MV Nova Lighting Writeup

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* Requires Pixi 4.7.1, included in download.

* Game Folder -> JS -> Libs -> Replace your Pixie with the 4.7.1 version.
* To activate the script on a map, do the following:
* 1. Put an event onto a map.
* 2. In the 'Note' field (Next to the name) put the following text:
* 'Light 250 #a25600'
* - 250 is the lightradius of the object
* - #a25600 is a nice color for torches (Yellow/Orange in this case)
* - #FFFFFF is pure white light and not recommended for regular light.
* - (PS: #FFFFFF white light works great with the Terrax Legacy option enabled)
* - If You want a white light use a white light with intensity/alpha of 80%
* - So 'Light radius 150 #FFFFFF -1 .8' (No id, intensity 80%, -1 means no ID)
* - Or 'Light radius 150 #FFFFFF 2 .8' (Id 2, intensity 80%)
* 3. You're done, its that simple.
* PS: A nice evil red is '#8F0C00'
* - If you want to "Shut off" your light, simple reduce your radius to 0,
example: Fire radius 0 #a25600
* If you want to start with a day time tint, use '0xffffff' in the plugin
* If the intensity of the lights are too much, you can make the lights much more
basic in the options.
* Simply turn on the "Terrax Legacy" plugin option. Recommend to leave light
intensity alone with Terrax.
* This will make the lights look like default Terrax Lights.
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* There are two flavors of lights.
* 1) Lights with no IDs
* 2) Lights with IDs
* 1) Lights with no IDs are by default ON (unless told to be off)
* - Example: 'Light 250 #a25600' (No ID, Default on, intensity 100%)
* - Example: 'Light 250 #a25600 -1 .9' (No ID, Default on, intensity 90%)
* - '-1' stands for no ID so its default on, used if you need a number to adjust
* - Use plugin command 'Light on' or 'Light off' from within event to control
* 2) Lights with IDs are by default OFF (unless told to be on)
* - Example: 'Light 250 #8F0C00 2' (ID 2, Default off, intensity 100%)
* - Example: 'Light 250 #8F0C00 5 .8' (ID 5, Default off, intensity 80%)
* - These Lights must be told do be on. Use Plugin command 'Light on ID' like
'Light on 2'
* - Or you can simply use the Plugin Command 'Light on' from within the event, no
need for ID (it knows own ID).
* - There is a tricky situation that may arise with these lights. They are always
default on or off.
* - In order to control these lights I will show you how you can master these
events so that
* - they will always be on or off appropriately.
* - For this to work you need each map to have an autorun, and need the CE on
game load script 'Izy_CommonEventOnLoad'.
* - This will be used to call a common event that can tell lights to update
itself, details below.
* - This game load script is included in the download, I did not create it, so
please read the terms and give credit
* Have your map autorun turn on the events selfswitch D to tell each event to set
their lights up properly (Script below).
* Set this page as the last page in the event and set as an autorun that turns
off selfswitch D when its done.
* Use selfswitch A to keep track if the Light should be on or off, and selfswitch
D to run autorun when on.
* - Based on Selfswitch A, Light on or Light off, Selfswitch D off when the
autorun is done
* - (If selfswitch A is on: 'Light on' else 'Light off')
* (Important and powerful script)
* var m = $gameMap.mapId();
* for (var s = 1; s < $; s++){
* $gameSelfSwitches.setValue([m, s, 'D'], true);
* }
* (This script snippet, takes all the events in the current map and sets their
selfswitch D to true)
* - Make this a Common Event, and have the map autoruns, and the game load
script, call this.
* - if this is too complicated, no worries, I will create a youtube video to walk
you through this
* - Link:
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Main take away: all of your maps should have an Autorun that fixes lights with
a CE (if using advanced light mechanics)
* The game load script will take care of loaded games with the same CE (because
autorun would have already run)
* Autoruns are MUCH better and can get the job done.
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* To alter the player radius in game use the following plugin command :
* Light radius 200 #a25600 (to change the radius and the color)
* If you want to change the player radius slowly over time (like a dying torch)
* use the command 'Light radiusgrow 200 #a25600'
* You can also adjust intensity to 80% 'Light radiusgrow 200 #a25600 .8'
