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“Go into all the world and preach the Godspell to the whole creation” St.

Mark 16, 15



Plan: 2 Value: Motivation.

Generative Topic:
Containment and control

Concept: My way.

Unit- long Understanding goal:

- Understand what a policy implemented by a government is.
- Understand the reasons behind every US involvement.
- Describe the level of success of the policy of containment.
Preliminary Performance

The greater good

“Do your best for a greater good”

1. We saw the USA change in policy, the start of containment. During the
plan we are going to analyze specific cases that show how their policy
works, before that answer:
- Do you think USA is going to do their best for a greater good?
- I think that the USA is going to do the best for his own good, being selfish and
creating war between countries.

2. When the plan is finished come back to this question and check If your answer
has changed.

Methods of containment

1. How are the methods of containment used by the USA similar or different to the
ones used by the USSR in Eastern Europe?
- The USSR was more aggressive than the USA, a lot of deaths for example killing opposition,
including unnecessary wars. Excluding political parties that were not communist. The USSR
focused more on having political and social control, and the USA was more focused on giving
money and helping economically. Another method of containment is alliances, the USA is ally with
the NATO and the USSR with the war saw, both methods to contain those 2 powerful countries.
2. What is MAD and arm race? Give a full description.
- Arms race: The USA and the USSR were constantly fighting over everything, for example
the number of bombs each had, secret spies, myths and lies. Both countries finished having
hundreds of Atomic bombs and missiles pointing at each other.
- MAD: MAD means Mutual Assure Distraction. No one will attack first if one attacks the
other will immediately attack too. If the USA or the USSR attacks it would be a suicidal
decision, because they would immediately start a war. What MAD does is maintain a
balance between the two countries, which, when generating a fight, could be globally
destructive. The missile gap It is the fear that the two countries had each other, about
bombs, military stuff and economically.
- Remember to add to your description: how they used this as a method of
containment, the missile gap, and the fears of both sides and the quality or
quantity debate.

- With that knowledge make a poster explaining this you can do a drawing,
cartoon, be as creative as possible.

Case Study 1: The Korean War

Korea under Japanese occupation

1. Who was in control of Korea before the war ended?

- What was the government like?
- What were the changes they imposed?
- How was the living situation for Korean people?
- Were they happy with this control?

Japan was in control of Korea colony. Before there was an emperor in Korea, and Japan
took him out so Japan had the control of the whole Korean colony. They change the culture,
the language was changed, the money, there were no more newspapers, industries and
factories. They were not very well economically because Japan took all the income, that is,
they took all the money so they could not produce anything at all. No, they were not happy
because they were taking away all kinds of rights, in addition to having a bad government,
economy and lifestyle.

Today History:

1. Research in the newspaper articles (in schoology) about the situation and the
relationship between these two countries nowadays and write your own article
about it.

2. Taking into account what we learned about the relationship between Japan and
Korea; why do you think the Korean general public was angry about the movie
poster and the tiktoker´s tattoo? Explain your answer.

Korea and Japan are enemies?

Belen Machain
The two flags of these enemies, Japan and Korea,
Generally fighting for power.

Korea was a colony who had an emperor, actually it was fake because in that time in Korea there were Kings, but it
was just to put a name. Japan took that emperor out of power when they started to colonizer Korea, trying to make it
Japan owner. When they finally had a lot of power in Korea like to change things, for example they change the
culture, the language was changed, the money, there were no more newspapers, industries and factories. They were
not very well economically because Japan took all the income.

Nowadays their relationship is not good at all, Japan citizens never apologize for all the terrible and horrible thigs
that they made Korea suffer. A lot of people die and other finished that war with permanent problems. The
relationship between the two states has greatly deteriorated in recent years, characterized by strong mutual distrust
and a number of disputes. There are ongoing historical, geopolitical and nuclear issues between the two nations.

The Korean War

1. Look at the map and find in what parallel was Korea dived after World war II.
- Is in 38 parallel.

2. Why was UN intervention important for the USA and how did they got them to
intervene in the war?
- It was important because the UN had a lot of other nations together, so they
were more powerful. The UN was known as a peaceful and kind union, also
the USA ended looking like a good and peaceful country.

3. Why did the Chinese got involved in the Korean war?

- They got involved in the war because the USA (general Mac Arthur) was
invading North Korea and after that he tried to invade China so China react by
sending troops and military forces to counter attack general Mac Arthur. After
that China started invading South Korea.

