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basic structure of Constitution, Bench rules say dissenting Justices Lalit, Bhat say Justices Trivedi and Pardiwala

Quota for General poor gets top court seal

SC’s 3-2 verdict BJP, Congress
upholds 10%
claim credit
EWS quota for
poorest among for quota law;
forward castes DMK says
‘gross injustice’
IN A landmark ruling Monday, NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7
the Supreme Court upheld by a
3-2 majority the Constitution WHILETHEBJPandtheCongress
(One Hundred and Third welcomed the Supreme Court
Amendment) Act, 2019 intro- judgment upholding the 10 per
ducing10percentreservationfor centreservationforeconomically
the economically weaker sec- weaker sections in the general
tions (EWS) among the unre- category — with both parties
served categories in admissions claiming credit for introducing
and government jobs. The Supreme Court Bench of Justices (from left) Bela M Trivedi, Dinesh Maheshwari, CJI U U Lalit, S Ravindra Bhat and J B Pardiwala pronounces the EWS quota verdict on Monday. PTI the 103rd amendment to the
The majority view, as enun- Constitutionthatprovidesforthe
ciated by one of the five judges quota — regional parties, espe-
of the Constitution Bench, de-
scribedreservationas“aninstru- 2 judges dissent: Denying BUSINESS AS USUAL Ruling affirms BJP push THE EDITORIAL PAGE cially those with roots in social

this to SCs, STs, OBCs is for its labharthi politics THE POVERTY TEST
mentnotonlyforinclusionof so- The DMK in Tamil Nadu
cially and educationally BY UNNY called it “gross injustice” and
backward classes to the main- “against the principles of social
streamof society,butalsoforthe
inclusion of any class or section
so disadvantaged”.
heaping fresh injustice that goes beyond Mandal MANDAL PLUS
SC order takes quota debate
justice” while the JD(U) and the
BSP welcomed the verdict. The
While Justices Dinesh maturonthe103rdamendment, beyond caste, can redefine EWS quota in the past, used the
Maheshwari, Bela M Trivedi and ANANTHAKRISHNAN G SHYAMLAL YADAV allowing 10 per cent quota for welfare, and politics around it opportunity to renew its call for
J B Pardiwala agreed that the NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 the poorest of the poor among PAGE12 a caste census, saying the “judg-
amendment does not violate the upper castes, both strengthens ment opens the possibility of in-
basic structure of the DISSENTING WITH the majority OVER THE last eight years, the — and affirms — this plank. creasing the quota for backward
Constitution,ChiefJusticeofIndia view on the validity of the Narendra Modi-led BJP, both in Picking up the threads from castes proportionate to their

UULalit,whoretiresTuesday,and Constitution (One Hundred and government and party, the November 16, 1992 EXPLAINED share in the population”.

JusticeSRavindraBhatdissented, Third Amendment) Act, 2019, has built a key plank of its OBC “creamy layer” rul- In a 3-2 split verdict on
saying the EWS quota is “contra- which introduced 10 percent politics around the lab- ing — which put an in- FOUR QUESTIONS Monday, a five-judge bench of
dictorytotheessenceofequalop- reservationfor the economically CJI Lalit delivers his farewell
INSIDE harthi, the beneficiary of

come cap on OBC quotas IN EWS ORDER the Supreme Court upheld the
portunity” and “strikes at the weaker sections (EWS) in the speech Monday. PTI PAGE14 a welfare scheme, who is — the Modi government, validity of the Constitution's
heart of the equality code”. unreserved category, Justice S framed, not by her social via the 103rd amend- QUOTA CRITERIA 103rd Amendment Act, 2019.
The dissenting judges were Ravindra Bhat and Chief Justice PRIVATE COLLEGES identity but by individual, quan- ment, sought to get around SHIFTS: CASTE TO Termingthejudgmenta“vic-
of the view that “while the ‘eco- of India U U Lalit said it creates which is a part of the core of the AWAITCLARITY ON tifiable, criteria that aim to de- caste-based reservations by INCOME, COMMUNITY tory” for Narendra Modi's “mis-
nomic criteria’ per se is an “exclusion” which “strikes at Constitution”. FUNDS, FEES fine a need-based architecture. pushing welfarism among the TO INDIVIDUALS P 15 sion” to provide social justice for
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 the heart of the equality code… CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 FULL COVERAGE, PAGE 8 The Supreme Court's impri- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Extradition of Morbi: HC takes suo motu cognizance,

fugitive arms gives Gujarat week to file status report
dealer Sanjay cognizance of the Morbi inci-
Bhandari gets
dent. But for the vacation, we
AHMEDABAD, NOVEMBER 7 would have sat on the same day
itself.” At the start of the pro-
UK court nod TAKING SUO motu cognizance
of the Morbi bridge collapse, the
ceedings, the bench observed a
two-minute silence for those
Gujarat High Court on Monday who died in Morbi.
ADITI KHANNA issued notices to the state gov- The bench took cognizance
LONDON, NOVEMBER 7 ernment and local authorities of the incident on the basis of
and also sought a status report 135 people were killed in newspaper reports on October
AUKcourtonMondayruledthat in the matter by November 14. Morbi on October 30. File 31. “...On account of the courts
Sanjay Bhandari, an accused Thesuspensionbridgeonthe havingbeenclosedduetoDiwali
middleman and consultant in Machchhu river in Morbi col- vacations,telephonicinstruction
arms deals, can be extradited to lapsedonOctober 30, killing 135 Diwalivacation,adivisionbench was issued to the registrar (judi-
India to face charges of tax eva- people including 55 children. of Chief Justice Aravind Kumar cial) to treat the said article as
sion and money laundering, and Takingitupasthefirstmatter and Justice Ashutosh Shastri suo motu PIL by registering it
pavedthewayfortheBritishgov- as the court reopened after the said: “We have taken suo motu CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
The 60-year-old faced two
extradition requests from the
Indian authorities, the first re- 24 hours in larger enclosure, Freddie
lated to money laundering and
the second to tax evasion.
District Judge Michael Snow,
and Elton make first kill in Kuno: a chital
who heard the case at Freddie and Elton, released
Westminster Magistrates' Court IRAM SIDDIQUE into the 5 sq. km enclosure on
in London earlier this year, con- BHOPAL, NOVEMBER 7 Saturday evening, hunted down
cluded that there are no bars to achital(spotteddeer)sometime
himbeingextraditedanddecided THE TWO male cheetah siblings between Sunday evening and
to send the case to UK Home which were released from their earlyMonday,forestdepartment
SecretarySuellaBraverman,who quarantine ‘boma’ at Madhya officials said.
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Pradesh’s Kuno National Park AseniorforestofficialtoldThe
have made their first kill, likely Indian Expres: “The cheetahs
within 24 hours of being in a The two male cheetah making their first kill so soon is
SC ACQUITS 3 ON larger enclosure, easing con- siblings were released into beyond expectations. This signi-
DEATH ROW IN 2012 cerns about their ability to fend the enclosure on Saturday fiesthatthebigcatsareabsolutely

With some room to stretch on flights,

a leg-up for Indian pacers in Australia
Bhuvneshwar Kumar and
Hardik Pandya — so that they
get adequate leg-room. This has
helped them to rest and recover
between games.
“Before the tournament, we
decided that since the pace

EXPRESSINAUSTRALIA bowlers clock the maximum

mileage on field day in, day out,
they need to stretch their legs,” a
DEVENDRA PANDEY support staff member of the
ADELAIDE, NOVEMBER 7 Indian team told The Indian
Express on its arrival in Adelaide
CRAMPED LEGS and stiff backs forthesemi-finalagainstEngland
areanathlete’sbiggestpre-com- on Thursday. The team finished
petition enemy, but the Indian its league engagements Sunday
cricket team has gone the extra with a win over Zimbabwe. It
(air) mile to ensure its pace ended with 8 points from 5
Illustration: Suvajit Dey
bowlers stay comfortable. games, topping Group 2.
At a T20 World Cup that has coach Rahul Dravid and batting designated business-class seats As per International Cricket
demanded breakneck air travel superstars Rohit Sharma and for the quicks — Mohammed Council (ICC) norms, every team
crisscrossing Australia, head Virat Kohli have given up their Shami, Arshdeep Singh, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

New Delhi




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● Sanjay Bhandari extradition

is authorised to order the extra- extradition requests. “He failed
● BJP, Congress claim credit
the poor, BJP spokesperson The most vociferous opposi-
dition based on the court order.
“As I am satisfied that extra-
to declare his overseas income
and assets... He benefited from Quota for General poor gets top court seal Gaurav Bhatia said, “Modiji has
proved that the BJP's goal of
tion came from Tamil Nadu Chief
Minister and DMK chief M K
ditioniscompatiblewiththede- the income and assets that had Antyodayacouldbedonewithout Stalin, who called it “a setback to
fendant's convention rights, I not been declared. A reasonable permissibleinrelationtoaccessof classes covered by Articles 15(4), Concurring with Justice Constitution,i.e.thatthepolicyof snatching away the rights of any thecentury-oldfightforsocialjus-
must send this case to the jury can properly infer benefit public goods (under Article 15), 15(5)and16(4)”– theSociallyand Maheshwari’s opinion, Justice reservationmusthaveatimespan, community. The purpose of this tice”. Calling all parties support-
Secretary of State [Braverman] fromhisundeclaredincomeand thesameisnottrueforArticle16, Educationally Backward Classes Trivedi said “as well settled, it has still not been achieved even movewastoempowerthepoor.” ingsocialjusticetocometogether,
for a decision as to whether the purchase of substantial assets the goal of which is empower- (SEBC), Other Backward Classes mustbepresumedthatthelegis- till this day… we need to revisit BJP general secretary (organi- Stalin said, "Since the Union gov-
defendant is to be extradited,” overseas,” said the judgment. ment, through representation of (OBCs), Scheduled Castes (SCs) lature understands and appreci- the system of reservation in the sation)BLSantoshcalledthever- ernmentfirstproposedthequota
JudgeSnowsaidinhisjudgment. The Indian government's ex- the community”. and Scheduled Tribes (STs) – atestheneedsof itsownpeople... larger interest of the society.” dict “another big credit for PM in 2019, we have been battling it
“However, I only do so on the tradition request for Bhandari Thefivejudgesagreedthatthe “fromgettingthebenefitofreser- The impugned amendment… is JusticePardiwalaagreedwith NarendraModi’svisionofGareeb in court. Today's order has been a
basis of the assurances that have had been certified by then UK provision gives the State the vation as economically weaker required to be treated as an affir- Justices Maheshwari and Trivedi Kalyan”anda“bigboostinthedi- setback.”
been provided by the govern- Home Secretary Priti Patel in powertomakespecialprovisions sections, being in the nature of mative action on the part of the andsaid“reservationisnotanend, rection of social justice”. The CPI(M), which supported
ment,” he said, with reference to June 2020 and he was arrested inrelationtoadmissionstoprivate balancing the requirements of Parliamentforthebenefitandfor but a means, a means to secure The Congress, too, claimed the amendment in Parliament,
Indian government assurances on an extradition warrant the unaided institutions. non-discriminationandcompen- theadvancementoftheeconom- economic and social justice”. credit. In a statement welcoming demanded that the Rs 8 lakh an-
that Bhandari will be held in a following month that year. The JusticesTrivediandPardiwala satorydiscrimination,doesnotvi- icallyweakersectionsofcitizens”. He said the “real solution… the judgment, AICC general sec- nual income criteria be lowered
separate cell at Tihar Jail in New London-basedbusinessman has alsotouchedupontheconceptof olate the equality code and does “The impugned amendment liesineliminatingthecausesthat retary in-charge of communica- so that only the needy benefit.
Delhi with relevant healthcare been on bail on a security pro- reservationasoriginallyenvisaged notinanymannercausedamage creates a separate class of ‘eco- haveledtothesocial,educational tion Jairam Ramesh said, “The In UP, the BSP, too claimed
provisions while he faces trial in vided to the court as he fought for a limited period and under- to the basic structure of the nomically weaker sections of the and economic backwardness of Amendment itself was the result credit, with party spokesperson
India. extradition on the cases against lined the need to revisit and fine- Constitution of India”. citizens’ from the general/ unre- the weaker sections of the com- of a process initiated by the Dharamveer Chaudhary saying,
The judge also concluded him by the CBI and ED and is ex- tuneitwiththerealitiesoftheday. Justice Maheshwari rejected servedclass,withoutaffectingthe munity.Thisexerciseofeliminat- ManmohanSinghgovernmentin “Thishasbeenalongstandingde-
that a prima facie case had been pected to appeal against “Reservation,” said Justice the argument that providing the specialrightsof reservationspro- ing the causes started immedi- 2005-06withtheappointmentof mand of the party. Behenji
established with respect to both Monday's court order. PTI Pardiwala,“shouldnotbeallowed EWSquotaoverandabovethe50 vided to the Scheduled ately after the Independence i.e. the Sinho Commission that sub- (Mayawati)wasthefirsttowritea
to become a vested interest”. percent ceiling fixed by the Caste/Scheduled Tribe and back- almostsevendecadesbackandit mitted its report in July 2010. lettertothegovernmentdemand-
Justice Maheshwari said, MandalCommissioncasewillvi- ward class… Therefore, their ex- stillcontinues.Thelong-standing Thereafter,widespreadconsulta- ingsuchaquota,followingwhich
“Reservation is an instrument of olate the basic structure, saying clusion from the newly created development and the spread of tions were held and the Bill was the constitutional amendment
affirmative action by the State to “that ceiling limit is not inflexible class for the benefit of ‘economi- educationhaveresultedintaper- ready by 2014. It took the Modi was brought in.” The party had
ensure an all-inclusive march to- andinanycaseonlyappliestothe cally weaker sections of the citi- ingthegapbetweentheclassesto sarkarfiveyearstogettheBillen- supportedthelegislationin2019,
wards the goals of an egalitarian reservationsenvisaged”fortheal- zens’ in the impugned amend- a considerable extent.” acted.” The party reiterated its though party chief Mayawati
society while counteracting in- ready reserved categories “by ment cannot be said to be “Aslargerpercentagesofback- support for a caste based census. called it an “election stunt”.
equalities; it is an instrument not Articles 15(4), 15(5) and 16(4) of discriminatory or violative of the ward class members attain ac- The RJD, too, called for a caste The BJD, too, welcomed the
only for inclusion of socially and the Constitution”. equality code. Such amendment ceptable standards of education census, with its MP Manoj Jha verdict.“Thepartyhadsupported
educationallybackwardclassesto Hesaidthe103rdamendment could certainly not be termed as andemployment,theyshouldbe telling The Indian Express, “This is the legislation in Parliament. The
the mainstream of society, but “cannot be said to breach the ba- shocking, unconscionable or un- removedfrom thebackwardcat- a split verdict. It opens many av- SC has upheld it now. We wel-
also for the inclusion of any class sicstructureoftheConstitutionby scrupulous travesty of the quin- egories so that the attention can enuesandpossibilitiesofinterpre- come it,” BJD MP Pinaki Mishra
or section so disadvantaged as to permittingtheStatetomakespe- tessenceofequaljusticeassought be paid towards those classes tationandintervention...Theceil- said. TMC MP Sougat Roy called
beansweringthedescriptionof a cialprovisions,includingreserva- tobesubmittedbythecounselfor which genuinely need help. In inghasgonenowandso,it(quota) theverdict“goodfordemocracy”.
weaker section. In this back- tion,basedoneconomiccriteria”. the petitioners,” she said. such circumstances, it’s very should be proportionate to share Therewassupportforthever-
ground, reservation structured “Viewing this affirmative ac- Onreservationforatimespan, much necessary to take into re- in population.” dict from some of the regional
singularly on economic back- tion of EWS reservation from the JusticeTrivedisaid,“Whatwasen- viewthemethodofidentification Supporting the judgment, parties in the South. “We sup-
ground does not violate any es- standpointofbackwardclassver- visioned by the framers of the and the ways of the determina- senior JDU leader and Bihar portedtheBillinParliament...Itis
sentialfeatureoftheConstitution sus forward class is not in accord Constitution,whatwasproposed tion of backward classes and also Finance Minister Vijay Kumar necessaryfortheupliftmentofthe
of India and does not cause any with the very permissibility of bytheConstitutionBenchin1985, ascertain whether the criteria Choudharysaid,"Biharwasoneof poor among the forward classes.
damage to the basic structure of compensatorydiscriminationto- and what was sought to be adopted or applied for the classi- thepioneeringstatestointroduce We are already implementing it
the Constitution of India.” wards the goal of real and sub- achievedonthecompletionof50 ficationofbackwardisrelevantfor EWSquota(in1978).WhattheSC in education,’’ TRS politburo
He said “exclusion of the stantive justice for all,” he said. years of the advent of the today’s conditions,” he said. said is very much in consonance member B Vinod Kumar said.
with CM Nitish Kumar's policies. YSRCP leader and Social
We are in favour of an economic Welfare Minister in Andhra
● 2 judges dissent: Denying this to SCs, STs, OBCs is fresh injustice criterion for quota." The JD(U)
Pradesh M Nagarjuna said the
Statingthathecouldnotagree ally backward classes (“SEBC”)” theyenjoypre-existingbenefitsis uled caste population was 7.74 issue of population-based reser- plementingEWSquotaineduca-
with the view of the majority, from its purview. to heap fresh injustice based on crores(i.e.,38%of totalscheduled vation,withpartyleaderKCTyagi tionalinstitutionssoonafterform-
JusticeBhat,whowrotethejudge- Justice Bhat said “the applica- past disability”. castes), scheduled tribe popula- saying, “We have already started ingthe governmentin June2019.
ment for himself and the CJI, said tionofthedoctrine(of)classifica- “Firstly, it “others” those sub- tion was 4.25 crores (48.4% of to- caste census in Bihar and it must WithENS,Chennai,Patna,
“thiscourthasforthefirsttime,in tion differentiating the poorest jected to socially questionable, talscheduledtribes),13.86crores happen across the country.” Hyderabad
thesevendecadesoftherepublic, segments of the society, as one and outlawed practices – though of OBC population (which was
sanctioned an avowedly exclu- segment(i.e.,theforwardclasses) theyareamongstthepoorestsec- 33.1% of total OBCs), and 5.85
sionary and discriminatory prin-
ciple. Our Constitution does not
tion, and the other, the poorest,
tions of society. Secondly, for the
purpose of the new reservation,
croresof GeneralCategory(18.2%
of total general category)”.
● BJP’s push to its welfare politics
speak the language of exclusion. who are subjected to additional theexclusionoperatesagainstthe “Thesefactsestablishthatthe poorwhoareoutsidethepurview tional institutions.
In my considered opinion, the disabilities due to caste stigmati- sociallydisadvantagedclassesand bulk of the economically weaker of Mandal. ■InAugust2018,thegovernment
amendment, by the language of sation or social barrier based dis- castes, absolutely, by confining sections of the society belong to One constant refrain of the passed a bill to nullify the
exclusion, undermines the fabric crimination–thelatterbeingjus- themwithintheirallocatedreser- theclasseswhicharedescribedin partyandthegovernment,when Supreme Court ruling on SC/ST
of social justice, and thereby, the tifiably kept out of the new vation quotas… Thirdly, it denies Articles 15(4) and 16(4),” he said. questionedonthelackof minori- AtrocitiesActandtorollbackwhat
basic structure”. “This exclusion reservation benefit, is an exercise the chance of mobility from the The minority ruling agreed tiesinpublicaffairs,hasbeenthat SC/ST groups called its dilution.
violates the non-discrimination in deluding ourselves that those reservedquota(basedonpastdis- that the State was empowered to all its schemes cut across religion ■TheLokSabhapollswereduein
andthenon-exclusionaryfacetof getting social and educational crimination)toareservationben- make provisions for reservations andcastelines.BeitUjjwalawith mid-2019 and on January 12 that
the equality code, which thereby backwardnessbasedreservations efitbasedonlyoneconomicdep- for admission in private, unaided 9crorecustomersuntilApril1this year, the 103rd Amendment was
violates the basic structure of the are somehow more fortunate. rivation.”Agreeingthateconomic institutions, saying “unaided pri- year or the PM Jan Dhan Yojna notified codifying EWS quota.
Constitution.” This classification is plainly con- conditioncanbeagroundforaffir- vate institutions including those with 47.28 crore account holders ■InFebruarythatyear,theCentre
While “the addition, or inser- trary to the essence of equal op- mativeaction,theminorityruling impartingprofessionaleducation until October 26; the 3.70 crore brought an ordinance to nullify
tion of the ‘economic criteria’ for portunity”.Ontheargumentthat said “the amendment creates cannot be seen as standing out of houses sanctioned under Prime Supreme Court judgment on
affirmativeactioninaidofthesec- backward classes are already pathways, gateways and oppor- the national mainstream”. MinisterAwasYojna(bothUrban making departments as units
tion of population who face dep- loadedwithbenefits,hesaidthese tunities to the poorest segments Disagreeingwiththemajority andGramin)tothe5kgfreeration whiledecidingreservedcategory
rivationduetopoverty,infurther- were not“free pass” but “a repar- of our society...”. viewon50%cap,JusticeBhatsaid per month to over 80 crore peo- seats in universities and educa-
ance of Article 46, does not per se ative and compensatory mecha- Justice Bhat pointed out that petitions challenging the breach ple in the wake of the pandemic. tional institutions.
strayfromtheConstitutionalprin- nism meant to level the field – the Sinho Commission, which by some states are already pend- IntheBJP'scalculation,theseben- ■ Last month, the Centre consti-
ciples,soastoalter,violate,orde- where they are unequal due to was set up to examine the condi- ing and the majority view that efits counter identity politics by tuted a commission headed by
stroyitsbasicstructure”,theprob- their social stigmatisation”. tion of the economically back- “creation of another class which crossing the boundaries of caste former Chief Justice of India KG
lem,hesaid,layinthe“mannerof The minority ruling said “the ward classes, had in its 2010 re- can be the recipient of up to 10% and religion, in some cases even Balakrishnantolookintopending
implementing – i.e., the implicit othering of socially and econom- port cited NSSO statistics of of reservations over and above the jurisdictions of state and demandsofDalitswhohavecon-
exclusion of those covered under ically disadvantaged classes, in- 2004-2005. The NSSO statistics 50%permittedunderArticle15(4) Centre.Inprinciple,thisisn'tnew. verted themselves to Islam or
Art. 15(4) and 16(4) [Scheduled cluding SCs, STs and OBCs, by ex- “disclosed that in all, 31.7 crore and16(4)...hasadirectbearingon The BJP has been advocating Christianity,toprovidethemben-
Castes (“SC”), Scheduled Tribes cluding them from this new people were below the poverty the likely outcome in the chal- reservationforuppercastessince efitsof onparwiththosewhoare
(“ST”),andsociallyandeducation- reservation on the ground that line (“BPL”), of which the sched- lenge in that proceeding”. the Mandal Commission. In June Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists.
1993, at its national council in ■ In July this year, addressing the
Bangalore,thepartypassedares- BJPnationalexecutivemeetingin
● Gujarat HC ● A leg-up for Indian pacers ● Cheetahs olutiontosupportreservationfor
SC, ST and OBCs and demanded
to reach out to “deprived and
accordingly, after necessary for- gets four business-class seats. sincetherewasaflighttocatchthe fit and the worries of these chee- that 10% reservation should be downtrodden sections” in com-
malities,”ChiefJusticeKumarsaid Mostteamsgivetheseflyingpriv- next morning. At another time, tahs losing any muscle strength giventopooramongGeneralcat- munities other than Hindus,
while dictating the order. ilegestotheircoach,captain,vice- RavichandranAshwinwasasked owing to the time they spend in egory candidates as well. which was understood as a mes-
The bench impleaded six re- captainandmanager.Butoncethe about their plan for the day after quarantine is unfounded.” In parallel, the BJP is also fo- sage to the party to focus on
spondentparties:thechiefsecre- Indian thinktank became aware thegame,andhequipped:“What Asourcesaidthetwomalesib- cusedonsplittingcommunitiesin groups such as Pasmanda
tary, state home department that they needed to travel every plan sir, we are traveling!” lingsfirsthunted—unsuccessfully groups of those who are consid- Muslims in Uttar Pradesh and
throughitshomesecretary,urban thirdorfourthday,itwasdecided And it has been a common — a blackbuck within an hour of ered empowered and those who Bihar.
development department that the hard-working pacers sightthroughtheSuper12sforthe being released. On Sunday are not. This social engineering Electorally, too, this finds an
through the commissioner of would get the best seats. media manager to keep pointing evening, officials heard chital onceagainhasthelabharthiasits echo. In the last UP polls, leaders
municipalities,Morbimunicipal- By the time India finish their at the wrist watch, signalling to noises from ‘Boma 4’ (the larger ostensiblefocus.Considerthefol- ofsmallerpartiesrepresentingthe
ity, Morbi district collector and World Cup campaign, the team players at press conferences to enclosure), a potential sign of an- lowing: most backward communities
the State Human Rights would have travelled around wrapupsinceschedulesaretight. other hunt . A monitoring team ■In October 2017, a Commission among the OBCs were given pri-
Commission. The court directed 34,000km.Theywouldalsohave Thephysiosandtrainershave sent to inspect the area on for sub-categorisation of OBCs orityinAssemblypolls.Thefocus,
thechief secretaryandthehome experiencedthreetimezonesand beenmonitoringpacersandspin- Monday morning discovered the wasconstitutedheadedbyJustice therefore, is on bringing the new
secretary to file a “status report” played at venues that have been ners closely to ensure the toll of remains of a large male chital. G Rohini, former Chief Justice of needy into the welfare net rather
by November 14, when the mat- varyinglywarm,windyorcold.In travel doesn’t hit them and they Chief Wildlife Warden JS DelhiHighCourt,andtheNational than focus on those who already
ter will come up for hearing. The thesechangingconditions,pacers get adequate sleep and recovery. Chauhan told The Indian Express: OBC Commission was given con- avail of reservation benefits with
SHRC “shall also file a report in run the risk of getting injured. Players have been given the free- “Considering that the two chee- stitutional status (though the the creamy layer as the cut-off.
this regard by next date of hear- The Indian team's bowling dom to not turn up for practice if tahskilledandfinishedalargean- posts of chairman and members On what this layer should be,
ing,” it said. coach Paras Mhambrey has spo- they feel they need rest. telope goes to show that they are are vacant since February). The income is one criteria and while
Thebridgecollapsedjustdays kenearlierabouthowtheyleftno As one Indian player jokes, a adapting very well.” The siblings Rohinicommissionhasfoundthat the DoPT had stipulated that it
after its reopening. It was closed stone unturned to ensure the few players will have lost more were the first pair to be released 97% of all jobs and educational would be revised every three
for seven months for repair after players were match-ready. hair by the time this T20 World intothelargerenclosureafterbe- seats have gone to just 25% of all years, it has not been changed
the Morbi municipality signed a Such has been the hectic Cup is done, though it is the fast ingquarantinedforabout50days. sub-castes classified as OBCs. As sinceSeptember13,2017,whenit
15-year contract with Ajanta schedule that the team couldn’t bowlers’ loping legs that have Thenextcheetahtobereleasedin manyas983OBCcommunities— wasincreasedfromRs6lakhtoRs
Manufacturing Pvt Ltd, a part of even celebrate the win over been deemed most precious thelargeenclosurewillbeanother 37% of the total — have zero rep- 8lakhannualincome.Thatcould
Oreva Group, in March. Pakistan in its World Cup opener when it comes to air travel. male, Obaan. resentation in jobs and educa- frame the next challenge.

