the collagen fibre formation, thickness and inflam-
was performed using imaging software (Leica QWin – matory infiltration of connective tissue adjacent to
Image Processing and Analysis Software Leica D- the open ends of the polyethylene tubes are presented
1000, version 4.1; Cambridge, UK). Estimated values in Table 1 and Figs 2, 3 and 4.
for the tissue thickness (lm), perimeter (lm) and area When the same treatment was compared for differ-
(lm2) were obtained by image analysis of the photo- ent experimental periods (7, 21 and 63 days), signifi-
micrographs. cant differences were observed in the reduction of
collagen fibre formation (P < 0.05) and inflammatory
cell infiltration (P < 0.05) for the specimens that were
Statistical analysis
treated with calcium hydroxide paste. In the group
Data were tabulated and analysed using SPSS version implanted with an empty tube, increased formation of
18.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The Shapiro–Wilk collagen fibres (P < 0.05) was observed, and no sig-
test was used to test the null hypothesis. ANOVA with nificant difference was observed with the CTZ paste at
the Tukey post-test was used to verify differences different times (P > 0.05).
between the areas and perimeter thicknesses, and the The mean values with standard deviations for the
data grading scores were analysed by the Kruskal– thickness (lm), perimeter (lm) and area (lm2) of the
Wallis test followed by Dunn’s post-test, with signifi- reactive tissue in direct contact with the open tubes
cance established as P < 0.05 (Fig. 1). are presented in Table 2.

Figure 1 Study flowchart.

4 International Endodontic Journal © 2014 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Table 1 Qualitative histologic analysis of the collagen fibre formation, thickness and inflammatory cell infiltration of the connective tissue adjacent to the open ends of the
polyethylene tubing

Experimental period (days)

Material tested 7 21b 63c

Formation of collagen fibres (Fig. 2a–j)

Empty tube Mild to moderate (Fig. 2a) Individual collagen fibres and alternating extracellular Collagen fibres admixed with extracellular matrix
matrix without linear features or wavy fibres (Fig. 2b) without any typical linear or wavy forms; individual
collagen fibres could not be distinguished (Fig. 2c)
Calcium hydroxide paste Mild collagen fibre density (Fig. 2d) Mild collagen fibre density (Fig. 2e) Moderate (Fig. 2f)
CTZ paste Mild collagen fibre density (Fig. 2g) Individual collagen fibres observed as in normal Mild to moderate (Fig. 2i)
connective tissue (Fig. 2h)

© 2014 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Tissue thickness (Fig. 3a–j)
Empty tube Moderately increased (Fig. 3a) Severely increased (Fig. 3b) Moderately increased (Fig. 3c)
Calcium hydroxide paste Mild to moderately increased (Fig. 3d) Slightly increased (Fig. 3e) Mild to moderately increased (Fig. 3f)
CTZ paste Severely increased (Fig. 3g) Moderately increased, marked presence of fibroblasts Slightly increased (Fig. 3i)
(Fig. 3h)
Inflammatory infiltrate (Fig. 4a–j)
Empty tube Severe; presence of lymphocytes, Severe; presence of macrophages, lymphocytes, Severe; mononuclear and occasional neutrophils
macrophages, neutrophils, and newly neutrophils and newly formed vessels (Fig. 4b) present (Fig. 4c)
formed vessels (Fig. 4a)
Calcium hydroxide paste Moderate; mixed macrophages and Moderate; predominantly mononuclear, with the Mild; predominantly mononuclear with occasional
neutrophils present (Fig. 4d) possible presence of neutrophils (Fig. 4e) neutrophils (Fig. 4f)
CTZ paste Severe; predominantly mononuclear, Moderate; with macrophages, neutrophils and Mild; predominantly mononuclear with occasional
with neutrophils present (Fig. 4g) neovascularization (Fig. 4h) neutrophils (Fig. 4i)

P: Kruskal–Wallis.
There was no statistically significant difference between groups (P > 0.05).
There was no statistically significant difference between groups (P > 0.05).
There was a statistically significant difference between the groups in the collagen fibre formation during this period (P < 0.05).
Lima et al. Materials biocompatibility

5 International Endodontic Journal

Materials biocompatibility Lima et al.

