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PMPG 5012 – Project Procurement Management

Assignment Name: Request for Proposal (RFP)

Instructor Name: Cheryl Francis-Nurse

Group Number: 6

Date of Submission: 13/11/23

Course Section: A - 1st Semester

The following students were present for the group discussion and contributed to the assignment
as indicated:

Student Name Contribution to Assignment

1. Ankita Raj Price, Appendices
2. Linda Maria Kumpukattu Jojimon
3. Partibha Lather Proposed Training Strategy, cover
4. Ria Sanjay Mehta Details of Qualified Seller Employees
5. Rose Ibulu BACKGROUND, Cover Letter
6. Sanvid Prashant Jayakar Seller’s Experiencs,Examples of
Successful projects/references

Group Participation RACI Chart
RACI Chart Team Member
Task Ankita Linda Partibha Ria Rose Sanvid
Format, Cover Page, Share document on
SharePoint, RACI chart
Cover Letter, Seller’s background I I I C R/A I
Seller’s Experience I I I I R/A C
Seller Company Financial Situation C I I I I R/A
Proposed Training Strategy I C R A I I
Training Schedule I I I I C I
Details of Qualified Seller Employees I I C R I I
Price R I I C I I
Appendix R C I I I I
Meeting Notes R/A I I I I I
Review and final formatting R/A I C C C C
Submission on Backboard R/A I I I I I

City of HumberVille
Dynamic Event Solutions

Group # 6
Group Members:
1. Ankita Raj
2. Partibha Lather
3. Ria Sanjay Mehta
4. Rose Ibulu
5. Linda Maria Kumpukattu Jojimon
6. Sanvid Prashant Jayakar

DATE: 13/11/2023

Table of Contents
DES BACKGROUND AND COVER LETTER...............................................................................................6
Cover Letter.............................................................................................................................................7
DES EXPERIENCE IN THE FIELD..............................................................................................................8
Experience in Addressing Client’s Needs.................................................................................................8
Differentiation from Competition............................................................................................................8
REFERENCES (LIST OF REFERENCES ATTACHED).....................................................................................8
Our Successful Projects...........................................................................................................................8
DES FINANCIAL SITUATION...................................................................................................................8
Financial Stability.....................................................................................................................................8
PROPOSED STRATEGY..........................................................................................................................9
DES TEAM..........................................................................................................................................10
PRICE AND CONTRACT OBSERVATIONS..............................................................................................12
Proposed Pricing Model........................................................................................................................12
Contract Observations:..........................................................................................................................12
Resume / CVs.........................................................................................................................................13
Customer Reference..............................................................................................................................14
Décor Options........................................................................................................................................14

At Dynamic Event Solutions, we don't just organize events; we weave experiences that linger in
the tapestry of memories. Nestled in the heart of Humberville at 234, Robina Avenue, our
journey in the event management realm spans over a decade, marked by a passion for
perfection and an unwavering commitment to creating seamless, extraordinary moments.
As we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to contribute our expertise to the upcoming
international hockey tournament, we bring a legacy of orchestrating major events that
transcend the ordinary. Picture this: the buzz of an international sports gala, where 20,000
attendees witnessed a meticulously curated fusion of accessibility-compliant venues and
thematic decor. Envision a cultural festival where 15,000 guests reveled in a symphony of
diverse decor elements, each telling a unique story.
Our headquarters in Humberville serves as the strategic hub from which we've crafted
countless unforgettable experiences, turning dreams into reality. Dynamic Event Solutions is
not just a company; it's a curator of atmospheres, an architect of moments, and a steward of
impeccable execution.
The beating heart of our success lies in our ability to address the specific needs of our clients.
Whether it's venue selection, decor innovation, or staffing services, we bring a proven track
record that speaks volumes. What sets us apart is not just what we do, but how we do it. Our
commitment to innovation, attention to detail, and a relentless pursuit of excellence distinguish
us in a sea of event management companies.
As we stand on the precipice of a new venture with the City of HumberVille, we are not merely
seeking collaboration; we are seeking to craft an experience that transcends expectations. Our
proposal is not just a document; it's a promise to elevate the upcoming international hockey
tournament into a symphony of seamless execution, innovation, and unforgettable moments.
Join us in transforming events into experiences, where every detail is a brushstroke on the
canvas of memories. Dynamic Event Solutions awaits the canvas of the international hockey
tournament, ready to paint a masterpiece that will be etched in the annals of Humberville's

Cover Letter
Ankita Raj
Dynamic Event Solutions
234, Robina Avenue, Humberville, M3FY7D | 548-333-0924

