Outline Prof Ed 3

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LESSON 1: Models of Effective Teaching

I. Robert Marzano's Causal Teacher Evaluation Model of four domains:

Classroom strategies and behaviors

• involve routine events such as communicating learning goals and feedback and

establishing rules and procedures

• involve addressing content by helping students interact with new knowledge,

practice and deepen new knowledge

• helping students generate and test hypotheses

• involve events enacted on the spot such as engaging students, recognizing

adherence to rules and procedures, establishing and maintaining effective

relationships with students and communicating high expectations for all students

A. Planning and Preparing

• planning and preparing for lessons

• for use of technology

• for needs of students receiving Special education

• for needs of students who lack support for schooling

B. Reflection on Teaching

• evaluating personal performance such as identifying areas of pedagogical

strengths and weaknesses

• developing, implementing and monitoring a professional growth plan

C. Collegiality and Professionalism

• promoting positive interactions with colleagues, students and parents

• seeking mentorship for areas of need/interest mentoring other teachers and

sharing ideas and strategies

• adhering to school rules and procedures

• participating in school initiatives

II. Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching

1. Planning and Preparation

2. The Classroom Environment

3. Instruction

4. Professional Responsibilities

• Reflecting on teaching

• maintaining accurate records

• communicating with families

• participating in the professional community growing professionally

• showing professionalism

III. James Stronge - Teacher Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System (TEPES)


Seven performance standards:

1. Professional Knowledge

2. Instructional Planning

3. Instructional Delivery

4. Assessment of/for Learning

5. The Learning Environment

6. Professionalism
7. Student Progress

IV. Teacher Evaluation Standards - The MCREL model (Mid- Continent Research for

Education and Learning

1. Teachers demonstrate leadership.

• lead in their classrooms

• demonstrate leadership in the school

• lead the teaching profession

• advocate for schools and students

• demonstrate high ethical standards

2. Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students.

3. Teachers know the content they teach.

4. Teachers facilitate learning for their students.

5. Teachers reflect on their practices.

The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)

• recognize the importance of mastery of content knowledge and its

interconnectedness within and across curriculum areas, coupled with a sound and

critical understanding of the application of theories and principles of teaching and


• provide learning environments that are safe, secure, fair and supportive in order to

promote learner responsibility and achievement.

• establish learning environments that are responsive to learner diversity.

• interact with the national and local curriculum requirements.

• apply a variety of assessment tools and strategies in monitoring, evaluating,

documenting and reporting learners' needs, progress and achievement.

• establish school-community partnerships aimed at enriching the learning

environment, as well as the community's engagement in the educative process.

• value personal growth and professional development and exhibit high personal

regard for the profession by maintaining qualities that uphold the dignity of

teaching such as caring attitude, respect and integrity

Professionalism: The Hallmark of a Professional

“No doubt, society expects the teacher as a professional to demonstrate professionalism in all

that he/she does. Professionalism is both a professional and a personal trait”

It behooves every teacher to assume and maintain professional attitude to his work and in
dealing with his associates in the profession. It should be his self-imposed duty to constantly
improve himself professionally.

Criticism, when necessary, should clearly reflect friendly

LESSON 2: The Demands of Society from the Teacher as a
I. Walker, Robert, J. Twelve Characteristics of an Effective Teacher:

1. Prepared

2. Positive

3. Hold high expectations

4. Creative

5. Fair

6. Display a personal touch

7. Cultivate a sense of belonging

8. Compassionate

9. Have a sense of humor

10. Respect students

11. Forgiving

12. Admit mistakes

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