Empty tube Ca(OH)2 paste CTZ paste

(a) (b) (c)

7th Day

(d) (e) (f)

21st Day

(g) (h) (i)

63rd Day

(j) Mild Moderate Severe













































Figure 2 (a–i) Photomicrographs stained with Masson trichrome showing the formation of collagen fibres in the connective tis-
sue adjacent to the open ends of the polyethylene tubes in contact with the empty tube (a, d, g), calcium hydroxide paste (Ca
(OH)2) (b, e, h) and CTZ paste (c, f, i), at 7, 21 and 63 days, respectively (2009 magnification). (j) Groups for the qualitative
analysis of the collagen fibre formation. (1) Space occupied by the tube and (2) subcutaneous tissue.

Discussion able, for primary teeth with necrotic pulps (Silva et al.
2010, Barja-Fidalgo et al. 2011, Queiroz et al. 2011).
A great challenge facing Paediatric Dentistry is to
CTZ paste has great potential as a treatment option
develop biomaterials that possess antimicrobial prop-
for endodontically compromised primary teeth in
erties, in addition to being biocompatible and resorb-

6 International Endodontic Journal © 2014 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Lima et al. Materials biocompatibility

Empty tube Ca(OH)2 paste CTZ paste

(a) (b) (c)

7th Day

(d) (e) (f)

21st Day

(g) (h) (i)

63rd Day

(j) Slighty increased Moderately increased Intensely increased













































Figure 3 (a–i) Photomicrographs showing the HE staining for the tissue thickness adjacent to the open end of polyethylene tube
in contact with the empty tube (a, d, g), calcium hydroxide paste (Ca(OH)2) (b, e, h) and CTZ paste (c, f, i), at 7, 21 and 63 days,
respectively (2009 magnification). (j) Groups for the qualitative analysis of tissue thickness. (1) Space occupied by the tubing, (2)
subcutaneous tissue, (*) neovascularization, (f) fibroblasts, (l) lymphocytes, (m) macrophages and (n) neutrophils.

© 2014 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal 7
Materials biocompatibility Lima et al.

Empty tube Ca(OH)2 paste CTZ paste

(a) (b) (c)

7th Day

(d) (e) (f)

21st Day

(g) (h) (i)

63rd Day

(j) Mild Moderate Intense













































Figure 4 (a–i) Photomicrographs of HE-stained tissue showing inflammatory infiltrate in the connective tissue adjacent to the
open end of the polyethylene tube in contact with the empty tube (a, d, g), calcium hydroxide paste (Ca(OH)2) (b, e, h) and
CTZ paste (c, f, i), at 7, 21 and 63 days, respectively (4009 magnification). (j) Groups for the qualitative analysis of the inflam-
matory reaction. (1) Space occupied by the tubing, (2) subcutaneous tissue, (*) neovascularization, (f) fibroblasts, (l) lympho-
cytes, (m) macrophages and (n) neutrophils.

8 International Endodontic Journal © 2014 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Lima et al. Materials biocompatibility

Table 2 Mean values with standard deviations for thickness (lm), perimeter (lm) and area (lm2) of tissue reaction

Day 7 Day 21 Day 63

M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) P*

Thickness (lm)
CTZ 135.9 (59.0) 121.4 (69.6) 88.8 (41.0) 0.376
Ca(OH)2 84.7 (17.2) 92.0 (28.5) 76.4 (26.1) 0.552
Control 108.3 (41.6) 87.1 (22.6) 70.4 (31.8) 0.121
P 0.091 0.389 0.634
Perimeter (lm)
CTZ 1046.1 (252.3) 950.0 (211.8) 941.2 (179.0) 0.656
Ca(OH)2 884.4 (253.8) 894.3 (143.0) 916.7 (173.4) 0.958
Control 1079.6 (73.1) 880.4 (115.2) 763.8 (190.9) 0.004
P 0.261 0.738 0.218
Area (lm2)
CTZ 53554.9 (16442.2) 47344.8 (27953.0) 33816.3 (13998.1) 0.261
Ca(OH)2 32132.6 (11382.7) 32404.8 (9832.4) 24996.0 (1335.6) 0.473
Control 49362.2 (9999.3) 32561.9 (12713.6) 23483.9 (13930.3) 0.008
P 0.027 0.308 0.396

M = mean; SD = standard deviation.

