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By: Daniela Agostinho, nº3222153, Nation-state and International order

What can we expect from the United Nations in international security crises?

The United Nations (UN) was established in 1945 with the primary goal of maintaining
international peace and security. The UN is responsible for preventing conflicts, helping
parties in conflicts make peace, deploying peacekeepers, and creating conditions for
peace to flourish. (United Nations, n.d)

In times of international security crises, we can expect the UN to play a significant role
in resolving conflicts. The UN uses preventive diplomacy, special envoys, and political
missions to bring peace. It also deploys peacekeeping operations in conflict zones to help
countries navigate the path from conflict to peace. (Price, R. M., & Zacher, 2004)

The Department of Peace Operations manages the peacekeeping operations which get
their mandates from the Security Council and are supported by the Department of
Operational Support. Peacekeeping has been one of the most effective tools in assisting
countries to navigate the path from conflict to peace. There are currently 12 UN
peacekeeping operations deployed worldwide, with the “Life as a UN Peacekeeper”
campaign aimed at raising awareness about the contributions of peacekeepers. (United
Nations, n.d)

The UN's role in international security crises is not limited to peacekeeping operations. It
also uses sanctions and other diplomatic tools to deter aggression and promote peace. The
UN Security Council can impose sanctions on countries that pose a threat to international
peace and security, such as North Korea and Iran. Sanctions can range from arms
embargoes to travel bans and asset freezes. (De Coning, 2019)

The UN has been instrumental in negotiating international agreements aimed at

promoting peace and security. For example, the UN played a key role in negotiating the
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran, which aimed to prevent Iran
from obtaining nuclear weapons. The UN also played a critical role in negotiating the
Paris Agreement on climate change, which aims to limit global warming to well below 2
degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. (De Coning, 2019)

International security crises often have profound humanitarian consequences, such as

displacement, food insecurity, and human rights violations. In response, the UN provides
By: Daniela Agostinho, nº3222153, Nation-state and International order

humanitarian assistance to affected populations, coordinating relief efforts, and

mobilizing resources. (De Coning, 2019)

In conclusion, the UN plays a crucial role in maintaining international peace and security.
We can expect it to prevent conflicts, help parties in conflicts make peace, deploy
peacekeepers, and create conditions for peace to flourish. It is an essential organization
that will continue to play a vital role in promoting international peace and security.

Reference List

DE CONING, C., & Peter, M. (2019). United Nations peace operations in a changing
global order. Springer Nature.

PRICE, R. M., & Zacher, M. W. (Eds.). (2004). The United Nations and global security.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

United Nations. (n.d.). “History of the United Nations”. Retrieved from

United Nations. (n.d.). “Maintain International Peace and Security”. Retrieved from

United Nations. (n.d.). “Peace and Security”. Retrieved from

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