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Unit 3 – Can I help you?

Teacher Dani
Activity 3 (Track 9)

A) Listen and complete.

Man: Good evening, everyone. Who are the ________________? Why have researches
become so interested in them? In tonight’s show we’ll look into who these people are
and how they’ve been (1) reshaping our society.

Woman: Millennials, an abbreviation for millennial generation, is a term used to

describe a segment of the population born between __________ and ____________.
They are also called Generation Y, and (2) follow Generation X, born between the early
sixties and the early eighties. They are said to be more liberal, supportive of diversity,
confident, and receptive to new ideas and ways of living. They are called
_____________ natives because of the need to be (3) hooked up to the internet all the
time. Research shows that no other generation spends as much time connected to the
___________. On average, Millennials spend ______ hours and 11 minutes via their PC
or _____________________ every week. They also love playing games, spending more
than ______ hours every week with their joysticks in hand. More precisely, six hours
and ____________ minutes. Music is another addition. They spend six hours and
__________________ minutes listening to their favorite singers and bands every week.
(4)Research also shows that Millennials consume more than (5) previous generations.
Being a generation of consumers, their preferences impact shopping habits. Millennials
spend approximately $2200 yearly. Of that, $ ____________ on average is spent on
smartphones, followed by $_____________ spent on fashion. Video games come in
third place, with $____________ spent on them. $240 is spent on electronics such as
_____________ and music players. Finally __________ account for the last $207.

Man: After our commercial break, we’ll see how retail stores are…

B) Match the word to its correct definition:

( ) To ​happen after something ​else in ​order or ​time.

( ) To ​change the ​character or ​organization of something.

( ) Careful study of a given subject.

( ) To connect a mechanism and a source of power.

( ) Existing or occurring before something else in time or order.

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