New Delhi

Very Poor Severe Very Poor Poor FORECAST: November 8
277 Mist/shallowfoginthe
362 408 362 morning
0 PM 2.5 500 0 PM 10 500 0 PM 2.5 500 0 PM 2.5 500
MAX: 32 MIN: 17
0-50 Good 51-100 Satisfactory 101-200 Moderate 201-300 Poor 301-400 Very Poor 401-500 Severe 2.7°C abovenormal 3°C above normal


As pollution eases, primary schools in Delhi
3 given death penalty to reopen from Nov 9, says minister Rai
for rape and murder of EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
and flyovers, railway services,
metro services, hospitals and

19-yr-old are acquitted

NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 What is projects of national importance.
AQI “In Delhi, as per phase-3 restric-
PRIMARY SCHOOLS in Delhi tions, there are restrictions on
which were shut on account of plying of BS-III petrol and BS-IV
rising pollution levels will re- AQI IS a number, which is dieselfour-wheelers,”Raiadded.
openfromNovember9onwards a measure of air quality. Mechanical road sweeping
falls flat on the very first circum- or condemnation over the deci- and the restrictions imposed on The higher the AQI, the and water sprinkling by the fire
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE stance having not been duly sion rendered. Every case has to outdoor activities in schools will worse the air. The colour- service will continue. “If there
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 proved by any evidence, much be decided by the courts strictly also be revoked, Environment coded AQI index was are changes in the AQI, then fur-
less clinching evidence, against on merits and in accordance Minister Gopal Rai said Monday. launched in Indiain 2014, ther decisions will be taken de-
MORE THAN eight years after the appellants-accused.” with law without being influ- On November 4, the Delhi and it helps the public pending on the directions of the
the brutal gangrape and murder It said: “As demonstrated... enced by any kind of outside government had also an- and government under- CAQM,” Rai said.
of a woman in Chhawla area, the evidence with regard to the ar- moral pressures or otherwise.” nounced work from home for standtheconditionof the On Monday, Delhi’s AQI was
Supreme Court Monday acquit- rest of appellants-accused, their The SC added it “is con- 50% of government employees. The air quality is likely to remain in the ‘very poor’ or upper air and what subsequent 352, in the ‘very poor’ category
ted the three accused who were identification,discoveriesandre- strained to make these observa- This has also been revoked, Rai end of the ‘poor’ category over the next two days, the SAFAR measures are to be taken and marginally worse than the
found guilty by a trial court and coveriesof incriminatingarticles, tions as the court has noticed said. The ban on truck entry into forecast said. Gajendra Yadav to combat the situation, 339 recorded on Sunday.
sentenced to death. identityof theIndicacar,seizures many glaring lapses having oc- Delhi has also been lifted. based on its severity. AccordingtotheSAFARforecast-
A bench of Chief Justice of and sealing of the articles and curredduringthecourseof trial”. When the air quality hit the Therearesixcategoriesof ing system, the contribution of
India U U Lalit and Justices S collection of samples, medical The ruling said: “It has been ‘severe’ category, the Delhi gov- of the Graded Response Action revoked GRAP phase-4. AQI, namely ‘Good’ (0- stubble burning to PM 2.5 levels
RavindraBhatandBelaMTrivedi andscientificevidence,reportof noticed from the record that out ernment had announced on Plan (GRAP). It was under this Restrictions under phase-3 will 50), ‘Satisfactory’ (50- in Delhi was 14% on Monday,
acquitted the three men — DNA profiling, evidence with re- of the49witnessesexaminedby November4thatprimaryclasses phase that GRAP had recom- continue,”Raisaidatapresscon- 100), ‘Moderately pol- lower than the 18% recorded on
Rahul, Ravi Kumar and Vinod gard to CDRs (call data records) theprosecution,10materialwit- would be shut from November mended closure of educational ference on Monday. luted’ (100-200), ‘Poor’ Sunday and 21% on Saturday.
alias Chhotu — stating that the etc were not proved by the pros- nesseswerenotcross-examined 5 to 8. For secondary and senior institutions and work from Restrictions that will con- (200-300), ‘Very Poor’ Weak upper-level winds
prosecution, whose case rested ecution by leading, cogent, and many other important wit- secondary classes, outdoor ac- home for offices. tinue under phase-3 include a (300-400), and ‘Severe’ could mean a reduction in flow
on circumstantial evidence, had clinching and clear evidence, nesses were not adequately tivities and physical education “There has been an improve- banon“privateconstructionand (400-500). Launched by of pollutants from stubble burn-
failed to prove it. much less unerringly pointing cross-examined by defence sessions were to be suspended. ment in air quality in the past demolition activity,” Rai said. the Centre in 2014 as part ing areas into Delhi,according to
As per the prosecution case, the guilt of the accused.” counsel.” Though Section 165 of WiththeAQIimprovingfrom two days. Yesterday and today, Additional buses will also be de- of the Swachh Bharat an update issued by SAFAR on
thetriokidnappedthewomanin ‘Theprosecution has to bring the Indian Evidence Act confers ‘severe’ to ‘very poor’, the the AQI has fallen to around 350. ployed as part of measures un- campaign, the AQI was to Monday. The air quality is likely
a red Tata Indica car near Qutub home the charges levelled unbridled powers upon the trial Commission for Air Quality There is a reduction in the stub- der this phase. help simplify the com- to remain in the ‘very poor’ or
Vihar, Chhawla, on February 9, againstthembeyondreasonable courts to put any question at any Management (CAQM) had on ble burning count as well, and Projects exempted from the mon understanding of upper end of the ‘poor’ category
2012,beforeallegedlyrapingand doubt, which the prosecution stage to witnesses to elicit the Sunday lifted curbs under the wind direction has changed. construction ban include linear pollution. over the next two days, the SA-
killing her. The body was found has failed to do in the instant truth, “the trial court also... acted phase-4orthe‘severe+’category Considering this, the CAQM has public projects like highways FAR forecast said.
three days later. case. Resultantly, the court is left as a passive umpire”, it said.
Highlighting some of the with no alternative but to acquit “In the instant case, material
flaws in the investigation and the accused, though involved in witnessesexaminedbythepros-
trial, the bench said: “From the... a very heinous crime,” it said. ecution having not been either
evidence of the concerned wit- Writingforthebench,Justice cross-examined or adequately
nesses, it clearly transpires that Trivedi said: “It may be true that examined, and the trial court
neither any T.I. (test identifica- if the accused involved in the also having acted as a passive
tion) parade was conducted by heinouscrimegounpunishedor umpire, we find that the appel-
the investigating officer during are acquitted, a kind of agony lants-accused were deprived of
the course of investigation for andfrustrationmaybecausedto their rights to have a fair trial,
identificationof theaccused,nor the society in general and to the apart from the fact that the truth
any of the witnesses had identi- family of the victim in particular, also could not be elicited by the
fied the accused during their re- however, the law does not per- trial court,” the judgment said.
spective depositions before the mit courts topunish the accused Thetrial courthadheldthem
court. Therefore, the very iden- on the basis of moral conviction guilty in February 2014 and sen-
tity of the appellants-accused oronsuspicionalone.Noconvic- tenced them to death. This was
havingnotbeendulyestablished, tion should be based merely on confirmed by the Delhi High
theentirecaseof theprosecution the apprehension of indictment Court in August 2014.

Parents’ wait for justice ends

in despair: ‘Cheated, betrayed’
raped, they poured acid on her came in a car and pulled her in.
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE and mutilated her. I can’t even When she did not return home,
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 describewhathappened...Iwant herparentslodgedamissingper-
justice. I won’t stop fighting.” sonreport.Hermutilatedandde-
“We are poor and that’s why we The woman’s father, a secu- composingbodywaslaterfound
are suffering.” rityguard,saidtheyaretalkingto in Haryana’s Rewari village.
The Supreme Court’s deci- the lawyers. “This all happened Police had first arrested Rahul,
sion to acquit the three men, because we don’t have money. who led them to his brother Ravi
sentenced to death by a trial We are poor and that’s why we and their friend Vinod. The trio
court for the rape and murder of are suffering. The courts don’t lived in a rented flat in Palam. It
a 19-year-old woman, drew a care. We have been betrayed. I was alleged they targeted the
sharp reaction from her family, havenot been abletowork since woman after she turned down
with her mother breaking down the incident. I remember going Ravi’s attempts to befriend her.
and her father struggling to withthepolicetoseemydaugh- Policehadfound multiplein-
make sense of the judgment. ter’s body. I couldn’t sleep for juries on her body, and investi-
InavideofollowingtheSCor- days.Howcantheybereleased?” gation had revealed she had
der,themotherisseencrying.She The three men — Rahul, Ravi been attacked with car tools,
said,“After11years,thisisthever- Kumar and Vinod — were ac- glass bottles, metal objects, and
dict... We have lost... Now, I feel I cused of abducting, raping, and other weapons.
have no reason to live. I thought brutally killing the woman on In February 2014, sentencing
my daughter would get justice.” February 9, 2012. the three to death, a sessions
She later said, “I feel we have The 19-year-old was ab- court had said they “don’t de-
been cheated and wronged. We ducted while she was returning serve to be kept alive” and that
waited years for justice for my home from her office in they don’t have any remorse or FORM
daughter. I was hoping the ac- Gurgaon’sCyberCity.Shewasac- guilt.Thematterwasthentrans- GSTR-1
cused would be hanged. I could-
n’t imagine they would roam
companied by three friends.
ferred to the Delhi High Court,
which confirmed the death sen- `
free one day. My daughter was from home when the accused tence in August 2014.

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

Jain kingpin, ·ffSX°fe¹f Ad·f¹ffadÂfIYe d½fÄff³f E½fa ´fiüôûd¦fIYe ÀfaÀ±ff³f, dVf½f´fbSX
(An Institute of National Importance under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India)

converted Orientation Program-2022 of IIEST Shibpur

Advt. No. RO/NO/22/06 Date: 07.11.2022

black money: The Institute will organize Orientation Program (Nov.11-16, 2022)
for the undergraduate students admitted to IIEST, Shibpur in Session

ED to court 2022-23. All newly admitted students must join the program. For
details of the program, please visit our official website
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Chairman Orientation Program Committee

THE Enforcement Directorate

(ED) Monday told a Delhi court
that AAP leader Satyendar Jain
was the kingpin who was not
Notice is hereby given that our client M/s Ansal
only involved in “converting Engineering & Projects Ltd. has lost original
black money to white” but also sale deed of Residential Plot No. 244A,
in tampering of evidence, while measuring area 300 Square meters at Block-G,
opposing his bail in an alleged
money laundering case.
Palam Vihar, Gurugram, Haryana vide registered
Additional Solicitor General sale deed bearing registration no. 5823 dated 24th
(ASG)SVRajuopposedJain’sbail July 1996. Any person having any claim in
beforeSpecialJudgeVikasDhull, respect of the above plot by way of sale,
wholisted thematter for further
exchange, mortgage, charge, lien, possession,
gan his arguments by rebutting lease, easement or any other claim of whatsoever
Jain’s plea that the predicate of- nature howsoever, are hereby requested to make
fenceinvestigatedbytheCBIwas the same known in writing to the undersigned
not made out. The ASG told the
judgethattwocourtshavetaken together with the documentary evidence in
cognizance of both CBI and ED support within a period of 7 days from the date of
chargesheets and summoned publication hereof, failing which such claim/s
theaccused,whichwasnotchal- objection/s if any, shall be considered as waived
lenged by Jain’s lawyers.
“He(Jain)isnotonlyinvolved and discharged forever.
in converting black money to Advocate Sushil Kaushik
white, but also tampering of ev-
idence by creating back-dated # 118 UFF, Prakash Deep, 7 Tolstoy Marg,
documents. They are fabricating New Delhi - 110001, Mob: 9996991144.
evidence,” he claimed.

New Delhi


A mother’s instinct, a missing boy, and a DNA test that did not match
Crime Branch has two cases to can I take someone else’s?” she promised to take care of her four primary suspect. He left Delhi Kumar under DCP (Crime) asking the High Court to allow
JIGNASA SINHA solve— lookfor her son,andfind told The Indian Express. It was in April 2017 that children. “He left without saying aroundthe same time asthe boy Vichitra Veer. Officers said they themtoconductaDNAtest.Anor-
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 this boy’s parents. A senior police officer who
the boy was kidnapped anything. I thought my son was wentmissing.Hesaidhewanted suspected the boy managed to derdatedOctober11read:“Upon
The mother, a 47-year-old was involved in the probe said, with him and would come to take revenge on the woman slip away and got into a train perusal of the said (DNA) report...
IN APRIL 2017, an eight-year-old homemaker, meanwhile said “We worked hard and contacted allegedly by his back,” she said. and had taken the child, but the heading to Rajasthan’s Nagaur. A itisevidentthattheboy,recovered
boy was kidnapped from his she feels “cheated”. “I have been child welfare committees and stepfather, who wanted According to police, an FIR boywentmissingfromhishome team was sent to Rajasthan and fromNagaur,Rajasthan,isnotthe
home in Northeast Delhi and begging officers and the court to NGOsonWhatsAppandthrough was lodged in October 2017, afewyearslater.Apolygraphtest theybroughtaboywiththesame biologicalsonof(thewoman)...In
taken to Punjab, allegedly by his find my son. They (police) come other mediums. It was then that
to take ‘revenge’ as he which stated that the child had was conducted but he was re- nameandageasthemissingboy. sofarasthemissingminorsonof
stepfather.Afteralongandardu- and take photos of my son and this boy was found. We even suspected the boy’s gone missing six months ago. A leased since we didn’t have “A children’s home there had (the woman) is concerned, the
ous search, police found the boy promisesomethingwillhappen, showed his photo to the com- mother of having an kidnapping case was lodged but enough proof.” told us about how they rescued DelhiPoliceisdirectedtocontinue
earlier this year and reunited but nothing does. In June, they plainant,andshesaidyes...Hewas police couldn’t find any leads. In2021,themandied,saidpo- himfromtherailwaystation.We withitsintensiveeffortstolocate,
him with his mother. brought a boy from Rajasthan, foundatachildren’shomeandwe affair In 2019, the mother filed a lice.Noticesandposterswerethen thought he was the same boy. recover and produce him before
Or so they thought. saying he was my son. I told alsohavetofindhisparentsnow.” habeas corpus petition in the put up at railway stations, bus We even sent the mother his this court, at the earliest. In so far
After the mother insisted them no, but nobody listened to It was in April 2017 that the Delhi High Court. In January stands, and markets, and child photo and she said it was her astherecoveredchildofthesame
that the boy wasn’t hers, police me.PolicetoldthecourtIwasly- boy was kidnapped allegedly by ing an affair. 2020,policefoundthestepfather welfare committees and NGOs son,” said an officer. name is concerned, we are in-
decided to conduct a DNA test of ing. Now, the DNA report has his stepfather, who wanted to The woman said her first in Punjab — without the child. were roped in, but to no avail. However, the woman told formed that the authorities have
the two. It wasn’t a match. proved everything. Why won’t I take “revenge” because he sus- husband died a few years ago, An investigating officer told In June this year, the case was the court the boy wasn’t hers. beensofarunabletolocatehisbi-
And now, the Delhi Police accept my own child? And how pected the boy’s mother of hav- and the man she remarried had The Indian Express, “He was the transferred to inspector Parmod DCP Veer then filed a report ological parents...”


Delhidocs Willing to turn approver:
Businessman to court facts pertaining to this case the court.
as the same are within my
The FIR in the case was
lodged by the CBI after L-G VK
New Delhi: Resident “I am also ready to make a Saxena recommended a CBI
Doctors Associations BUSINESSMAN DINESH Arora, voluntaryandtruedisclosurere- probeintotheDelhiExcisePolicy
across Delhi hospitals who has been accused in a case garding my role in the commis- 2021-22, putting Sisodia, also
Monday extended sup- of alleged irregularities in the sion of the alleged offences. I the in-charge of the excise de-
port to MBBS doctors Delhiexcisepolicycase,moveda have earlier cooperated during partment, directly in the line of
protesting against the CBI court Monday seeking par- the investigation of this case. I fire. Following this, the Delhi
bond policy in PGI don, and said that he wants to have also cooperated in the in- government had announced it
Rohtak, Haryana, and become a witness in the case vestigationof thiscasebytheCBI was withdrawing the policy.
also condemned state that also has Delhi Deputy Chief and have made two statements The excise policy, which
police action against stu- Minister Manish Sisodia as one before the IO (investigating offi- brought in discounts and
dents Saturday. Doctors of the accused. cer) in this regard. I have swankier liquor vends for con-
across city hospitals also AroraappearedbeforeSpecial also made a confessional state- sumers, was scrapped on July 31
observed Monday as a JudgeMKNagpalwithhislawyer mentbeforetheAdditionalChief amid allegations of corruption
‘Black Day’ and tied a R K Thakur and informed that he Metropolitan Magistrate and irregularities in its drafting
black ribbon on their hasmovedtheapplication.Arora (ACMM) regarding the facts and and implementation.
arms. “We stand in soli- also recorded his statement be- events pertaining to the com- The CBI has so far arrested
darity with PGIMS fore Special Judge Nagpal. The mission of alleged offences,” Vijay Nair, the former CEO of
Rohtak MBBS students court will hear arguments on Arora told the court. events company Only Much
and we support resident this application, though the pro- Thebusinessmansaidhewas Louder (OML) who had been as-
doctors all over India in ceedings are expected to take making this statement “without sociated with the Aam Aadmi
their protest against the place in-camera since Arora’s any pressure, coercion or undue Party, and businessman
bond policy. We demand lawyertoldthecourtthatthiswas influence uponme bytheCBI for Abhishek Boinpally in this case.
justice for the students.
Otherwise, we would be
forced to go on a nation-
IN A ROW a sensitive matter.
Arora prayed for a grant of
tender of pardon, submitting, “I
any other purpose”. “In view of
the court, it is requested that I be
granted a pardon in this case. I
The Enforcement Directorate
(ED) has also arrested Sameer
Mahendru, Managing Director,
wide strike,” said the Workers wait to head home on completion of work at Pragati Maidan. Prem Nath Pandey am ready to voluntarily make a am also ready to abide by all the Indospirit Group. All three men
Federation of All India true and full disclosure of all the groundsandconditions,”hetold are in judicial custody.
Medical Association.

