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Summary of Chapter 2 – part 1

1. Difference between Act, Regulation, Order and Guideline/Code of Practise. Identify

the enforcement organization and the roles.

2. FMA 1967
This act has been gazetted in order to overcome the previously Acts, as in previous all
the regulations only covers the safety and welfare of workers dealing with
machineries. It was noticed that, if the worker is not dealing with any machinery,
there is no act to protect them. In FMA there are few Regulation that covers on
chemical exposure, such as lead, asbestos and mineral dust. However, there is no
guidelines for other chemical’s usage.

All the regulations listed under FMA 1967, is only for your information.

3. OSHA 1994
This act has been enforced in year 1994, subsequent to adress the safety and health
issues at the workplace after the occurence of Bright Sparkles accident in Sg Buloh. In
this act (compared to FMA 1967) it covers a larger scope of industry and it consists of
regulations related to chemical handling at the workplace, as there were a rapid
growth in the industrial sector whereby most of the operation/process involves the
usage of chemicals.

These are the few main points in each regulation that need your focus:

Occupational safety and health

(employers’ safety and health general policy statements)(Exception) reg. 1995
• The purpose of having the Safety Policy at workplace and the exception.

Occupational safety and health

(Classification, Packaging and Labeling of Hazardous Chemicals) Regulations 1997
• You may refer to the hardcopy handouts whereby Regulation 2,3,4,5,6,7,&9
has been discussed.

Occupational safety and health

(Safety and Health Officer) Regulations 1997
• The duties of a Safety Officer.

Occupational safety and health

(Safety and Health Committee) Regulations 1996
• Function and responsibility of a commitee at the workplace.
• What is the requirement to setup the commitee – number of employees?

4. FMA 1967 vs OSHA 1994

Identify the difference in terms of scope, approach and objective of these acts.

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