Strategic Management Pearce 14th Edition Test Bank

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Strategic Management Pearce 14th Edition Test Bank

Strategic Management Pearce 14th Edition Test Bank

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Chapter 08
Business Strategy

Multiple Choice Questions

1. (p. 241) The two most prominent sources of competitive advantage for a business are:
A. Integration and coordination
B. Cost and differentiation
C. People and products
D. Products and services

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1

2. (p. 241) Businesses that create competitive advantages from one or both of cost and
differentiation usually experience ______ profitability within their industry.
A. above-average
B. average
C. below average
D. marginal

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1

3. (p. 241) Which of the following are often referred to as generic strategies?
A. Cost leadership and differentiation
B. Market leadership and differentiation
C. Cost leadership and product pricing
D. Differentiation and value chain analysis

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1
4. (p. 244) Which of these refers to business strategies that seek to establish long-term
competitive advantages by emphasizing and perfecting value chain activities that can be
achieved at costs substantially below what competitors are able to match on a sustained
A. Differentiation strategies
B. Grand strategies
C. Low-cost strategies
D. Speed-based strategies

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 1

5. (p. 244) Business success built on cost leadership requires the business to be able to provide
its product or service at a cost _____ what its competitors can achieve.
A. at
B. above
C. below
D. equal to

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 1

6. (p. 243) Which of the following is NOT a skill or a resource that fosters cost leadership?
A. Strong downstream partners
B. Process engineering skills
C. Low-cost distribution system
D. Sustained capital investment and access to capital

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1

7. (p. 243) Organizational requirements to support and sustain cost leadership are:
A. Subjective measurements and incentives
B. Tradition of closeness to key customers
C. Frequent, detained control reports
D. Some personnel skilled in sales and operations

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1
8. (p. 243) ______ type of innovations support a cost leadership strategy.
A. disruptive
B. process
C. Product
D. breakthrough

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1

9. (p. 243) Common resource, skills and organizational requirements to support an "overall cost
leadership" generic strategy include all but:
A. Sustained access to capital
B. Subjective measurement and incentives instead of quantitative measures
C. Process engineering skills
D. Tight cost control

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1

10. (p. 244) Truly low-cost advantages ______ price competition.

A. increase
B. lessen
C. strengthen
D. have no effect on

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1

11. (p. 245) Low-cost advantages should ______ the attractiveness of substitute products.
A. increase
B. lessen
C. strengthen
D. have no effect on

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1
12. (p. 245) Which one of the following is NOT a key risk associated with a cost leadership
oriented business strategy?
A. Many cost-saving activates are easily duplicated
B. Cost differences seldom decline over time
C. Exclusive cost leadership can become a trap
D. Obsessive cost cutting can shrink other competitive advantages involving key product

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1

13. (p. 245) Cost differences often ____ over time.

A. increase
B. decline
C. strengthen
D. have no effect on

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1

14. (p. 246) __________ requires that the business have substantial advantages that allow it to
provide buyers with something uniquely valuable to them.
A. Cost strategy
B. Integration
C. Differentiation
D. Speed-based strategy

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 1

15. (p. 246) Rivalry is ____ when a business successfully differentiates itself.
A. increased
B. reduced
C. strengthened
D. confronted

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1
16. (p. 247) Which of the following is NOT a skill or a resource that fosters differentiation?
A. Process engineering skills
B. Strong cooperation for channels
C. Product engineering
D. Creative talent and flair

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1

17. (p. 247) Skills and resources that foster differentiation are:
A. Strong marketing skills
B. Sustained capital investment and access to capital
C. Minimal investment in product engineering and basic research
D. Products designed for ease of delivery

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1

18. (p. 247) Skills and resources that foster differentiation are:
A. Product engineering skills
B. Sustained capital investment and access to capital
C. Minimal investment in product engineering and basic research
D. Products designed for ease of delivery

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1

19. (p. 247) Common resources, skills and organizational requirements to support a
"differentiation" generic strategy include all but:
A. Strong marketing abilities
B. Product engineering
C. Strong coordination among R&D, product development and marketing
D. Low-cost distribution system

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1
20. (p. 247) Organizational requirements to support and sustain differentiation activities include
which of these?
A. Frequent, detailed control reports
B. Structured organization and responsibilities
C. Tradition of closeness to key customers
D. Incentives based on meeting strict, quantitative targets