Minorboy In Connaught Place, a AAP campaign idea: Koode par jansamvad Sukesh
foundhanging shoots off
athome food fest brings many EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
been trained to interact with
las and do you face problems
because of it? Does the garbage
the excise policy but failed. And
when none of its conspiracies
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 yet another
flavours together
Rai said, “The much-antici- ever get cleaned up? Do you see worked, the BJP is piggybacking
New Delhi: A boy, in his pated MCD election announce- garbage all across the city? on the country’s biggest thug
early teens, allegedly
committed suicide by
GEARING UP for the upcoming
Municipal Corporation of Delhi
ment has brought about a wave
of joy among Delhiitesastheyfi-
Have you seen the three
garbage mountains of BJP, have
Sukesh Chandrasekhar to win
the elections and is even making letter, AAP
hits back
hanging himself at his (MCD)elections,theAamAadmi nally have a chance to bring the you thought about the condi- him its star campaigner for the
homeinDelhi.Policesaid KINJAL GARG Party (AAP) launched its poll Kejriwal model to the MCD too. tion of residents there? Do you MCD poll,” Rai alleged.
theincidenttookplaceon NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 campaign,‘KoodeparJansamvad People are happy that despite all know that the BJP is planning He further attacked the BJP
Sunday when the boy’s (PublicDialogueonGarbage)’,on the conspiracies of the BJP, they to develop such landfills in for doing “hollow publicity”. New Delhi: Alleged conman
parents went to a nearby Pyaz kachori from Rajasthan, Monday. Under this, the party were dragged to a point where every Vidhan Sabha? Who will “They are completely hopeless SukeshChandrasekharhasagain
market. When they re- vada pav from Maharashtra, will conduct public discussions they had to get the elections an- clean this mountain, BJP or or helpless today that their na- written to L-G VK Saxena via his
turned,theysawtheirson siddu from Himachal Pradesh on the garbage “mismanage- nounced. If we analyse work Kejriwal?” said AAP MLA tional leaders and local workers lawyer, this time claiming he
hangingfromthefan.DCP and jhangore ki kheer from ment”issueacrossall13,682poll done by the BJP in the last few Durgesh Pathak. get rattled if someone raises the was being threatened by AAP
(Dwarka)HarshaVardhan Uttarakhand — Delhiites can booths from November 8 to 20. years, we can ascertain that it is Rai added that the BJP na- issue of garbage. It is answerable minister Satyendar Jain and for-
said: “We received an savour all of these at the Launching its poll campaign, completely directionless...” tional president (J P Nadda) to every resident of Delhi for mer Director General Prisons
MLCreportfrom the hos- HandicraftBhawan,BabaKharak seniorleader andstateconvenor During its campaign, the came to Ramlila Maidan but he turning the city into a dump Sandeep Goel.
pital about the boy’s Singh Marg, at the Saras Food Gopal Rai announced that AAP’s AAP will conduct about 1,000 could not show a single achieve- yard. This election will be fought Sukesh had written to the L-
death. We have con- Festival 2022. keyagendaforthecivicpollswill public meetings at all booths mentof thepartyintheMCDde- ontheissueof garbage.Thepub- G earlier, alleging that Jain, who
ducted an autopsy today Organised by the Union be “BJP’s garbage mismanage- and will deploy four workers in spite it rulingthecorporationfor lic must decide whether an in- is in jail in relation to a case of al-
and electronic devices Ministry of Rural Development, ment”. He said party spokesper- each booth. “During this meet- the last 15 years. “First, in May competent BJP is fit to manage leged money laundering filed by
havebeenseizedfromthe the festival began on October 28 sons will start the Jansamvad ing, it will ask five questions to the BJP deferred the civic polls in the ever-rising landfills or will the ED, had asked him for ‘pro-
house for analysis and in- andwillgoonuntilNovember10. across every booth and more the public — do you often see the name of reunification, the world-class Kejriwal model tection money’. He also alleged
vestigation. Inquest pro- Featuringsomemouth-watering Saras Food Festival 2022 is than 600 spokespersons have garbage piled up in gali-mohal- spreading lies of corruption in clean it all up,” he said. he had paid around Rs 12.5 crore
ceedings have been initi- delicacies from 17 states, Saras is on at Handicraft Bhawan, to Goel as protection money. In
ated in the case.” ENS helmed by Kudumbashree NRO, Baba Kharak Singh Marg, his latest letter, he claimed: “... I

a Government of Kerala
undertaking, in addition to the
National Rural Livelihoods
till November 10. Express
BJP to rely on Centre schemes and pollution have been receiving (threats)
from the jail administration on
behalf of Satyendar Jain and DG
gangbusted, Mission, Government of India.
Over 100 members, largely
In a bid to promote and in-
creaseonlinesalesof handicrafts ABHINAV RAJPUT
8 am to 5.30 pm and results will
still breathlessness in Delhi.
through its welfare schemes,”
said Delhi BJP vice-president
prison Sandeep Goel. (I am) re-
questing (you) to direct CBI to
3arrested women from different self help-
groups, have set up stalls.
madebythewomen,visitors are
given gift vouchers along with
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 tal of 250 councillors will be
troubled due to this.”
Last week, the Delhi BJP took
Sunil Yadav.
Senior BJP leader Dushyant
Hitting back, AAP spokesper-
Gurgaon: A vehicle lifters Didi, as everyone calls her, every food coupon. FACING ANTI-INCUMBENCY af- Delhi BJP chief Adesh Gupta slum dwellers from different Gautam said the whole of India son Saurabh Bharadwaj said:
gangwasbustedwiththe explained how they made the Theeventhasbeensponsored ter being in power for 15 years, is among those sharpening the parts of the city for a tour of is taking advantage of the Modi “The BJP during Punjab polls
arrest of three of its kheer, which was an instant hit, by the Centre and the revenue the BJP will showcase central attack on AAP over pollution: 3,024 EWS flats in Kalkaji that government’s schemes. He said brought in Kumar Vishwas to
members, including a using10litresof milkondayone, from the stalls are divided government schemes to voters “Earlier, the Chief Minister of had recently been handed over thatassoonasthepartywinsthe spread lies that CM Arvind
couple, police said on 20 on the next and so on. “The amongst its members. They can and target the Aam Aadmi Party Delhi used to say that there is to families by Prime Minister MCD polls, it will provide flats to Kejriwal wants to make Punjab,
Monday. The accused demand for this dessert made choosetogetittransferredtotheir government over its failure in pollution in Delhi due to stubble Narendra Modi under the ‘Jahan more slum dwellers. Khalistan. Home Minister Amit
confessed to having using a native variety of rice, bank accounts or take it in cash, controlling pollution as its main burningin Punjab and he will fix Jhuggi Wahin Makan’ scheme. Gupta said that there are Shah even got an investigation
stolen 71 vehicles in jhangore, has been extraordi- whatevertheyseefit,explaineda pitch in the MCD polls, senior itassoonasheformsthegovern- “We are taking people from more than 600 jhuggi jhopri done following a complaint by
Delhi and two in nary. Today, we prepared it us- government official at the event. party leaders say. ment there. Now his govern- slum clusters of the city to see clusters in Delhi and work is go- then Punjab CM... I want to ask
Gurgaon. PTI ing 60 litres of milk and people In addition, they can avail credit TheDelhicivicbodyelections ment has completed eight how the Modi government is ing on to provide such apart- whathappenedtothatinvestiga-
absolutely love it,” she said. for the purchase of raw material. willbeheldonDecember4from months in Punjab, but there is bringing change to their lives ments to more people. tion?” ENS


Protest over funds not being released for Delhi govt’s scholarship scheme
Bhim Mukhyamantri Pratibha missions under the scheme re- Campus, Rajender Nagar, said: Wehavebeentoldasolutionwill Pal Gautam had spoken about
KINJAL GARG Vikas Yojana is aimed at provid- sumed after the pandemic in “The government claims they've be provided in two days, after thesuccessof thescheme:“Ifeel
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 ing free coaching to Delhi-based 2021, their officials alleged. The provided free education to stu- their meeting with Deputy CM proud to share that around
students from the SC, ST, OBC government did not respond to dentsbutinreality,it’sprivatein- Manish Sisodia, but we’re not 13,000studentshaveenrolledin
SEVERAL BENEFICIARIES of the and EWS categories to prepare queries regarding the delay. stitutionslike oursthathavehad very hopeful as this has hap- civil services, engineering, med-
coaching centre scholarship for entrance exams for profes- A student studying at NIC to beat the brunt.” pened in the past as well.” ical,police,banking,railwaysand
scheme, started by the Delhi sional courses and jobs. Institute, who was part of the Hopingtogetanswers,an11- Several students who have several competitive exams
government for students from The government had tied up protest but did not want to be member delegation said it met beenpartof thecoachingclasses coaching out of the targeted
disadvantaged categories, along with46privateinstitutionstofa- identified, said, “Ever since our social welfare department sec- have managed to clear entrance scopeof 15,000students.Among
with top management of em- cilitate the programme, but the classes began about a year ago, retaryVirendraKumar.Speaking exams over the past few years, those 13,000 students, 4,000
panelled institutions protested fundingis yetto bereleased.Asa we haven’t received our stipend. to The Indian Express, advocate with over 1,000 students who tookadmissionintomedicaland
outsidetheDepartmentof SC/ST result,studentssaidtheyhaven’t Noneof uscomefromverywell- Naresh Bhargava from NIC clearedengineeringandmedical engineering...Outof them,1,300
Welfare on Monday over non- been receiving their stipends of off families and this would have Institutesaid,“Thesecretarysaid entranceexamsbeing felicitated students have been selected for
payment of dues. Rs 2,500 per month. Coaching helped with our transport ex- Beneficiaries of the scheme protested outside the he will revise the contract with in October. variousmedicalandengineering
LaunchedbytheDepartment centres, too, haven’t received fee penses.” Department of SC/ST Welfare Monday. Express the coaching institutions and a Duringtheceremony,former entrance exams. This means our
of Social Welfare in 2018, the Jai reimbursement ever since ad- A representative from KD fresh one will be put in place... social welfare minister Rajendra selection rate is over 25%.”

New Delhi

Guru Nanak Dev Ji guides devotees to the right path in life

Guru Nanak Jayanti, the spiritual invocation and festive celebration of the birth
anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev, encapsulates the deep devotion of every
Sikh to the first Sikh Guru and his teachings.

S THE bright, full moon brightens the
world on each Kattak Pooranmashi –
the full moon day in the Hindu calen-
dar month of Kartik, which usually
falls in November, commences the selves Sikhs, must wake up daily at Amrit Vela and
celebrations of the birth anniversary of the first be in tune with God’s name."
Sikh Guru — Guru Nanak Dev Ji — an illumined The exposition of the scripture as Katha and the
soul, whose teachings are the heart of the Sikh singing of hymns as Kirtan form an integral part
religion. striving for justice and the betterment of every- of the festive day. Volunteers in Gurdwara prepare
Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the revered founder of one. The treasure trove of his spiritual wealth, as and offer Langar, a community lunch that epito-
Sikhism, a religion that took root in the Punjab re- the fundamental beliefs of Sikhism, is articulated in mises the Sikh tenet of offering selfless service to
gion of the Indian subcontinent in the late 15th the form of 974 hymns in the sacred Sikh scrip- everyone regardless of their socio-economic back-
century and spread to the four corners of the ture, Guru Granth Sahib, worshipped as the ground. Gurdwaras organise prayer sessions at
world, once remarked, “There is but one God. True supreme authority on Sikhism and as the final and night, which are followed by Kirtan. The singing of
is His Name, creative His personality and immor- eternal Guru. Gurbani at the actual time of the birth of Guru
tal His form. He is without fear sans enmity, un- Akhand Path, a 48-hour long uninterrupted Nanak Dev Ji post-midnight marks the conclusion
born and self-illumined. By the Guru's grace, He is recitation of the Guru Granth Sahib, marks the of Guru Nanak Jayanti.
obtained.” These profound words while expound- commencement of Guru Nanak Jayanti in most The festivities of the auspicious day centre on
ing the central belief of Sikh religious philosophy of Gurdwara, two days in advance of the Gurpurab. connecting with the Ik Onkar through prayers and re-
Ik Onkar or One Creator emphasize the pivotal role ated Sikh Gurus, take centre stage in Sikhism and as Bedi, the village’s local accountant and his wife, Nagakirtan, a special procession that carries the ligious chanting along with the act of offering self-
of the Guru in the Sikh faith, who is indistinguish- the most sacred festival of the faith, aptly reflect Mata Tripta in the year 1469. The hagiographical Sikh flag, Nishan Sahib, and the palanquin with less service in the form of Langar and other forms of
able from the Akaal, the Timeless One, and is “the and embody the essence of the deep devotion of Janamsakhis recount the circumstances of Guru Guru Granth Sahib, adds to the splendour of the philanthropic initiatives. The teachings of Guru
voice of the spirit, the source of knowledge and every Sikh to the beloved Gurus. Nanak Dev’s birth in detail and stories abound festive atmosphere as it makes its way amidst the Nanak Dev Ji preach a way of leading life where of-
the guide to salvation.” For the over 30 million adherents of the Sikh faith in about myriad miraculous events that marked his chanting of hymns on decorated roads, on the day fering Seva or selfless service to others, equality, fra-
The spiritual teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, every part of the world, the Gurpurab of Guru Nanak pious life. prior to the Guru’s birth anniversary. ternal love, honesty, humility, meditating on God’s
the first Guru of the Sikhs, along with the nine Gu- Jayanti marks the spiritual invocation and festive cel- The founder of the fifth-largest religion, Guru The auspicious day of Guru Nanak Jayanti is ini- name and the focus on sharing and extending help
rus who succeeded him, laid the foundation of the ebration of the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev, Nanak Dev, displayed extraordinary interest in and tiated with singing the morning hymns, Asaa-Di- to everyone are of supreme importance. This, along
monotheistic religion of Sikhism, which conveys whose teachings emphasise the alignment of spiri- extensive knowledge of spiritual subjects along Vaar, during the especially significant Amrit Vela with the emphasis of Sikhism on Bhakti, wherein
the message of belief in a single universal God, tual development with virtuous conduct. with distinctive wisdom, from a young age. As the — the last part of the night before the daybreak. devotion, worship, love and compassion for every-
who dwells in each of His creations and encapsu- Guru Nanak Dev, who is “real from ages and founder of the most recent major organised faith, This precedes the early morning processions one amalgamate, serves as the overarching foun-
lates the eternal Truth. In light of the fundamental will remain true”, was born in a Hindu Khatri fam- he preached faith in one creator, meditation, known as Prabhat Pheris. The Guru Granth Sahib is dation of the exemplary way in which the religious
Sikh faith that the existence of the Guru is eternal, ily in present-day Nankana Sahib’s Rai Bhoi Ki Tal- equality of humankind, involvement in selfless ser- replete with the significance of this time of the day occasion of Guru Nanak’s Prakash Utsav contin-
the birth anniversaries or Gurpurab of the vener- vandi village in Pakistan to Kalyan Chand Das vice, honest conduct and means of livelihood, and and explicitly states, “Those, who consider them- ues to be celebrated.

New Delhi

Guru Nanak
PURAB Apostle of Peace

Sikhism preaches peace

and prosperity for all

uru Nanak Dev Ji, the first
Guru of Sikhism was born
on April 15, 1469, in the
Talwandi region in Pakistan.
The birth anniversary of Guru
Nanak Dev Ji is celebrated as
Prakash Parv. The following
lines of a shabad aptly de-
scribes the birth of Guru Nanak
Dev Ji: “Satguru Nanak par-
gateya, mitidhund jag chanan
hoya, Jiou kar sooraj nikaliaa, taarae
shippae andhhaer paloaa”
With the emergence of the true Guru Nanak Ji, the mist cleared and

Guru Nanak Jayanti is a day for the light scattered all around. As if at sunrise, the stars disappeared
and the darkness was dispelled.
One of the three main pillars of teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji is Ki-

Sikhs to remember the one True God

rat Karo — to earn an honest, pure and dedicated living for the benefit
and improvement of the individual,their family and society at large.Pun-
jab & Sind Bank, a premier Public Sector Bank with 1,525 branches,
803ATMs and 357 business correspondents spread across the country,

URU Granth Sahib's verse "O Nanak, in the monotheistic religion of Sikhism part of the world in the late 15th century from istan High Commission in New Delhi, which is also founded with the same vision and principle of social commitment
sing of the Lord,theTreasure of Excel- through these profound words,"The Guru has the region of Punjab in the Indian subconti- also stated that the birth anniversary celebra- to help the weaker section of the society in their economic endeav-
lence" aptly reflects the essence of given me this one understanding:there is only nent, was born in the year 1469 on Kattak tions of Baba Guru Nanak are scheduled to be ours to raise their standard of life.The ethical values and motto given by
the celebration of Guru Nanak Jayanti, with the One,the Giver of all souls.May I never for- Pooranmashi at Rai Bhoi KiTalvandi village in held in Pakistan from November 6 to 15. Offi- our great visionaries are woven into the core fabric of each PSBian.
spiritual invocation being at the core of the get Him!" Pakistan to Kalyan Chand Das Bedi and Mata cial sources added that the Sikh pilgrims The bank recorded a net profit of Rs 1,039 crores in 2021-22 and
festive celebration,which marks the birth an- With the Gurus of the Sikh faith and the Tripta. The auspicious full moon day in the would also visit the Gurdwara in Kartarpur has had a good performance in the current financial year (2022-23). In
niversary of the founder of Sikhism, Guru spiritual wealth contained in their teachings month of November is observed as his birth and Gurdwara Rori Sahib before returning to Q2, the net NPA reduced to a record level of 2.24 per cent, NIM im-
Nanak Dev. laying the foundation of the Sikh religion that anniversary by the adherents of the faith in India through the Wagah border on Novem- proved to 3.06 per cent,the capital adequacy ratio is strong at 15.68 per
The revered Sikh Gurus and their teachings lays stress on belief in one creator, equality, every part of the world. ber 15. cent and the return on assets improved to 0.84 per cent.The bank has
are the cornerstone of the Sikh faith, which, selfless service and honest conduct,Gurpurab The place where Guru Nanak Dev was born Sikhism preaches Simran, or, to remember shown good growth under the RAM segment and surpasses the targets
as the fifth-largest religion and as the most is that cherished occasion when Sikhs cele- and started preaching has been named in his the teachings of the Gurus through the in Priority SectorAdvances (51.12 per cent).Presently, the bank is offer-
recent major organised faith, has millions of brate the birth anniversaries of their beloved honour as Nankana Sahib. The Gurdwara singing of hymns in the form of Kirtan along ing the most competitive interest rates of 7.85 per cent on special fixed
followers around the world. Worshipped as and venerated Gurus and pay obeisance to Nankana Sahib, also known as Gurdwara with Naam japna, wherein Sikhs meditate on deposit for 601 days for super senior citizens. For retail customers, the
the supreme authority on Sikhism and as the fi- them. Janam Asthan, is one of the most important His name.This takes centre stage in the long- bank offers an interest rate of 8.13 per cent* on home loans and 8.20
nal and eternal Guru of Sikhs, the sacred Sikh Each year, as the year almost draws to a religious sites for the Sikh community. On the standing,traditionally established way of cel- per cent* on automobile loans.
scripture, Guru Granth Sahib, elucidates the close and the month of November, which is Gurpurab of Guru Nanak Dev,this holy site re- ebrating the pious occasion of Guru Nanak As is said in Gurbani, Tere Bhaane Sarbat Da Bhala, which means,
pivotal role of the Guru in the religion in many the Hindu calendar month of Kartik, arrives; ceives Sikh pilgrims in large numbers from all Jayanti,as the special day starts and ends with with the blessings of God, may everyone in the world prosper and be in
of its verses. One of its verses states, "The Sikhs all over the world begin preparing for over the world. the recitation of the sacred hymns. The cele- peace.
Guru's word is the sound-current of the Naad; the birth anniversary of their first Guru — On the 553rd birth anniversary of Guru bration of Guru Nanak's Prakash Utsav, both, Happy Gurupurab.
the Guru's word is the wisdom of the Vedas; Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Nanak Dev Ji this year, Pakistan issued 2,942 publicly in Gurdwaras and privately in the
the Guru's word is all-pervading." Another Guru Nanak Dev, the founder of Sikhism, visas to Sikh pilgrims from India. This was SWARUP KUMAR SAHA, MD & CEO, Punjab & Sindh Bank
verse emphasises the pivotal role of the Guru which as a religion promptly spread to every made known by a statement from the Pak- Continued on next page ➤➤➤

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New Delhi

Guru Nanak
PURAB Apostle of Peace

Saccha Sauda and Truthful living is Let’s say no to inequity

an equitable world greater than truth
G uru Nanak Saheb,the founder of Sikhism,was
an apostle of peace, unity and love. He
taught us the brotherhood of mankind and
"THE mist of darkness disappeared and the
Light spread all around”. This is how
Bhai Gurudas, a great poet who com-
gave the universal message of equality, piled Guru Granth Sahib under the
mutual respect and well-being for the supervision of Guru Arjun, de-
whole of mankind. scribed the arrival of Guru Nanak
Guru Saheb was born in the 15th cen- in this world. What he meant was
tury. His birth marked the dispelling of that when Guru Nanak was born,
darkness symbolised by the agony of peo- people were afflicted with igno-
ple who were subjected to plundering, rance and were engaged in excessive

massacres,looting and inhuman treatment by ritualism. It was Guru Nanak who uru Nanak ji spent his entire life shunning all discrimination against hu-
the invaders from the North-West for nearly five spread the message of spirituality and the manity based on race, class and caste.
hundred years.Guru Saheb not only brought much- oneness of God.In Japuji Sahib,he defined the He started the concept of langar (community kitchen) based on this philoso-
needed moral and social regeneration to society but also Immortal One as, “One, absolute, unchanging, form- phy. Let us celebrate this Gurpurab by following his teachings.
condemned inhuman practices that led to nothing but division among people.He was less,omnipresent God,the Lord of hundreds of known gods and goddesses,the
against mere ritualism and advocated keeping the Creator in the centre in each mo- creator of all,devoid of fear,without enemies,timeless,unborn,Himself,His Own RAVI SODHI, Director PR & Marketing, Religare Enterprises Limited
ment of life and to spend life in accordance with the 'Gurmat', which means fol- Being.” Speaking about Guru Nanak,Allama Iqbal once said,“Phir UthiAkhir
lowing principles of equality, empathy, love and community service. SadaTauheed ki Punjab se Hind ko ek Marde-e- Kaamil ne jagaya Khwaab se
The socio-spiritual welfare of humanity was one of Guru Saheb's major concerns. (The voice of Oneness of God again rose from Punjab and Hindustan was
He described this world as 'Dharamsal' (an abode of righteousness).His objective was
the creation of a new egalitarian social order, with an emphasis on work ethics and
awakened by a spiritually perfect man). He also said,“The Lord who pervades
all the cosmos knows it to be present within thy body too, realize this mystery
Guru Nanak Jayanti is a day for
sharing.The core of his teachings laid down the golden pillars for Sikhism,which are
Naam Jappo,remembering the Creator (Almighty) with every breath of life and Kirat
through the sanctuary of the Guru; recognise this truth by uniting with Guru’s
Shabad.” Guru Nanak was not only of saintly disposition but had the moral
to remember the one True God
Karo, earning your livelihood honestly and righteously with service to humanity. courage to challenge Babur who invaded India in the 15th century. ➤➤➤ Continued from previous page the singing of the morning hymns,Asaa-Di-
To further complement these two values is the third principle ofVand Chhako — Guru Nanak didn’t preach abstract values but the concrete truth. He said, Vaar, before daybreak and subsequently
selflessly serving others, and sharing income and resources with those in need. “Truth is higher but still higher is truthful living”. He emphasised this worldly homes of the adherents of the religion,has at participating in Prabhat Pheris, which are
Vand Chhakna (sharing with others) continues to be an important teaching for us conduct and didn’t over-emphasise the metaphysical world.That is the kindness its core praying, meditating on and remem- early morning processions.Exposition of the
to imbibe. We should share what we have with others around us, especially the with which you treat your fellow human beings. He implied that truth, no bering the Ik Onkar or the One Creator and holy scripture, preparing and partaking of
needy.Guru Saheb Ji tells us that hoarding materialistic possessions,being selfish and doubt, is of sublime value but truthful living is the most important human offering selfless service in every form to community lunch in the form of Langar and
only satisfying our own needs is not the right path for a true human being.Providing value.He was perhaps the first socialist who propounded the doctrine of the dis- everyone. wholeheartedly participating in the prayer
a meal to the starved holy men with 20 silver coins given by his father Mehta Kalu ji tribution of wealth.When directed by his father to make a profitable transaction The festivities of Guru Nanak's Prakash sessions that take place at night in Gurd-
for a Saccha Sauda or profitable trade was not just an act of charity,but lays stress on with a sum of Rs 20,he spent all of the money to feed hungry Sadhus.On being Utsav commence two days prior to the full wara are an innate part of observing the
the fact that Guru ji lived what he preached.It is said that with the interest on the 20 rebuked by his father, young Nanak said, “I could not find a better deal than moon day, which marks his birth anniver- holy day for the followers of Sikhism.
coins that Guru Saheb had invested in feeding the needy,a practice that the present- feeding hungry human beings with that sum.”Such was his compassion for hu- sary,with the uninterrupted recitation of the The celebration of the extremely signifi-
day langars are still continuing all over the world. manity. Guru Granth Sahib as Akhand Path. A day cant day for the Sikh community concludes
May we always strive to abide by this noble thought, pass this legacy of Saccha Guru Nanak’s message of oneness of humanity was spread by the succeed- before the Gurpurab,the special procession with the singing of Gurbani at the time of
Sauda to our future generations and strive towards an equitable world by contribut- ing Gurus and culminated in the Guru Granth Sahib,which was compiled by the of Nagakirtan makes its way through birth of Baba Nanak Dev in the late hours of
ing one-tenth of our earnings to charity.Good wishes from all at Power Finance Cor- fifth Nanak – GuruArjan Dev.The holy scripture contains hymns of not only six adorned streets amidst religious chanting the same full moon night, which many cen-
poration on the auspicious occasion of Prakash Purab of Guru Nanak Dev ji. Sikh Gurus but also of 46 Hindu and Sufi saints,including Guru Ravi Das,an un- while carrying the Sikh flag, Nishan Sahib, turies ago witnessed the birth of the Guru,
touchable, at a time when the evil practice was at its peak. and the sacred Guru Granth Sahib in a who taught the world that God dwells in
R.S. DHILLON, CMD, Power Finance Corporation Ltd palanquin. each of His creations along with the impor-
JASPAL SINGH, IPS, DGP Goa For every Sikh, the actual day of the birth tance of aligning spiritual progress with vir-
anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji starts with tuous conduct.

