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“Kingdom Keepers”

First Two Steps

Main Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-13
Date: 7/23/2023


Testimony about VBS and its critical role in my own spiritual journey, and somewhat
the beginning of it.

● Kim finally talking me into going to church

● Everyone, adults, young adults, and kids, were extremely involved
● Felt something different
● Pastor Noel got ahold of me, and never let me go from that moment on

VBS just hits different. This year’s VBS talked about a very important concept in our
spiritual walks that we may take for granted, or fall short on day in and day out.

Tony Stark couldn’t defeat evil without his Iron Man Suit; a soldier cannot fight without
their equipment; a football player can’t take the field without their helmet and pads. We
need our armor in our fight against the evil one.

We are in this spiritual war, and we need the whole armor of God to withstand the
attacks of the enemy. Putting on the full armor of God, helps us with what we
ultimately need to be able to stand up against him; the enemy; satan.

For years, commentators have noted that there are six pieces of armor that we are

● Most of it is defensive.
● One is both a defensive and offensive weapon (the sword of the Spirit)
● One commentator even notes that there is no armor for our back, for the Lord
does not expect us to run from the battle, but to stand our ground.
We briefly talked about it last week with our personal space bubbles having to be
popped or our personal space barrier being brought down. This is all due to the fact
that we need to be in close proximity to the presence of God in order to be able to
faithfully live out His promises in our lives. It’s as if I am completely covering,
submerging, or immersing myself with the presence of God.

● Boys-not like AXE body spray

● Ladies-not like our sweet smelling perfume

But, by doing things and implementing disciplines that all of these kiddos learned
throughout the entire week here at VBS.

● Of two, only one is true

● Decide your side
● Do right in God’s sight
● Learn to discern
● Train your brain

Disciplines that Joshua and the children of Israel did during the 40 years of wandering.

Disciplines that Jesus and His disciples implemented during their ministry.

Disciplines that we can still put in place to immerse ourselves in the presence of God.

Disciplines like

1. Studying the Bible

2. Prayer
3. Worship

When we get as close as personally possible with God, the enemy is not going to take
kindly to that. This means that we will find ourselves at war. What do we need to do
when we find ourselves at war?

Let’s Pray

Read Ephesians 6:10-13

Verse 11, gives us some keywords used in this passage, “Put on all of God’s armor so
that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.”
“Stand firm”, it is vital that we understand these words properly in order to unlock this
whole passage about spiritual warfare. In the military sense of the words “stand firm”
means to hold one’s ground. “Steko” is the Greek translation and provides a similar
meaning. Steko-to stand firm in faith and duty, to be constant, to persevere, to remain
steadfast and to continue in that state.


We all became a part of the spiritual warfare between two kingdoms; light and dark,
truth and lies, satan and God, the second we began trusting the Lord Jesus Christ as
our personal Savior.

Like in any other battle, in spiritual warfare also it’s very important that every Christian
knows how to hold their ground.

This morning we are going to learn two steps we must take in order to begin to secure
our territory in the Kingdom of God, to be “Keepers of the Kingdom”

Please turn in your Bible with me to Ephesians 6.

Tapping the Source of Strength (V.10-11)

Battles are exhausting. An exhausted soldier needs to restore their strength or they
become an easy target for the enemy.

Coaching teenage boys and having the game plan or mentality that I have we are
always going to try and outwork the opponent/enemy

● Halftime was always a good point to restore and recuperate

● Teenage boys this means chugging an energy drink

This verse indicates that the source of our energy is not found within ourselves or
what we may think to replenish our energy. The source of energy and strength that we
need to be victorious in our spiritual warfare is found within and only within the Lord
Jesus Christ.
I place my faith in God in order to tap into this ultimate source of strength. This source
of strength is unlike anything else. When we tap into God’s source of strength, then the
Lord’s Power becomes my power.

Identifying the Spiritual Enemy (V. 12-13)

In warfare, gathering intelligence is key, if not the most important part to ensure
victory. Armies and those that find themselves at war use intelligence to identify and
assess the enemy. The entire offensive depends on it. I’m not sure if we know this, but
being a part of the Church of the Nazarene we are always on the offensive. We are
always finding ways to bring the battle to the enemy.

In spiritual warfare, the Bible is our source of intelligence that helps us identify the
devil and his hosts as our enemy.

The weapons used depend on the kind of enemy we will engage in war. We can’t take a
knife to a gunfight. Likewise, in spiritual warfare our enemy is spiritual and therefore
we need spiritual weapons.


The Bible, God’s Holy Word/the Truth, assures us that in spiritual warfare we can stand
firm and resist anything that Satan throws in our way. We can show and reflect “steko”
in our day to day lives. But, this is only true if we tap into the true source of our
strength and identify who our spiritual enemy is.

These first two steps are just the beginning. We take these two steps, then we must be
willing to put on the whole armor of God. The weeks ahead in this series we will be
going over and dissecting each of the pieces of the whole armor of God.

As we continue it is my prayer and my desire that we allow the Holy Spirit to search our
lives inside out and guide us in His way. Each morning as we wake up, as we carry out
our day, or when we are getting ready to go to sleep that night pray that this takes
place. If we ask Him, He will deliver.

Don’t let the devil catch us unguarded.

Don’t let him use the element of surprise against us.

One of the best parts of VBS, year after year, is the opportunity that kids have to be
able to have a special connection with Jesus. A connection unlike anything else they
have ever felt before. He opens the door to their hearts in order for them to accept Him
as their Lord and Savior. This year we had a few kiddos that accepted Jesus into their
lives. I would like to take this time to acknowledge them, pray for them, and praise
Jesus for how He is at work in the lives of these young brothers and sisters!



Psalm 105:1-4, “Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole
world know what he has done. Sing to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about
his wonderful deeds. Exult in his holy name; rejoice, you who worship the Lord. Search
for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him. ”

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