Design, Construction and Testing of A Cold Store With Water-Cooled Chiller

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Article in Latin American Applied Research - An international journal · January 2022

DOI: 10.52292/j.laar.2022.635


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Serap Akdemir
Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University Technical Sciences Vocatinal School


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Latin American Applied Research 52(1):21-26 (2022)



Department of Machine and Metal Technologies. Technical Sciences Vocational School,
Tekirdag Namik Kemal University, Tekirdag, 59030, TURKEY.

Abstract−− Objective of this research was to de- tower fans and condenser water pumps were investigated.
sign, construction and test of a cold store with chiller With regard to an example chiller system, the optimal
unit. Dimensions of the cold store were 5x4x3m. Heat control coupled with variable condenser water flow could
load was calculated and capacity of cooling system reduce the annual system electricity use by 5.3% and op-
was determined. Ambient temperature was set 2oC erating cost by 4.9% relative to the equivalent system us-
and relative humidity 90% for cold store testing. Am- ing constant speed fans and pumps with a fixed set point
bient temperature, relative humidity and air velocity for cooling water temperature control (Yu and Chan,
were measured for 3 different levels and 12 points for 2008). In a study, calculation of cooling load and choos-
each level in the cold store. Total heat load and capac- ing of the cooling system elements as compressor, con-
ity of cooling system were calculated 6264 kcal/h denser, and evaporator were explained for designing of
(7.284 kW). The descriptive statistics were calculated an evaporative cold store (Akdemir, 2008). A manual
for the ambient temperature; mean, 2.82oC, standard was prepared to discuss various piping and control strat-
deviation 0.02oC and CV (%) 0.56, and for the rela- egies commonly used with chilled water systems includ-
tive humidity; mean 88.01%, standard deviation 0.61 ing variable flow pumping systems (Anonymous, 2001).
(%) and CV(%) 0.70 and for the air velocity mean Steady natural convection heat transfer behavior of
0.37m/s, standard deviation 0.22 m/s, CV 33.45 %. nanofluids is investigated numerically inside a square en-
Even the air velocity CV was high, the ambient tem- closure filled with a porous medium. The governing
perature and relative humidity variations were eval- equations were obtained based on the Darcy's law with
uated very good. the nanofluid model. The transformed dimensionless
Keywords−− cold store, chiller, design, heat load governing equations were solved by finite difference ap-
proach (Mansour et al., 2015). A risk-based design pro-
I. INTRODUCTION cedure of ammonia-based refrigeration processes taking
Reducing the losses with various techniques from harvest into account the allocation of the manufacturing plant and
to consumer indirectly increases agricultural production the surrounding environment vulnerability at early stages
and producer income (Eris, 2001). In order to ensure the of process design was presented in paper (Biscotti et al.,
homogeneity of the temperature in large volume cold 2019).
stores, it is necessary to provide it with separate and spe- Chiller cooling systems are becoming more and more
cial air channel systems (Bayboz et al., 2004). It is the common in cold storage. In this type of cold stores, cold
range of change of this temperature in a factor as im- air is conditioned, ventilated from the ceiling and ab-
portant as the storage temperature. Deviations in the cold sorbed through inlets located on the opposite side. The
storage degree should be less than ± 1oC. The biggest dis- purpose of this research was to calculate the heat load for
advantage of high deviations in the storage temperature a cold store with water-cooled chiller system that distrib-
is that it affects the storage humidity. Therefore, this is utes conditioned cold air as homogeneously as possible
very important in cold store with high relative humidity in the cold store. The capacities of the system elements
(Cemeroglu et al., 2001). In the design and operation of were determined according to the cooling load calcula-
cold storage systems, the problems of saving operation tions. Then, the cold store with chiller was constructed
cost and improving global economics of whole systems and the cooling system was tested for ambient factors
are equally important. An approach to calculate and to such as temperature, relative humidity and air velocity.
choose the chiller and cold storage tank for the optimal
scheme was provided in the method. The method was II. METHODS
demonstrated by a case study, in which the optimal A. Cooling load calculations
scheme was compared on economics with other schemes Heat load from the stored products and other heat sources
with chiller priority control or storage priority control. It in the cold store were calculated for determining cooling
can be seen that the payback period of the optimal load. Cooling capacity of the air conditioning and the
scheme was the shortest (Liu and Wang, 2001). The de- cooling unit were calculated in order to provide the de-
sign guide of the chiller cooling systems was presented sired temperature and relative humidity in the cold store.
in a book (Anonymous, 2009). Energy performance of a Transmission heat (𝑞1 ), infiltration heat (𝑞2 ), heat for
chiller and cooling tower systems integrated with varia- cooling of the stored products (𝑞3 ), heat from other
ble condenser water flow and optimal speed control for sources (𝑞4 ) and unknown and unexpected heat load (𝑞5 ) 21
Latin American Applied Research 52(1):21-26 (2022)

