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By Dorothea Zakrzewski and Professor Introduction
Roger Juchau, School of Accounting,
College of Business, University of It has been argued that governments have
Western Sydney (UWS). little incentive to concentrate on efficiently
running state-owned utilities such as airports
Abstract in an era of increased competition (Daniel
1986; Abelson 1987; Bos 1991; Vickers and
Privatization literature and theories Yarrow 1995; Boycko et al. 1996; Funnell
sympathetic to neo-liberalism suggest that 2001). Traditionally, airports have been
privatization leads to greater efficiency in seen as publicly owned utilities, operated
the production of public sector goods and and subsidized by the government with the
services. Airports have also been privatized primary objective of facilitating the
largely because of their commercial rather movement of passengers to serve the public
than public value orientation. Because of good, rather than to engage in profitable,
the complex nature of their operations, customer orientated commercial activities
airports are accountable to a range of (Doganis 1992; Humphreys and Francis
stakeholders. This article provides insight to 2002; Graham 2003). Airports in Australia
how airport privatization has not only led to were and are still viewed as major tourism
a change of the airport business in general and trading gateways to large economic
but how its disclosure of corporate and regions and with a constant need for capital
social activity has changed over time. investment to meet growing domestic and
Utilizing Ullmann’s (1985) framework of international demand.
corporate social reporting, pre and post
privatization reports of Sydney Airport have Australia was the third country in the world
been analyzed. Results of the analysis to privatize its airports (Knibb 1999). The
reemphasize an existing “myth” that first phase of airport privatization in
privatization has resulted in improved Australia in 1996 included the sale of
company performance, efficiency of Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane airports and
operations and social disclosure. was triggered by the country’s growing
Furthermore, the quality and volume of the potential as a tourist destination as well as
financial reports have increased with time, pressure from global liberalization reforms
consistent with the argument that privatized on the aviation industry (Ashford et al.
companies are in the process of continuous 1997; Knibb 1999; Graham 2003).
learning whilst adapting to the “private
sector” and the need to keep markets, The direct consequence of these
analysts and credit raters informed. This privatizations in 1996 and of Sydney in
study is part of a larger study assessing the 2002, as reported to external stakeholders,
impact of privatization on airports in was a boost in revenues, increased share
Australia. prices as well as commercial expansion of
non-aeronautical activities. Few observers
believed that airports could be privatized

and even fewer predicted the success of stories to major stakeholders involved. Prior
privatization. Before privatization research and theories suggest that
accountability was the prime concern. privatization can lead to greater efficiency in
Additional doubts related to airport security, the production of public sector goods and
overall airport economic efficiency where services (Emmons 2000; Parker 2003).
government had no control over the assets
and whether private operators would Controversy does suggest, however, that
minimize the investment in infrastructure private managers may not act in the best
and services. Yet, today, somewhat in interests of stakeholders; privatization will
contrast, airports are perceived as attractive and can only be effective when managers
and lucrative investment opportunities have incentives to act in the public interest.
offering high returns with moderate risk De Neufville (1999) argues that it is
(Schneiderbauer and Feldman 1998; debatable whether all activities, especially
Ferguson 2005; Myer 2005). those that are central to a community’s’
welfare and open to monopolistic
Airport Privatization exploitation of the public, such as airports,
can and should be privatized. As there is a
The global air transport industry has strong public interest in airport operation i.e.
undergone major changes since the embrace size and level of service, prices for the
of privatization reforms all over the world. service, accessibility to these services; full
Leading airports such as Frankfurt, and unfettered airport privatization, it is
Schiphol, Manchester and Copenhagen, as argued, will fail the public interest test. It is
well as merged airport operator groups, have claimed however that as government
realized the potential of the airport business remains a major stakeholder, through
in both the domestic and global markets. regulation, it will regulate airports and hold
Entrants into the airports business were them accountable to the public. The question
financial consortia and they have become arises as to whether privatized companies
key players in financing, developing and have become more accountable following
operating airports. The new commercial- the commercialization of airport operations
orientated approach to airports has attracted through increased transparency via their
more traffic movements, increased disclosure of social activities.
congestion and pollution, encouraged public
transport and expanded the business Ullmann (1985) develops a conceptual
environment surrounding airport sites framework to explain the relationship
(Aviation-Strategy 1999; Humphreys 1999; between social disclosure and social and
Enright and Ng 2001; Graham 2003). economic performance of companies. In
Governments have kept control of noise and essence the framework demonstrates that
pollution as well as airport charges (price companies exhibiting strong economic
regulation). Airports have become subject to performance increase their level of social
regulatory provisions and social reporting. The idea is based on Freeman’s
responsibilities such as pollution (1983) stakeholder approach to strategic
management and environmental reporting. management. Deegan (2002), O’Dwyer
(2005) and Gray (2002) call for further
Privatization enabled companies to focus on research in this area of social accounting and
profitability and to report their success its evolution within organizations. Prior

research indicates that corporate social on the public perception of the company
reporting has been favourably embraced by (Alexander and Buchholz 1978; Ingram
the public, generating a demand for more 1978; Spicer 1978; Abbott and Monsen
studies in this area especially those 1979; Anderson and Frankle 1980; Ullmann
referencing contemporary economic reforms 1985; Epstein and Freedman 1994; Baird
such as the privatization of utility services. 1996; Balabanis et al. 1998).