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 1

21. (p. 248) A key risk associated with a differentiation strategy is:
A. Many cost saving activities are easily duplicated
B. The cost difference between low cost competitors & the differentiated business is too high
C. Obsessive cost cutting can shrink other competitive advantages
D. Cost differences often decline over time

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1

22. (p. 249) Business strategies built around functional capabilities and activities that allow the
company to meet customer needs more rapidly than its main competitors are referred to as
__________ strategies.
A. Speed-based
B. Cost
C. Differentiation
D. Integration

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 1

23. (p. 249) Speed-based strategies are a form of

A. differentiation
B. cost leadership
C. market focus
D. Integration

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 1
24. (p. 251) All of the following are skills or resources that foster rapid response (speed)
A. Process engineering skills
B. Excellent inbound and outbound logistics
C. High level of automation
D. Creative talent and flair

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1

25. (p. 251) Organizational requirements to support and sustain rapid response activities include
which of these?
A. Strong delegation to operating personnel
B. Subjective measurements and incentives
C. Amenities to attract highly skilled labor and creative people
D. Frequent, detained control reports

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 1

26. (p. 251) Speed-based competitive advantage can be created around all of these activities
A. Customer responsiveness
B. Product development cycles
C. Information sharing and technology
D. Brand loyalty

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 1

27. (p. 251) The use of preapproved online suppliers into production is a feature of which
A. Speed-based
B. Cost
C. Differentiation
D. Integration

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 1
28. (p. 252) The extent to which a business concentrates on a narrowly defined market, it is
called a(n) __________ strategy.
A. Integration
B. Market focus
C. Formula facility
D. Tightly managed decentralization

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 2

29. (p. 252) When a firm competes in a geographically defined specific area, it is using a(n)
_______ strategy.
A. market focus
B. Cost
C. Differentiation
D. Integration

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 1

30. (p. 255) An industry that has growing sales across all the companies in the industry based on
growing demand for the relatively new products, technologies and/or services made available
by the firms participating in this industry is called a(n) _______ industry.
A. Mature
B. Emerging
C. Focus
D. Low-cost

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 4
31. (p. 255) Business strategies in emerging industries must be concerned with which of the
following characteristics?
A. Proprietary technology in the pioneering firms with moderate to high amounts of
competitive uncertainty
B. Low initial costs with hefty cost increases through time
C. Many entry barriers
D. Easy to obtain raw materials

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4

32. (p. 255) From the standpoint of strategy formulation, the essential characteristics of an
emerging industry is that
A. There are no "rules of the game"
B. It is highly regulated industry
C. The industry lifecycle essentially jumps from introduction directly to decline
D. There are way too many entry barriers

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4

33. (p. 255) The absence of rules in emerging industries presents both a _____ and a(n) _____
A. risk, opportunity
B. strength, weakness
C. problem, risk
D. strength, risk

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 1

34. (p. 254) Which of these is NOT a stage of industry evolution?

A. Decline
B. Growth
C. Merge
D. Introduction

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
35. (p. 254) Production operations' capabilities to improve product and reduce costs and ability
to share or reduce capacity is associated with which of the strategies of industry growth?
A. Growth
B. Decline
C. Introduction
D. Maturity

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4

36. (p. 254) Which of these represent marketing capabilities at the growth stage of industry
A. Skills in aggressively promoting products to new markets and holding existing markets and
pricing flexibility
B. Ability to establish brand recognition, find niche, reduce price, solidity strong distribution
relations and develop new channels
C. Cost effective means of efficient access to selected channels and markets and strong
customer loyalty or dependence
D. Resources/skills to create widespread awareness and find acceptance from customers;
advantageous access to distribution

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4

37. (p. 254) Which of these represent marketing capabilities at the decline state of industry
A. Skills in aggressively promoting products to new markets and holding existing markets and
pricing flexibility
B. Ability to establish brand recognition, find niche, reduce price, solidity strong distribution
relations and develop new channels
C. Cost effective means of efficient access to selected channels and markets and strong
customer loyalty or dependence
D. Resources/skills to create widespread awareness and find acceptance from customers;
advantageous access to distribution

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4
38. (p. 254) Ability to expand capacity effectively, limit number of designs and develop
standards represents the introduction stage of industry evolution for which function?
A. Production operations
B. Marketing
C. Finance
D. R & D

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4

39. (p. 254) Resources to support high net cash overflow and initial losses and ability to use
leverage effectively represent finance area's capability at which stage of industry evolution?
A. Growth
B. Introduction
C. Decline
D. Maturity