for calculated to determine total amount of heat required 𝑡𝑜 = Outdoor temperature (oC)
in the cold store (Ozkol, 1999). Outdoor temperature as 𝑡𝑟 = Indoor temperature (oC)
35oC, storage temperature as 0oC and relative humidity Heat generated by stored product maturation (𝑞3,2 de-
as 90% were taken for the cooling load calculations. fined as also maturation heat was calculated by Eq. 7.
Monthly average air temperature for the hottest month 𝐺 .𝑐
𝑞3,2 = 𝑢 𝑟 (7)
was determined as outside temperature. The transmission 1000 .24

heat load (𝑞1 ) generated by heat transmission from walls, where 𝑐𝑟 = Respiration heat during storage (kCal/ t-24h)
ceiling and floor was calculated by using Eq. (1-3) (Guzel (It was assumed as 200 kCal/t-24h for apple at 0oC cold
et al., 1996). storage).
𝑞1 = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑘𝑖 𝐴𝑖 𝛥𝑡𝑖 (1) Other heat load (𝑞4 ) generated by workers (𝑞4,1 ),
1 lightening (𝑞4,2 ) and unknown and unexpected heat load
𝑘𝑖 = 1 𝑛 𝐿 1 (2)
+ ∑𝑖=1
(𝑞4,3 ) were calculated by Eq. (8-10) (Cemeroglu and
𝛥𝑡𝑖 = 𝑡𝑜 − 𝑡𝑟 (3) Acar, 1986; Ozkol, 1999; Erol, 1993).
where 𝑞4 = 𝑞4,1 + 𝑞4,2 + 𝑞4,3 (8)
𝑞1 = Transmission heat load (kCal/h) 𝑞4,1 = 𝑛. 𝑐𝑖 . 𝑡1 (9)
𝑖 = Number of layer (1, 2, ..,n) where
𝑛 = Maximum number of layers 𝑞4,1 = Heat load emitted from workers (kCal/day)
𝑘𝑖 = Total heat transfer coefficient (kCal/m2hoC) 𝑛 = Number of workers
𝐴𝑖 = Total surface area of ceiling, walls, floor (m 2) 𝑐𝑖 =Heat load from a worker (kCal/h-person) (Ozkol,
𝛥𝑡𝑖 = Temperature difference (oC) 1999)
𝛼𝑜 = Coefficient of heat transmission of outside surface 𝑡1 = Daily working time for a worker in the cold store
(kCal/m2hoC) (It was assumed as 18 kCal/m2hoC) (h/day) (assumed as 1 h/day).
𝐿 = Material thickness (m) 𝑞4,2 = 860. 𝑁𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 . 𝑡2 (10)
λ = Thermal conductivity (kCal/mhoC) 𝑞4,2 = Heat load generated by lightening (kCal/day)
𝛼𝑖 = Coefficient of heat transmission of inside surface 860 =Thermal equivalent of work (kCal/kWh)
(kCal/m2hoC) (It was assumed as 18 kCal/m2hoC) 𝑁𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 =Power of the lighting facility (kW) (0.020kW)
𝑡𝑜 = Neighbour volume (outside) temperature (oC) 𝑡2 = Daily working time of the lighting (h /day) (2h/day)
𝑡𝑟 =Room (inside) temperature (oC) In order to include the effect of unknown and unex-