New Delhi



Verdict revives
Pvt colleges await clarity on funds, fees issue of quota
Uneven adoption in

LEADING PRIVATE players in the govt-run institutions

for Marathas
higher education sector were on Until resolution, community can avail
Monday circumspect on
Supreme Court's decision to up- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE benefit of EWS quota, says Fadnavis
hold validity of the 103rd NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7
Constitutional Amendment, in-
dicating that any move to man- THE PROMULGATION of the EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
dateEWSreservationintheirad- 103rdConstitutionalAmendment MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 7
mission programmes will meet Act,introducinga10percentEWS
with resistance. quotainhighereducationinstitu- THE SUPREME Court (SC) deci-
Their stance is important, as tions, was followed up by the sionupholding10percentquota
following the passage of the Centre with the approval of over Implementation of the EWS for the Economically Weaker
amendmentin2019,theMinistry 2.14 lakh additional seats in 158 quota has affected student- Sections(EWS) hasreignitedthe
of Education (then Ministry of centrally funded institutions at a teacher ratio. File issue of pending Maratha reser-
HRD), had drafted a Bill to imple- Currently, reservation in private institutes are not mandated by any law. Abhinav Saha cost of Rs 4,315 crore. vation in Maharashtra.
ment quota for SC/ST/OBC and The UGC had issued instruc- Reacting to the decision, CM Eknath Shinde said
EWScategoryintheprivatesector. tions to all central universities, theacademiccomplex.Partlywe Deputy Chief MinisterDevendra underprivileged from from
However, the Bill, for which tutions (to adopt EWS quota), approaches to promote diversity based World College of Medical colleges and deemed-to-be uni- have received that,” he said. Fadnavis on Monday said until all castes can now avail the
the Law Ministry's views were somebody has to pay for it.... as well as inclusion.” Science and Research, said even versities “whose maintenance The implementation of the the issue of Maratha reservation benefits of reservation. File
also invited, did not move fur- Publicinstitutionsarepampered While welcoming the SC de- if EWS quota is applicable to pri- expenditure is met by the UGC” EWS quota has also affected the isresolved,economicallyweaker
ther. Then Union Education by public funds, whereas people cision, Dr Vidya Yeravdekar, pro- vate colleges, no concession will forimplementationandcompli- student-teacher ratio of the in- members of the community can
Minister Prakash Javadekar had are made to fend for themselves chancellor of Symbiosis be provided in terms of fees. ance of the newly-introduced stitutes. In IIT Delhi, which as- benefit from the EWS quota. educationand13percentinjobs.
also announced that the reser- in private institutions, which International University, said “Thiswillmeanthatstudents quota policy from the academic pirestohavea1:10ratio,thepre- "On the one hand, reserva- IntheSC,thematterwasreferred
vation policy willbeextendedto cater to 65 per cent of students much also depends on whether who provide the requisite docu- year 2019-20 itself. vailing share is around 1:14. tion on caste basis continues to a five-member Constitution
private educational institutions. in higher education. For private the government plans to make ments will get medical seats un- Whilethefullbreak-upof the "When Institutions of and, along with this, sections bench, which unanimously
Currently, reservation in pri- institutions,theabilitytodoany- any renewed push for providing der the quota,” Passey said. release of the approved funds Eminence status was granted to which were not qualifying in agreedthattherewasnoneedto
vate institutes are not mandated thing more is severely limited.” statutory backing to quotas in “However, there will be no con- was not immediately available, us,theratiowas1:17.Currentlywe any quota but were economi- revisit the 1992 Indira Sawhney
by any law, although the 93rd OP Jindal Global University the private education sector. cessioninfeesforthesestudents. there have been indications that are at around 1:14.5. Because of cally weak now get protection. judgment that had fixed the to-
Constitutional Amendment had vice-chancellorProf CRajKumar "Symbiosis has always sup- Theywillpayatparwiththeoth- many higher educational insti- theEWSquota,althoughwehave In Maharashtra, we are facing tal reservation limit at 50 per
added a clause expanding the said the best way for the private portedinclusivity,”shesaid.“The ers. The quota is just for the se- tutes are yet to receive a large improvedourfacultystrength,the the question of Maratha reser- cent, and unanimously struck
scope of reservations for socially sectortocommititselftopromote RTE [Right To Education] is im- lectionprocess...."saidDrPassey. proportion of the promised number of students have also in- vation and, until this is resolved, down the state law granting
backward classes in educational the ideals of inclusion and diver- plemented in all schools of During the hearing, the funds. For instance, of the total creased,”anotherofficialsaid. economically weaker families reservation to the Marathas.
institutions,includingprivateones. sity, in keeping with the "philo- Symbiosis, be it affiliated to Centre had earlier submitted to allocation, Rs 1,000 crore was The status of implementation from the Maratha community Welcoming the SC decision,
Mohandas Pai, chairman of sophical underpinning of the SC CBSE/ SSC or even IB boards. The thecourtthatthebenefittoEWS earmarked for the 23 IITs. atthestatelevelvariesfromoneto can benefit from the EWS quota. MinisterforHigherandTechnical
Manipal Global Education judgment",isthroughencourag- university has been providing candidates with respect to ad- Addressing a press confer- another. In Haryana, different in- Along with this, poor families Education Chandrakant Patil
Services, said the government ingmorescholarshipsandfellow- scholarships to girls students mission in private aided or un- ence last Friday, IIT Delhi Dean stitutionsarehandlingthematter from minority communities said, "I am glad the Supreme
should launch a national schol- ships. “Whenever the State de- coming from economically aided educational institutions (Planning) P V Rao said the insti- at their own level. Kurukshetra can also avail its benefits. All in- Court has given its nod to EWS
arship programme, with a pre- cides about these matters, it will backward families from 22 vil- "does not violate Article 14, as tution has “partly received the University and Maharshi dividuals from EWS have found reservation. Individuals cutting
determined eligibility criteria. alwayshaveaparticularpolicyin lagessurrounding theuniversity has been settled by this Court". funds”. “The government of DayanandUniversityinRohtakare a way through this quota, for across caste, community and re-
Pai told The Indian Express: “I mind,” he said. “Different private campus at Lavale, Pune. WITHINPUTSFROM India had promised Rs 66.28 implementingit. FULLREPORT government jobs and in educa- ligion will be eligible to avail the
believe if you force private insti- institutionsmighthavetheirown Dr J C Passey, dean of Jhajjar- ANONNADUTT crore for construction of part of tion," he said. quota. The criteria is annual in-
Chief MinisterEknathShinde comeof thefamilyshouldbeless

In Kerala, LDF govt

welcomed the decision, saying than Rs 8 lakh.”
underprivileged sections from "I thank Prime Minister
avail the benefits of reservation.
Narendra Modi for the EWS
reservation. This is a golden op-
started 10% EWS Since the Union government first Opens many avenues and
"It will help bring them into the
mainstream," he said.
In June 2017, the then
portunity for poor students to
pursue education and avail job
opportunities,” he added.

quota 2 years ago proposed it in 2019, we have been possibilities of interpretation and Devendra Fadnavis government OppositionCongresssaidthe
hadconstitutedtheMaharashtra SC decision has now cleared the
battling it in court. The order from further intervention... Govt must State Backward Class way for Maratha reservation as
today has been a significant immediately look for the possibility Commission(MSBCC)headedby the 50 per cent limit can now be
setback. We will consult with legal of caste-based census. That data Justice (retired) M G Gaikwad to crossed. “The government
SHAJU PHILIP Pinarayi experts and carry out our efforts to should become the basis of studythesocial,financialanded- should realise now that this is
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, govt hived defend India’s social justice enhancing the quantum of ucational status of the Maratha the time to push for Maratha
NOVEMBER 7 the 10% off systems. reservation. community. reservation as well," said former
the 50% Thecommissionsubmittedits Chief Minister Ashok Chavan.
THE CPI(M)-LED Kerala govern- general M K STALIN, DMK MANOJ JHA, RJD report in November 2018, classi- Reacting to the SC decision,
ment has already implemented quota. fying Marathas as a socially and the Maratha Kranti Morcha, an
the 10% reservation for people educationally backward class umbrella outfit for various
belonging to economically (SEBC). The same month, the Maratha organisations, urged
weaker sections (EWS) in the Sasidharan Nair (retd). The com- Behenji (Mayawati) was It is a good piece of It (10% reservation for EWS We are already implem- Maharashtra Assembly unani- the state government to expe-
general category in the state and mission, which submitted the the first to demand such a legislation. The party had in general category) is very enting it in education mouslypassedaBillproposing16 dite the Maratha quota issue.
subordinate services, as per the reportinJanuary2020 following quota... SC, ST and OBCs supported it in Parliament. good for democracy. It will while continuing the per cent reservation in education Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi presi-
103th amendment of the the 103rd amendment of the already have a quota...good The Supreme Court has go a long way in bringing reservations to those who and government jobs for dent Prakash Ambedkar said,
Constitution,whichtheSupreme Constitution,hadrecommended that poor in general cate- upheld it now. We economic equality in are already getting the Marathas. "The EWS quota is to accommo-
Court upheld on Monday. that people not covered under gory will also benefit. welcome it. society. benefit as it is. The Bombay High Court up- date poor category. But the state
The state introduced the 10% the scheme of reservation for held the Constitutional validity government and Centre should
EWS reservation two years ago SC/STandOBCs,andwhosefam-
D CHAUDHARY, BSP PINAKI MISHRA, BJD SOUGATA RAY, TMC B VINOD KUMAR, TRS of the reservation law but re- for once take a final decision on
without impacting the existing ily has gross annual income up ducedthequotato12percentin Maratha quota.”
50% reservation for weaker sec- to Rs 4 lakh, are to be identified
tions and SC/ST segments. as EWS for the benefit of reser-
Instead, this 10% was hived off
the 50% general quota.
of Article 15 and Clause (6) of 132 used quota to get Central govt Gujarat High Court had quashed
jobs in first two years: House data ordinance on EWS benefits in 2016
Sources in the Public Service Article 16 of the Constitution.
Commission(PSC),thestategov- Besides, a person, to be eligi-
ernment's recruitment wing, ble under this quota, should also
said the Commission had begun not hold more than 2.5 acres of 1.1.2021—132,” Minister of State has also provided Rs 4,315 crore mentstudyandquantifiableand legal precedents set earlier
the process to incorporate a 10% land in a gram panchayat area or HARIKISHAN SHARMA for Social Justice and to various ministries for imple- SOHINI GHOSH empirical data before arriving at through Supreme Court judg-
EWS quota in November 2020, more than 75 cents in a munici- NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 Empowerment Pratima mentationof EWSreservationin AHMEDBAD, NOVEMBER 7 the conclusion that such reser- ments.
following the state Cabinet's de- pal area or 50 cents in municipal Bhoumik said in a written reply thelasttwoyears.“Thestategov- vation is necessary”. The court concluded that
cisiontoimplementtheCentre's corporation area. IN 2019 and 2020, the first two to the Lok Sabha on April 5. ernments issue EWS certificates AN ORDINANCE issued by the Terming the ordinance “un- when equality is the rule of law,
decision to that effect. The decision was hailed by years after the EWS reservation Bhoumik had shared the in- toallEWScandidateswhoapply Gujarat government led by constitutional”, a division bench “for creating group for the pur-
“Now all notifications for re- upper caste communities, came into effect, 132 persons formation in response to a ques- for the certificate and who fulfill AnandibenPatel,providingfor10 headed by then Chief Justice R poseofprovidingreservation,un-
cruitment mention the EWS mainly the influential Nair com- availeditsbenefitsinCentralgov- tion by BJP member Ramdas the criteria of EWS reservation,” percentreservationforthosewith Subhash Reddy observed, “It is less detailed scientific and tech-
quota,” a source in PSC said. munity, and Christians, particu- ernmentjobs,accordingtoinfor- Chandrabhanji Tadas. the minister had said. family income less than Rs 6 lakh not open for the State to make nical study is made, no such
“However, appointments after larly Syro-Malabar Catholic mation shared in Parliament. Data on those who availed Recently, the Centre an- per annum (EWS) in educational anyreservationfor sectionof cit- reservation can be permitted”.
including the provision for 10% Church, which are among the Mostof thistwo-yearperiodwas the EWS benefits in Central gov- nounced to recruit 10 lakh per- institutionsandstategovernment izens in unreserved category, The Gujarat government had
quota for EWS have begun only 'forward'communitiesinKerala. affected by the countrywide ernment jobs after January 1, sonnelingovernmentjobsinthe jobs,wasquashedandsetasideby only on the ground that section come out with the ordinance in a
recently due to the time taken to While several Muslim organisa- lockdown due to Covid. 2021isnotavailable.There’salso next 18 months. the Gujarat High Court in August of such category of citizens be- bidtocatertoalong-standingde-
completearecruitmentprocess.” tions and 'backward' Hindu out- “AsperDoPT(Departmentof no data on those who availed TheConstitution (103rd) Act, 2016. Patel, who is the present long to economically weak... the mandbyPatidarsandothercom-
The state government had fits protested, the government Personnel & Training), the num- EWS benefits for jobs in state 2019, was passed by the governor of UP, resigned as economic criteria being fluctu- munitiesinthestateforproviding
implemented the Centre's deci- assuagedtheirfearsbysayingthe ber of persons who have availed government sectors. Parliament in January 2019. The Gujarat CM the same month. ating issue, the same cannot be reservation in government jobs
sion onthe basis of a report from existingreservationforbackward thebenefit of EWS reservation is AccordingtoBhoumik’sreply ordertothiseffectwaspassedon TheHCthenstatedthatthere the basis for any classification...” and higher education, and also in
a commission led by Justice K and SC/STs would remain intact. — as on 1.1.2020—85; as on in Parliament, the government January 19. wasno“technicalimpactassess- The HC had also relied on the the back of the Patidar agitation.


Most parties favoured Bill amid concerns; DMK, RJD, AIMIM opposed it
for wider consultations and istheConstitutionalissue,which you scared to touch the private questionedtheincomecriteriafor (AIADMK), who supported the counter the SC’s cap of 50 per
scrutiny. Criticism apart, most
parties, barring the DMK, RJD,
you have to answer..”
D RAJA (CPI) had said:
sector?” he had said.
the quota. “The criteria to deter-
mine the beneficiaries...raise the
cent... the TRS reaffirms its en-
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 IUML and AIMIM, had backed it “When the Government talks said:“Thebasicobjectiveofreser- question whether it will really percentforthesociallybackward BHARTRUHARI MAHTAB LOK SABHA
but raised some concerns. about reservation for economi- vation is to ensure that historic benefit the deprived.” peoplebecause90percentofthe (BJD) said:“Whilegoingthrough ■ 323 ayes, 3 nos
THE CONSTITUTIONAL amend- Opposition members had cally weaker sections, it means, wrong done in name of religion RAM GOPAL YADAV (SP) population is so. Therefore, the theBilltoday,Ifounditveryinter-
ment Bill to provide 10 per cent asked whether the Bill would already49.5percentreservation andcaste...hastobemaderight.It had asked the government to government should include all esting and it needs to be sup- Supported: 18 of the 23
reservationinjobsandeducation stand judicial scrutiny as the is there for SC/ST and OBC...50.5 is not out of mercy... it is because raisethe existingreservationcap those castes in the list and in- ported in full measure parties that took part in
to economically weaker sections Supreme Court had struck down percentisforopencategory...Itis they were born into a particular forSC, OBC and minoritiesin line crease the ambit of reservation ...Whenever we move around in debate
(EWS) from the general category PVNarasimhaRaogovernment’s openeventoSC/STandOBC.And castewhichsomepeoplethought withtheirproportioninthepop- from 50 to 70 per cent.” ourconstituency,wefindthatthe Opposed: RJD, AIMIM,
wassupportedbymostpartiesin forward quota move in 1992. you are taking away 10 per cent was less than them, lower than ulation now since a decision has SUDIP BANDYOPADHYAY Scs/STs/BCsarenottheonlypoor,” IUML
Parliament in January 2019. But Many members asked the gov- from that open category. ...reser- them,” she had argued. been taken to break the 50 per (TMC) had said: “The TMC ex- Mahtab had said. ■ AAP, INLD did not
there were concerns, which also ernmenttofurnishthedatabased vationbasedonincomecriteriais ANAND SHARMA (CONG) cent ceiling set by the top court. tends support to the Bill with an ASADUDDIN OWAISI take clear stand
mirroredtheminorityjudgment on which the 10 per cent figure againstthelegislativeintentofthe pointedoutthatthecriteriasetby The DMK and the AIADMK expectationthatthegovernment (AIMIM) opposed the Bill, say-
intheSupremeCourtonMonday. was fixed. Then there was the Constituent Assembly.” the government — those having had opposed the Bill in the Rajya will rise to the occasion and will ing: “Why do I oppose the Bill? RAJYA SABHA
The BJP government had questionof exclusionof reserved MANOJ JHA (RJD) had ac- less than 5 acres of land, do not Sabha, but in the Lok Sabha, as take care of the unemployed The first point is that this Bill is a ■165 ayes, 7 nos
tabledtheBilljustmonthsahead categories from the EWS quota. cused the government of tinker- own residential plot more than many as 18 of the 23 parties, in- youths of the country.” fraud on the Constitution. Opposed: DMK,
ofthe2019generalelections.The KAPIL SIBAL, then with the ing with the “basic structure” of 1,000 square feet and earn less cluding the AIADMK, supported A P JITHENDER REDDY Secondly, this Bill is an insult to AIADMK*, CPI’s D Raja
Opposition parties had accused Congress, had said in the Upper the Constitution. “You are basi- than Rs 8 lakh per annum — theBill.Threeparties—RJD,IUML (TRS) said, “Coupled with possi- Baba Saheb Ambedkar because (walked out before
the government of pushing the HouseonJanuary9:“ADalitoran cally testing the waters and this would make 98 per cent of peo- and AIMIM— opposed it while ble violation of the ‘basic struc- theoriginalpurposeof thereser- voting)
Bill“inhaste”withaneyeonelec- OBC who does not get a job willpavethewayfortheremoval ple in general category eligible . the AAP and INLD did not take a ture’principleofConstitution,the vation was to give social justice, ■ AIADMK had backed
tionsanddemandedthatitbere- within this quota still belongs to of caste-basedreservation.If you ELAMARAM KAREEM clear stand. listoflegalhurdlesislong.Yet,itis to reduce social and educational the Bill in Lok Sabha
ferred to a parliamentary panel theEWS,butheisexcluded...That are so committed... then why are (CPM), whilesupportingtheBill, M THAMBIDURAI brave of the government to backwardness.”

New Delhi
Russia, India stand INDIA’S G20 PRESIDENCY
Dhankhar to attend ASEAN-India meet Electoral bonds sale from Nov 9
for ‘more just,
polycentric’ world PM to unveil theme, EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
stock of the cooperation in the
areas of trade, investment and
by External Affairs Minister S
Jaishankar. The ministry said
during his visit, Dhankhar will
New Delhi: Ahead of assembly
elections in Gujarat and
Himachal Pradesh, the govern-
electoral bonds through 29 au-
thorised branches from
November 9-15, the finance
order: Moscow logo, website today VICE PRESIDENT Jagdeep
Dhankhar will attend the
Dhankhar will also represent
during his three-day visit to the
also have bilateral engagements
with the Cambodian leadership,
besides holding meetings with
ment on Monday approved is-
suance of the 23rd tranche of
ministry said in a statement.
Usually, electoral bond
tranches are open for sale be-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE the European Union (EU). ASEAN-India summit in SoutheastAsiannationbeginning leaders from several other coun- sale on November 9. tween 1-10 of a designated
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE “The Prime Minister will un- Cambodia this week, which is Friday, according to the Ministry tries. In October last year, Prime State Bank of India (SBI), in month. For instance, the 22nd
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 veil the logo, theme and website expected to review the status of of External Affairs. MinisterNarendraModihadvir- the 23rd phase of sale, has been tranche of bond sales took place
RUSSIA AND India stand for the of India's G20 presidency on the strategic partnership be- The MEA said the Vice tually attended the annual authorised to issue and encash from October 1-10. PTI
formation of a “more just" and PRIME MINISTER Narendra November 8 at 4.30 pm via tween the two sides and take President will be accompanied ASEAN-India summit.
“polycentric" world order and Modi will unveil the logo, theme video-conferencing,” the MEA
both sides demonstrated the and website of India’s G20 pres- said. The G20 summit will take
proximity of positions on the idency on Tuesday. place in Bali on November 15-16 Bahadurpur Housing Colony Branch
most pressing issues, Moscow Making the announcement and Modi is set to be among the (Code 554022): 4M/22, Bhutnath Road, Bahadurpur
Housing Colony, Patna-800026
said on Monday, a day ahead of on Monday, the Ministry of top leaders attending it.
the talks between the foreign External Affairs (MEA) said the “Guided by the vision of the APPENDIX-IV [Rule 8 (1)]
ministers of the two countries. G20 presidency offers a unique Prime Minister, the foreign pol- POSSESSION NOTICE
External Affairs Minister S opportunity to India to con- icy of India has been evolving to Whereas, the undersigned being the Authorised officer of Union Bank of India, under the Securitisation and
Jaishankar begins a two-day visit tribute to the global agenda on undertake leadership roles on Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement Security Interest Act, 2002 and in exercise of powers
to Russia Monday evening. In a pressing issues of international the global stage,” the MEA said. conferred under Section 13 (12) read with Rule 3 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 issued
statement, the Russian foreign importance. “In a significant step in this a demand notice calling upon the following borrowers, guarantors and mortgagors, to repay the amount
ministry said Jaishankar and It said the logo, theme and direction, India will assume the mentioned in the notice within 60 days from the said notice
ForeignMinisterSergeyLavrov,in website of India's G20 presi- G20 presidency from December The borrowers/guarantors/mortgagors having failed to repay the amount, notice is hereby given to the
borrowers/guarantors/mortgagors and the public in general that the undersigned has taken possession of the
theirtalks,willfocusontradeand dency would reflect the coun- 1. The G20 presidency offers a property described herein below in exercise of powers conferred on him/her under Section 13(4) of the Act
investment, use of national cur- try’s “message and overarching unique opportunity to India to

read with rule 8 of the said rules on the date mentioned hereunder.