Jack Ryan
Procurement Department, City of HumberVille
1983 Kipling Ave, Humberville, ON M9W 4J4

Hello Mr. Ryan,

We are writing to express our excitement and eagerness at the opportunity to collaborate with
the City of HumberVille on the upcoming international hockey tournament. At Dynamic Event
Solutions, we take immense pride in our ability to deliver flawlessly executed events, and we
believe that our expertise will not only meet but exceed the expectations outlined in the RFP.
Dynamic Event Solutions, headquartered strategically at 234, Robina Avenue, Humberville, has
been a leading name in the event management industry for over a decade. Our focus on venue
selection, decor, and staffing services aligns seamlessly with the requirements of the RFP. We
are committed to delivering comprehensive event management services that ensure a seamless
and memorable experience for all attendees.
Our track record in managing large-scale events, particularly in venue setup and event decor,
directly aligns with the outlined needs in the RFP. We have consistently provided compliant
venues and thematic decor, enhancing the overall event atmosphere.
What sets us apart is our dedication to innovation and meticulous attention to detail. Our
proprietary methods for venue selection, coupled with creative decor solutions, guarantee an
unforgettable experience within specified timelines and budgets.
Our decade-long presence in the industry has yielded consistent revenue growth. Our financial
statements, available upon request, attest to our stable financial standing. Our commitment to
fiscal responsibility and sustainable business practices ensures a strong financial foundation,
crucial for the successful execution of projects.
We are confident that our experience, financial stability, comprehensive training strategy, and
competitive pricing make us the ideal partner for the success of the international hockey
tournament. We look forward to the possibility of working together to create an extraordinary
event experience.
Thank you for considering Dynamic Event Solutions.
Ankita Raj
Project Manager
Dynamic Event Solutions


Embarking on the journey of the City of HumberVille's International Hockey Tournament is not
just an undertaking, it's an opportunity to craft an unforgettable experience, and we stand
poised as the ideal partner to transform this vision into reality. Here's a glimpse into the vibrant
tapestry of our experience, woven with creativity and innovation, set to elevate this

tournament to unparalleled heights.

Experience in Addressing Client’s Needs

Our seasoned team has successfully orchestrated numerous events of similar magnitude,
demonstrating an in-depth understanding of the intricacies involved in hosting international
tournaments. We appreciate the specific needs outlined in the RFP, such as the bilingual
proficiency requirement for staff, ensuring effective communication with all stakeholders.
Our experience enables us to navigate challenges efficiently, offering tailored solutions for
venue selection, decor design, and logistical coordination. We recognize the importance of a
seamless and comfortable experience for both event organizers and attendees, aligning with
the client's vision for the tournament.
Our track record includes delivering projects on time and within budget, a testament to our
commitment to meeting and exceeding client expectations. The unique demands of hosting an
international hockey tournament are well within our capabilities, and our experience positions
us as a reliable partner for the successful execution of this project.

Differentiation from Competition

What sets us apart is not just the number of projects we've handled but our approach to
innovation and client collaboration. Our team goes beyond conventional solutions, leveraging
our experience to bring creativity, adaptability, and forward-thinking to each project.
Our commitment to transparency, open communication, and a client-centric approach
differentiates us from competitors. We prioritize understanding the client's vision and goals,
ensuring that our solutions are not only effective but also aligned with the client's broader
objectives. Our collaborative mindset fosters a true partnership throughout the project


Our Successful Projects-
1. International Sports Festival
Client: Global Sports Events Organization
Project Overview: Successfully organized an international sports festival featuring various disciplines,
including soccer, basketball, and athletics. Coordinated venue selection, logistics, and event decoration
for a week-long tournament with participants from over 20 countries. The event garnered positive
reviews for seamless execution and contributed to the client's reputation as a premier organizer of

global sports events.
Reference Contact:
Name: Emily Thompson
Position: Events Manager
Company: Global Sports Events Organization
Contact Details: | (555) 123-4567

2. Corporate Gala for Fortune 500 Company

Client: Ramsey Corporation (Fortune 500)
Project Overview: Designed and executed a lavish corporate gala for Ramsey Corporation, involving
venue transformation, thematic decor, and VIP guest management. The event aimed at celebrating
company achievements and fostering employee engagement. The successful gala received accolades
from top executives and set a benchmark for future corporate events.
Reference Contact:
Name: John Rodriguez
Position: Head of Corporate Events
Company: Ramsey Corporation
Contact Details: | (555) 987-6543