𝑘𝑖 was calculated 0.26 kCal/m2hoC for walls, ceiling pected heat load (𝑞4,3 ) was determined by Eq. 11 (Ozkol,
and floor manufactured from polyurethan. Thickness was 1999).
0.08 m. 𝑞4,3 = 0.1 (𝑞4,1 + 𝑞4,2 ) (11)
Infiltration heat load (𝑞2 ) caused from leakage and where 𝑞4,3 = Unknown and unexpected heat load
exchange air was calculated by the Eq. 4 (Erol, 1993). (kCal/day)
𝑞2 = 𝑧. 𝛾. 𝑉. ℎ𝑜 . ℎ𝑖 (4) It was also assumed that the cooling system works 16
where hours per a day and time factor as 24/16 was reflected to
𝑞2 = Heat load from leakage and exchange air (kcal/h) the calculation of the total heat load (𝑄𝐾 ) (Eq. 12)
𝑧 = Number of air changes in one day (Erol, 1993) (Cemeroglu and Acar, 1986; Ozkol, 1999; Erol, 1993).
𝛾 =Specific gravity of air (kg/m3) (for 35oC) (Savas, 24
𝑄𝐾 = ( ) . (𝑞1 + 𝑞2 + 𝑞3 + 𝑞4 + 𝑞5 ) (12)
1987) 16
𝑉 = Room volume (m3) where 𝑄𝐾 = Total heat load (kCal/h) and 24/16 = Time
ℎ𝑜 = Enthalpy of outdoor air (kcal/kg) factor.
ℎ𝑖 = Enthalpy of indoor air (kcal/kg) B. Determination of Cooling Unit Capacity
Heat load (𝑞3 ) caused by stored products was calcu- Air is cooled by giving its heat to the fluid passing
lated by Eq. (5-7) through the pipes when the air passes through the serpen-
𝑞3 = 𝑞3,1 + 𝑞3,2 (5) tine in the ventilation unit. The air conditioner provides
where the desired temperature and humidity to the air before en-
𝑞3 = Cooling load (q3) from cold stored products (kcal/h) ters the cold store. Calculations of the volumetric flow
𝑞3,1 = Heat generated by cold stored product (kcal/h) rate, mass flow rate and the cooling capacity of the air
𝑞3,2 = Heat generated by stored product maturation conditioning unit were determined by the following for-
(kcal/h) mulas. The amount of cold air was calculated by Eq.13
The heat emitted by reducing the amount of heat re- (Yamankaradeniz et al., 2012).
quired to be taken from the daily loaded products to de- 𝑉𝑎 = (13)
𝜌ℎ .𝐶𝑝ℎ .𝛥𝑡
crease temperature from 𝑡𝑜 to 𝑡𝑟 . where
𝑞3,1 = (𝐺𝑢 . 𝑐𝑢 ). (𝑡𝑜 − 𝑡𝑟 ) (6) 𝑉𝑎 = Volumetric air flow rate (m3/h)
where 𝜌ℎ = Density of air (kg/m3)
𝑞3,1 = Heat produced by cold stored product (kcal/h) 𝐶𝑝ℎ = Specific heat of air at constant pressure (kcal/kg0C)
𝐺𝑢 = Amount of the daily stored products (kg) 𝛥𝑡 = Differences between storage temperature and venti-
𝑐𝑢 = Specific heat of the product (kCal/kgoC) lation temperature (0C)