renciesfortrade,“promisingproj- priorities” to the world. contribute to the global agenda The borrowers/guarantors/mortgagors in particular and the public in general is hereby cautioned not to deal
ects" in the energysector and the India will assume the presi- on pressing issues of interna- with the property and any dealings with the property will be subject to the charge of Union Bank of India for
formation of a security architec- dency of the powerful grouping tional importance,” it added. an amount mentioned as stated below and interest thereon.
ture in the Asia-Pacific region. from current chair Indonesia on TheG20isthepremierforum The borrower’s/guarantor's/mortgagor's attention is invited to provisions of sub-section (8) of section 13 of the
“Russia and India stand for December 1. The G20 or Group for international economic co- Act, in respect of time available, to redeem the secured assets.
the active formation of a more of 20isanintergovernmentalfo- operation, representing around Name of the Borrower/ a) Amount of
Guarantor/Mortgagor Demand Notice &
just and equal polycentric world rum of the world's major devel- 85 per cent of the global GDP, Description of the Secured Assets
Date of Notice
order, and proceed from the in- oped and developing more than 75 per cent of the b) Date of Possession
admissibility of promoting the economies. It comprises global trade and about two- Sri Jogi Lal Ray S/o Sri Residential land and building admeasuring 0.54 Katha a) Rs.9,24,057.74
imperialist diktat on the global Argentina, Australia, Brazil, thirds of the world population. Shiya Sharan Ray and in the name of Mrs. Shobha Devi, Wife of Sri Jogi Lal as on 03.06.2022
arena,” it said. Canada,China,France,Germany, “During the course of its G20 Mrs. Shobha Devi W/o Sri Ray situated at Mauza-Udaini, Survey Thana-Phulwari and interest thereon
Joghi Lal Ray, Both R/o Sharif, Hal Thana-Gopal Pur, Thana No.-102, Tauzi No.- &
Jaishankarwillalsoholdtalks India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, the presidency, India will be holding SBI K-212, Hanuman Nagar, 402, Khata No.-143, Khesra No.-151 (Part), Dist.-Patna. dt. 17.08.2022
with Russian Deputy Prime Republic of Korea, Mexico, about 200 meetings in 32 differ- K-Sector, Sampatchak, Boundded by: North- Nij (Vacant land), South- Imroja b) 03.11.2022
Minister and Minister of Trade Russia, Saudi Arabia, South ent sectors in multiple locations Lohiya Nagar, Patna-800020 Vendee Sri Rajendra Rai (Vacant land), East- 3ft wide
and Industry Denis Manturov Africa, Turkey, the United across India,” the MEA said in a Road, West-Sri Surendra Singh (Vacant land).
during the visit. Kingdom, the United States and statement. Authorised Officer
Union Bank of India

Authorised Website:

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02 Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I) 516
03 Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) 25
04 Law Officer (Scale I) 10
05 HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I) 15
06 Marketing Officer (Scale I) 100
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On-line registration including Edit/
01.11.2022- 21.11.2022
Modification of Application by candidates
Payment of Application Fees/Intimation
01.11.2022- 21.11.2022
Charges (Online)
Download of call letters for Online
December 2022
examination – Preliminary
Online Examination – Preliminary 24.12.2022/ 31.12.2022
Result of Online exam – Preliminary January 2023
Download of Call letter for Online exam
January 2023
– Main
Online Examination – Main 29.01.2023
Declaration of Result of Online Main
February 2023
Download of call letters for interview February 2023
Conduct of interview February/March 2023
Provisional Allotment April 2023
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Before registering online, candidates are advised to read the
detailed notification and follow the instructions mentioned therein.
Date: 01.11.2022 Director

New Delhi




Packing a punchline: Why Modi’s ‘We


Built this Gujarat’ has a familiar ring

A neurosurgeon, Dr Janak CONG’SUNITY PLEA
Raj is BJP candidate from TOWIN MANALI
Bharmour in Chamba

From 1995, when its unbroken stint in power in Gujarat began, BJP has banked on slogans, ranging
Himachal’s from ‘I am Gujarat, I am Vikas’ last time, to ‘Protector of five crore Gujaratis’ interests — BJP’ CONG PITCH: ‘FIRST ONE RANK ONE
‘Doctor ji’ BJP crore Gujaratis’interests —BJP)”.

candidate and PARIMAL DABHI

However, the Gaurav Yatra
launched by then CM Narendra
Modi was so popular that it was

Out, not down,

THE BJP is back with slogans un- talkedaboutmorethananything
derlining itself as the answer to else in those elections.”
on campaign Gujarat in the run-up to the
Assembly elections.
In 2007, the BJP contested
under Modi’s leadership using

Dhumal pitches
On Monday, it launched its the slogan “Jitega Gujarat
DIVYA GOYAL GOPAL campaign using Prime Minister (Gujarat will win)”. At the time,
BREHI (BHARMOUR), Narendra Modi’s rallying cry “Aa the Congress-led United
NOVEMBER 7 Gujarat ame banavyu chhe (We Progressive Alliance (UPA) was

in for BJP, with

built this Gujarat)”. The party is in power at the Centre. The slo-
CLAD IN a crisp saffron kurta, also going with “Bharosa ni BJP gan meant to convey that de-
with a tilak and a Himachali topi, sarkar (Trustworthy BJP govern- spite thealleged injustices of the
is Dr Janak Raj, 43, a neurosur- ment)” to push out its message CentretowardsGujarat,thestate

pension advice
geon, former senior medical su- to the electorate. would prevail.
perintendent at the Indira The BJP first came to power Modiwascreditedwithcoin-
GandhiMedicalCollegeHospital in Gujarat in 1995 when ing the slogan the BJP used dur-
(IGMC) in Shimla, and now the Keshubhai Patel became the ing the 2012 Assembly polls, his
BJP candidate from Bharmour in
Chamba district.
chief minister. In the run-up, the
party coined the slogan “Bhay,
last as CM. The year before, he
had come up with “Sauno Sath,
OPS poll issue, says he told party to
For a constituency lacking bhookh, bhrashtachar mukta BJP state president C R Paatil (right) and minister Harsh Sanghavi (with the Modi cutout) at Sauno Vikas (Inclusive growth, allow basic pension for Class 4 staff
metalled roads, adequate infra- Gujarat (Gujarat free of fear, the launch of the party’s campaign slogan, song in Gandhinagar on Monday. Nirmal Harindran collective effort)” during his
structureingovernmentschools hunger and corruption).” The Sadbhavna Mission.
and specialist doctors, Raj, who elections were held amidst the Five years later, the BJP faced NAVJEEVAN GOPAL
was picked by the BJP instead of churn stirred by the Ayodhya communal riots and the pres- (BJP’s determination: Safe, pros- The Assembly elections in theelectionsamidPatidaranger. HAMIRPUR, NOVEMBER 7
incumbent MLA Jiya Lal Kapoor, Ram Temple movement and the ence of Abdul Latif (the late perous, self-respectful and har- 2002 followed, coming in the In the run-up, it faced a punch-
comes as a “double package”. demolition of the Babri Masjid gangster) in Ahmedabad.” monious Gujarat)”. wake of the Godhra train burn- line popularly believed to have THETWO-TIMEchief ministerof
Locals use the chance to get and, on the back of its message Three years later, when the Perhapsnotascatchy,theBJP ing and the communal riots. been coined by a Patidar youth: Himachal Pradesh and three-
a prescription from him for var- of change,the BJPwon121seats. BJP went into elections in the af- worker said, adding: “But after “The riots were the strongest “Vikas Gando Thayo Chhe time MP Prem Kumar Dhumal
iousailments.Ashewrapsuphis A senior BJP worker involved termathofShankersinhVaghela’s the Vaghela episode, the senti- public sentiment driving the (Development has gone mad)” . maynothavebeenfieldedbythe
speechinBrehivillage,manyline inthesloganbrainstormingsaid, rebellion, its slogan was “BJP no ment towards the BJP was so elections. The party slogan was The BJP’s counter was “Hu BJP this time, but like a loyal
up with medical reports or X- “It (the 1995 slogan) was a refer- Nirdhar: Salamat, Samrudhdha, strong that no need was felt for — Paanch karod Gujaratio no Chhu Gujarat, Hu Chhu Vikas (I party worker, he is out cam-
rays. The BJP candidate, who re- ence to the then situation, the Swabhimani, Samras Gujarat an emphatic slogan.” Hitrakshak - BJP (Protector of five amGujarat,Iamdevelopment)”. paigningforBJPcandidatesinhis
signed from his job in October home turf of Hamirpur district.

Day after AAP yatra, Ahmedabad Muslim

this year to contest the polls, He says he suggested to the
willingly dons the hat of Dr Raj. party that it should announce a
Among his “special achieve- pension scheme for at least Class
ments” he stresses upon is the IV government employees to en-

majority areas say Cong ‘a party we know’

fact that he treated former Chief suretheyleada“comfortablelife”
Minister and late Congress stal- post retirement. Speaking to The Says never wanted a ticket,
wart Virbhadra Singh. He claims Indian Express while on the cam- is campaigning to ensure
that the Congress ignored him paigntrail,momentsaheadofthe Cong doesn’t raise questions
while he was admitted in IGMC release of the BJP’s election man-
for three months due to Covid. The AIMIM, which won Sheikh, 35, whose father came ifesto,whichwassilentontheold
“These leaders now using his RASHI MISHRA seven seats in the Ahmedabad from Bangladesh and who was pensionscheme(OPS),hesayshe shop in Tapre village in Sujanpur
name to ask for votes were not AHMEDABAD, NOVEMBER 7 Municipal Corporation in bornhere,says,“Noneof uswent doesn’tknowifhissuggestionwill constituency, says Dhumal lost
ready to visit him fearing they February 2021, did not win any for the rally by Mann. There is no be included in the BJP manifesto. in2017ashestartedthinkingtoo
might get Covid,” he says. ONSATURDAYevening,theAam in of the four wards of Dani point.Wevote for theCongress.” “This is my personal opinion. I highly of himself. “He was des-
Raj tells voters he has “re- AadmiParty(AAP)thathasbeen Limda, though it scored in the Ramesh Vohra, part of AAP havediscusseditwithcertainem- tined to lose for not connecting
turnedtohis roots” in Bharmour noticeably silent on Muslim is- neighbouring Jamalpur. candidate Kapadia’s team, says ployees also. They agree to this.” with the voters,” Chand says.
and gave up his government job sues in its Gujarat campaign, Thevoters say AAPis also at a thatthepartywillcontinuetofo- Dhumalisonhiswaytocam- Had he mingled with the people
becauseheneverhadany“greed particularly related to the 2002 disadvantage as its candidate cusonitsissuesof educationand paign in favour of candidates the way he is doing now, Chand
to live in Shimla”. He adds: “I riots, took out a Tiranga Yatra fromDaniLimda–retiredmam- health. “The Congress has been from Sujanpur and Hamirpur. adds, Dhumal would have won.
have decided to dedicate my re- through the predominantly latdar Dinesh Kapadia – is an winning, but it has not fulfilled One of the tallest figures of the The 78-year-old former CM
maining life to the service of my Muslim areas of Ahmedabad. “outsider”. Kapadia’s name was anything in its manifesto, except BJP in Himachal Pradesh, he is insists he has no such ambitions
people. Mein Bharmour ka beta The first such yatra by AAP announced in early September. an Ambedkar Hall.” mobbedwhereverhegoes.Asfor any more, and was only out and
hoon (I am Bharmour’s son).” through these constituencies At the AAP office, caretaker Vohra adds that they had thedenialof aticket,the78-year- about so that the Congress
He says he chose the BJP “be- was led by the party’s star cam- Hanif Noor Pawan, 60, says that identified two major communi- old, whose son and Union min- would not raise questions.
cause it is the only party that paigner and Punjab Chief while the Shah-e-Alam office ties in the area — “Dalits and mi- ister Anurag Thakur is seen as a In Siswan, as he lists achieve-
thinks of the nation”, and calls Minister, Bhagwant Mann. opened only now, “the main of- norities (Muslims)”. “We will risingstar,claimshehimself told ments of the BJP government
former Prime Minister Atal AAPmightbeseenasathreat A newly opened AAP office in Dani Limda. Voters say party fice for the constituency was in- work first for them." theBJPhedidn’twanttocontest. and trashes the Congress guar-
Bihari Vajpayee his idol. “It is essentiallytotheCongressinthe came too late, its candidate an “outsider”. Rashi Mishra augurated two months back”. However, why has the party In Siswan village near his na- antees, a woman interrupts him
Vajpayee who launched the PM state, but here in seats currently Towards the Shah-e-Alam not engaged with the Muslim tiveSamirpurvillage,peopleline anumberof times—oninflation,
Gram Sadak Yojana, and roads represented by Congress MLAs, Darwaza stands Khala Medical community on sensitive issues up to touch his feet. Apart from costly fuel and LPG cylinders,
came to our villages. Otherwise, the day after AAP’s yatra, most A Scheduled Caste reserved con- rator of ward Dani Limda of the Stores of Anwar Khan, 41. He did such as the recent Kheda flog- Dhumal, slogans are raised hail- and unemployment.
who thinks about villages?” The people say they are not going to stituency, it is currently repre- Ahmedabad Municipal not join the AAP march, Khan ging or the release of the Bilkis ing Prime Minister Narendra Dhumal explains that oil
Congress does not care for Lord change their political loyalty. sented by Shailesh Parmar of the Corporation) is also accessible, says, and will vote for the Bano case convicts? Vohra de- Modi and party nominee from prices are predominantly de-
Ram, says the “Ram Bhakt”. SarfarazSethownsBismillah Congress. “The Aam Aadmi Party and solves our problems.” Congress again, “like always”. fends: “There is no point in get- Sujanpur, Captain Ranjit Singh cided by the international mar-
TargetingCongresscandidate Hotel in Shah-e-Alam area, lo- has never worked anywhere in In contrast, voters point out, “Anyone can hold a rally... AAP is ting into controversial issues Rana (retired). But most of the ketandcomparedtoothercoun-
Thakur Singh Bharmouri, who is catedjustthreeshopsawayfrom Gujarat. We do not know how it theAAPofficeintheareaopened a new party, it must be perform- when there are problems of de- praise is reserved for Dhumal. tries, the rise in prices is much
known to sing folk songs in his the AAP local office. A banner at works.He(ArvindKejriwal)keeps just three-four days back. “Inka ing well in Delhi and Punjab, but velopment, such as electricity, A local leader says Dhumal less due to “good relations of PM
campaigns, he says: “Do you the entrance displays the party’s repeating his guarantees of elec- kya bharosa... aaj hain, kal nahin their promises do not sync with water and education, across gifted the party ticket to Captain NarendraModi with theRussian
people need a leader who sings symbol, and photos of AAP tricity,education,health,employ- (What’stheguaranteeregarding our mentality. Maybe it fits well communities. So, we will make Rana, and that people can “cor- President (Vladimir Putin)”.
and dances or the one who actu- supremo and Delhi CM Arvind mentandsoon,butitisTeamBof them? They are here today, may with themindset of thosestates. sure first that all these are pro- rect their mistake of 2017” by Speaking to The Indian Express,
ally works?” Kejriwal, Mann, the party’s state the BJP,” Seth says, repeating an be gone tomorrow).” Here, all these guarantees will vided to the people. Our job is to backing Captain Rana. The chief he says these issues are not new.
Emphasising on providing presidentGopalItalia,anditsCM apprehension that the Congress Kesar Khan, 45, who owns a not work,” says Khan. actualise what is written on pa- minister face of the BJP in 2017, “Under the Congress, inflation
hospitals, schools and mobile- face Isudan Gadhvi. has been stressing upon. battery store across the Shah-e- Khan also says that they are per (of the Constitution).” Dhumal had lost from here, and was never below double digits.”
internet network, Raj says: “I The areas that AAP covered Seth, who was born and Alam shrine, says they have no determined to ensure that their Tanveer Seth, 34, owner of Al consequently, lost the CM post. OnBJPrebelsintherace,seen
have not given up my career as a duringitsSaturdayyatraarelined brought up in the area and has doubt that the BJP will return to vote does not get divided. “In the Hamza Restaurant, says, they do Asked about this,Dhumal as posing the party a big chal-
neurosurgeon for people to withsimilarrestaurantsasSeth’s, beenrunningthehotelforatleast power in the state. “People can 2007 Assembly elections, the not expect anything different says: “I have no regrets, it was a lenge, Dhumal says: “Even a sin-
ridicule me later. I am here to apartfromsmallereateries,auto- a decade, also says that they are vote for whoever they want, but fightbecametheCongressversus fromparties.“Everyoneupthere party decision. I belong to a very gle lost voter affects the party...
make new beginnings.” mobile service centres, cycle re- happy with the Congress MLA. it is the BJP which will anyhow NCP, and the BJP won.” works in collusion. It does not small village, I was elected MP But when there is the possibility
Talking to The Indian Express, pair shops, and Shah-e-Alam “They even got this road re- form the government. So, we The Shah-e-Alam area also matter if any party raises these thrice, and was the CM and of a party winning, a number of
he says: “As a doctor, I can only Roza, a 15th-Century shrine. paired...MLAParmarisapproach- willmakesurethat the Congress has a 50-year-old settlement of issues, unless people raise their Leader of the Opposition twice candidates want tickets... These
treat diseased persons, but the Seth,34,saystheCongresswill ableandwearefamiliarwiththe wins from our constituency... It Bangladeshi immigrants called voice, nothing will change. each. The party has given me a are the hazards of the game. We
system is also diseased. And, win again from Dani Limda seat, Congress office here. Corporator willalwaysbetheBJPinthestate Chandola Talav Basti, or Everyone is under pressure not lot. I am satisfied.” have succeeded in makingsome
hence, I am here.” which fell in the AAP yatra route. Shehzad Khan (Congress corpo- andtheCongressinDaniLimda.” Bangladeshi Basti. Minarul to take up the issues.” Milap Chand, who runs a candidates withdraw.”


● BJP’s apple jibe at Congress Who gets the credit? BJP, Cong should stop fighting. “Life for us
has definitely become better.
Earlier we used to get cut off in

fight it out over Atal Tunnel

winters, and a government heli-
medical emergency cases. But I
do not think any one party can
Gandhi, Manmohan Singh and grace of the BJP that the inaugu- claim credit for it. Both the
MAN AMAN SINGH CHHINA UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi. ration plaque does not even Congress and BJP share it.”
KEYLONG (LAHAUL), The 9.02 km-long tunnel, mention them,” he says. In Jispa, on the road to Leh,
NOVEMBER 7 which is the longest in the world But BJP candidate Ram Lal the nature camps on the river-
over an altitude of 10,000 feet, Markanda, who is the sitting side are winding up for the win-
A PROJECT that has changed the has cut down the road distance MLA and a minister, says it was ters and the last of motorcyclists
Lahaul-Spiti valley and brought between Manali and Leh by 46 wrong to say Sonia Gandhi laid and 4x4 vehicle enthusiasts are
much-sought relief to its people km. It has also given all-year- the foundation stone in 2010 passing through. “It takes us just
living,theAtalTunnelhasturned round connectivity to residents when Vajpayee had already one-and-a-half hours to get to
into a bone of contention be- of this valley. The tunnel was in- done so in 2002. Manali from here. I don’t know
tween the BJP and the Congress augurated by PM Modi on Markanda says it is the Modi BJP invokes role of Vajpayee, PM Modi; Cong cites Indira which party will benefit from
in this Assembly constituency. October 3, 2020. government which gave impe- Gandhi, Manmohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi’s contribution Atal Tunnel, but it has made our
Candidatesfrombothparties Congress candidate Ravi tustotheproject,ensuringitwas lives easier,” says Sonam.
The BJP tweeted a sharp rebuttal to the Congress party’s are seeking credit for the tunnel, ThakursaysitiswrongfortheBJP completed at this fast pace. “It is Aflockof touristsatthesouth
claim on social media that it will make farming and with the BJP invoking the role of to take the credit. “The tunnel definitely a poll issue for us. It is by the Border Roads conditions have started attract- portalof thetunnelarebusyget-
horticulture prosperous in the state. The saffron party former prime minister Atal was promised to the people by a major achievement that has Organisation(BRO)intheLahaul ing many visitors. There has ting their photos clicked. Inside
released a short audio visual, saying “The Congress fills its Bihari Vajpayee and the present IndiraGandhiasPM.Manmohan changedthewaypeopleliveand valley has increased the influx of been an increase in the number the tunnel is a reminder of dan-
pockets by transporting apples on scooters. How will it be PM Narendra Modi, and the Singhji gave funds as PM, and earn their living,” he says. tourists all year round. Even of hotelsandguesthouses, inad- gers of speeding that cause acci-
able to make gardening prosperous?” Congress stressing the contribu- Sonia Gandhi laid its foundation The tunnel and subsequent when snow blocks the roads for dition to homestays. dents. But, in the new rush, such
tion of former PMs Indira stone in 2010. Such is the lack of improvementof roadconditions a few days in winter, extreme A local, Vijay, says the parties alerts are often ignored.

New Delhi

ReliefforSorenasSCsets Govt says need J&K reported

73 infiltration
asideHCorderonprobe to update NPR bids in 2021,
lowest in 5 yrs
Minister in the Department of
Mines. The reason being that he
across country MAHENDER SINGH
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 has misused his office in getting collected/updatedduringtheex- MANRAL
aminingleaseinhisownname.” DEEPTIMAN TIWARY ercise.Nodocumentsorbiomet- NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7
THESUPREMECourtonMonday TheStatemovedSCagainstthe & MAHENDER SINGH rics will be collected during the
set aside Jharkhand High Court’s HC order, saying the rules of the MANRAL updation,”itsaid,addingthatthe SEVENTY-THREE terrorist infil-
orders holding two PILs seeking court regarding filing of PILs, un- NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 Centre has already approved Rs tration attempts from across the
probe against Chief Minister derwhichSharmawasrequiredto 3,941 crore for the purpose. border – both through the
Hemant Soren as maintainable discloseallsimilareffortsmadein WITH THE government likely to The report also said the from International Border and the
and deciding to proceed with it. thepast,werenotfollowed. bring a Bill to amend the April 1, 2021, to December 31, Line of Control – were reported
A bench of CJI U U Lalit and “Although an apprehension Registration of Birth and Deaths 2021, a total of 1,414 citizenship in Jammu & Kashmir in the year
Justices S Ravindra Bhat and was raised by this court that it is Act for a centralised data man- certificates have been granted by 2021, the lowest in the last five
COP27 PRAYER Sudhanshu Dhulia said the peti-
possible that efforts of the peti-
tioner touncoverallegedcorrup-
agement, the Home ministry in
its latest annual report has un-
years, said the annual (2021-22)
report of the Home Ministry.
AS COP27 kicked off at Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt, Union not approached HC with clean tionmaybeobstructed...yetstatu- derlined the need to update the registration under Section 5, and According to the report,
Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change hands, as he had failed to dis- Jharkhand CM Hemant tory remedies available to the National Population Register 294 by naturalisation under Jammu&Kashmir(J&K)hasbeen
Bhupender Yadav, who is leading the Indian delegation, met close that a “similar petition” Soren in East Singhbhum petitionermustbefirstexhausted (NPR) database across the coun- Section 6 of the Citizenship Act- affected by terrorist and seces-
the team on Monday morning not only to check on India's was filed before HC in 2013, district on Monday. PTI and only thereafter can he ap- try, except Assam. This is to in- 1955,” the report added. sionist violence, sponsored and
preparedness for the climate conference, but also to enquire which was dismissed by both proachtheHighCourt,”thecourt corporate the changes due to The annual report also said supported from across the bor-
about their comfort and health. The Indian team had left for the HC as well as by SC. said.Inthepresentcase,itsaid,the birth, death, and migration for that the government has dele- der,formorethanthreedecades.
Egypt last week, ahead of the minister, to participate in the In his first PIL, Sharma had niesandinvestigatethesourceof petition made “no such effort”. which demographic and other gated its powers to grant Indian “In 2017, as many as 419 infil-
pre-COP27 negotiations and set the ball rolling. Yadav then sought,amongothers,aprobeby income of private respondents The “allegations made by the particularsof eachfamilyandin- citizenshipbyregistrationornat- tration attempts were reported.
held a short prayer meeting amid chanting of “Om sah naav- the Directorate General, Income and financial crime committed petitioner are vague, very much dividual are to be collected. uralisationwithrespecttomem- Thenumberstoodat328in2018,
vatu; sah nau bhunaktu”, which he had carefully picked for Tax, Investigation, to look into by...Hemant Soren…”. generalised and not at all sub- The ministry's annual report bersofHindu,Sikh,Jain,Buddhist, 216 in 2019 and 99 in 2020. The
better teamwork. “money transferred by Soren His second petition sought stantiatedbyanythingworthyto for 2021-22 said due to the out- Christian or Parsi communities ongoingmilitancyinJammuand
family in the name of private re- “ prosecute the be called an evidence”, the apex breakof Covid-19pandemic,the from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Kashmir is linked with infiltra-
spondentsthroughshellcompa- Chief Minister, who is also the court said. work of NPR updation and other Afghanistan to Collectors of 29 tion of terrorists from across the
TOUGH TASK related field activities got post-
poned. “For updating the NPR
nine states. “The delegation (of
Border as well as the Line of
IN A telling example of how tough it is to effect even a small
change in government style of working, the Railway Board is Governor didn’t ask us BJP operating database, a three-pronged ap-
of granting Indian citizenship,”
Control in J&K,” the report said.
For the security-related ex-
‘PIL gang’ in
for second opinion: EC
struggling to make its officials revise some details on its web- clude self updating wherein res- the report said. penditure (Police) during 2021-
site. Under the Quality Council of India (QCI) initiative, what identswillupdatetheirowndata The Home ministry granted 22,asumof Rs936.095crorehas
officials have to do is upload the revised information on the
website. But that's not happening despite repeated and stern thoughhedidnotmentiontheEC.
Jharkhand: CM after following some authenti-
cation protocols, updating of
cursor to Indian citizenship — to
been reimbursed to Jammu and
reminders from senior officers. Now, a 10-day compliance DAMINI NATH Hehadsaidthatan“atombomb” Ranchi: Hours after the Supreme NPR data in paper format, and 2,439 members of minority said the Centre in tandem with
deadline has been set for the senior officers to get the need- NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 couldgooffanydayinJharkhand. Court ordered that the two PILs mobile mode. The demographic communities from the three union territory of J&K, has
ful done. At stake is image before the QCI, they have been told. In its letter to Soren's lawyer filed before the high court pray- and other particulars of each neighboringcountries in thelast adopted a multi-pronged ap-
THEELECTIONCommission(EC) VaibhavTomaronMonday,theEC ingforinvestigationsagainsthim family and individual are to be one year, it said proach to contain infiltration.
ENCROACHMENTS Monday told Jharkhand Chief
Minister Hemant Soren that the
in an alleged illegal mining case
ENCROACHMENTS ON national highways by eateries, ven- state’s Governor, Ramesh Bais, Governor subsequent to the ren- Chief Minister Hemant Soren Copyright case: YATRA REACHES MAHARASHTRA