3. Citywide Cultural Festival

Client: City Arts Council
Project Overview: Led the planning and execution of a citywide cultural festival, managing multiple
venues and logistical coordination. The festival showcased diverse art forms, attracted thousands of
attendees, and received widespread media coverage. The event contributed to the cultural enrichment
of the city and positioned the Arts Council as a key cultural influencer.
Reference Contact:
Name: Sarah Mitchell
Position: Director of Arts and Culture
Company: City Arts Council
Contact Details: | (555) 789-0123


Financial Stability
Dynamic Event Solutions has been a reputable player in the events industry for over a decade,
experiencing consistent revenue growth year over year. Our financial statements and forecasts
are available upon request, showcasing our stable financial standing.
At Dynamic Event Solutions, we take pride in our robust financial standing, which is a testament
to our commitment to fiscal responsibility and sustainable business practices. As a key player in
the events industry for over a decade, we have consistently demonstrated financial stability and
resilience. Our financial health is a crucial factor in ensuring the successful execution of
projects, including the upcoming international hockey tournament in Humberville.

Key Financial Highlights:

 Consistent Revenue Growth: Over the years, Dynamic Event Solutions has experienced
steady and consistent revenue growth. This growth is indicative of our ability to attract
clients, deliver high-quality services, and effectively manage our financial resources. Our
financial statements, which are available upon request, provide a transparent overview
of our revenue streams, profit margins, and overall financial performance.
 Innovation Investment: A significant portion of our financial resources is allocated to
continuous innovation and maintaining a high standard of quality in our services. We
believe in staying at the forefront of industry trends, adopting cutting-edge
technologies, and investing in the professional development of our team to ensure that
we deliver innovative and top-notch event solutions.
 Proactive Risk Management: Part of our financial strategy involves rigorous risk
management and contingency planning. We recognize the dynamic nature of the events
industry and have implemented strategies to mitigate potential risks. Our proactive
approach to identifying and addressing financial risks positions us well to navigate
uncertainties and deliver on our commitments.
 Transparency and Compliance: Dynamic Event Solutions places a premium on
transparency and compliance with financial regulations. Our financial practices adhere
to industry standards, ensuring that we operate ethically and maintain the trust of our
clients and stakeholders. Compliance with accounting principles, tax regulations, and
reporting standards is integral to our financial management approach.
 Financial Flexibility: Our financial position is characterized by flexibility and adaptability.
This allows us to tailor financial solutions to the unique requirements of each project,
such as the international hockey tournament in Humberville. We are well-equipped to
navigate the complexities of budgeting, resource allocation, and financial decision-
making to meet the specific needs outlined in the RFP.
In conclusion, Dynamic Event Solutions' financial strength, coupled with our extensive
experience, positions us as a trustworthy and proficient partner for the success of the upcoming
international hockey tournament.

1. Venue Selection and Refurbishment:

Identification and Venue Assessment: Our methodology entails a comprehensive assessment of the
venues that are available, considering variables like space, seating capacity, parking, and adherence to
safety and accessibility regulations. To guarantee a proper decision, this process involves site visits and
consultations with facility staff and councils.

Refurbishment Strategy: Should it be required, our approach centers on suggesting essential

improvements or alterations to certain locations, making sure they comply with Humberville's

specifications. These upgrades could include any necessary renovations, electrical upgrades, or
structural improvements.

AODA Compliance Assurance: We promise to make all chosen locations compliant with the Accessibility
for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, hence providing complete accessibility for every guest.


 Northern Lights Arena

 Location: Set amidst Humberville's serene countryside, the Northern Lights Arena marries
modernity with natural beauty.
 Venue Assessment: Boasting a spacious layout accommodating 24,000 attendees, this venue
excels in providing ample parking, adhering to safety regulations, Outdoor Amphitheater and
ensuring accessibility for all guests. Utilizes sustainable energy sources and eco-conscious
architecture, promoting environmental responsibility.
 Reinforcement of existing structural elements and sustainability upgrades - Lump Sum:

 Heritage Iceplex
 Location: Located in the heart of Humberville's historic district, the Heritage Iceplex is an
architectural marvel that seamlessly blends the city's heritage with modern conveniences.
 Venue Assessment: Embodying historic grandeur, this venue offers adaptable spaces for various
event configurations while retaining its historical integrity. Site evaluations confirm its
compliance with safety and accessibility standards. Offers convenient parking provisions,
ensuring hassle-free access for event visitors. Accommodates up to 20,000 attendees
 Refurbishment Costs: Preservation of historical elements while integrating modern accessibility
features - Lump Sum: $300,000.00

2. Décor and Aesthetics:

Theme Alignment: Using appropriate colors, patterns, and visual components that complement
Humberville's event branding, our suggested solutions concentrate on blending event themes smoothly
into the décor.