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4

40. (p. 254) Ability to reuse or liquidate unneeded equipment; advantage in cost facilities;
control system accuracy; and streamlined management control represent decline stage of
industry evolution for which functional area?
A. Marketing
B. Production operations
C. Finance
D. Engineering and R&D

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4
41. (p. 255) Existence of an ability to add skilled personnel motivated and loyal workforce
represent personnel capabilities at which stage of the industry evolution?
A. Maturity
B. Decline
C. Introduction
D. Growth

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4

42. (p. 255) Which of these personnel capabilities match the maturity stage of the industry
A. Capacity to reduce and relocate personnel
B. Ability to cost effectively, reduce workforce, increase efficiency
C. Flexibility in staffing and training new management
D. Existence of an ability to add skilled personnel; motivated and loyal workforce

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4

43. (p. 255) Skill in quality and new feature development; ability to start developing successor
product represent engineering and R&D capabilities at which stage of the industry evolution?
A. Decline
B. Introduction
C. Growth
D. Maturity

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4
44. (p. 255) Ability to reduce costs, develop variants and differentiate products represent the
maturity stage of industry evolution capabilities which functional area?
A. Engineering and R&D
B. Marketing
C. Production operations
D. Personnel

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4

45. (p. 255) Which key functional area is critical at the introduction stage of industry evolution
and which strategy should be focused on?
A. Production; successor products
B. Engineering; market penetration
C. Sales; consumer loyalty and market share
D. Finance; maximum investment recovery

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4

46. (p. 255) Which key functional area and which strategy focus are critical at the growth stage
of industry evolution?
A. Production; successor products
B. Engineering; market penetration
C. Sales; consumer loyalty and market share
D. Finance; maximum investment recovery

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4
47. (p. 255) Which key functional area and which strategy focus are critical at the maturity stage
of industry evolution?
A. Production; successor products
B. Engineering; market penetration
C. Sales; consumer loyalty and market share
D. Finance; maximum investment recovery

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4

48. (p. 255) Which key functional area and which strategy focus are critical at the decline stage
of the industry evolution?
A. Engineering; market penetration
B. Sales; consumer loyalty and market share
C. Production; successor products
D. Finance; maximum investment recovery

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4

49. (p. 256) For success in emerging industry setting, business strategies require which of these
A. Ability to rapidly improve product qualities and performance features
B. Ability to differentiate the firm's products from competitors entering the market
C. Emphasis on process innovation that permits low-cost product design, manufacturing
methods and distribution synergy
D. Gradually harvest the business

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
50. (p. 256) Business strategies require all of these EXCEPT which feature for success in
emerging industry setting?
A. Shape the industry's structure
B. Rapidly improve product quality
C. Strong product design skills
D. Forecast future competitors

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4

51. (p. 256) For success in growth industries, business strategies require which of these
A. Ability to rapidly improve product qualities and performance features
B. Ability to differentiate the firm's products from competitors entering the market
C. Emphasis on process innovation that permits low-cost product design, manufacturing
methods and distribution synergy
D. Gradually harvest the business

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4

52. (p. 256) Business strategies require all of these EXCEPT which feature for success in
growing industries?
A. Establish strong brand recognition
B. Scale up to meet increasing demand
C. Differentiate the firm's products
D. Horizontal integration

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
53. (p. 257) Strategies used by firms competing in markets where the growth rate of that market
from year to year had reached or is close to zero are called ________ industry strategies.
A. Mature
B. Growth
C. Emerging
D. Declining

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 4

54. (p. 257) As an industry evolves, its rate of growth eventually

A. declines
B. stabilizes
C. increases
D. plateaus

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 1

55. (p. 257) For success in mature industries, business strategies require which of these features?
A. Ability to rapidly improve product qualities and performance features
B. Ability to differentiate the firm's products from competitors entering the market
C. Emphasis on process innovation that permits low-cost product design, manufacturing
methods and distribution synergy
D. Gradually harvest the business

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
56. (p. 257) Business strategies require all of these features EXCEPT which one for success in
mature industries?
A. Harvest the business
B. Emphasis on cost reduction
C. Product line pruning
D. Horizontal integration

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4

57. (p. 257) Business strategies in maturing industries should avoid all of these pitfalls EXCEPT
which one?
A. Avoid sacrificing market share too quickly
B. Make a clear choice among three generic strategies and avoid the middle-ground approach
C. Avoid waiting too long to respond to price reductions
D. Avoid horizontal integration to acquire rival firms