Won’t stop until Tricolor

dors and other shops havebecome a matter of concern forthe hadnot sought a second opinion dering of the opinion by the Monday alleged that a “PIL gang
Centre. It recently raised the issue of encroachments on ap- from the poll panel in the office Commission”. wasoperatinginthestate”which Bengaluru court
proachroadstosomemainbridgesinChhattisgarh.TheCentre of profit charge against him, EC Bais had sent a representa- makes deals before filing a plea
orders blocking
has red-flagged the issue with states citing the danger they
pose to the commuters. Since the Centre is legally empow-
sources said.
Soren had written to the EC
on October 31, asking whether
tion to EC earlier this year, based
on BJP’scomplaint that Soren al-
legedly allocated a mining lease
protection of the judiciary”.
Soren added, “The BJP has of Cong Twitter
hoisted in Srinagar: Rahul
tive and remove such impediments. Bais had sought a second opin-
ion in the matter, and if so, he
to himself while holding the
Mines portfolio. The EC had sent
formed a PIL gang in the high
court and I have come to know accounts
should be given a chance to re- its recommendation in the case that the gang first tries to strike a
spond, a top EC official said. to the Governor in August. deal before filing a PIL and if the EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
PM: Teachings of Guru On October 26, Bais had said
in a TV interview that he had
Bais is yet to make the deci-
sion public, leaving Soren’s
deals are successful, they don’t
file the PILs. Sometimes they get
protection from the court.” ENS

Nanak are guiding light

asked for a “second opinion”, al- House membership in limbo. A CIVIL court in Bengaluru
Monday issued a temporary in-
Adityanath calls
in country’s progress
of the Congress and the Bharat
Jodo Yatra. It ordered the re-
for CBI probe moval of links over the alleged
copyright violation of music The Bharat Jodo Yatra at Degloor in Maharashtra. Alok Deshpande


into AYUSH from the hit film KGF-2.
The court of the 85th addi-
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 admission scam tional city civil judge issued the
temporary injunction on the of- ALOK DESHPANDE
this yatra until we hoist the flag
PRIME MINISTER Narendra ficial Congress Twitter accounts DEGLOOR (NANDED), ing the crowd gathered to wel-
Modi on Monday participated in EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE in the course of a commercial NOVEMBER 7 come him to Maharashtra.
the 553rd birth anniversary cel- LUCKNOW, NOVEMBER 7 disputecasebroughttothecourt He was welcomed by the
ebrations of Guru Nanak Dev at by MRT Music over the alleged RAHUL GANDHI’S 3,570-km Maharashtra Pradesh Congress
the residence of National UTTAR PRADESH Chief Minister violation of copyrights held by Bharat Jodo Yatra entered its Committee near Chhatrapati
Commission for Minorities Yogi Adityanath on Monday rec- the firm for music from KGF. MaharashtralegMondaywiththe Shivaji Maharaj statue in
chairperson Iqbal Singh Lalpura. ommended a CBI investigation Thecourtinitsexparteorder Congress leader stating no force Kalamandir at Degloor before
After offering prayers, the Prime PM Modi at the residence of into the allegations of irregular- ruled that the prima facie mate- couldstoptheyatraandthatitwill proceeding on a ‘mashaal mor-
Minister greeted the Sikh com- minorities panel chairman ities in admission to Ayurveda rialproducedbeforethecourtby culminate only after the hoisting cha’ through the town.
munity andthecountryon Guru Iqbal Singh Lalpura in New and Unani colleges under the MRT Music indicated that the of the Tricolour in Srinagar. Praising Shivaji, Rahul said it
Nanak Jayanti that falls on Delhi, Monday, on the eve of AYUSH Department. firm could undergo “irreparable Rahul entered the state at washisgoodfortunethathewas
Tuesday. Guru Nanak Jayanti. ANI The state government also injury”. Degloor in Nanded district at starting the Maharashtra leg of
He said that during his days suspended two senior officials of ThecourtsaidCongress“isdi- around 8 pm on Monday, where the yatra after taking blessings
as a party worker, he had spent thedepartment— ActingDirector rected to remove and take down he was welcomed by the top fromthewarriorking.Rahulsaid
time in Punjab and had the op- birth anniversary of Guru (AYUSH)SNSingh,andIn-charge thelinksfromitsplatformtillfur- brass of the state Congress. he is walking to listen to people
portunity to visit Harmandir Nanakjithreeyearsago.Inrecent Official of Education Directorate ther orders”. It further ordered “We started from and to understand the problems
Sahibanumberof times. Hesaid years, there have been so many (AYUSH) Umakant Yadav. the blocking of two Twitter ac- Kanyakumari with a Tricolor in faced by them. The yatra re-
inspired by the Guru's thoughts, achievements that the country “Action against two other of- counts. our hand and nothing can stop sumed after Rahul’s speech.
the country is moving ahead has made with the blessings of ficials — in-charge official Of
with the spirit of welfare of 130- the Gurus,’’ said Modi. Unani Directorate Mohammad
crore Indians.
is facing so many challenges, the
Wasim and Acting Joint Director
(Homeopathy Education SC rejects plea by Azam Khan’s son
against HC’s setting aside of election
itated with a siropa and a sword importance to follow the path Directorate) Vijay Pushkar — is
on the occasion. shown by the Guru weighs all underway,”saidaspokesperson.
“I consider it my honour to the more. On Saturday, police booked
have had so many opportunities “It is difficult for me to ex- an FIR and launched a probe into Khan, son of Samajwadi Party court order had ruled that he
to gain the blessings of the
Gurus. We recently celebrated
the 350th birth anniversary of
press in words what I felt when
after having waited for decades,
the Kartarpur Corridor was
the “fraudulent admissions” at
colleges for Ayurveda and Unani
under the AYUSH department
leader Azam Khan, to the Uttar
Pradesh Assembly in 2017.
The litigation relates to the
was not qualified to contest the
election as he was below 25
when he filed the papers.
Guru Gobind Singhji, the 400th opened. Our effort has always throughNEET-2021.Sixstudents President Droupadi Murmu presents the National Florence THE SUPREME Court Monday existence of two birth certifi- Abdullah Azam was disqual-
birth anniversary of Guru Teg been to strengthen the Sikh tra- were found to have got admis- Nightingale Awards 2021 at Rashtrapati Bhavan, Monday. PTI rejected a plea challenging the cates of Abdullah Azam who al- ified from the UP Assembly with
Bahadurji, and also the 550th ditions and culture,” he said. sion by unfair means. 2019orderof theAllahabadHigh legedly gave the wrong date of effect from December 16, 2019,
Court that set aside the election birthwhilefiling hisnomination but was re-elected from the
of Mohammad Abdullah Azam papersforthe2017poll.Thehigh same seat in 2022.

Cong leader stirs Hindu Claiming bias, Khan expels 2

‘origin’ row, says ‘dirty TV journalists from press meet
meaning’; BJP hits back SHAJU PHILIP get out” and repeated the same.
He then turned to the other
andHindureligionshouldbedis- THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, side to ensure that the repre-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE cussed since it was not “ours”. NOVEMBER 7 sentative of Kairali TV had also
BENGALURU, NOVEMBER 7 “Where did the word Hindu left the venue. “They were low-
originate?Isitours?It'sPersian," ALLEGING A false campaign ering the dignity of the office,
KARNATAKA CONGRESS work- he said. "Then what is the rela- against him, Kerala Governor despite repeated reminders
ing president Satish Jarkiholi’s tion between it (Hindu religion) Arif Mohammed Khan on from the Raj Bhavan, they were
remarks that the word “Hindu” and India? How did 'Hindu' be- Mondayexpelledjournalistsbe- doing it,’’ he said.
has Persian origin and that, ac- come yours? This should be dis- longingtoCPI(M)-backedKairali Khan later said he was not
cording to Wikipedia, the cussed," he said. TV and Jamaat-e-Islami mouth- against criticism, “but there is
“meaning of the word Hindu is The former state minister piece MediaOne TV during his some propriety. Any ordinary
very dirty” has stirred a political said it did not belong to this re- media interaction in Kochi. person can criticise me. There
row in the state, with the BJP hit- gion. “If you understand the Khan also dared the CPM to are certain proprieties. Can any
ting back and asking the opposi- meaningof theword,youwillbe go ahead with its November 15 Governor Arif Mohammed minister criticise the chief min-
tion party whether it is trying to ashamed.... The meaning of the march to Raj Bhavan, saying he Khan speaks to reporters in ister? You cannot criticise those
strengthen its vote bank by word Hindu is very dirty. I am was ready to face it. Kochi on Monday. PTI who have appointed you. If I
speaking against Hindu religion. not saying this. This is on the Attacking MediaOne TV, wanttocriticisethe PM,Ihaveto
AllIndiaCongressCommittee website (Wikipedia).....” Khan said, “You are settling quit the office”.
general secretary in-charge of Tagging state Congress presi- scoreswithmeontheShahBano based on falsehood,” he said. Meanwhile, addressing the
Karnataka, Randeep Singh dent D K Shivakumar, the BJP case. You are carrying a cam- Khan started talking to the mediainKochi,Khansaidhewas
Surjewala, condemned the con- postedatweetandaskedwhether paign against me based on total media only after ensuring that ready to face the challenge of
troversial statements in a bid to "the remarks by Congress work- falsehood.’’ the representatives of the said CPI(M) march to the Raj Bhavan
distancethepartyfromJarkiholi's ing president Satish Jarkiholi the “Kairaliisnotmedia,theyare media houses had vacated the on November 15.
remarks, the state BJP hit back. stand of the Congress party." masquerading as media, but venue. Khan said: “I hope there “I am being threatened by
Speaking at an event held on Surjewala tweeted, “...The they are basically political per- is no Kairali here, I hope there is dire consequences. What do
SundayatNippani,inBelagavidis- statement attributed to Satish sons. They were not invited, no MediaOne here.’’ After they mean by dire conse-
trictofthestate,Jarkiholisaidthat Jarkiholi is deeply unfortunate... theremighthavebeenamistake. MediaOneTVjournalistaffirmed quences?Iamreadytofaceit.Let
the origin of the word “Hindu” We condemn it unequivocally.” They are carrying out campaign his presence, Khan said “please them come...” Khan said.

New Delhi



Equality may be a fiction but nonetheless one
must accept it as a governing principle.
— B R Ambedkar

The poverty test

EWS verdict underscores that judiciary has been a
reluctant supporter of caste-based reservation

MANDAL PLUS Faizan Mustafa

SC order on EWS quota takes the reservation debate beyond THEINDIANCONSTITUTIONasasocialdocu- tion is for the erstwhile general candidates: vidual, unlike caste discrimination. It carries
ment promises social justice and therefore, TheRs8-lakhfamilyincomeprovisioncovers no social stigma. The Court has gone against
caste, can redefine welfare — and politics around it mandates making of special provisions in over 90 per cent of our population. the earlier precedents on this point, which is

favourofthosewhohavebeenhistoricallydis- Constitutional amendments are rarely why Justice Bhat was not able to persuade
HE MAJORITY VERDICT by the five-judge Supreme Court bench endorsing criminated against. Due to political and elec- struck down since this can be done only on himself toagreewiththisreasoning,particu-
the 103rd Amendment offers an expansive view of the affirmative action toral compulsions rather than constitutional the narrow ground of the amendment being larly when SC/ST/OBC categories have been
vision offered by the Constitution. The 103rd Amendment, passed by promises,successivegovernments,invariably violative of the basic structure of the excluded. The majority was of the view that
Parliamentin2019,hadinsertedclausesinArticles15and16,whichallowed on the eve of elections, have been tweaking Constitution.Since1973,whenthebasicstruc- such an exclusion was inevitable for the true
the government to introduce quotas for economically weaker sections of the society that thereservationpolicy.So,itwasnotsurprising ture doctrine was propounded, over 70 operation and effect of new policy. If existing
when the Modi government introduced 10 amendments had been passed but only five beneficiaries are not excluded, it would
did not avail of other reservation verticals. The majority verdict has rejected a challenge
per cent reservation for the economically have so far been struck down. The NJAC was amount to excessive benefit and advantage.
against the amendment, which argued that it violated the basic structure of the backward communities ahead of the 2019 the last one in 2016. Justice Maheshwari said that in the vertical
Constitution. The dissenting judgment by Justice S Ravindra Bhat has held that while an generalelection.TheSupremeCourthasnow As per M Nagaraj (2006), there are two reservationprovidedtothesegroupsalso,oth-
economic quota is justified for accessing public goods including subsidies (Article 15), it upheldthevalidityofthe103rdconstitutional tests that courts use in any challenge on the ersareexcluded.Hewentontosaythatthose
can’t be extended to reservation (Article 16), which seeks representation of the commu- amendment. The amendment had many groundofbasicstructure—thewidthtestthat who are themselves receiving the benefit of
nity. So far, legal and policy debates on structural discrimination in India have focussed firsts. For instance, economic criterion was examinestheboundariesofamendingpower others’exclusioncannotobjecttotheirexclu-
mostly on the social category of caste: Instruments such as scholarships were mooted to provided for this new category of affirmative and the identity test under which the sioninthereservationpolicymadeforothers.
action: The Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Supreme Court examines whether the latest Justice Bhat observed that since the bulk of
Tribesandnon-creamylayerOtherBackward amendment alters the identity of the the poorest people belong to SC/ST/OBC
instituted to end discrimination rooted in caste. Classes were excluded from the newly in- Constitution.Noamendmentcanchangethe groups, their exclusion is not right. The ma-
The Modi government's decision to introduce EWS quota and the SC imprimatur on serted clauses of Article 15(4) and 16(4). The personality of the Constitution. To satisfy the jority was also of the view that Parliament is
it moves the needle beyond the Mandal debate, which weighed in favour of caste reser- ceiling of 50 per cent reservation was test, one has the heavy burden to prove that entitled to experiment with new policies.
vation. Expectedly, parties that claim the legacy of social justice movements such as the breached and the individual rather than the the Constitution after the amendment is vir- The majority also cited a number of ear-
DMK and Dalit groups have raised the apprehension that the introduction of a 10 per group became the basis of backwardness. tually unrecognisable. lierjudgmentsonthe50percentceilingsuch
Justice Ravinder Bhat and the outgoing Chief India's affirmative action programme so as N M Thomas (1976), in which Justices Fazal
cent EWS quota could impinge on the opportunities available for Dalits and OBCs, sug-
Justice of India U U Lalit, however, dissented far was catering to only historical injustices Ali and V R Krishna Iyer observed that the
gestingthatthemoveispoliticallyfraughtwiththepotentialtopolariseoncastelines.The with the majority view of Justices Dinesh andsocialbackwardness.Theextensionofthis arithmetical limit cannot be pressed too far.
government must engage with the concerns flagged in the dissenting judgment and ad- Maheshwari, Bela Trivedi and J B Pardiwala. benefit to others, in the opinion of Justice In Vasanth Kumar (1985), Justice Chinnappa
dress the fears of Dalits as well as socially and educationally backward classes. The EWS A closer look at the judicial response to A closer look at the judicial Maheshwari,won’tchangetheidentityof the Reddy observed that “for a court to say that
quota is of a piece with the Centre’s attempt to fashion a new welfare architecture by reservationpoliciesfromDorairajan(1951)to response to reservation Constitution.Heobservedthatthenewreser- reservationshouldnotexceed40percent,50
reading class with caste. It has imbibed the spirit of creamy layer, formulated by the apex M R Balaji (1963) to Indra Sawhney (1992) to vationisinfurtheranceof thePreamble’sgoal percentor60percentwouldbearbitraryand
M Nagaraj (2006) shows that the Indian judi-
policies from Dorairajan of achieving justice — social, economic and the Constitution does not permit us to be ar-
court in Indra Sawhney (1992) to exclude the economically better-off OBC candidates (1951) to M R Balaji (1963)
ciary has not been quite supportive of such political. The other judges were also of the bitrary”.EvenIndraSawhneyhadkeptasmall
from the ambit of reservation, to explore differentiated quotas for the OBCs as well as re- policies. In many cases, it created new condi- to Indra Sawhney (1992) to viewthatanyprovisionthatisconsistentwith windowforthegovernmenttogobeyondthe
ligious minorities. The Justice Rohini Commission on OBC subcategorisation, the move to tionsintheimplementationofsuchpoliciesby fundamental rights and directive principles 50percentceiling.Therealquestioniswould
M Nagaraj (2006) shows
look at the conditions of Pasmanda Muslims, the panel to look into quotas for Dalit introducingseveralexclusions/doctrines/rules cannot be held to be in the teeth of the basic theCourthavepermittedsuchabreachatthe
Christians, all recently constituted, are premised on the principle that economic well- etc. In fact, Parliament had to amend the that the Indian judiciary has structure doctrine. all-India level if the same had been done for
being has to be considered in policy deliberations on discrimination. This shift in ap- Constitutionthroughthe77thamendmentto not been quite supportive of Themajorityverdictisrightinsayingthat the existing beneficiaries of the reservation
proach towards social inclusion and welfare, even without diluting the existing reserva- overturn Indra Sawhney judgment against such policies. In many cases, thoughreservationoneconomicbasisisnew policy.JusticeMaheshwariadmittedsowhen
reservationinpromotions.Similarly,the85th it created new conditions in it has not made the Constitution unrecognis- heobservedthatthe50percentlimitwasfor
tion for SCs, STs and OBCs, may lead to a reconfiguration of political allegiances.
constitutional amendment was passed to able. Justice Maheshwari has quoted a num- thebenefitofgeneralcandidatesanditcauses
Caste continues to be the primary category of discrimination, but norms of depriva- undotheVirpalSinghChauhan(1995)andAjit the implementation of such berof judgmentsinwhichpovertywasmen- noinjusticetothereservedcategories.Justice
tion could also include gender, economic status, region and so on. While the step to in- Singh (1999) judgments that had introduced policies by introducing tioned as a fundamental source of Bhat,though,feltthismayopenthefloodgates.
clude poverty as a cause of discrimination and to propose redress is welcome, expand- the “catch up rule” under which general can- several exclusions, doctrines, backwardness.JusticeTrivedisaidthelegisla- Surprisingly, while the majority judges
ingtheeconomicpieremainstheprincipalimperative.Thatwillneedheavylifting,social, didates,whoarepromotedafterSC/STcandi- ture best understands the needs of the peo- have raised questions about the desirability
rules, etc. In fact, Parliament
economic and political, and could, three decades after Mandal, reshape the politics of af- dates, will regain their seniority over earlier ple.Themajoritydoeshaveapointinholding of continuing the reservation policy, they
promoted SC/ST candidates. had to amend the thatthebasicstructuredoctrinedoesnotbind themselves have upheld the extension of
firmative action towards being much more inclusive.
Basically,Indiancourtshavebeenempha- Constitution through the Parliament from laying down the economic reservationtoanewgroup.Onlytimewilltell
sising merit and have been concerned about 77th amendment to overturn criterion.Suchabasisdoesnotimpingeonthe ifthisisthebeginningoftheendofaffirmative
the dilution of “merit”. In several reservation equality code of the Constitution. Justice action.
Indra Sawhney judgment
matters,thecourtshavebeenmoreinterested Maheshwariheldthatpovertyisnotmerelya
in protecting the interests of general cate- against reservation in stage of stagnation but a point of regression. The writer is a constitutional law expert.
gories. As a matter of fact, the EWS reserva- promotions. But then, economic disadvantage is indi- Views are personal
Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s day-long visit to China signals
attempt to transcend blocs created post Ukraine crisis


