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NAME: Agbalog, Zaira Kler Clouie M.

Q: Can machines/ computers replace the human mind?

For me no, because we human beings are unique we, have traits that only humans have like a
sincere emotions, decision makings, eating, sleeping, consciousness, autonomous intelligence and
they also wont feel unconditional love unless they are programed to do so. Machines and computer
may imitate us but they cannot replace us they are just good in programming. Humans invented
machines/ and computers to make and help our lives easier. Without humans their will be no
inventions of technologies. They maybe act, dress, and copy human beings in all aspects but still the
truth is that they are just a product of humans invention. But we cannot deny that maybe time will
come they will be able to surpass humans capabilities. Because of humans wide imagination in
inventing technologies there is a big possibilities in the future. Machines/ computer is programed
by the humans that is why they acted like us. It just that machine/ computers will to everything
they are programmed about like loving, caring and everything they are task unto.
The movie, artificial intelligence gives relevance on the invention of the human beings which is the
technology. The movie touches my heart because of David’s personality were he is such a loving,
caring child that needs love even though is different from everybody. He feel neglected because of
his differences, that he want to be a real human being because he wants to feel loved and be
accepted from who he was. A mother love that he wants to achieve. He would do everything that it
cost because of love

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