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Estrategias de compra y venta

Mtra. Janet Espindola Carrillo

Evidence #10: Case study solution report on the

structure of a sales force of a simulated company.

Lic. Negocios Internacionales

Teresa Guajardo Ramos - #2045975

Mariana García Bustos - #2043641

Keyla Karely García Hernández - #2016767

Sofia Mitchelle Garza Aguirre - # 2056093

Alejandra García Marta - #2047956

Yesenia Gisel Guerra Sáenz - #2043622

Angely Michelle Guerrero Hipólito - #2000010

Group: 3II

Due November 7th, 2023


The sales force is the backbone of any business, as it is responsible for generating
revenue and building customer relationships. However, designing and managing a sales
force is not a simple task, as it involves many strategic and operational decisions. One of
the most important decisions is the structure of the sales force, which determines how
the salespeople are organized and deployed to serve the customers and markets.

In this report, we will present and analyze the structure of the sales force of a simulated
company, which operates in the consumer electronics industry. The company sells a
variety of products, such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, smartwatches, headphones,
speakers, and accessories. The company has a global presence, with customers in
different regions, countries, and segments.

The main objective of this report is to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the
current sales force structure, and to provide recommendations for improvement.
Simulated Company: Tech Market

By implementing this structured organization, the company addresses the identified

issues as follows:

• Lack of Prioritization: The Account Prioritization Coordinator ensures that each

sales team has a clear understanding of their priority accounts and prospects.
• Poor Communication: The Communication Coordinator focuses on improving
communication within the sales force, facilitating the sharing of information,
strategies, and successes among team members.
• Duplication of Effort: The Lead and Contact Tracking Specialist manages a
centralized system to prevent duplication of effort and ensures efficient lead
Sales Force Structure Organizational Chart
5 training courses for the sales force
These courses can help develop essential skills and knowledge for the sales force in any
company, in this case:
1. Account Prioritization Course:
• Focus on techniques and tools to identify and prioritize strategic accounts and
prospects in the technology market.
• Development of skills to evaluate the potential of each account and allocate
resources effectively.
2. Effective Sales Communication Course:
• Interpersonal communication skills to improve collaboration and information
sharing among sales team members.
• Use of internal communication tools and effective presentation techniques.
3. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) course:
• Training in the use of CRM systems to track contacts and leads.
• How to avoid duplication of efforts and ensure effective lead assignment using
4. Technology Sales Strategy Development Course:
• Focus on understanding trends and challenges in the technology marketplace.
• Development of specific sales strategies for technology products and services.
5. Sales Project Management Course:
• Training in the planning and execution of sales projects in the technological
• Efficient management of resources, deadlines and communication in complex
sales projects.
5 motivational tools for the sales force of the potential company
Motivation is a key factor in the success of any sales force. A motivated team is more
productive, efficient and willing to go the extra mile for the company.
Some 5 motivational tools that can be used for a company's sales force are:
1. Clear and achievable goals:
Salespeople need to know what is expected of them. It is important to set specific,
measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound objectives that allow
salespeople to measure their progress and feel motivated to achieve them.
2. Incentives and rewards:
Incentives and rewards are an effective way to recognize good work and motivate
salespeople to keep moving forward. Incentives can be financial, such as
commissions or bonuses, or non-financial, such as travel, public recognition or
professional development opportunities. These should be personalized and
relevant to salespeople.
3. Strong teamwork:
Salespeople need to feel part of a team. It is important to create a positive and
collaborative work environment where salespeople feel supported and valued.
Therefore, it is important that they have opportunities to work together and
4. Effective leadership:
Sales leaders play a key role in motivating their teams. Effective leaders are
inspirational, motivational and offer guidance and support, they must also clearly
communicate their vision and strategy.
5. Positive company culture:
Company culture is an important factor that can influence salespeople's
motivation. Companies should have a culture focused on customer and employee
success and this leads to more motivated sales teams.
The choice of the right motivational tools will depend on the specific needs of the company
and its sales force. However, the tools mentioned above are a good starting point for
motivating a successful sales team.
5 sales force performance evaluation tools.
1. Key Performance Indicators:
These are measurable metrics that reflect the performance and effectiveness of a
salesperson. Common KPIs include sales revenue, conversion rate, average deal
size, customer acquisition cost, and sales cycle length. By tracking these metrics,
organizations can identify areas for improvement and set clear performance goals.
2. Sales Scorecards:
It is a structured evaluation tool that assigns scores to various aspects of a
salesperson's performance. It typically covers areas such as lead generation, lead
conversion, customer retention, and overall sales performance. A salesperson's
score on the scorecard provides a comprehensive view of their strengths and
3. 360-Degree Feedback:
Involves collecting input and assessments from various sources, including
supervisors, peers, subordinates, and even clients. This approach provides a well-
rounded view of a salesperson's performance, considering not only quantitative
results but also qualitative factors.
4. Sales Competency Models:
Outline the specific skills, knowledge, and behaviors that are critical for success in
a sales role. These models define the competencies required for different sales
positions, such as account executives, sales managers, or business development
representatives. Evaluating sales performance against these competency models
helps identify skill gaps and training needs.
5. Sales Performance Reviews:
Regular one-on-one performance reviews between sales managers and their team
members are a fundamental tool for evaluating performance. During these
reviews, sales managers can discuss individual achievements, challenges, and
career development plans. By providing constructive feedback, these reviews help
improvement with organizational objectives.

As we could observe in the report, the sales force is a key factor in any business, since
this department is in charge of bringing products and services to the market and
generating income, and to achieve this it is necessary to have an organized and
focused team.

To achieve the latter, sales training is useful; training courses represent a model tool to
help workers develop a competent sales force. These programs are helpful because they
improve the skills and knowledge of the sales team,

This allows them to adapt to the changing market and provide better service. As you can
see, another key tool to have a prepared team is the motivation tool, which helps us to
maintain the enthusiasm and the "can-do" feeling in the sales force team. There are
factors that make this tool work, and they are the incentive programs, recognitions and
rewards to boost performance and promote the work culture. Evaluation tools are
necessary to monitor and improve sales performance.

As students of international business, this information seemed to us very optimal, since

we can apply it and we will make the performance of the sales force to be exceptional.
And finally, we also want to add that the concepts seen above not only will help us to a
business strategy, but also contribute directly to a better profitability and growth of the
Bibliographical references

Casarotto, C. (2021, mayo 7). Plan de capacitación de ventas: conoce los pasos para capacitar a

tus vendedores. Rock Content - ES; Rock Content.

Convertia. (2019, septiembre 18). Cómo mejorar la productividad del equipo de Ventas - Blog

Convertia. Convertia Blog.


Organigrama de un departamento de ventas | (n.d.). Fuerza De Ventas

Club | El Club De Ventas De America Latina.

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