HANCELLOR OLAF SCHOLZ’S day-long visit to Beijing last week — the first by
a German leader since the pandemic and significantly, after the Russia-
Ukraine conflict — can be read in one of two ways. First, in the hardening of
the world into blocs, Berlin has broken ranks with the US, UK and the rest of
Europe by reaching out to China, which is tacitly supporting Russia. The second perspec-
tive is more nuanced and salient. Berlin seems to be signalling that, rather than treating
Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter highlights the urgent need for digital regulation
the current moment in international relations as a new Cold War, it is willing to find
spaces for engagement, enhance its strategic autonomy as well as factor in the needs of Sukhmani Malik
the German economy and people in its diplomacy. This does not, however, mean sup-
port for the excesses and policies of the Xi Jinping regime. ONOCTOBER28,ElonMuskannouncedthat gardlessof itsquality—advertiserswilllikely fromregulationandfiduciaryaccountability.
In the wake of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, Berlin is likely aware of the need he has solved the world’s free speech prob- have little reason to step away. With the in- More than ever, the question of who gets to
for diversification in its economic supply chains. Its dependence on China — bilateral lem. Talking to his audience on and about centiveof profitnotunderthreat,impunityin regulate Big Tech is relevant. Musk fired
Twitter, he said — “The bird is freed”. Musk online-speakwill likely getbolstered further, Twitter’s top executives and board of direc-
trade and imports have only grown since the pandemic — may in fact require a “decou-
bought Twitter on October 27. Since acquir- given Musk’s attitude on the subject. torsassoonashetookover—makinghimthe
pling” of the two economies. At the same time, diversification and decoupling cannot ing Twitter, Musk has made various com- Thesecondissueof“freedom”thatMusk’s sole arbiter on matters. Twitter has been
mean the immediate isolation of China for practical reasons. Or overlooking the human ments, bringing into focus online “freedom” tweetsbringupiswhetherusersshouldhave delisted from the New York Stock Exchange
rights abuses of Uyghurs and Beijing's designs on Taiwan. Yet, the years of globalisation onthewebsite.Theseflagthreecriticalissues access to digital platforms “free” of cost. becauseof Musk’sacquisition.Foraplatform
have created intricate and deep inter-dependencies between large economies that can- about the digital ecosystem today. Twitterhasaproblemwhenitcomestotrans- that is as central to politics today, this lack of
not be overturned overnight. It is also noteworthy that the Scholz-Xi Jinping statement The first issue is “free speech”. Even with parency, with verified accounts being checks and balances is alarming.
“jointly oppose(d) the use or threat of nuclear weapons” in Ukraine at a time when regulationsinplace,Twitterremainsopaque awarded to people arbitrarily. On November In India, digital governance has been de-
in its operations. This has been a complaint 1, Musk tweeted, “Power to the people! Blue ployed by the state repeatedly to influence
Moscow's rhetoric in this regard has reached a new high.
across the political spectrum. It’s in this con- for$8/month.”Themandatenowis,ashesays, and discourage dialogue. The Personal Data
Scholz’s visit has been criticised in Europe and the West. But the fact remains that textthatthecompany’snewCEOcallshimself “You get what you pay for.” This is not a solu- Protection Bill, the Telecom Draft Bill have
both for its economy and as it transitions away from fossil fuels to meet its climate change a “free speech absolutist”. tion. Instead of addressing the digital hierar- awarded the state arbitrary and dispropor-
targets,Berlinwillneedtohaveatleastsomedegreeof cooperationwithChina.Inthewake Now, as the owner of the platform on chy that the blue tick enables, he has just tionate power over platforms and users. The
of the US-China trade war and the conflict in Ukraine, the global order seems to have whichheleadsthefightagainst“censorship”, shifted the axis to one governed by class. lack of appropriate frameworks for technol-
moved backwards on multipolarity. If Germany moves out of the US-UK shadow — while Musk has to walk a tightrope – the negotia- Chargingusers$8amonthtohaveverifiedac- ogy that permeates well beyond the digital
tion between this “indiscriminate” free counts on a platform that has given a voice to space puts us in danger — through lack of ac-
honouring core liberal and democratic principles — a return to the Cold War can be
speech, and ensuring Twitter remains prof- the voiceless effectively marks the end of countability on the state, tech giants and on
avoided. Going forward, it will be intriguing to see to what extent Berlin acts on its own itable.Thisisillustratedinthecontrastonhis Twitter as we know it. users.Themostviableoptioniscross-national
and how much its priorities shape Brussels’ outward orientation. Economically and po- feed:“ComedyislegalonTwitteragain”,jux- Verified accounts serve a function larger digitalgovernance.Itwillallowmultipleper-
litically, Germanyisarguablythe greatestpowerhouse in the European Union. NewDelhi, taposed with a message to advertisers:
Verified accounts serve a than Musk would have you believe. spectivesacrossnationstobeaccommodated
which has walked a fine line diplomatically during the Ukraine crisis, has a stake in pro- “Twitter will not be a free-for-all hellscape”. function larger than Musk Verification is ultimately a security feature — andallowustoreachageneralconsensuswith
moting a more multipolar world. Thistensionisgoingtobecrucialindetermin- would have you believe. scammers, predators are all kept at bay with whichtoapproachdigitalregulationinanera
ingthefateof Twitterandof dialogueonline. Verification is ultimately a famous users’ accounts being verified. The where laws are struggling to keep up with
What is “free” speech? What is Musk’s freedom to browse a secure space will be Big Tech.
security feature —

definition of free speech? With the subject compromised with this shift. No matter how well Musk markets this
being contentious, the nuances in grappling scammers, predators are all OnOctober30,alludingtothehostilitybe- purchasehegotstrong-armedintoasamove
with the exercise of free speech have been kept at bay with famous tween Twitter executives and Musk, he that has “freed the bird”, it is simply not true.
lost.Muskseemstobereachingforasimplis- users’ accounts being tweeted, “Wachtell & Twitter board deliber- Issuesofdigitalregulationandfreespeechon-
Suryakumar Yadav is redefining T20 batting by borrowing tic resolution to a layered issue. Is there no ately hid this evidence from the court. Stay linerequiremorethana“cool”billionairewho
such thing as hate speech? Is “free speech” a verified. The freedom to tuned, more to come …” (with an attached thinks he has the fix.
from gully cricket. The pleasure is ours browse a secure space will be

stationaryconceptwithnodistinctions?Ifhe image of a confidential exchange between
N MANY WAYS, Suryakumar Yadav (SKY) has a boy’s view of what it is to be a cansustainconversationonthewebsite—re- compromised with this shift. Twitterexecutives).Thisbringsup“freedom”
batsman. The predetermination in many shots, a kid’s confidence that he can
pull off the outrageous lap-sweeps and the ramps, the urge to whisk the ball to
unconventional areas makes him a true representative of this gaming genera-
tion. And yet, he has had to bide patiently for his time under the sun. The selectors kept NOVEMBER 8, 1982, FORTY YEARS AGO
dithering, like old uncles, who couldn’t understand the zeitgeist spirit in him.
And even when he burst on to the international scene, it was the outside world that BHARATPUR VIOLENCE government. Sherab Palden, a minister
sackedrecentlyby Bhandari, claimedthathe
tional committee of redemption was set up
after a military coup launched by non-com-
first offered SKY salaams. India took its time. Australians and Pakistanis have this ten-
dency to appropriate the ultra-good cricketers as their own extension. SKY’s ethereal FIVE PERSONS WERE killed and 35 injured had collected the support of 19 members in missioned officers and troops.
when the police opened fire to disperse a vi- the 31-member state assembly. He hoped to
game couldn't be appropriated; so they have put him on a pedestal as the ultimate out-
sider with Wasim and Waqar hailing him as “out of this planet”.
olentcrowdof villagersattheBharatpursanc-
parade members, constituting two-thirds
majority in the House, before the Governor,
Suryakumar is also a perfect encapsulation of how professional cricket is rapidly re- villagershadenteredthebirdsanctuarywith Homi Talyarkhan, within 24 hours. THE JAMMU AND Kashmir Chief Minister,
sembling gully cricket. In the past, to an extent, kids would ape cricketers. Now, it’s crick- their cattle for grazing in violation of a state Farooq Abdullah, said that his government
eters letting their inner child shine through. Some of the shots — the laps, ramps, lap- government ban order.
TUNISIAN COUP was committed toban organisations like the
RSS in Jammu, which spread communalism,
scoops, Surya’s insane sweeps, or even Ashwin’s carrom balls — all have their origin in the
streets. It’s like there is a 2-G if you hit the neighbour’s wall on the fine-leg (The G stands REBELLION IN SIKKIM THE TUNISIAN NEWS agency TAP said that
Colonel Saye Zerbo, President of the West-
and the Muslim League and the Liberation
Front in Kashmir which challenge the state’s
for Granted, the batsman doesn’t have to run but just hit the wall or tree as the case may THE THREE-YEAR-OLD SIKKIMgovernment, Africanstateof UpperVolta,wasoverthrown accession to India. He said the activities of
be), and you contort the body, arms, and wrists to whisk an outside-off ball to the desig- under Nar Bahadur Bhandari, was tottering during the night by a military coup d’etat. In such organisations were harmful to the in-
natedareatocollectaneasytwo.Hehasextendedthattothebigstadiums.Now,withIndia on the brink of a fall, following a smove by dispatch from Abidjan, the agency quoted terests of the state and created hurdles to its
entering knockouts in the T20 World Cup what would the man who bats like a boy do? ruling party dissidents to bring down the Upper Volta Radio as saying a temporary na- speedy development.

New Delhi



“[Imran] Khan’s strategic use of populist slogans, has turned the playbook on its
head. Those who believed they could indefinitely control the levers of power to
their advantage find that the law of unintended consequences has caught up with

Delhi as peacemaker Unwarranted

One quarter of strong GST collections cannot be
used to sing paeans to demonetisation
fore the pandemic. India’s use of cash, at 14
per cent of GDP, is among the highest of all
major economies compared to 3 per cent
for developed nations and 5-7 per cent for
developing nations like Bangladesh and
RAJA MANDALA Indonesia. If Modi thought that eliminat-
by C Raja Mohan ing nearly all currency overnight would re-
duceanddiscouragetheuseof cash,hehas
been proven utterly wrong.
AS EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Minister Praveen If cash levels have increased, what can
Subrahmanyam Jaishankar arrives in Russia
this week for a bilateral visit, there is grow-
Chakravarty explain the rapid growth in UPI payments?
Again, this is a sleight of narrative. RBI data
ing international interest in the potential shows that overall digital payments, which
Indian diplomatic contribution to ending SIX YEARS after Prime Minister Narendra include inter-bank transfers such as RTGS,
the tragic war in Ukraine which is now in Modi’s demonetisation experiment, some NEFT, IMPS, credit cards, debit cards and
the ninth month and has shaken the world commentators and economists are now UPI grew at similar levels before and after
to its core. citing strong growth in Goods & Services demonetisation. Before demonetisation,
India has reasons to be satisfied that Tax (GST) collections to claim that demon- RTGS and NEFT accounted for 98 per cent
there is a better appreciation of its position etisation was a success, or at least not the of all such digital payments, which has
on Ukraine in the Western public discourse. disaster it was purported to be. Apparently, now reduced to 90 per cent while UPI has
In the last few months, the Western media 23 quarters after demonetisation, last increased from zero to 5 per cent. To claim
and think tanks had been relentless in their quarter’s strong GST collections are evi- that demonetisation spurred India’s big
criticism of the Indian approach to the cri- dence of increasing formalisation of India’s shift to digital payments by citing only the
sis as lacking moral and strategic clarity in economy and hence, the fulfilment of de- growth in UPI transactions is disingenu-
the face of Russia's unprovoked aggression. monetisation’s stated goals. This is as ous. The overall shift to digital payments
Through the last nine months, Delhi was C R Sasikumar bizarre as former US President Donald continues at roughly the same pace as it
reluctant to explicitly criticise Russian ag- rethink their strategy and tactics. port in Europe for a quick resolution of the Trump claiming in November 2018 that did before demonetisation, with only the
gression against Ukraine and insisted on a Even more consequential are the shift- conflict. In the US, which has emerged as since it was among the coldest months on channels changing rapidly.
dialogue between the warring parties. At ing politics of the war among the belliger- the main supporter of Ukraine, there are record in America, global warming and cli- Modialsoclaimedthatdemonetisation
the same time, India refused to endorse ents. For Russian president Vladimir Putin, both Republicans and Democrats who are mate change are a hoax. would eliminate counterfeit currency. A
Russian aggression, underlined the impor- the special military operation that was to questioning the current American “blank Modi’s cherished objective of demon- currency can be confirmed as counterfeit
tance of respecting the United Nations produce a quick victory in Ukraine has cheque” for Ukraine. If the Republicans do etisation was the elimination of black only when it is transacted and ultimately
Charter, emphasised the inviolability of ter- turned into a terrible misadventure. Russia well — as they are expected to — in this money. While black money is a colloquial detectedasfakebyarecognisedinstitution
ritorial sovereignty, warned against the use has suffered huge military losses on the week’s midterm elections to the US term with no precise definition, it is gener- such as a bank or the RBI. Such detected
of nuclear weapons, and sought to draw at- ground in manpower and equipment. Congress, the internal polarisation could ally acknowledged as untaxed money. fake currency was only 0.002 per cent of
tention to the economic impact of the war Putin’s current focus on destroying the sharpen and cast a shadow over American Such unaccounted money is typically used the total value. Even if we assume that the
on the “Global South”. Ukrainian cities and the occasional threat foreign policy, including the Ukraine to buy real estate, gold, luxury goods, etc. amount of undetected fake currency was
In the Biden administration there was a to use nuclear weapons underline Russia’s strategy. and only a very small fraction is stored as a thousand times more than the detected,
measure of understanding of where Delhi weakness in the Ukraine war rather than Although these developments need not cash. If there is a reduction in overall black it would still amount to only 2 per cent of
was coming from and India’s long-standing strength. From a military perspective, there be fatal to US strategy, Washington is be- money in the economy, it should logically the overall currency. Eliminating 86 per
equities in the relationship with Russia and is no easy way for Russia to secure a “vic- ginning to recalibrate. In important private be reflected as higher tax collections. Black cent of all currency to catch 2 per cent of
the constraints it imposed on India. Official tory” in this war. Putin might have no op- advice to Kyiv last week, Washington called money may be routed as income or con- fake currency would be “Tughluqian”.
Washington never let the heat of the tion but to consider an honourable draw for greater flexibility in Zelenskyy’s ap- sumption expenditure or as business More ludicrous are recent claims by
Ukraine crisis in Europe undermine the that will save his political face and secure Recent reports in the US proach to negotiations with Putin. loans. Regardless, for the economy as a noted commentators that demonetisation
longer-term American imperative of engag- some territorial gains in Ukraine. media recount the Indian Washington is not saying — at least for whole, a large-scale reduction in black did not negatively impact India’s economy
ing India to stabilise the Indo-Pacific. The Can the same be said about the other diplomatic contribution at a now — that Ukraine should sacrifice its ter- money will be seen through higher direct much because GDP grew by 8.3 per cent
same can’t be said about Europe, but then Vladimir? (The Russians and Ukrainians ritory for peace. But it is pointing out that or indirect taxes at either the state or the in FY2017. Demonetisation was an-
the continent was right in the middle of the both claim Vladimir or Volodymyr the Great few critical moments in the Zelenskyy’s hardline might intensify the federal level. nounced in the middle of the third quar-
gravest conflict since the Second World of the 10th century as the founder of their nine-month old war — in “Ukraine fatigue” in the West and fracture In 2010, for every Rs 100 of India’s eco- ter of FY2017. Sure enough, real GDP
War. The European trauma from a shattered nations). helping overcome issues over the anti-Western coalition against Russia. nomic output (GDP), Rs 16 was collected growth declined in the immediate fourth
peace is real. Ukraine’s president Volodymyr The history of warfare tells us that room in all forms of taxes (direct and indirect) quarter to 6.3 per cent from 9.1 per cent
the grain shipment deal from
Recent reports in the US media recount Zelenskyy has led the country's fight against for diplomacy opens up only when there is by Union and state governments com- the previous year. And in FY2018, GDP
the Indian diplomatic contribution at a few Russian aggression with impressive deter- Ukraine and in reducing the a deadlock on the battlefield. Nine months bined. More than a decade later and de- growth fell sharply from 8.3 per cent to 6.8
critical moments in the nine-month-long mination. Unlike the Russian troops, the growing risks of the war after Russian aggression against Ukraine, spite demonetisation, India’s overall taxes per cent. There was an economic output
war — in helping overcome issues over the Ukrainian forces are trying to save their na- targeting the nuclear power we might have reached that moment. The to GDP is still 16 per cent. That is, the taxed loss of nearly Rs 2 lakh crore in the year
grain shipment deal from Ukraine and in tion against aggression and have inflicted coming weeks might see both sides mak- portion of India’s economic activity re- post-demonetisation. One has to be either
reducing the growing risks of the war tar- significant military defeats on the Russians.
station at Zaporizhzhia in ing one or two major military moves and mains the same, before and after demon- willfully ignorant or intellectually dishon-
geting the nuclear power station at But can Zelenskyy succeed in liberating eastern Ukraine. Can India then begin to explore new negotiating etisation. If demonetisation has indeed re- est or angling for a job in the Modi govern-
Zaporizhzhia in eastern Ukraine. all territories occupied by Russia, including take on a larger diplomatic frameworks. duced black money and increased ment to claim demonetisation did not im-
Can India take on a larger diplomatic Crimea which Russia took by force in 2014? role now? Good relations That there is compulsion to negotiate formalisation, why is it that as a nation we pact GDP growth.
role now? Good relations with Moscow and Zelenskyy might like to fight on until he re- does not mean there will be an early settle- are still collecting the same share of taxes The surest sign that demonetisation
Washington do put South Block in an inter- alises that goal, but there are second
with Moscow and ment. It simply means we are in a new as we did a decade back? was an ill-thought and completely
esting position. But India is not the only thoughts in the Western coalition that is Washington, of course, do phase in the conflict in which diplomacy In fact, in the previous decade from botched idea right from the get-go was
channel of communication between the US backing him. put South Block in an could play a larger role. Although Delhi can’t 2000 to 2010, India’s overall tax to GDP Modi’s uncharacteristically panic-stricken
and Russia. Nor are Washington and The West had bet that the massive sanc- interesting position. But be the principal peacemaker in Ukraine, grew from 14 per cent to 16 per cent with speech exactly five days after demoneti-
Moscow totally reliant on third parties. tions it imposed after Moscow launched its there might be many modest and practical no overt measures to eliminate black sation, pleading for time to bring back all
The defence ministers of the two coun- war against Ukraine would bring the India is not the only channel ways in which Indian diplomacy could con- moneyandforceformalisationof theecon- the black money, failing which he asked to
tries have frequently talked to each other Russian economy to its knees. But Russia is of communication between tribute to the peace efforts. omy. Claiming victory for demonetisation be punished. No patriotic Indian will want
reminding each other of their redlines in still standing and the costs of the sanctions the US and Russia. Nor are after six years by cherry-picking growth to punish or cause harm to their prime
the war. Meanwhile, the onset of winter will are beginning to have major effects on Washington and Moscow The writer is a senior fellow at the Asia ratesof GSTcollections ina post-pandemic minister regardless of how grave their mis-
increasingly limit the possibilities for mili- Western societies. Society Policy Institute in Delhi and a year is both duplicitous and inane. takes are. But it is also an affront to a bil-
tary operations in Ukraine and would give As the economic and energy costs of the totally reliant on third contributing editor on international affairs Even if tax collections have not in- lion Indians and a disgrace to sing demon-
a chance to both sides to pause, regroup and war mount, there is growing political sup- parties. for The Indian Express creased, has the total amount of cash used etisation paeans after all the wreckage and
in the economy reduced post-demoneti- pain it has caused. It is best that we as a so-
sation? No. The total amount of currency ciety acknowledge that demonetisation
incirculationisnowatitshighestlevelof 14 was independent India’s greatest eco-

The German decoupling

per cent, compared to 12 per cent in 2010. nomic folly and put the issue to rest.
It is true that currency levels dropped sig-
nificantly in the year of and immediately Chakravarty is chairman of Data Analytics
after demonetisation, but they bounced of the Congress Party and a former think
back soon to all-time high levels, even be- tank scholar

Olaf Scholz’s Beijing visit marks Berlin’s move towards strategic autonomy
GERMAN CHANCELLOR Olaf Scholz is the Scholz’s visit was also in the context of changed drastically since Merkel last visited The fourth objective Scholz set was that
first G7 leader to visit China since the pan- deteriorating US-China relations and bi-po- China in 2019. The opportunity for a direct contradictionsbetweenGermany andChina
demic.Theworld haschangedafterthepub- larisation.DuetotheUkrainecrisis,Germany meeting with Xi was important to resolve could not be ignored, including civil and po- AAP’S TASK forthecovetedbluetickisatell-talesign
lichealthcrisis.Germany-Chinarelationsap- quickly followed the US in strategic terms, the world's outstanding issues and not be- litical liberties including in Xinjiang. About of how social media platforms, which
pear to be finding their old normality. Scholz breaching its engagement with Russia. cause he thought of maintaining business as Taiwan, Scholz said that Germany follows THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Winter have now become a crucial element of
isalsothefirstEuropeanleadertobeinChina On China, it remains cautious since its usual. China had hugely changed. And since the One-China policy and any change to its Fires’ (IE, November 7). We need a car- oursocialinteraction,willusetheirmo-
since the re-coronation of Xi Jinping as the economic interests are critical. Scholz began China had changed, the German response status must be peaceful and through mutual rot-and-stickpolicytofindapermanent nopolistic positions to start charging
General Secretary of the Communist Party his Asia policy with a visit to Japan rather must also alter. agreement. solution to the stubble burning prob- users. These platforms, which were
of China. than China and then met with PM Modi in Secondly, the world had also changed. Scholz said Germany's China policy lem. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), once the torchbearers of free speech
Scholz was preceded in Beijing by Berlin. China was not accorded primacy in Russia was a threat to be tackled with would be successful if it was in resonance which is in power in Punjab and Delhi, and gave the marginalised a space, are
Vietnam's Communist Party leader Nguyen Germanpolicy,butitremainsimportant.The Chinese help. China, as a permanent mem- with a European policy. It was his view that has to have the will to make policy de- gradually shifting their focus to earning
Phu Trong, Pakistani PM Shehbaz Sharif and visit immediately after the 20th National ber of the UN Security Council, was re- he had consulted with the EU, French cisions aimed at a gradual shift in crop- more profits. They must learn from the
Tanzanian President Samia Hassan. For Congress of the CCP seems ill-timed. minded of its special responsibility to abide President Macron and the US before his visit ping patterns. It is unlikely, however, likes of Wikipedia, which have kept
Beijing, the Scholz visit, last week, was en- Europe is miffed that Germany is engag- bytheUNCharterprinciplesandtoinfluence and there were several areas where China that the party will do anything that of- themselvesafloatwithpeople’support.
couraging given that China’s relationship ing China on its own. The joint Scholz - Russia. This resembles what China says in its ought to play a role including dealing with fends farmers. The need of the hour is to develop a de-
with Europe has deteriorated over Uyghur MacronvisitwasnixedbyGermany.Scholz’s Global Security Initiative — though it’s yet to the G 20, the SDGs and the like. Vijai Pant, Hempur centralisedcitizen-managedsocialme-
human rights in Xinjiang and Chinese sup- visit, with a business delegation, shows a implement it — with Russia. Scholz spoke The Chinese readout agrees with much dia platform.
port to Russia in the Ukraine crisis.
As Europe's largest economy, Germany is
replicationof AngelaMerkel’spolicy.Therul-
ing SPD believes that German enterprises
about multipolarity in the world and the
need to expand Germany's partnerships.
of what Scholz said. Xi is wooing Germany
to keep its strategic autonomy. It did say that
A PUBLIC GOOD Abhishek Mishra, Allahabad

even more dependent on China in the first

semester of 2022. German investment in
they are already suffering due to the pan-
Germany had no interest in seeing the
emergenceof blocsonceagainandBerlinen-
or unrealistic expectations” and publicly ig-
THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Charging
the payments ecosystem’ (IE,
China in this period was €10 billion. Bilateral demic, the energy crisis and the delinking gagesdifferentpartners. Chinashouldnotbe nored the Taiwan and Xinjiang issues even November 7). The UPI payment system THIS REFERS TO the report, ‘4 wins give
trade rose slightly by 0.9 per cent to $173.57 from Russia. The German Foreign Ministry isolated nor could there be a cosiness with a though Scholz raised them. has encouraged faster adoption of dig- BJP bypoll boost; TRS, RJD Sena get 1
billion. German imports are up by 54 per is critical of China on human rights and is Chinese-dominatedworldorder.Theimpor- ThesignificanceofthisvisitisthatGermany ital payments for small ticket users. each’ (IE, November 7). Although the
cent. Germany’s growth rate of 1.9 per cent crafting a new China policy to challenge the tance of China as an economic partner of has again shown its desire to attain strategic Financial inclusion through the hassle- bypolls across six states didn’t have the
jeopardises its medium-term plans. systemic rivalry that the EU foresaw. Germany and Europe remained. Berlin did autonomy from the US. This was a goal of the free adoption of digital payments has potential to upset the ruling parties or
Despite the Ukraine crisis and critical fo- TheScholzvisit indicatedGerman strate- not want to decouple from it. Germany German coalition and of German and resulted in more opportunities, and an their state governments, winning four
cus on China, German investment in China gic autonomy. The same autonomy is visible wouldseek a more level playing field and di- European countries before the Ukraine crisis, observable shrinking in the informal out of the seven assembly seats where
increased by 30 per cent in 2022. BASF, in the context of German relations with versification with China. “Risky dependen- which saw them all scurrying behind NATO economy. UPI payment should be bypolls took place comes as a boost for
Hella, Robert Bosch all increased their in- Russia. cies”haddeveloped,withrespecttorawma- andUSleadership.WiththeUkrainecrisisatan treated as a public good, and state and the BJP. This is crucial given the upcom-
vestments and KfW (the German state- How will Germany maintain its leader- terials, rare earth, or cutting-edge impasse, Europe is paying the price both for central banks should jointly subsidise ing assembly polls in several states, fol-
owned development and investment bank) ship of Europe, if it swings away for its own technologies. German businesses were cre- sanctions and reduced energy supplies. its operations. lowed by the general elections in 2024.
is financing a €69.5 billion railway project reasons? If Scholz intended to position ating some alternate supply chains. Trade Germany seems to be ready to not give up on Sudip Kumar Dey, Barasat But one thing that stood out was how
linking North China's Tianjin city and Germany and possibly Europe as au- and investment between China and ChinadespiteEuropeananddomesticopposi- all the parties in the fray, except the
Beijing Daxing International Airport. China
is buying 140 Airbus aircraft for $17 billion.
tonomous players in the ensuing US-China
bipolarisation, he needed to pull many per-
Germany will now seek a differentiated ba-
sis. Germany seeks diversification, and
from the predations of war. Strategic options
PEOPLE’S PLATFORM TRS, pandered to the prevailing lure of
dynasticism. Despite all its rhetoric
Before the visit, Germany consented to ceptive rabbits out of his Beijing visit. strengthening rather than “protectionism will follow the economic lead THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘A message against dynasty politics, the BJP fielded
Costco, the Chinese shipping company, in- On the eve of his visit Scholz, in an op-ed and withdrawal”. to Twitter titans’ (IE, November 7). Elon family members of MLAs.
vesting in Germany’s largest Hamburg port, published in the FAZ that contextualised his If China did not reciprocate, conse- The writer is a former Indian Musk’s decision to charge $8 a month Khokan Das, Kolkata
albeit with a reduced share visit. He acknowledged that the world had quences would follow. ambassador to Germany