Signage & Visual Elements: To improve the entire event experience and give participants clear visibility
and guidance, we intend to strategically install directional signs, banners, and information boards.

3. Budget and Time Management:

Budget Allocation: Our suggested budget allots sums to each project component, guaranteeing
economical solutions without sacrificing compliance or quality.

Timeline Adherence: We place a strong emphasis on providing a thorough timeline for every stage of the
project, guaranteeing completion well in advance of the event date and accommodating for unforeseen

4. Logistics and Staffing:

Logistics Management: Our approach entails painstaking preparation for both setup and transportation,
guaranteeing the smooth transfer of supplies and machinery from outside sites to the venue.

Staffing Plan: We guarantee that a professional, bilingual (French and English) crew will be available
during the event to cater to guests' needs and successfully handle emergency circumstances.

5. Safety and Compliance:

Budget Allocation: Our suggested budget allots sums to each project component, guaranteeing
economical solutions without sacrificing compliance or quality.

Timeline Adherence: We place a strong emphasis on providing a thorough timeline for every stage of the
project, guaranteeing completion well in advance of the event date and accommodating for unforeseen

6. Indigenous Inclusion and Quality Assurance:

Engagement with Indigenous groups: When appropriate, our strategy include reaching out to Indigenous
groups to solicit their opinions and thinking about politely integrating Indigenous components into the

Quality Assurance: Throughout the planning and execution stages of the project, we will adhere to
quality checks and assessments and maintain the highest standards throughout all project components.

7. Communication and Public Relations:

Communication Plan: To ensure open and efficient participation, our all-encompassing approach
involves prompt and transparent contact with the public, media, and stakeholders.

Emergency Preparedness: We place a high priority on putting strict security measures and emergency
procedures into place to ensure that everyone attending—including VIPs and athletes—is safe.

Key Team Members:
1.Project Manager - Anikta Raj will oversee the international hockey tournament project's entire
planning, carrying out, and effective completion. She will be responsible for client communication, team
collaboration, and strategic decision-making.
Qualifications and Experience: Ankita Raj has over ten years of experience planning major international
events and holds a master's degree in event management. Her Project Management Professionals (PMP)
certification guarantees a methodical and disciplined approach to project execution.
2.Decor and Aesthetics lead – Ria Mehta oversees the décor and aesthetics team, will supervise the
creative components of the project and make sure the event venue embodies the intended theme and

identity. This covers the visual components, signs, and general atmosphere.

Qualifications and expertise: Ria Mehta has over eight years of event decor expertise and a degree in
design. Her ability to transform ideas into aesthetically pleasing designs and their great sense of
aesthetics will be crucial in establishing a tournament atmosphere that people will remember.

3. Coordinator of Multilingual Staffing – Rose Ibulu oversees organising multilingual workers for the
event, will make sure that guests are effectively communicated with while taking linguistic diversity into
consideration. She will be responsible for hiring, teaching language, and supervising the staffing team

Qualifications and Experience: Rose Ibulu has six years of experience managing staffing for international
events and holds a degree in linguistics. She has coordinated multilingual teams where language
competency was essential.

4. Logistics and Operations Specialist - Partibha Lather oversees operations and logistics, Partibha
Lather will oversee the delivery of supplies and machinery, guaranteeing smooth coordination from
outside sites to the venue.

Qualifications and expertise: Partibha Lather has ten years of event logistics expertise and a degree in
logistics management. Possessing a qualification in Supply Chain Operations, she has effectively
overseen the logistics of multiple events, demonstrating her capacity to optimize processes and adhere
to strict timelines.


Dynamic Event Solutions proposes a competitive pricing model aligned with industry
standards, offering a flexible contract structure to accommodate the unique needs of the City
of HumberVille for venue and decor.