Social Disclosure Research Design and Model

Prior research in the field of corporate social For the purpose of this article corporate
reporting lends support to Freeman’s (1984) social responsibility has been defined as
notion that a company is not solely policies of action which identify a company
responsible to its shareholders but to all of as being concerned with socially related
its stakeholders (Carroll 1979; Balabanis et issues (Friedman 1962; Ullmann 1985;
al. 1998; Harrison and Freeman 1999). Cowen et al. 1987; Roberts 1992; Moir
Roberts (1992) applies Ullmann’s (1985) 2001). Ullmann (1985) provides a three
framework to test its ability to explain dimensional model that correlates social
corporate social responsibility activity, disclosure and social and economic
consistent with Freeman (1984). performance.

Research on social disclosure indicates that The first dimension is stakeholder power,
measures of stakeholder power, strategic which explains responsiveness of the entity
posture and economic performance are to the intensity of stakeholder demands. The
significantly related to corporate social second dimension is active and passive
disclosure (Ullmann 1976; Ullmann 1979; strategic posture. The final dimension of the
Roberts 1992). Also, evidence indicates that framework is based on economic
social responsibility transactions are performance, as previous research indicates
disclosed when organizations’ financial that economic performance (financial data
statements indicate favourable financial and the entity’s financial position in the
performance (Cochran and Wood 1984; market) is intertwined with social
Mills and Gardner 1984). Keim (1978), in responsibility and disclosure.
line with Belkaoui (1976) and Watts and
Zimmerman (1978), argues that social This article examines corporate social
responsibility activities are consistent with disclosure three years before and three years
corporate wealth maximization motives; and after privatization of Sydney Airport in 2002
are an applicable fact in privatization studies (1999- 2005), based on archival content
(Epstein and Freedman 1994). analysis of annual reports. Figure 1
illustrates the modified Ullmann framework
Other research on the economic applied here to the airport business and
consequences of corporate social disclosure indicates the variables that have been
emphasizes that companies disclosing examined further below.
social responsibility activities have an
impact on the financial market, the
economic performance of the companies and

Figure 1: Variables relating Corporate Social Reporting by Airport Businesses

Corporate Social Reporting at Airports

Examinable Variables

Stakeholder Power Economic Performance Strategic Posture

Note ‘passenger’ is key variable post

• Capital/ Ownership Structure privatization
• Market Power (Industry Analysis)
Revenue Cost • Airport Recognition
• New Market Entrants
• Competitiveness / Rivalry Awards
• Aeronautical • Staff Cost per
• Charitable Donations
income per Passenger
passenger • Future Development &
• Service/Utilities
Investments in
• Non-Aeronautical Cost per
income per Passenger
passenger • Community Involvement
• Other Direct
• Job retention/ expansion
• Commercial Operational Cost
• Mention of negative post
Income per per Passenger
Passenger privatization
• Total Expenses
• Property Income per Passenger
per Passenger • Net profit per
• Total Revenue passenger
per passenger • Borrowing Cost

Source: Based on Ullmann’s (1985) framework, with variables adapted to the airport industry

Stakeholder Power competition among airlines (Poole 1994;

ACI 2003). Government objectives were to
Airports can exhibit market power, maximize sale proceeds, encourage a
especially those with large geographic transparent process and secure purchasers
distances between them, such as found in with the financial capability to fulfil the
Australia (Forsyth 2001), as there are no development and expansion plans that
close substitutes for services offered. would align airport operations with global
Privatization in the airport industry led to competition. In line with the government’s
the emergence of new industry players and pre privatization objectives, the 2003 annual
enabled airport operators to build on this report of Sydney Airport mentions
‘market power’ by raising additional capital, expansion plans, to bring Sydney Airport
improving efficiency, reducing costs, into the top ranked airports worldwide
seeking new revenue streams, engaging in (Table 1)
market-orientated investments, becoming
accountable to the public and enhancing

Table 1: Data on Passenger Numbers & Aircraft Movements - Sydney Airport
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Passenger Number 21,876,182 23,257,594 26,436,503 23,863,544 24,183,353 26,426,363 28,288,150
Aircraft Movements 281,301 290,019 317,339 254,729 254,487 270,268 286,484