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4

58. (p. 258) Slow growth or a decline in demand for an industry could be caused by
A. technological substitution
B. strong branding
C. significant differentiation
D. Integration

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 1

59. (p. 258) __________ industries are those that make products or services for which demand is
growing slower than demand in the economy as a whole.
A. Mature
B. Declining
C. Growth
D. Emerging

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 4
60. (p. 259) Firms in a declining industry should choose strategies that emphasize all but which
one of the following themes?
A. Focus on growing segments
B. Emphasize price cutting and promotion investment to drive out weaker competitors
C. Emphasize product innovation and quality improvement
D. Emphasize production and distribution efficiency

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4

61. (p. 259) A fragmented industry is one in which:

A. Foreign firms have almost equal market shares on domestic firms
B. No one firm has a significant market share
C. One firm strongly influences the industry’s outcomes
D. Competitors have been beaten down by regulations

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 5

62. (p. 259) Businesses in fragmented industries can compete using all of these strategies
A. "Formula" facilities
B. Tightly managed decentralization
C. "Harvesting" the business
D. Specialization

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 5

63. (p. 259) When a business introduces standardized, efficient, low-cost facilities at multiple
locations it can be described as following which of these strategies?
A. "Formula" facilities
B. Specialization
C. Tightly managed decentralization
D. Harvesting the business

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 5
64. (p. 259) Focus strategies in fragmented industries can be pursued through:
A. A wide range of services to a single market area
B. A narrow range of products
C. Handling broad types of orders from small to very large
D. Serving the customers at a national level

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 5

65. (p. 260) Industries in which competition crosses national borders are called a(n) __________
A. Emerging
B. Growth
C. Global
D. Fragmented

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 5

66. (p. 260) ________ is targeting a particular segment of the industry for competition on a
worldwide basis.
A. Licensing
B. National focus strategy
C. Global focus strategy
D. Protected niche strategy

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 5

67. (p. 260) Which of these is NOT a basic option that can/should be used to pursue global
market coverage?
A. Licensing
B. Harvesting the business
C. Maintaining a domestic production base and exporting
D. Establishing foreign-based plants and distribution

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 5
68. (p. 260) Targeting a particular segment of the industry for competition on a worldwide basis
refers to
A. Broad-line global competition
B. Protected niche strategy
C. National focus strategy
D. Global focus strategy

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 5

69. (p. 260) Seeking out countries in which governmental restraints exclude or inhibit global
competitors or allow concessions or both, that are advantages to localized firms refers to
A. Broad-line global competition
B. Protected niche strategy
C. National focus strategy
D. Global focus strategy

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 5

70. (p. 262) Acquisition of firms that supply inputs such as raw materials is referred to as
A. Conglomerate diversification
B. Horizontal acquisition
C. Retrenchment
D. Vertical acquisition

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 6
71. (p. 262) Quadrant I of the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix suggests which of these strategies
when the basic idea underlying the matrix is the choice of an internal or external emphasis for
growth or profitability?
A. Horizontal integration
B. Conglomerate diversification
C. Market development
D. Retrenchment

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6

72. (p. 262) Quadrant II of the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix suggests which of these
strategies when the basic idea underlying the matrix is the choice of an internal or external
emphasis for growth or profitability?
A. Horizontal integration
B. Conglomerate diversification
C. Market development
D. Retrenchment

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6

73. (p. 262) Acquiring or entering businesses unrelated to a firm's current technologies, markets
or products is referred to as
A. Conglomerate diversification
B. Horizontal integration
C. Retrenchment
D. Vertical integration

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 6
74. (p. 263) Which of these refers to cutting back on products, markets, operations because the
firm's overall competitive and financial situation cannot support commitments needed to
sustain or build its operations?
A. Conglomerate diversification
B. Concentrated growth
C. Retrenchment
D. Vertical integration

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6

75. (p. 263) ________ offers the best possibility for recouping the firm's investment.
A. Liquidation
B. Divestiture
C. Turnaround
D. Retrenchment

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6

76. (p. 263) The sale of a firm or a major component refers to

A. Retrenchment
B. Divestiture
C. Liquidation
D. Conglomerate diversification

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 6
77. (p. 262) The most common approach in Quadrant III of the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix,
when the basic idea underlying the matrix is the choice of an internal or external emphasis for
growth or profitability is
A. Concentrated growth
B. Horizontal growth
C. Divestiture
D. Conglomerate diversification