minimum, maximum, standard deviation (SD) and Coef-

ficient of Variation (CV) to determine variability in the
cold store.
A. Heat load for the selection of the cooling system
Transmission heat load in Table 1, infiltration heat load
in Table 2, heat load from the stored products in Table 3
Figure 1: Measurement points, levels and plains in the cold
and Table 4, heat load from unknown and unexpected
sources in Table 5 and total heat load were given in Table
The mass flow rate of air and the capacity of the ser- 6, respectively.
pentine were calculated by using Eqs. 14 and 15. Total daily transmission heat load was determined as
𝑚𝑎 = 𝑉𝑎 . 𝜌ℎ (14) 18959 kCal/day. Total daily infiltration heat load was
𝑄𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑑 = 𝑚𝑎 (ℎ𝑜 − ℎ𝑖 ) (15) 10908 kCal/day from Table 2. Total heat gain coming
where from stored product was calculated as 65417 kCal/day
𝑚𝑎 =Amount of ventilated air into the cold store (kg/h) from Table 3 and Table 4. Heat load from unknown and
𝑄𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑑 = Serpentine capacity (kcal/h) unexpected sources was 4932 kCal/day (Table 5).
ℎ𝑜 − ℎ𝑖 = Enthalpy difference inlet and outlet air for air- Total heat load was calculated as 7.284 kW (6264
conditioning unit (kcal/kg). kCal/h) (Table 6). Cooling system elements were chosen
C. Testing of cold store with chiller unit according to the total heat load. In practice, the conden-
Ambient temperature, relative humidity and air ve- ser capacity is determined 15% higher than heat load per
locity were measured for 12 points for 3 levels as base, hour. The evaporator capacity is equal to the total heat
middle and top (Fig. 1). load. In the cooling system using R404a as the refriger-
Testo 177H1 sensors were used for ambient tempera- ant, the evaporator capacity for the evaporator-condenser
ture and Testo 435 sensor for air velocity. The results temperature -15/+400C was selected as 7.4 kW.
were evaluated by descriptive statistics such as mean,
Table 1. Transmission heat load
Cold Width Length Area Thickness of Conduction heat transfer 𝑘𝑖 (kcal/h Temperature Heat load per Heat load
store (m) (m) (m2) the panel (m) coefficient (kCal/hmoC) oC m2) differences hour (kcal/h) Per day
(oC) (kcal/day)
Wall 4.00 3.00 12.00 0.08 0.021 0.255 35 107.13 2571
Wall 4.00 3.00 12.00 0.08 0.021 0.255 35 107.13 2571
Wall 5.00 3.00 15.00 0.08 0.021 0.255 35 133.91 3214
Wall 5.00 3.00 15.00 0.08 0.021 0.255 35 133.91 3214
Ceil- 4.00 5.00 20.00 0.08 0.021 0.255 35 178.54 4285
Floor 4.00 5.00 20.00 0.08 0.021 0.255 25 129.36 3105
Total daily heat load (kCal/day) 18959
Table 2. Infiltration heat load
Cold store Number of ventila- Outdoor en- Differences between outdoor
Air density Indoor air en- Heat load per
volume 3 tions per day (num- thalpy and indoor air enthalpies
(kg/m ) thalpy (kCal/kg) day (kCal/day)
(m3) ber/24h) (kCal/kg) (kCal/kg)
60 1.21 10.1 15 0 15 10908
Table 3. Heat load from stored products
Amount of Tempera- Specific heat Heat load
Product tem- Storage tem- Cooling time Heat load per a
o o the stored ture differ- gain per hour
perature ( C) perature ( C) per a day (h) day (kcal/day)
product (kg) ences (oC) (kcal/kgoC) (kcal/h)
Above freezing
25 0 2000 25 0.65 16 2031.25 48750
Table 4. Respiration heat load from stored products
Amount of the Tempera- Respiration Heat load
Product tem- Storage tem- Cooling time Heat load per a
o o stored product ture differ- heat (kCal/t- per hour
perature ( C) perature ( C) per a day (h) day (kcal/day)
(kg) ences (oC) 24h) (kcal/h)
Respiration 2000 200 16667 16667
Table 5. Heat load from unknown and unexpected sources
Heat source Number Heat value Working time (h) Daily heat load (kcal/day)
Human 2 persons 205 kcal/h 8 3280
Lighting 7 Watt- 20 pieces 0,86 kcal/h/W 10 1204
Unknown and unexpected sources 448
Total heat load 4932

Latin American Applied Research 52(1):21-26 (2022)

Table 6. Total heat load per hour and day Table 10. General specifications of the cold store
Heat load Amount (kCal/day) Dimensions (m) 4.0x5.0x3.0m
Transmission 18959 Working temperature (°C) 0°C /+30 °C
Infiltration 10908 Relative humidity 55% – 95%
Stored product 65417 Tolerance for relative humidity (%) ±%5
Unknown and unexpected source 4932 Tolerance for ambient temperature(°C) ± 0,5 °C
Total Daily heat load 100216 Steps for controlling of the ambient tem- 0.1 °C
Total heat load (kCal/h) 6264 kCal/h perature
Total heat load (kW) 7.284 kW