4. Reflect and justify: Was Korea a success for containment?

- No, it wasn’t success for containment because by doing, creating, helping and
supporting the war they didn’t win anything. The territory that China won then
was taken by the USA again. Other countries sent troops and military forces by
the UN to help Mac Arthur invade North Korea and China and to protect South
Korea when China started to counter attack. Both USA, China and the USSR
lose a lot of money, troops, time and reputation and for nothing because they
finished in the same place as they started. Same owners of each country.
Case study 2: The Cuban revolution

1. How did the USA view Cuba before the revolution?

- The USA and Cuba had a ¨quiet¨ relationship because they both help each
other trading. The USA had a lot of business inside Cuba, and everything that
USA passes to Cuba he didn’t pay taxes, but it Cuba do any trade they do have
to pay taxes.

2. Personalities: make a small description of each one of the following leaders

- General Furgencio Batista

He was born January 16, 1901, Banes, Cuba. He was soldier and political leader who twice ruled Cuba. He was aslo a dictator
who was very aggressive and violent. Batista worked in a variety of jobs until he joined the army in 1921, Batista then became
the most powerful man in Cuba.
- Castro
He was born Aug. 13, 1926, near Birán, Cuba. Political leader of Cuba (1959–2008) after that he became a lawyer and worked
on behalf of the poor in Havana. Castro was against Batista and tried to confront him instead he went to prison. Castro led an
expedition in which a lot of people died.
- Che Guevara
He was born June 14, 1928, Rosario, Arg, born to a middle-class family .Che was the right hand of Fidel Castro. He left
Guatemala for Mexico, where he met Castro and joined his cause. After the Cuban revolution he held several key posts as one
of Castro’s most trusted aides; handsome and charismatic, he also had strong and powerful voice.

3. After watching the video of el Che Guevara explain:

- His reasons or excuses behind doing the Cuban revolution.

- They were attacking them as if they were a US colony when in reality they
were an independent country. The US thought they were a superior country
that can attach everything. Cuba also fight against imperialism and
- The demands and complains he had towards the USA.
- Che demanded that the US had spies in Cuba, by air planes and that they don’t
accept that, it’s like a private invasion. Pirate attracts on ships of different flags
and the infiltration of weapons in Cuba.

4. Explain the reaction of the USA to this revolution under the following headings; fill
them with examples of these actions.

- Influence: NATO. (the country that were allies with the USA told them to let
Cuba alone)
- Discredit: UN preens. (The Che Guevara went to the UN and talked against
US and showed the world what USA was doing, this showed the USA in a bad
- Destabilize: Economy, ( USA stopped trading with Cuba after the rebellion,
this was a heavy impact in both economies)
- Invade: Pigs invasion, (when the US sanded immigrants from Cuba to attack
the bay of pigs (Cuba) and failed, Cuban army killed every single immigrant)

H3 cont.

Case Study 2: The Cuban Missile Crisis

1. Watch the following videos and then answer:
-What was the USSR’s announcement in May 1962?

That the USSR was going to place missiles in Cuba.

-What was the US’s reaction to this news?

The US decided to send more surveillance to spy Cuba. They also blockade all the
entrance in the coast of those boats with missiles.
2. What was the October crisis and what were the agreements reached after it?

- It was a month in which the USA and the USSR were in the higher level of
tension and we was really near to an atomic missile attack. The October crisis
is because the USA asked Russia to take missiles out of Cuba, so the USSR
told USA to take their missiles from Turkey. So that was a lot of pressure so
both countries ended up taking their missiles from Cuba and Turkey.

H3 cont.

3. Complete the graphic organizer, explaining the six reasons why the USSR
placed missiles in Cuba:
To test the USA
To test the USA in the
tense atmosphere of the
cold war they created
missiles to see how strong
To defended Cuba the American were.
Cuba was the only To bargain with the USA
communist state in the If Khrushchev had missiles on
Western Hemisphere, and it Cuba, he could do treaties
was willingly become and agreement to remove
communist rather than having them and return it for some
become Communist as a American concessions.
result of invasion by the Why did the
USSR. USSR place
missiles in
To close the missile gap To trap the USA
Khrushchev was so concerned Khrushchev wanted
about the missile gap between the Americans to find
the USSR and the USA that he them and be drawn
would seize any opportunity he into nuclear war. He
could to close it. With missiles did not even try to hide
To strengthen his own position in the USSR
on Cuba it was less likely that them.
The superiority of the USA in nuclear missiles
the USA would ever launch a undermined Khrushchev’s credibility inside the
first strike against the USSR. USSR. His critics pointed out that he was the
one who had urged the USSR to relay on
nuclear missiles.
- After filling this out choose the one you agree the most with taking into
account everything we have see.
- I agree the most with ¨to bargain with the USA¨ because it is something
similar with the October crisis.