P: ANOVA test, applied between the materials in same experimental period.
P: ANOVA test, applied for each material between the different experimental periods.

young children with behavioural problems. Another Compatibility with living tissue in the periapical or
application for CTZ paste is for users of public interradicular region is one of the most important
health services because of the large patient loads in properties for materials used in pulp therapy of pri-
such facilities and the ease with which general mary teeth due to the occurrence of root resorption
practitioners can perform these procedures due to the and the presence of anatomical variations that may
technical simplicity, excellent clinical outcomes and jeopardize periodontal and periapical tissues, which
cost-effectiveness (Cappiello 1964, Bruno et al. 2007). may in turn endanger the development of permanent
There is a lack of scientific literature on the use of teeth (Lacativa et al. 2012).
CTZ paste in clinical settings. This study is part of a Polyethylene tube implants are used experimentally
macro-development project that encompasses research to simulate the relationship between the tooth apex
on the performance and antimicrobial action of CTZ and periapical tissues because the material within the
paste and its components. tubes diffuses in a restricted area (Olsson et al. 1981,
Biocompatibility is the ability of an applied material International Organization for Standardization 2007a,
or substance to trigger the intended response in the Silva et al. 2009, Khashaba et al. 2011, Marques
host. That is, although a biocompatible material may et al. 2011, Mutoh & Tani-Ishii 2011).
not be inert, the reaction caused by a test material In this study, the groups in which empty polyethyl-
must not pose an unacceptable physiological hazard ene tubes were implanted had higher scores in the
when compared with other scientifically approved qualitative histologic analysis for fibroplasia and had
materials (Wataha 2001, Peters 2013). significant differences in the perimeter and area of the
Three tests are recommended for evaluating the bio- tissue regions in direct contact with the open tube.
compatibility of endodontic materials: initial, second- This result was expected because no materials were
ary and application. The method used in this study introduced that could induce an acute inflammatory
was a sub-type that is used to evaluate biological tis- response or reaction. However, other studies have
sue responses around the test material and to compare reported responses to empty tubes, albeit less intense
such results to biocompatible controls with established than those observed for the experimental parameters
scientific acceptability (Olsson et al. 1981, ISO 7405 analysed at the time (Silva et al. 2009, Queiroz et al.
1996, ISO 10993-6 2007a, ISO 10993-12 2007b, 2011).
Hauman & Love 2003a, Silva et al. 2009, Pereira Significant reductions were observed in the density
et al. 2012). Subcutaneous implants, which were of collagen fibres and the inflammatory reaction when
introduced by Torneck (1966), are used most com- testing the calcium hydroxide paste for different
monly in dentistry. experimental periods. Calcium hydroxide is widely

© 2014 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal
Materials biocompatibility Lima et al.

