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EDUC 303 Lesson Plan Template

Candidates Name: Grade Level:

Tieara Lee 2nd/3rd Grade

Subject/Discipline: Number of Students:

Science: Plants/Animals Any

Special Needs Accommodations:

● Illustrating ideas instead of writing them out

● Sitting closer to the board/presenter

● Working individually vs group work (Vice Versa)

● Anchor charts, word walls, posters


Students will analyze and compare the diverse life cycles of organisms

Common Core Learning Standards Addressed:

Inheritance and Variation of Traits: Life Cycles and Traits

Lesson Objectives: What will students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson?

● Understand and construct plant and animal life cycle diagrams

● Compare the stages through birth, growth, reproduction, and death

Learner Prior Knowledge:

● Students should be familiar with different kinds of animals

● How to classify a living thing

Relevance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this lesson important in the real world? Why are these
outcomes essential for future learning?)

● Students are taught the natural cycle of life (birth, growth, reproduction, death)
EDUC 303 Lesson Plan Template

● Understand/differentiate living things

● Analyze patterns, make connections, and draw conclusions about the different stages and
characteristics of life cycles

● Brings awareness to the environment and prompts empathy and responsibility towards
living things

● Builds vocabulary (reproduce, germination, organism)

Formative Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will you & your students know if they have
successfully met the outcomes? What specific criteria will be met in a successful product/process? What
does success on this lesson’s outcomes look like?)

● Assessment is mostly observational/informal

● Review life cycle concept (Birth, growth, reproduction, death)

● Discuss how to understand/differentiate stages of life cycles

● Assign worksheets (Fill in the blanks, Venn-diagram, or short answer prompts)

● Create a “Blooket” game for an interactive way to test student knowledge

Activities/Tasks: (What learning experiences will students engage in? How will you use these learning
experiences or their student products as formative assessment opportunities?)Detailed narrative.

● Start with class introduction about what students already know about plants and animals

● Give a brief overview of animal and plant life cycles using books and videos (Teachflix
“How does a seed become a plant,” Scratch Garden “life cycle”)

● Divide the class into small groups using “classroom screens” and provide each group
with a diagram (plant or animal)

● Students discuss in groups and label the stages of the life cycle

● Each group takes turn presenting their poster

● Allow students the opportunity to choose their own animal/plant and draw its life cycle
and key traits

● Present posters around the room and have students “gallery walk” or stand and present
their diagram.

● Students can review and give feedback to each others’ posters

Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson?)
EDUC 303 Lesson Plan Template

● Picture books

● Videos:


● “Classroom screens” for classroom management, group maker, timer, or sound level

● Large Posters/Diagrams of plant and animal life cycles

● Art supplies (Markers, Paper, Crayons)

● Plants (Seeds, Soil, Flowers)

● Animals (Pictures)

● Individual or group worksheets

Access for All: (How will you ensure that all students have access to and are able to engage appropriately
in this lesson? Consider all aspects of student diversity.)

● Use tons of visual aids and pictures to reinforce concepts

● Include a variety of instructional methods (videos, books, hands-on models, discussions)

● Encourage teamwork and student collaboration to complete diagrams

● Flexible grouping (individual, small group, or whole class activities)

● Use technology for interactive tools

Modifications/Accommodations: (What curriculum modifications and/or classroom accommodations

will you make for Students with Disabilities in your class? Be as specific as possible.)

● Visual Impairment: Tactile models for diagrams, hands-on exploration, audio description
for videos and books

● Hearing Impairment: Visual aids and written instructions, captions for videos

● Physical Disabilities: Extra time for hands-on activities, provide adaptive tools for
creating artwork (thicker crayons, modeling clay, etc.)

● Extra support for individualized assistance

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