Table 7. Volumetric flow of air

𝑄𝐾 (kcal/h) 𝜌ℎ (kg/m3) 𝐶𝑝ℎ (kCal/kgoC) 𝛥𝑡 (oC) 𝑉ℎ (m3/h)
5236 1.2 1003.5 4 4816.8

Table 8. Mass flow of air

𝑉ℎ (kg/h) 𝜌ℎ (kg/m3) 𝑚ℎ (kg/h) 𝑚ℎ (kg/s)
5000 1.2 6000 1.66
Figure 3: Placing of panels and cold general view
Table 9. Capacity of the cooling unit
𝑚ℎ (kg/s) ℎ𝑖 (kj/kg) ℎ𝑜 (kj/kg) 𝑄𝑠𝑜𝑔 (kW) pressure switch and cooling valves are installed in order
1.66 14 10 6.66 to operate the cooling circuit elements safely and auto-
matically in the system.
General specifications of the cold store with chiller
were given in Table 11.
Air entering the air conditioner and passing through
the cooling serpentine cools by giving its heat to the wa-
ter passing through the pipes. The water that takes the
heat is cooled in chiller unit and sent back to the cooling
unit by a pump (Yamankaradeniz et al., 2012). The air
prepared to the desired conditions in the air conditioner
is blown through three discharge blown into the cold
store by a system. After passing cold store, the cold air
is drawn by three intake channels on the other side of the
cold store (Fig. 2). Thus, air was distributed relatively ho-
mogeneously in the store. As a result, agricultural prod-
ucts were stored at more homogeneous conditions in the
Figure 2: Plan of the cold store cold store. It is designed different from the evaporative
B. Calculation of ventilation flow rate cold storages.
The volumetric flow of the air to enter the air conditioner After the design of the cold store, it was constructed
for the selection of the air conditioning device was given in the Tekirdag Namik Kemal University. A new build-
in Table 7, the mass flow in Table 8 and the capacity of ing was built at 40° 59'37.87 "N and 27° 34'44.23" E po-
the cooling unit was given in Table 9. sition. All surfaces of the walls and floors were covered
The volumetric flow rate of the air was calculated with prefabricated sandwich panels filled with polyure-
4816.8 m3/h for the air conditioner. The amount of air to thane (Fig. 3). Panel thickness was 80 mm. and transmis-
be given to the tank was determined as 1.66 kg/s. The sion coefficient 0.025W/mK according to DIN 4108.
cooling capacity of serpentine was calculated as 6.66 kW, Both surfaces of the wall and ceiling panels were 0.50
but cooling unit selection was made according to 7 kW. mm thick, hot-dip galvanized sheet, painted with polyes-
ter-based paint. The floor panels, were covered with im-
C. Construction and testing of the cold store
ported 0.5 mm thick stainless-steel sheet on 9 mm thick
Dimensions of the cold store were 4m in width, 5m in
imported plywood, and the outer surface was hot dip gal-
length and 3m in height), volume 60m3 and cooling ca-
vanized with 0.50 mm thick and 80 mm polyurethane
pacity 7kW (Fig. 2).
filled. Then sliding door installation was done.
The operating temperatures of this cold store, are 0 /+
Cooling system consists of water-cooling group
10°C, humidity range is 75% -90% RH humidity toler-
(chiller), air cooling group, air conditioning unit, suction
ance ± 5%, temperature tolerance is ± 0.5°C and temper-
and discharge channels. The water was cooled with
ature control steps are 0.1°C.
R404a refrigerant in the chiller. The cold water ensures
Water cooled chiller group consists of compressor,
cooling of the air in the cooling battery of the air condi-
condenser, evaporator, electrical control panel, micro-
tioning device. Temperature and relative humidity of the
processor control system.
cold air adjusted to the desired values and then blown in-
Electronic expansion valve, drier-filter, sight glass,
side of the cold store. Technical characteristics of cooling
safety valve, water flow control automatics, low-high
system were given in Table 11.


