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Name : Rishalva Septa Nuryanti.

NIM : 13020123140182
Describing An Interesting place


Plan for Presentation Information

Introduction and General I’d like to talk about Jam Gadang. The name for
Facts the clock tower which is located in the center of
the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia.
Jam Gadang is well-known as the symbols of
Facts Jam Gadang was built in 1926, during the Dutch
colonial era. In fact, this clock tower is a gift from
Queen Wilhemina to Bukitttinggi Controleur.
Many people consider Jam Gadang as the sister
of another legendary clock tower. “Big Ben” in
London because the mechanical part of the clock
is similar.
Positive Opinions Personally, Jam Gadang doesn’t require a large
enough cost. There is no entrance ticket or
vehicle parking fee. Jam Gadang will looks more
beautiful if you visit at night because you can see
the fountains and the colorful lighting, There are
many places ideal to take some photos, you can
have a history of tourism as well as an
instagramable one.
Negative Opinions However in my opinion, Because Jam Gadang is
located in the city center makes the location of
vehicle parking very limited. In addition, during
holidays or national holidays, Jam Gadang will be
very crowded so it may be difficult to find a safe
place to rest.
Summary Well, if you really like instagramable places it’s
definitely ‘Jam Gadang’ . I would highly
recommend it because it’s so much beautiful.

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