Ict Long Quiz Quarter 3

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Name : Kyla joy B. Bonto

Section : 9 – Sampaguita
Encircle the correct answer if you think it is correct
1. Which of the following is NOT a primary function of an operating system?
A) Process management B) Memory management
C) File management D) Printer management
2. What is the role of an operating system in resource allocation?
A) Optimizing processor speed B) Managing memory usage
C) Monitoring network traffic D) Providing software updates
3. Which of the following is an example of a mobile operating system?
A) Linux B) Windows
C) Android D) macOS
4. Which operating system is most commonly used for web servers?
A) Windows Server B) Ubuntu Server
C) macOS Server D) Fedora Server
5. Which characteristic describes the ability of an operating system to handle multiple tasks
A) Multiuser support B) Multitasking
C) Multiprocessing D) Multithreading
6. Which characteristic allows an operating system to recover from system failures without
affecting user data?
A) Fault tolerance B) Portability
C) Scalability D) Reliability
7. Which of the following is NOT a common method of installing an operating system?
A) Network installation B) CD/DVD installation
C) USB installation D) Email installation
8. During the installation process, which step involves partitioning the hard drive?
A) File system selection B) Device driver installation
C) Network configuration D) Disk partitioning
9. What is the purpose of installing and configuring I/O devices in an operating system?
A) To optimize memory usage B) To manage network connections
C) To enable communication with external devices D) To improve processor performance
10. Which of the following is an example of an I/O device?
A) Keyboard B) RAM
C) CPU D) Hard drive
11. What is the function of a device driver?
A) To provide security updates B) To manage file systems
C) To control hardware devices D) To schedule tasks
12. Which of the following is responsible for developing device drivers for an operating
A) Hardware manufacturers B) Software developers
C) End-users D) Internet service providers
13. When should device drivers be installed in an operating system?
A) During the boot routine B) After the operating system is installed
C) Before the installation of the operating system D) Only when a hardware device
14. Which of the following is a common method of installing device drivers?
A) Plug and Play B) Manual installation from a CD/DVD
C) Automatic download from the Internet D) All of the above
15. What is the purpose of the boot routine in an operating system?
A) To initialize the hardware devices B) To load the operating system into memory
C) To configure network settings D) To install device drivers
16. Which component of the boot routine is responsible for loading the operating system
A) BIOS B) Bootloader
C) Device driver D) Registry
17. Which of the following is NOT part of the boot routine?
A) Powering on the computer B) Performing a memory check
C) Loading device drivers D) Launching application software
18. Which boot mode allows the operating system to load with the minimum necessary
drivers and services?
A) Safe Mode B) Hibernate Mode
C) Standby Mode D) Normal Mode
19. Which key is commonly used to access the boot menu during the boot routine?
A) F2 B) F8
C) F12 D) Del
20. What is the purpose of the Master Boot Record (MBR) during the boot routine?
A) To locate the operating system on the hard drive B) To configure network settings
C) To install device drivers D) To initialize the hardware devices
21. Which of the following is responsible for executing the boot routine in an operating
C) CPU D) Hard drive
22. What is the difference between cold boot and warm boot?
A) Cold boot refers to starting a computer from a powered-off state, while warm boot
refers to restarting the computer without powering it off.
B) Cold boot refers to restarting the computer without powering it off, while warm boot
refers to starting a computer from a powered-off state.
C) Cold boot refers to starting a computer without an operating system, while warm boot
refers to starting a computer with an operating system already installed.
D) There is no difference; both terms refer to the same process.
23. Which of the following is NOT a common troubleshooting step during the boot routine?
A) Checking hardware connections B) Updating device drivers
C) Running a diagnostic test D) Restoring the operating system to a previous state
24. What is the purpose of the boot loader in the boot routine?
A) To perform a memory check B) To initialize the hardware devices
C) To load the operating system kernel D) To configure network settings
25. Which of the following is responsible for displaying the operating system selection menu
during the boot routine in a dual-boot system?
A) Boot loader B) BIOS
C) Device driver D) Registry
26. What happens if the boot sector of a hard drive becomes corrupted?
A) The operating system will fail to load. B) The computer will automatically enter Safe
C) The computer will automatically perform a warm boot. D) The operating system will
prompt the user to reinstall it.
27. What is the purpose of the POST (Power-On Self-Test) during the boot routine?
A) To load the operating system into memory B) To check the functionality of hardware
C) To configure network settings D) To install device drivers
28. Which key is commonly used to access the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) during the
boot routine?
A) F2 B) F8
C) F12 D) Esc
29. What is the purpose of the CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) during
the boot routine?
A) To store BIOS settings B) To perform a memory check
C) To load the operating system kernel D) To configure network settings
30. Which of the following is responsible for loading the user interface after the boot routine?
A) Shell B) Kernel
C) Registry D) Device driver

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