used in dentistry due to its biocompatible properties 2007, Silva et al. 2010, Marques et al. 2011, Gomes-
and antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and reparative Filho et al. 2012).
activities (Hauman & Love 2003a,b, Mohammadi & Other materials are used as pastes for the root
Dummer 2011, de Sousa et al. 2011, Gondim et al. canal treatment of primary teeth, including pastes
2012). The biocompatibility results obtained in this containing zinc oxide and eugenol (ZOE) with iodo-
study for calcium hydroxide paste are consistent with form or a paste that combines iodoform and calcium
those reported by several authors (Holland et al. hydroxide (Ranly & Garcia-Godoy 2000, American
2001, Semenoff et al. 2008, Silva et al. 2010, Andolf- Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 2012). Studies with
atto et al. 2012). ZOE as a root canal filling material reported a chronic
In the present study, the tubes containing CTZ inflammatory reaction and slow resorption in relation
paste displayed progressive darkening over time, to the tooth (Fuks 2000, Hauman & Love 2003b).
which may have been caused by the tetracycline The iodoform pastes, when combined with calcium
component. The CTZ paste was associated with an hydroxide, exhibit good biological response and anti-
initial intense inflammatory response during the first microbial properties and are more easily reabsorbed
days of the experiment. At the end of the experiment, at the periapical region (Ranly & Garcia-Godoy
a mild chronic inflammatory process was observed, 2000). However, the techniques proposed for using
with a qualitative and quantitative decrease in the these materials recommend the use of instrumenta-
density of collagen fibres and tissue thickness. This tion and chemical–mechanical systems for the root
finding suggests that CTZ was biocompatible and canals of primary teeth (American Academy of Pedi-
showed therapeutic properties. In a previous study, atric Dentistry 2012).
histopathologic analysis of pulpotomy performed in The limitations of this study are inherent to pre-
dogs’ teeth treated with CTZ paste demonstrated the clinical experimental studies. Although the results
occurrence of an initial intense inflammatory process presented here do not reflect a complete analysis of
in the coronal pulp with reduced inflammation at the the reactions that occur in the pulp, periapical or in-
end of the experiment (Bruno et al. 2007). However, terradicular regions, the results are important for the
the literature lacks studies on the biocompatibility of preliminary assessment of the irritative potential of
CTZ paste; thus, it was not possible to compare the the tested materials and subsequent biological
results obtained in this study with those of other pub- responses.
lished studies.
The normal reaction to any tissue injury tends to
manifest as an acute neutrophilic inflammatory infil-
trate (Serhan 2010). Given that acute histopathologic The initial inflammatory reactions in mice induced by
tissue behaviour is similar across all groups, studies CTZ and calcium hydroxide pastes regressed during the
that aim to test the biocompatibility of a drug that experimental periods; in addition, these pastes resulted
may cause a tissue reaction should be focused on in less-dense fibrous connective tissue, compared with
chronic inflammatory reactions. In this study, the the results using the empty control. These reactions
pastes and the control group showed variable chronic support the biocompatibility of the two pastes.
inflammatory processes at different experimental
A histologic hallmark of successful pulp therapy is
the development of reparative tissue (Torneck 1966). This study was supported financial by a scholarship
In the present study, a significant difference in the den- grant from the Coordination of Improvement of
sity of collagen fibres was observed between the two Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).
pastes at the end of the experiment. The difference was
characterized by a decrease in the collagen fibres in
Author contributions
specimens containing either the CTZ or the calcium
hydroxide paste compared with the negative control. CCBL participated in the project design and data
This finding is important because the two pastes collection and analysis and interpretation of data
behaved in manner that favours tissue repair. The and wrote the article. AMCJ participated in the pro-
results are consistent with other studies that reported ject design and data collection and analysis and
similar methodologies (Sousa et al. 2004, Batista et al. interpretation of data and wrote the article. MSR

International Endodontic Journal © 2014 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Lima et al. Materials biocompatibility

participated in the analysis and interpretation of Hauman CHJ, Love RM (2003b) Biocompatibility of dental
data and wrote the article. RDM participated in the materials used in contemporary endodontic therapy: a
analysis of data. MSM revised the article. MDML review. Part 2. Root-canal-filling materials. International
participated in the study preparation and revised Endodontic Journal 36, 147–60.
Holland R, de Souza V, Nery MJ et al. (2001) Reaction of rat
the article. LFADM conceived the study, participated
connective tissue to implanted dentin tube filled with min-
in the study preparation and coordination, and
eral trioxide aggregate, Portland cement or calcium
wrote the article. All of the authors read and hydroxide. Brazilian Dental Journal 12, 3–8.
approved the final manuscript. International Organization for Standardization (1996) 7405.
Dentistry – Preclinical evaluation of biocompatibility of medical
devices used in dentistry – Test methods for dental materials.
Geneva, Switzerland: International Standardization Orga-
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (2012) Guideline nization.
on pulp therapy for primary and young permanent teeth. International Organization for Standardization(2007a) 10993-
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