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6

78. (p. 262) Quadrant IV of the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix suggests which of these
A. Vertical acquisition
B. Turnaround
C. Product development
D. Horizontal acquisition

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6

79. (p. 263) Selling present products to customers in related marketing areas by adding channels
of distribution is called
A. Market development
B. Vertical acquisition
C. Turnaround strategy
D. Conglomerate diversification

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 6
80. (p. 263) Which of these strategies are suggested by the first quadrant of the Grand Strategy
A. Horizontal acquisition
B. Concentrated growth
C. Concentric diversification
D. Joint ventures

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6

81. (p. 262) Quadrant II of the Grand Strategy Cluster suggests which of these strategies?
A. Horizontal acquisition
B. Concentrated growth
C. Concentric diversification
D. Joint ventures

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6

82. (p. 263) A strategy that seeks to reap the initially high profits associated with customer
acceptance of new or greatly improved product refers to
A. Joint ventures
B. Horizontal integration
C. Innovation
D. Conglomerate diversification

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 6
83. (p. 264) Growth through the acquisition of one or more similar firms operating at the same
stage of the production – marketing chain refers to
A. Product development
B. Joint ventures
C. Conglomerate diversification
D. Horizontal acquisition

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 6

84. (p. 264) Which of these refers to acquisition of businesses that are related to the acquiring
firm in terms of technology, markets or products?
A. Concentric diversification
B. Horizontal integration
C. Conglomerate diversification
D. Divestiture

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6

Essay Questions

85. Evaluate a business's cost leadership opportunities using skills, resources and
organizational requirements.

See discussion in the section "Evaluating Cost Leadership Opportunities" on pages 243-246.

Learning Objective: 1

86. What are the risks of a cost leadership strategy?

See discussion in the section "Evaluating Cost Leadership Opportunities" on pages 245-246.

Learning Objective: 1
87. Define differentiation. Evaluate a business's differentiation opportunities using skills,
resources and organizational requirements.

See discussion in the section "Evaluating Differentiation Opportunities" on pages 246-249.

Learning Objective: 1

88. What potential risks managers must take into account as they evaluate the differentiation –
based advantages?

See discussion in the section "Evaluating Differentiation Opportunities" on pages 248-249.

Learning Objective: 1

89. Speed-based competitive advantages can be creates around what types of activities?

See discussion in the section "Evaluating Speed as a Competitive Advantage" on pages 249-

Learning Objective: 1

90. Evaluate the risks of speed as a competitive advantage.

See discussion in the section "Evaluating Speed as a Competitive Advantage" on page 252.

Learning Objective: 1

91. Describe the different stages of industry evolution. Identify the key functional areas and
strategy focus of each stage.

See exhibit 8.8 on pages 254-255.

Learning Objective: 4
92. Define emerging industries. Describe the features of business strategies required for
success in this industry.

See discussion in the section "Competitive Advantage and Strategic Choice in Emerging
Industries" on pages 243-245.

Learning Objective: 4

93. What are the strategic choices in growing industries?

See discussion in the section “Competitive Advantage and Strategic Choices in Growing
Industries” on pages 256-257.

Learning Objective: 4

94. Evaluate the strategic choices for businesses in mature industries.

See discussion “Competitive Advantages and Strategic Choices in Mature Industry

Environments” on pages 257-258.

Learning Objective: 4

95. Define declining industry. What strategic choices do the firms in this industry have?

See discussion in the section "Competitive Advantages and Strategic Choices in Declining
Industries" on pages 247-248.

Learning Objective: 4

96. Define fragmented industries. What ways businesses in this industry can pursue
strategies? Explain.

See discussion in the section "Competitive Advantage in Fragmented Industries" on pages


Learning Objective: 5
Strategic Management Pearce 14th Edition Test Bank

97. What is a global industry? What are the unique strategy-shaping features of global

See discussion in the section “Competitive Advantage in Global Industries” on page 260.

Learning Objective: 5

98. What are the strategy choices in global industries?

See discussion in the section “Competitive Advantage in Global Industries” on pages 260-

Learning Objective: 5

99. Briefly describe the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix. What strategies are recommended in
each quadrant? Explain.

See discussion in the section "Grand Strategy Selection Matrix" on pages 262-264.

Learning Objective: 6

100. Explain the model of Grand Strategy Clusters.

See the discussion in the section "Model of Grand Strategy Clusters" on pages 264-266.

Learning Objective: 6

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