Online TESOL - Online TEFL ITTT Answers - Unit 12

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Online TESOL / Online TEFL ITTT Answers

Assistance for people completing their TESOL / TEFL certificate online. Please use my notes only to help you
understand the questions.

M O N D A Y, M A R C H 9 , 2 0 0 9 Blog Archive

► 2010 (1)
Unit 12
▼ 2009 (20)
▼ March (20)


Unit 19
Task 1 –Answer the questions on page 4 of the unit. Unit 18
Unit 17
i) May I use your phone
Unit 16
ii) You must take an english course Unit 15
Unit 14
iii) You could see a doctor about that cut on your arm
Unit 13

iv) You don't have to use that door Unit 12

Unit 11
v) I will be at your house by 6 o'clock Unit 10
Unit 9
vi) It must be Sally
Unit 8
vii) It can't be Mike Unit 7
Unit 6
viii) He had to go home
Unit 5

ix) Each student must have a health certificate – Differrent because it is Unit 4
definite, whereas question (ii) was advisory Unit 3
Unit 2
Unit 1

I've got to go – Prebooked, somewhere to be

I have to go – Out of time of unspecified reason About Me
I should go – Leaving is important but not absolutely necessary
I'm supposed to go – Expected somewhere but not necessarily interested Adam
I'd better go – Not leaving may have an unfortunate outcome
I'd rather go – Not enjoying current circumstances

Task 2 – Summarize what you learned when answering the questions on Completed the TEFL course
page 4. successfully in 2008 and after
receiving many requests for
Modal auxilliary verbs can control not only the meaning of a sentence assistance I have decided to
upload my TEFL notes. Please use
but they can also control the power of that sentence too.
them only for guidance only as you
Task 3 – Identify the usage of each of the following modal verbs and give
will FAIL if you copy them. I do not
two activate stage teaching ideas for each, making sure that each
guarantee my answers are correct
teaching idea matches the usage of the example sentence. None of the
however feel free to use them to
teaching ideas should be the same: gather ideas. Also no, the profile
picture isn't me :) Regards, Adam
a) May I use your toilet? View my complete profile
Usage: Polite request
Formal permission Followers
Less than 50% certainty
Followers (34) Next

Activate activities:
a. Organise a roleplay with a waiter and a diner in a restaurant
b. Charades – students each receive an question and must act it out Spiros

b) Mathew might come to see you later.

Usages: Much less than 50% certainty
Rare polight requests

Midori "MIDZ" Sinkiewicz

Activate activities:
a. Chinese whispers – everyone sits in a circle and one person starts with Rajanish Roxanne
'Matthew might come to see you later', it is then whispered around the
circle until it comes back to the first person

b. Jeopardy – Students join groups and answer questions in reverse, i.e: Follow
'Matthew might come to see you later' the answer could be 'Have you
seen Matthew?'.

c) You really should stop smoking.

Usages: Advisory or moral obligation
More than 90% certainty

Activate activites:
a. Bus stop – students pair up and practise what they would say to each
other if they met at a bus stop

b. Signs – A sign is put on the wall and students have to role-play a few
sentences in relation to it, in front of the class

d) I must do my homework.
Usages: Obligation
95% certainty or assumption

Activate activities:
a. Daily routine – students have to put their daily routine into sentences
and jumble them up. They then give the sentences to a group member
to rearrange in the correct order, i.e 'when I get home I must do my
homework' then 'after my homework I get should get ready for dinner'

b. Letter to penpal – Students have to write a letter to a pretend

penpal. In this letter they must include their hobbies, likes / dislikes
and how they spend their time, i.e 'in the evenings I must do my
homework'. The letter is written in the study stage and read to the class
in the activate stage.

e) Monkeys can’t swim

Usages: Inability / impossibility
Informal denial
Assumed impossibility
Activate activities:
a. Can / can't – Students form groups and each group is given a picture.
The students must then come up with a list of things which can or can't
be done by whats in the picture. i.e a picture of a plane = 'planes can
fly' or a monkey = 'monkey's can't swim'.

b. True or false – Done as a class, the teacher asks questions and

students take it in turns to answer whether true or false by putting their
hand up.


Task 4 – How do we form the passive voice?

Auxillary verb 'be' + past participle

Task 5 – Change the following from the active into the passive
(the first one has been done as an example):

A crocodile eats Henry – Henry is eaten by a crocodile.

A crocodile is eating Henry – Henry is being eaten by a crocodile
A crocodile has eaten Henry – Henry has been eaten by a crocodile
A crocodile ate Henry – Henry was eaten by a crocodile
A crocodile was eating Henry – Henry was being eaten by a crocodile
A crocodile had eaten Henry – Henry had been eaten by a crocodile
A crocodile will eat Henry – Henry will be eaten by a crocodile
A crocodile is going to eat Henry – Henry will be being eaten by a
A crocodile will have eaten Henry – Henry will have been eaten by a
They have buried Henry (note that the agent isn’t important) – Henry
has been buried

Task 6 – Change these active voice sentences into the passive voice.
Only include the agent/doer if you think it is important or relevant to
the meaning:

a) Farmers grow rice in India.

India is where rice grows

b) I will finish the report later.

The report will have been finished later

c) Scotland has never won the World Cup.

The world cup has never been won by Scotland

d) The American people elected George W. Bush.

George W. Bush was elected by the american people

e) Agatha Christie wrote ‘Murder on the Orient Express’.

'Murder on the Orient Express' was written by Agatha Christie

Task 7 – State which tense the passive sentences below use and change
them into the active voice (Bear in mind that even though the form is
different for active and passive voice, the tense is the same).

a) I will be questioned by the police tomorrow.

Tense used: Future simple

Active voice version: The police are going to question me tomorrow

b) ‘E.T.’ was directed by Spielberg.

Tense used: Past simple

Active voice version: Steven Spielberg was the director of 'E.T.'

c) The Band’s new song hasn’t been released yet.

Tense used: Present perfect

Active voice version: The band hasn't released the song yet

d) The report is being prepared by Mrs. Smith.

Tense used: Present continuous

Active voice version: Mrs Smith is preparing the report

e) 1,000,000 pints of beer are consumed daily in Germany.

Tense used: Present simple

Active voice version: Every day in Germany 1,000,000 pints of beer are

Task 8 – How would you explain the passive voice to a low level student
using language they would understand? Give as much detail as possible
of the study phase of this lesson.

We would explain to the student that the passive voice is said usually
from outside of the subjects perspective. We would also explain the
form very clearly and demonstrate the different verb tenses used. In the
study phase we would produce a work sheet with activities similar to
task 5 and 6 of this worksheet but also a short story or news article
which they use to mark or highlight the passive voice sentences included
with the article.


Task 9 – State the three types of phrasal verbs, explaining how they are
different from each other. Give two example sentences of your own for
each one.

a. Intransitive:
Can you ask round? = Can you ask people?

b. Transitive seperable
He filled out the form = He answered the form questions

c.Transitive inseperable
She made up with him = She forgave him


Task 10 – State the difference between defining and non-defining

relative clauses and give an example of each:

Defining relative clauses link the first and second sections of the
sentence together, where as non-defining relative clauses provide
additional detail to the sentence.

a. Defining relative clause:

I've been using my computer which is very slow

b. Non-defining relative clause:

My computer, which is very slow, has been used to answer these

Posted by Adam at 8:41 AM

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