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IV Bimonthly
Fecha: __ /__ / 23
4to. Año
Profesor: Robert pilco cantu

Nombres y Apellidos: ........................................................................................................................................................

En la calificación de la presente prueba se tomará en cuenta: ortografía, caligrafía, limpieza (no borrones, ni uso del corrector líquido).

I. Write the correct form of the past continuous.

1.What _______they_______ before they took this photo?(do)

2.How _______he________at the end of the match?(feel)
3.John and I ____________________a big chocolate cake.(make)
4.She and he ___________________in the pool.(swim)
5.Iron man______________________in the air.(fly)

II. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.(simple


1. Daniela_______the best song to sing in class.

a.sang b.sing. c.sung d.singing.

2.Did they___________soccer before they go to school?

a.played c.playing d.plays

3.Sor ana’s students _________a great anniversary.

a.had b.have c.jad d.hab

4.The teacher ___________the new topic to the students.

a.teaches b.taught c.tought d.teached

5.The children _____________before the ball to kick and get more

score. b.ron c.ran d.rin

“Growing up with Honesty”

Evaluación Mensual

III. Complete the gap using the verbs in parenthesis.(Simple

past or past continuous)
1.Julia ____________(talk) on the phone when I ___________.
2.She was cooking while they_____________the piano.(play)
3.As soon as I __________(leave) the school It_______________.
4.When we____________up(wake).the dog_________________.(eat)

IV. Write the correct word to complete the sentences.(USED


.1.I _______________eat much chocolate cake before.

2.They always do the same so they___________________ work many
3.She ________________play violin when she was a kid. But now
she___________________play piano.
4.The politician ___________________give the best speeches in his
life before.

V. Write the word for each correct picture.

Get sunburned -feel homesick - buy souvenirs - go

“Growing up with Honesty”

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