* Recap Basics:
* To turn on and off lightsources in the game, do the following:
* Give the lightsource the normal def : Light 250 #a25600 and an extra number
* so it becomes 'Light 250 #a25600 1'
* To turn on this light use plugin command : 'Light on 1'.
* To turn off the light use plugin command : 'Light off 1'.
* Events also a reference to their own light even of its numbered.
* Simply use 'Light on' or 'Light off' to turn on or turn off a light.
* Please Remember IDs are map specific, so you can give the same ID to a
different light on a different map.
* I recommend that if you want to control all lights of a certain kind, assign
them all the same ID.
* With the default Nova lighting enabled (Terrax version off) you have to be
mindful of the tinting and intensity of lights
* They can become too intense if you use colors that are too bright, the
* - Change the intensity of the light
* - Use Darker colors
* 'Light radius 200 #FFFFFF -1 .5' where .5 is the intensity. Light intensity
ranges from 0 to 1
* If you do not want to assign the light an ID, give it ID -1 so 'Light radius
150 #a25600 -1 .9'
* so this light with behave as if no ID was given and have an intensity of 90%
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* You can alter the size and color of existing Lights! (plugin command)
* light size #color id (ID is optional)
* light 450 #027218 Where Size is now 450 and Color is green
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Replacing the 'Light' with 'Fire' will give the lights a subtle flicker
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* The plugin command 'Tint set #333333' will make the room less dark.
* The plugin command 'Tint fade #777777 5' will fade the color from the current
color to the new, the last
* The number (5) is the speed of the fade, were 1 is a fast fade and 20 is a very
slow one.
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* To use a flashlight effect for player use 'Flashlight on 8 12 #FFFFFF' and
'Flashlight on'
* Where 8 = beamlength and 12 = beamwidth
* To use a flashlight effect with ID for event use 'Flashlight on 8 12 #FFFFFF 3'
and 'Flashlight off' or 'Flashlight on 8 12 #FFFFFF'
* Light intensity works the same for flashlights 'light radius color id alpha'.
* Again, if the intensity of the lights are too much, you can make the lights
much more basic in the options.
* Simply turn on the "Terrax Legacy" plugin option. Leave Light intensity at 100%
in this mode
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* If you want to lower strain on computer lower the bit map resolution.
* Lights closer together requires more computation.
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* This Plugin is compatible with Yanfly Copy Event and Spawn Event.
* It is highly recommended that you use these plugins to maximize your lighting
* The Killer Gin will create videos on Youtube to help with the basics
* and also to help illustrate how to maximize the plugins potential.
* Video:
* Link to Yanfly Copy Event (Highly Recommended!):
* Link to Yanfly Spawn Event (Highly Recommended!):
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* You can now SWITCH betwen Nova Lighting Style and Terrax Style at ANYTIME in
the game!
* (Script calls)
* "Anisoft.Nova.TerraxLighting = true;" Change to Terrax Style
* "Anisoft.Nova.TerraxLighting = false;" Change back to Nova Style
* Oh yeah, you may notice a plugin option to force 100 light intensity, I used
that as a shortcut to move between the two styles
* However, this is not necessary and might be removed in the next version,
because you can update lights manually.
* Remember, you can use plugin commands to alter a lights size and color at
anytime so this is not needed.
* Incoming, Nova Lighting DEMO and diagonal Flashlights! (In case you are using
an Q- 8 movement plugin)
* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* /////////////
* Terms of Use:
* /////////////
* 1) This Plugin is a collaboration between the Killer Gin and Dairnon, you must
credit us in your game credits page.
* 2) This Plugin is a paid plugin, you must have purchased this plugin on STEAM
or to use.
* 3) You may edit and patch the code.
* 4) Code may not be redistributed.
* Please report to thekillergin at if someone is using this code
without permission.
* Special thanks to everyone in the rpgmakerweb community for idea's, support and

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