Ethics Principles of Ethical Behavior in Modern Society (Mutya 2017)

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I. Identification. Identify the term/s being referred to.

_____________ 1. These are moral dilemmas that are experienced and resolved on the individual level.
_____________ 2. It speaks of a code or system of behavior in regards to standards of right and wrong
_____________ 3. These type of dilemmas involved situations in which a difficult choice has to be made
between two courses of action, either of which entails transgressing a moral
_____________ 4. The branch of philosophy that studies morality or the reightness or wrongness of
human conduct.
_____________ 5. These tell us what is or is not allowed in a particular context or situation.
_____________ 6. These are rules that are unrelated to moral or ethical considerations.
_____________ 7. Only they can possess or practice values such as love, honor, social relationships,
forgiveness, compassion, and altruism.
_____________ 8. These refer to cases involving network of institutions and operative theoretical
_____________ 9. These refer to ethical cases encountered and resolved by social organizations.
_____________ 10. This cannot be said to be moral for it has no freedom or choice but to work according
to what is commanded based on its built-in program.

II. True or False. Write T if the statement is true; F if false.

________ 1. Ethics is considered as a normative study of human actions for it is concerned with norms
of human conduct.
________ 2. Rules generate a stable system that provides justice, in which even the richest and most
powerful have limitations on what they can do.
________ 3. Non-moral standards are not the only rules or principles in society, but they take
precedence over other considerations, including aesthetic, prudential, and even legal
________ 4. Morality requires and allows choice, which means the right to choose even differently from
our fellows.
________ 5. Most philosophers hold that unlike animals, human beings possess some traits that make
it possible for them to be moral.
________ 6. Dealing with human actions and reasons for action, ethics is also concerned with character.
________ 7. The word 'ethics' is derived from the Latin ethos, which means 'character', or, in plural,
________ 8. Moral dilemmas arise even in professional work.
________ 9. Copyright and patents help protect people's intellectual property.
________ 10. Basic example of moral standards include rules of etiquette, fashion standards, rules in
games, and various house rules.

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