Table 11. Technical specifications of chiller

Compressor model Semi-Hermetic Cylinder
Evaporator-condenser 0/+40°C
Capacity 15 kW
Compressor power 4,59 kW
C.O.P 3,27
Water inlet/outlet temperature 10/6°C
Refrigerant R404a

Table 12. Technical specifications of the air conditioner

Ventilator type Axial
Air flow rate (m3/h) 8.000
Figure 6: Automatic control of the cooling system.
Coolant battery capacity (kW) 10
Heater capacity (kW) 5 kw Table 13. Descriptive statistics of ambient temperature(t), rel-
Inlet air 19°C %65RH ative humidity (RH) and air velocity(v) measurements
Outlet air 15°C %85RH Level Plain t (oC) RH (%) v(m/s)
Water Inlet/Outlet 6/11°C Top 1 2.83 87.43 0.43
Heater type Number of the electricity 2 2.83 88.23 0.41
resistance:1 3 2.83 88.07 0.26
Ventilator air flow rate It can be adjusted 4 2.80 87.70 0.18
Middle 1 2.80 87.67 0.23
2 2.83 89.57 0.57
3 2.80 87.47 0.40
4 2.80 88.23 0.22
Base 1 2.83 88.13 0.34
2 2.83 87.47 0.41
3 2.80 88.53 0.44
4 2.80 87.60 0.52
(a) (b) Mean 2.82 88.01 0.37
Figure 4: Air-conditioner group and chiller (a), pressure Minimum 2.80 87.43 0.18
and suction channels(b). Maximum 2.83 89.57 0.57
SD 0.02 0.61 0.12
CV (%) 0.56 0.70 33.45

peremeter etc. All controls were made from the electri-

cal panel (Fig. 5).
Cooling and humidification processes were con-
trolled by a microprocessor to establish required tem-
Figure 5: Humidification device and control panel perature. In case of any excessive temperature in the
system, the entire system can be stopped and the alarm
Technical specifications of the air conditioning de-
was activated (Fig 6.).
vice are given in Table 12.
Descriptive statistics of the ambient temperature,
The air channels between the ventilation device (air
relative humidity and air velocity measurements for dif-
conditioning unit) and the cold store inlet channels are
ferent levels and plains were given in Table 13.
made of galvanized sheet iron. These air channels de-
The descriptive statistics of the ambient tempera-
liver the cold air into the cold store and absorb ex-
ture were calculated as mean 2.820C, standard deviation
hausted air from the cold a store (Fig. 4). Sealing and
0.020C and CV (%) 0.56, for the relative humidity;
fitting elements were used for joining points of the
mean 88.01%, standard deviation 0.61% and CV (%)
channels. The channels were hung in the style and in-
0.70 and for the air velocity mean 0.37 m/s, standard
tervals specified due to Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning
deviation 0.22 m/s, CV 33.46%. Even the air velocity
Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA). Insu-
CV was high as 33.46%, the ambient temperature and
lated suction and discharge air channels were given in
relative humidity variations were too close to the set
Fig. 4. In order to distribute the conditioned (cold) air
value as 20C and 90%.
coming from the discharge channel. Three ventilation
inlets were placed at the side of the door and three suc- IV. CONCLUSIONS
tion channels on the other side at the ceiling to allow Cooling system with chiller has been widely used for
the exhaust air to be absorbed. All this was to ensure cold storage of the agricultural products. All details of the
that the air was sent to the cold store at a desired tem- design for a cold store with water cooled chiller were
perature and relative humidity in a closed cycle and to given in this paper for researchers and manufacturers. In
recover the exhaust air. Steam humidifier capacity was this research study a cold store with water-cooled chiller
2 kg/h used in the cold store (Fig. 5). Electrical control was designed, constructed and tested for ambient factors.
panel has fuse, contactor, relay, lamp, switch, am-

Latin American Applied Research 52(1):21-26 (2022)

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Recommended by Subject Editor Ardson Vianna Jr.


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