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List 4 active listening tools or questions that resonate with you and discuss why these are


Active listening is putting aside biases and not judging but validating the feelings of
others. Active listening has many components, but the four that resonate with me the most are
questioning, summarizing, encouraging, and acknowledging.
First, questioning always has been and always will be a crucial principle of active
listening. It is essential because questioning allows you to seek clarification when something is
unclear and ensures you can understand the speaker’s message accurately. Questioning promotes
engagement by showing interest and encouraging the speaker to share more information and feel
heard. Asking questions is also a tool for productive discussions, as questions can guide the
conversation toward problem-solving. Questioning resonates with me because when I am the
speaker, I also appreciate being asked questions, and as a listener, I’ve always been too curious
for my own good.
Equally, summarizing is a key tool in active listening. Summarizing involves condensing
and restating the speaker’s key points, demonstrating that you’ve been actively listening and
understand what is being said. Summarizing also provides feedback to the speaker, allowing
them to confirm that their message was encoded accurately or possibly prompting them to clarify
misunderstandings. Summarizing is essential because I can have a concise memory, but when
practicing this tool, I can feel myself remembering more long-term.
Third, another key component of active listening is encouraging the speaker.
Encouragement can be a form of openness; encouraging responses such as “tell me more” or “go
on” tells the speaker you are open to hearing more thoughts and ideas. Encouragement can also
be seen as empathy; encouraging statements let the speaker know you are interested in their
perspective and that their feelings are validated. Encouragement resonates with me because it's
always nice to feel like someone is genuinely interested in what you’re saying.
Fourth of all, acknowledging is also a key to effective active listening. Acknowledging
can be crucial when emotional support and validation are needed, such as a conversation where
someone expresses their feelings. Acknowledgement is also a form of respect in that
acknowledging someone's perspective shows that you are seriously considering their point of
view. Acknowledgement is an essential tool for me because it offers a positive and respectful
atmosphere in the conversation.
In conclusion, even though active listening can be difficult, it's still a critical ability
required in any field, such as restaurants, health care, sales, etc. The four tools mentioned above
resonate most with me because they not only promote active listening but also reflect the values
of curiosity, long-term memory, genuine interest, and respect for all perspectives. A person's
capacity to put prejudices aside, acknowledge the emotions of others and communicate with
empathy establishes the groundwork for building stronger relationships and resolving conflict.

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