However, changes in stakeholder stakeholder power, owners, managers and

involvement have made Sydney Airport’s creditors started to pursue their own
post privatization operations more complex. philosophies rather than those of
Equity levels at Sydney airport dropped government: for example, airport operators
significantly since privatization because of started to profit from aeronautical
the repayment of preference shares. In (operational related) as well as non-
contrast, non current debt and asset levels aeronautical (commercial and property
increased as a consequence of finance related) revenue; with the non aeronautical
requirements for the expansion process and revenue stream increasing to 65% of total
the development of infrastructure investment revenue.
at the airports (see Figure 2). In terms of

Figure 2: Changes in Capital Structure ($) at Sydney Airport

Sydney Airport Capital Structure 1999-2005





Total Assets
3,000,000,000 Total Non-Current Liabilities
Total Equity


Years 2004

Source: Data compiled by author from Sydney Airport annual reports

Strategic Posture their presence in the market. The pre and

post privatization financial reports
Now that they are no longer solely investigated emphasize that these ‘newly’
accountable to government privatized regulated companies have orientated
airports in Australia have learnt how to themselves towards meeting the demands of
operate independently and how to increase a wider range of stakeholders, including

consumers, investors, suppliers and of revenue from ordinary activities has
regulators. Annual reports have increased in increased. The operating expenditures on the
length and detail over the years with a other hand slightly increased in 2002 to get
significant portion being dedicated to the airport ‘ready for sale’; however after
informing the reader about future Sydney Airport was privatized there is a
development of the airports, community notable decrease in operating expenditures
involvement and the company’s strategy. caused by increased efficiency in operations
The length of corporate social disclosure in (Figures 3A & 3B). The “passenger” is the
pre-privatization Sydney Airport annual most relevant variable for airport
reports was in the order of two pages. Today performance assessment since non-
social activity reporting and disclosure has aeronautical revenue exceeds aeronautical
its own chapter, and mentions charitable contributions in the growth of the privatized
donations and various other social activities. airport operations. Overall, the profitability
per passenger has declined because of the
Over the years, the section on social steady increase in passenger figures and
obligation and the engagement of the airport airplane movements, and the cost of
in community activities has increased in repayment of funds used for the acquisition
length, with more headings and graphical of the airport. The return on assets however
illustrations. To a larger extent the section has increased over the years and so has the
provides a critical analysis of the community efficiency of operations. The airport has
goals that have been attained and those not been in the red three years post privatization
yet achieved. The annual reports produced because of the additional borrowing costs,
by the privatized airport operator have despite its remarkable commercial
increased their volume of disclosure over performance and expansion strategies.
time, in line with prior research expectations
in the area of corporate social reporting. It is Limitations
noteworthy that since 2002, the annual
report of Sydney Airport has contained a The focus was solely on Sydney Airport (pre
section dedicated to the airport’s and post privatization). A further field study
sustainability agenda. at all the major airports in Australia would
provide clearer insights in support of the
changes in social disclosures associated with
Economic Performance privatization. The study was limited by the
time period post privatization; Sydney
In line with Ullmann (1985) and other Airport was privatized in 2002. The effects
researchers findings, the more profitable the of privatization might not be complete in
entity the more social disclosures it will this short-term period. Finally, this study is
make. The results of the longitudinal study based on published information and does not
on Sydney Airport reveal that post have the benefit of access to internal data.
privatization economic performance in terms

Figure 3A: Pre and Post privatization Analysis of Sydney Airport Revenue Streams from
1999- 2005
Revenue per Passenger at Sydney Airport 1999-2005











1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Aeronautical Income per Passenger Commercial Income per Passenger Retails Income per Passenger
Property Income per Passenger Total Revenue per Passenger

Figure 3B: Pre and Post privatization Analysis of Sydney Airport Operating Expenses
from 1999- 2005
Operational Expenditure per Passenger at Sydney Airport 1999-2005





1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005






Staff Cost per Passenger Service & Utilities Cost per Passenger Other Direct Operational Cost per Passenger
Total Expenses per Passenger Net Profit / Passenger

Source: Data compiled by author from Sydney Airport annual reports

Conclusion commercial revenues and efficiency of

operations. The privatized airport operator
In line with the privatization literature and has increased its volume of corporate social
the commercial orientation of newly reporting steadily along with its increased
privatized entities, the airport operator at operating performance. The longitudinal
Sydney Airport has reported increased study on Sydney Airport reveals that, post

privatization, incresed information about Balabanis, G., Phillips, H. and J. Lyell.
charitable donations, community (1998). "Corporate Social Responsibility
involvement and the airport’s sustainability and Economic Performance in the top
agenda is provided to the readers of the British Companies: are they linked?"
annual reports. The volume of corporate European Business Review 98(1): 25-44.
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133. Dorothea
Ullmann, A. (1985). "Data in Search of a Tel. + 61 (0)2 4620 3476
Theory: a Critical Examination of the Fax. + 61 (0)2 4620 3787
Relationship Among Social Performance, E-mail:
Social Disclosure and Economic


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