Proposed Pricing Model

Unit of One Time
Description Per Unit Cost Total Cost
Measure / Per Day
Venue Selection and Refurbishment
Northern Lights Arena - Venue Per Day 30 $100,000.00 $3,000,000.00
Northern Lights Arena - Refurbishment costs Lumpsum 1 $90,000.00 $90,000.00
Heritage Iceplex - Venue Per Day 30 $90,000.00 $2,700,000.00
Heritage Iceplex - Refurbishment costs Lumpsum 1 $300,000.00 $300,000.00
Decor and Aesthetics
Design and Implementation Lumpsum 1 $3,000,000.00 $3,000,000.00
Materials and staff Lumpsum 1 $2,500,000.00 $2,500,000.00
Event Staffing and Support
Staffing during the event (100 resources) Per Day 30 $50,000.00 $1,500,000.00

Emergency Response Team (50 resources) Per Day 30 $60,000.00 $1,800,000.00
Total Proposed Cost $11,890,000.00

Contract Observations:
Compliance with Contractual Terms: The proposed pricing and services are subject to the terms
and conditions outlined within the official contract. Any adjustments or modifications to the
proposed terms would be contingent upon mutual agreement and documented in the final
contractual arrangement.
Scope and Deliverables: The proposed pricing and services reflect a comprehensive approach to
fulfilling the project requirements as outlined in the RFP. Any potential alterations to the project
scope or deliverables will be subject to a formal change management process and agreed upon by
both parties.
Adherence to Timelines: The proposed schedule aligns with the project timeline as specified in the
RFP. Any deviations or adjustments to the project schedule will be communicated promptly, and
both parties will work collaboratively to mitigate any potential delays.
Terms of Payment and Invoicing: Payment terms, schedules, and invoicing procedures will be
formalized and integrated into the contractual agreement, ensuring clarity and transparency
regarding financial transactions between the involved parties.
Conflict Resolution and Dispute Mechanism: In the event of conflicts or disputes, both parties will
engage in constructive negotiations and seek to resolve issues through an amicable dispute
resolution process outlined in the contractual agreement.

Resume / CVs
Name: Ankita Raj
Designation: Project Manager
12+ years with over a decade in event management, Ankita has successfully led similar
projects, ensuring timely execution and client satisfaction.
Dates: 2010 – Present
 Town of Aurora
 Town of the Blue Mountains
Project Name:
 Town of Oakville
 City Mississauga
 Event management
Responsibility:  Quality Control
 Budget Management

Name: Sanvid Jaykar
Designation: Venue Coordinator
10+ years Sanvid’s experience in selecting and managing venues aligns with the
requirements specified, ensuring compliance and accessibility.
Dates: 2012 – Present
 Town of Aurora
Project Name:  Town of the Blue Mountains
 Town of Oakville
 Vendor Coordination
 Venue Logistics
 Technical Support
 Emergency Response

Name: Ria Mehta

Designation: Decor Specialist
8+ years Ria's creative expertise in thematic decor has enhanced the ambiance of
numerous events, ensuring a memorable experience.
Dates: 2014 – Present
 Town of Aurora
Project Name:  Town of the Blue Mountains
 Town of Oakville
 Design Conceptualization
Responsibility:  Material Selection
 Vendor Coordination

Décor Options
Decor Category Description

Center Ice Display  Custom ice sculpture or projection mapping on the rink
 Large team logos or event branding at center ice
 LED lights in team colors for a dynamic effect

 Sponsor logos and advertisements on the rink boards
Rink Board Graphics  Customized graphics to match the event theme.
 Interactive LED displays for dynamic content

 Locker room-style entrance decor with team memorabilia

Locker Room Entrance  Hockey stick archways and goalie mask displays
 Team jerseys and memorabilia framed on walls

 Themed backdrops behind each goalie net

Goalie Net Backdrops  Team banners or flags hung from the net supports.
 LED lighting effects to highlight the net area

 Smoke or fog effects for dramatic player entrances

Player Entrance Tunnel  Team banners lining the tunnel pathway.
 Themed carpeting or flooring for a branded entrance

 Tables shaped like hockey pucks or sticks.

Hockey-themed Tables  Centerpieces with hockey puck vases and team-colored flowers
 Hockey stick or skate-shaped table number holders

 Stadium-wide lighting effects synchronized with the event.

Stadium Lighting  Team-colored or themed lighting for a dramatic atmosphere
 Spotlight effects during key moments or presentations

 Customized graphics, animations, and event messages

Jumbotron Graphics  Highlight reels and live footage during the event.
 Interactive fan engagement activities on the Jumbotron

 Oversized replicas of team jerseys hung around the venue.

Hockey Jersey Banners  Customized banners with player names and numbers
 LED backlighting for a vibrant and dynamic display

 Seat covers in team colors or with the team logo.

Fan Seating Area  Foam fingers, pennants, or rally towels for each seat
 Themed cushions or seatbacks for added comfort

Financial Statement


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