4. Reflect and answer: Who gained the most from the missile crisis filling the
following chart.

Positive outcomes Negative outcomes

USA They had allies around the Cuba (really near) had how
world a new leader. bombs to it was difficulties to
They created more weapons threat. Bad position with the
and bombs. UN and resto countries.
Pathetic actions and made
ridicule (bay of pigs)
Bad economy ( no trade with
USSR They had a new allied next to USA was angrier and made
USA new leader and more missiles/bombs a lot of chaos
bombs (missiles bad actions in the country.
and some humiliate acts) He blockade and some parts of
episode in Cuba.
Case Study 3: The Start of the Vietnam War

1. Why can’t Vietnam catch a break?: Create a mind map explaining the
role taken by Japan, Viet-minh, France, China, and the USA during the
origins of the Vietnam Wars.

2. Why didn’t the USA want free elections to happen in Vietnam in 1954?

- USA knew they wouldn’t win.

3. Why was the Viet-Cong set up?

- Because they wanted to take Diem out of power.

4. Give one example for each type of American involvement in Vietnam up until now

- Financial support: When France wanted to invade Vietnam, the USA help them by
sending troops and resources like money.
- Political involvement: The USA send advisors to help Diem to stop the Viet Cong
- Military involvement: Johnson send troops.
H4 cont.

Case study 3: The Vietnam war

5. Why is war convenient:

After watching the following video answer: Why do you think the USA sent troops to
- I think that the USA send troops to Vietnam because they wanted to stop the Viet
Cong of deafening Diem.

6. What were the excuses used by Johnson for starting the Vietnam War?
- When Johnson send troops, one of his ships explode in the gulf of Tonkin and that
was like a ¨reason¨ to start the war.

7. Can we say this was a fair war? Explain your choice taking into account the Tactics
used by the Vietcong and the USA.
- No, because USA was superior because they had more weapons, they used a lot of
bombs and they were more aggressive towards their enemies. USA goal was just to
destroy everything, also the soldiers were young men who were obligated by
conscription so they didn’t fight for what they care, they were just fighting.
Sometimes they killed normal citizens because of a mistake of information. The Viet
Cong tactics were different, attack when the enemy rest, they depend on Ho chi minh
supplies. The solders took more care about the citizens.

Source analysis: This is probably the most famous picture from the war. What does
it say about this war?
- It shows how a lot of normal and poor people suffer because of the war. Kim
explained that there was an explosion when she was at school, and there was some
gas that burned her so she took all her clothes, then someone took a photo of that
situation and Kim explained that she didn’t like that photo because was a lack of
respect and
everyone saw
her body naked.
8. Imagine you are an US citizen during the Vietnam war: taking into account the
Tet offensive and the Mai Lai Massacre write a post for your local newspaper with
your complains towards the government and how they are dealing with this war.
- There was an attracted of the Viet Cong to the mini cities that were under US control, in that
moment Vietnam took control of those cities, and in that moment the US citizens realized that they
were paying a huge amount of money for a war that was useless and unnecessary, also they were
LOOSING. The US people started to protest for the US to stay away of the war.
There was a rumor that a group of the Viet Cong was hiding in Mai Lai, the immediate reaction of
the US to that rumor was to use their tactics of search and destroy and they killed everyone. This let
the US in a really bad position, they killed a lot of innocent people, and there were no group of Viet
Cong hiding in there. This was called the “Mai Lai Massacre”.
H4 cont.

Case study 3: The end of the Vietnam war.

9. What strategies did Nixon use to end with the US involvement in Vietnam?
1. Improve relations with USSR and China. Especially with China.
2. Took many US troops out of Vietnam to leave Vietnam as the violent country. (Because it was
going to be looked like a lot of people against less US troops.)
3. Kissinger (secretary of state) met regularly with the Vietnamese chief to reach peace.
4. Increasing bombs, to show that they were no week but at the same time they showed how violent
they were.

10. Read the following source published after the agreements of 1973:
Explain the attitude towards the agreements and the war in itself?
Are you surprised by this source?
- Yes, I am suprsied by this source because they literally did a war for no reason, there were no goal,
they didn’t win anything but they lose a lot of money, troops, lands, cities, all for nothing. The war
didn’t produced any famous victories, no national heroes and no strong patriotic songs, this
surprised me a lot because the war led the US bad in a lot of situations, for example they ended up
looking as a terrible violent country.

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