New Delhi

Days ahead of SGPC poll, GANGRAPE CASE

SC asks Andamans
SAD expels Jagir Kaur ex-chief secy to
Singh Khiyala and SGPC mem-
ber Surjit Singh Bhitevind in
move trial court for
anticipatory bail
LUDHIANA, NOVEMBER 7 which the former was heard
purportedly asking the latter to
SHIROMANI AKALI Dal (SAD) on meet BJP leader and Minorities
Monday expelled Bibi Jagir Kaur Commission chairman Iqbal
for alleged anti-party activities Singh Lalpura.
after she stuck to her stand of Thecontroversystartedwhen EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
contesting the November 9 Bibi Jagir Kaur. File Kaur announced that she would CJI UU Lalit (right) with Justice DY Chandrachud (left) at the farewell ceremony on Monday. PTI NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7

Shiromani Gurdwara again contest for the post of the

Fulfilled promises to a certain

Parbandhak Committee presi- SGPC president and that the “li- THE SUPREME Court on Monday
dential poll.Kaur termed her ex- fafa’ culture, in which the name asked former Andaman and

pulsion as unconstitutional. of the SGPC president comes in Nicobar Chief Secretary Jitendra
The action came came after an envelope from the SAD presi- Narain, who faces gangrape ChiefSecretaryJitendraNarain

extent: CJI in farewell speech

What dent’s house, should end”. charges, to approach the jurisdic-
disciplinary committee, headed ● rules say Reacting to her expulsion, tionalcourtintheUnionTerritory
by former Punjab minister Kaur said, “SAD is a one man foranticipatorybail. probingthecase.
Sikander Singh Maluka, which ASPERSikhGurdwaras party as of now and my removal extent I have been able to fulfil werealsotakenupbythree-judge A bench of Justices Krishna TheAndamanadministration
hadaskedtoexplainherdecision Act,1925,theSGPCpresi- is also unconstitutional. When EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE those promises,” he said adding combinations,hesaidandpointed Murari and S Ravindra Bhat said, challengedthisbeforetheSC,say-
of contesting the election. dentandotheroffice- the entire organisational struc- NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 that“fromthefirstdayItookover out that all this was possible only “Weareoftheconsideredopinion ing the accused approaching the
Kaur,whohasheldthepostof bearershavetobeelected ture had already been dissolved tilltoday,wehavebeenabletodis- because of tremendous support thatinterestofjusticewouldstand Delhi and Calcutta HCs, “instead
SGPC chief thrice previously, was everyyear;SGPCasof now by SAD president Sukhbir Badal CHIEF JUSTICE of India U U Lalit poseofmorethan10,000matters. fromotherjudgesandtheBar. served by directing Respondent of...the jurisdiction sessions court
adamant on contesting the elec- has157validvoterswho two months ago, then what is Mondayrecalledthepromiseshe Inadditionwehavealsodisposed The CJI said he had come first No.2(Narain)tomakeanapplica- atPortBlair,withapleathatnofo-
tion. Once considered a Badal arethecommittee’smem- the validity of this disciplinary madewhiletakingoverinAugust of 13,000 matters which were ly- to the SC to mention a matter be- tionbeforejurisdictioncourttoap- rum was available to him on ac-
family loyalist, Kaur on Sunday bersinPunjabandother committee, which was formed this year and said he has fulfilled ing in defect for several years, but forethethenCJIYVChandrachud, plyforanticipatorybail,asnouse- count of vacation is nothing but a
rolled out her agenda for the partsof India.Historically, on WhatsApp by sending mes- them“toacertainextent.” they were simply being main- “That was my first day. Now I am ful purpose will be served by blatantattemptofforumshopping
SGPC presidential polls, promis- theSGPCpresidenthas sages. I will contest the polls for “As I stand before you I re- tainedonthefile”. passing on the baton to the son of entering into the controversy at andabuseof processof law”.
ing to restore the autonomy of beenbackedbytheSAD. the post of SGPC president". member certain promises which The disposal figure was thus thatillustriousChiefJustice,Justice this stage and adjudicating the OnMonday,appearingforthe
theapexgurdwarabody.Shehad She called it s “completely I made when I took over as Chief 1,300morethanthefiling,hesaid DYChandrachud,”headded. sameonmerits”. UT administration, Solicitor
been pressing to be the party's baseless”theallegationsthatshe JusticeofIndia.AndIsaidthatIwill adding“whichmeanstoacertain Speaking on the occasion, It asked him to “make an ap- General Tushar Mehta asserted
nominee for SGPC election. with BJP and Congress leaders. was hobnobbing with the BJP. try to streamline the listing pat- extentwehavebeenabletotakea CJI-designate Justice plication before the jurisdictional thestatementgivenbythevictim
Announcing her expulsion, They released an audio clip of a The SGPC general body terns,Iwillseethatthereisatleast sliceoutofthemountingarrears”. Chandrachud lauded CJI Lalit for sessionscourton09.11.2022seek- to the magistrate under CrPC
the SAD disciplinary committee purported conversation be- meeting will be held in Amritsar one constitution bench function- CJIrecalledthatsoonaftertak- “showing remarkable leader- ing grant of anticipatory bail and Section164hasalreadybeencor-
claimed that Kaur was in touch tween BJP leader Prof Sarchand on November 9 . ing all through, I will see that reg- ing over, a full-court meeting had ship” and said “during my the concerned court is put under roborated by independent wit-
ular matters are listed at an expe- decided that all judges would be tenure, I hope to provide conti- an obligation to hear and decide nesses. He said accused has “al-
dited date and ease the partofsomeconstitutionbenchor nuity to all the good work that the same within two days there- ready tampered with evidence”.
Tribal man Vir Das, Netflix booked for mentioning part”, CJI Lalit, who is
Chief Justice Lalit has begun”.
The CJI-designate termed CJI
A day after The Indian Express
killed over water
dispute, 3 held copyright infringement dressing a farewell event organ-
ised by the Supreme Court Bar
constitution benches were func-
Lalit a “compassionate” judge
whose “work uplifted our insti-
was suspended on orders of the
background of the complainant,
too, should be looked into.
Terming thecomplaint“manipu-
OnOctober20,theDelhiHigh lated”,hesaidtheofficialhas“not
Jaipur: A 45-year-old tribal man EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE CANCELVIRDASSHOW: CourthadgrantedNaraininterim doneanythingwrong”.
from Rajasthan’s Jodhpur district
died on Monday after being as-
saulted by a group of people over

ACTOR AND stand-up comedian,

Only 8 of 130 in fray picked for protectionfromarresttillOctober
the Calcutta High Court circuit
Mehta, however, said there is
the court, “The girls were lured
drawing water from a pipeline,
Vir Das, OTT platform Netflix and
two others have been booked by
the Mumbai Police under the
Vedike Monday claimed Vir
Das' show at John F Kennedy
Center in Washington DC
IRMS cadre Railway GM posts bench,sittingatPortBlair,seeking
extensionof time,sayingthenext
circuit bench would start only by
with the offer to give them jobs.
do this and to sent them to the
man with casteist slurs, said po- CopyrightActonacomplaintfrom “denigrated the nation” and whowereinthefrayhavebeende- judged by the new mechanism, November 14, by which time the chief secretary.Thisishorrifying.”
liceonMonday.Theincidenttook a producer who has alleged that urged police to cancel a show AVISHEK G DASTIDAR ferred,asperMonday’sorderfrom only one officer from the 1985- protectiontohimwillbeover. Thecourtaskedtheaccusedto
place on Sunday in Soorsagar. thefourviolateda2010agreement inBenglauruonNovember10. NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 the Appointments Committee of batch,RNSunker,hasqualified.An InitsOctober21order,thecir- approach the jurisdictional ses-
“Both the victim and the ac- related to a script and show Duringtheshow,Dashadsaid: the Cabinet. One of them is a civil officerofcivilengineeringdepart- cuitbenchcontinuedthereliefand sionscourtinUTbutdidnotinter-
cused were neighbours in named, “History of India VIRitten “InIndia,weworshipwomen NOOFFICERfromthecivilservices servant, an Indian Railway Traffic ment, Sunker had in 2019 — he asked him to appear before the fere with the anticipatory bail al-
Soorsagar locality. There is a (2010)"byusingconceptandcon- in the day and rape them at has found a place in the much- Service officer, serving as addi- was Divisional Railway Manager, special investigation team (SIT) readygrantedbytheHC.
public pipeline running through tent from the show for a new one night.” The petition read: "In awaited posting order of newly tional member in Railway Board. Ratlam,then—proposedmassage
the locality, where the family of named, "Virdas for India". Netflix thisbackground, it isnot right created Indian Railway The other three are from various servicesintrainsasawayof earn-
the victim had installed a pipe in has been booked allegedly be- to allow such a controversial Management Service (IRMS) engineeringservices. ingnon-farerevenue.Hehasbeen Homoeopathy Police: Al-Qaeda
one of the taps. The accused on causetheyairedtheshowin2020. person to hold a programme cadre for general manager (GM) Onlyeightofficers,allfromdif- postedasGM,EastCoastRailway.
Sunday said they wanted to in- Inthecopyrightinfringemental- inacommunallysensitivearea posts. The order issued late ferent engineering services of Theothersevenqualifiedoffi- effective, but let operative from
stall a pipe in the tap, which re- legations, an FIR has been regis- likeBangalore.” ENS Monday had only eight officers Railways, have been selected and cersarefrom1986batch.Railway
sulted in a confrontation be- tered by the Cuffe Parade police from a fray of over 130 eligible for subsequently posted as GMs of Board Secretary R N Singh of the Centre handle Bengal held in
tween both the parties and led stationonNovember4againstVir tered an agreement to do a script thecovetedselection. zonalrailwaysandotherunits. civil engineering department has
to the victim, Kishnaram Bheel, Das, Anurag Shrivastav, Girish and a show together named, The selection process insti- Officers serving in Level 15 in qualified and posted as GM, Covid cases: HC J&K’s Ramban
being assaulted,” police said, Talwar- all three directors of "History of India VIRitten”. tutedbytheRailwaysMinistryon batches 1983-86 in the eight or- Southern Railway. He earlier
adding that, “We have arrested "WeirdasComedyprivateltd"and Gidwani alleged Das in 2019 dis- thebasisof merit,abolishingsen- ganised Group-A services (Civil, served as Divisional Railway
the three accused, Shakeel, Netflix Entertainment Services cussed releasing the show on iority-based posting, did not find Mechanical, Electrical, Traffic, Manager,Delhi.Oftheeight,three EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE ARUN SHARMA
Naseer and Bablu alias India LLPLoS Gatos Production Netflixwithhim.Forsomereason 122 officers from various batches Accounts, Personnel, Signal and are from mechanical, two from NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 JAMMU, NOVEMBER 7
Mohammed Hatam and a case services by Ashwin Gidwani. He theyhaddisagreementsoverit.In and services fit for empanelment Stores) were eligible to apply. Out civilengineering,andtherestfrom
has been registered”. ENS alleged in 2010, he and Das en- 2020,Gidwanisawapromotions in the IRMS cadre to fill Level 16 of these, Traffic, Accounts and stores, signalling and electrical IN A plea seeking homoeopathic AN AL-QAEDA operative was ar-
of “Virdas for India” on Netflix, posts of GMs (ex-cadre, Higher Personnel are officers inducted services. treatment of mild cases of Covid- rested with a hand grenade from
where Das used content from Administrative Grade-plus) and through the civil services exami- Sources said among reasons 19, Delhi HC recently held that Jammu and Kashmir's Ramban
Haryana Staff Selection Commission “History. HeGidwani gave legal equivalent.Theseareequivalentto nation,whiletheremainingserv- thenewmechanismcitedfornon- thoughhomoeopathyiseffective, district,policesaidonMonday.
Bays No. 67-70, Sector- 2, Panchkula-134154 ( noticetoNetflixandDas.Nextday Special Secretary to the ices are taken from engineering qualificationofmanyofthe122of- medicalprotocoltodealwithpan- He has been identified as
ANNOUNCEMENT he received a reply stating there Governmentof India. servicesexamination. ficersisthattheir“integrity”could demiccasesshouldalwaysbeleft Amiruddin Khan, a resident of
Final Result for the post of Assistant Seed Production Officer of Haryana Seed isnocopyrightinfringement. Empanelment of four officers Inthemerit-basedsystemad- notbeascertained, tothegovernment’sdiscretion. MashitaHaorainWestBengal.An
Deveoplment Corporation Against Advt. No. 01/2020, Cat No. 33.
On the basis of Written Examination, Scrutiny of Documents and A division bench of Chief FIR under the Indian Arms Act,
Socio-economic criteria for the post of Assistant Seed Production Officer
of Haryana Seed Deveoplment Corporation, against Advt. No. 01/2020,
Cat No. 33, the Commission has finalised and declared the result. The
Govt to HC: Surrogacy laws JusticeSatishChandraSharmaand
November 1 judgment held that
Explosives Act and the UAPA has
enacted to prevent misuse
result has been shown category wise and roll number wise and the marks
secured by the Iast selected candidate in each category have been shown the “decision of the government militancyinJ&K,Khanhappensto
in the bracket. insuchscenariosisbaseduponex- bethefirstmilitantdirectlylinked
Advt. No. 01/2020, Cat. No.33, Assistant Seed Production Officer (30 Posts) “Both the Acts are enacted so pert opinions and the experts are toal-Qaeda. MuftiGhulamRasool,
General (12 Post)
1933030010 1933030014 1933030016 1933030076 1933030098 1933030099 EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE that procedures followed in ART certainlythemastersofthefield”.It head of Faiz-ul-Islam madrasa,
1933030121 1933030140 1933030159 1933030163 1933030165 1933030183 NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 and surrogacy can be regulated also noted that Central saidKhanhadbeenteachingthere
(52.00) in an appropriate manner as per Government through various ex- since August 2017 and married a
General Waiting
1933030065 1933030071 1933030190 THECENTREhasopposedapeti- rulesandregulationswithanin- pertbodiesframed guidelinesand local girl 4-5 months ago. He also
(44.00) tion challenging the constitu- tention to restrict the commer- issuedmedicalprotocolsforcurb- purchasedlandatKarwa.
SC (05 Post) tional validity of certain provi- cialisationof embryos/gametes/ inginfectionrate.
1933030164 1933030177
sions of the Assisted new-bornchildetc,”theministry TheHCthereforeheld,“expert
BCA (03 Post)
Reproductive Technology stated,arguingthatthereisnovi- bodies like ICMR and other statu- Career in journalism
1933030028 1933030054 (Regulation) Act, 2021 and the olation of fundamental rights. tory bodies are the best judge of
Surrogacy(Regulation)Act,2021, The plea has been filed by an medical protocol. It is not for the
requires no specific
EWS (03 Posts)
1933030129 1933030148 1933030175 informing the Delhi HC that the unmarried man and a married courts to comment on medical qualification: HC
(48.00) Acts were enacted to restrict woman (who has a child), both protocolsframedonthesubject...”
ESM GEN (02 Post)
1933030018 1933030020
commercialisation of embryos of whom have argued that com- ObservingthatCovid-19infections Delhi:Whiledismissinganappeal
(41.00) and newborn. mercialsurrogacy istheonlyop- have almost come to an end, HC challengingtheappointmentofDr
ESP GEN (01 Post) In an affidavit, the Union tion available to them, which is didnotfindreasontoallowthere- Sanjay Dwivedi as Director
1933030117 Ministry of Health and Family prohibited under the two Acts. lief. Thecourtsaidthepetitioners, General(DG)oftheIndianInstitute
Note :- 03 Posts of SC , 01 Posts of BCA, 02 Post of BCB, 01 Post of ESM BCA,01 Post Welfare said the two Acts were The petitioners have said the two homoeopathy practitioners, ofMassCommunication,theDelhi
of ESM BCB category Remained vacant due to non availbility of Suitable Candidates. passed by the Parliament “after two Acts exclude them from the cangoaheadwithresearch inac- HighCourtrecentlyheldthataca-
CRITERIA ADOPTED FOR SELECTION receivingcommentsfromallthe benefit of surrogacy as a “repro- cordancewithlaw. reerinjournalismdoesnotrequire
1.) WRITTEN EXAMINATION....................................................90-MARKS
2.) SOCIO ECONOMIC CRITERIA............................................10-MARKS stakeholders”andfollowing“due ductive choice” as well as the re- The petitioners moved HC in a specific qualification. The court
TOTAL:- 100-MARKS prescribedprocedureasperlaw”. quirement of the exercise being 2020seekingdirectiontoMinistry held that “it becomes imperative
NOTE:- Seekingdismissalof thepeti- an altruistic surrogacy only. This ofAYUSHtonotify“Arsenicumal- to note that unlike medicine or
1. Selection of all above candidates is subject to the biometric and Socio-economic marks tion, it said the challenged pro- exclusion, they claimed, is bum Phosphorus Tuberculinum law, pursuing a career in journal-
verification and other qualification by the department, biometric/facial verification of any
candidate fails during joining or at any other stage or if candidate is found taken visionsregulatetheprocedureof against Article 14 (right to qual- inseriesinterventionprotocol”for ism does not require possessing a
fake/false benefit of Socio-economic criteria, then he/she will be ousted from the selec- assisted reproductive technol- ity) and Article 21( right to life) Covid. They sought directions specificqualificationassuch.”
tion list and candidature may also be cancelled. All candidates are intimated to produce ogy (ART) and surrogacy, which, of the Constitution. from Centre to allow homoeopa- Adivisionbenchmadetheob-
& submit certificate issued by Tehsildar/Executive Magistrate/SDM regarding 'No Govt.
job in family' under socio-economic criteria at the time of joining to department. if diluted, would defeat the Thematterwillnowbetaken thypractitionerstotreatmildcases servationwhilehearinganappeal
2. As per Govt. Instruction no 22/15/1992-3GS III Dated: 07.10.2008, if suitable candi- whole purpose. up on November 29. of Covid-19. againstjudgmentofasinglejudge,
dates of ESP are not available in a particular category, then the vacancies be filled up which dismissed the challenge to
from amongst the same category candidates. Dwivedi'sappointment. ENS
3. As per Govt. Instruction no 22/10/2010-1GS III Dated: 23.05.2014,if suitable candidates
of Ex-Servicemen are not available in a particular category, then the vacancies be filled
up from amongst the same category candidates.
HC allows Tata to use
4. As per Govt. Instruction no 22/10/2019-1GS III Dated: 25.02.2019,if suitable candidates of
EWS are not available, then the vacancies be filled up from unreserved category candidates. ‘Fly Higher’ in Vistara ads Ensure students
5. While every care has been taken in preparing and uploading the result, possibility of
inadvertent/technical errors cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves the right to New Delhi: The Delhi High suit “permanently restrain- comply with NMC
rectify the same later on.
6 . The result is also available on the website of HSSC i.e.
Court has allowed Tata
rules: India to China
Sd/- Secretary
Haryana Staff Selection Commission the term “fly higher” in its HC noted that there is a Beijing: China on Monday said it
13606/HRY Dated:-05.11.2022 marketingcampaigns,lifting cleardistinctionintheTrade hasgiven visasto1,300stranded
theinterimrestrictionsitor- Marks Act between marks Indian students to rejoin studies
dered earlier this year in a and trademark. as India has asked Beijing to en-
trademarkinfringementsuit “Trademarks are intangible suretheIndianmedicalstudents
filedbyanaviationinstitute. assets of the proprietors, are educated, trained, and facil-
A single judge bench of whichserveas‘sourceiden- itated to comply with the strin-
Justice Jyoti Singh was tifiers’,instantlyconnecting gent regulations issued by the
hearing an application thegoods/serviceswiththe National Medical Commission
seeking vacation of the ‘ex- proprietor thereof,” the (NMC) to practice back home.
parteadinteriminjunction’ court stated. The Indian Embassy said it
order passed on January 21 In the order dated has apprised the Chinese offi-
by HC restraining Vistara October 28, Justice Singh cials concerned of the recent
from using the words ‘Fly said there was prima facie stringent regulations issued by
High’,whichisatrademark merit in Tata's submission the NMC for Indian students
of Frankfinn Aviation the term ‘Fly High’ “is studyinginChinese medicalcol-
Services Limited. demonstrably common to leges to obtain permission to
Frankfinnhadalsofileda the aviation sector”. ENS practice back home. PTI

New Delhi

If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to


Reservation for economically weaker sections of citizens up to 10 per cent in addition
[To say that] including the poor among those covered under Arts. THE CONSTITUTION (124th
UPHOLDS to the existing reservations does not result in violation of any essential feature of the 15(4) and 16(4) in the new reservations... [is] bestowing “double Amendment) Bill was passed
by Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
CHANGE Constitution of India and does not cause any damage to the basic structure of the
Constitution of India on account of breach of the ceiling limit of 50 per cent. Because,
benefit” is incorrect. What is described as ‘benefits’...cannot be
understood to be a free pass, but as a reparative and compen- on January 8 and 9, 2019

IN LAW that ceiling limit itself is not inflexible and in any case, applies only to the
reservations envisaged by Articles 15(4), 15(5) and 16(4) of the Constitution of India.
satory mechanism...[for] social stigmatisation. This exclusion
violates the...equality code [and] thereby the basic structure...
respectively. It received the
President’s assent on January
12 as The Constitution (103rd
was subsequently notified.

4 questions in EWS judgment

Articles 15(6) and 16(6) in the
Constitution to provide up to
10% reservation to economi-
cally backward sections (EWS)
other than among backward
classes, SCs, and STs in higher
educational institutions and
Apurva Vishwanath breaks down the contents of the four Can quota for poor breach the initial recruitment in
government jobs. It

separate judgments into the key issues they addressed 50% ceiling for reservations?
empowered state governments
to give reservation on the basis
of economic backwardness.

Can there be Is exclusion of SC/ST, SEBC SEVERAL ISSUES in the EWS quota challenge
opinion by Justice Maheshwari held that the
ARTICLE 15 prohibits
discrimination on grounds of

quotas based from quota discriminatory?

by the Supreme Court in the landmark 1992 50 per cent ceiling was for backward classes religion, race, caste, sex, or
Indra Sawhney vs Union of India verdict. and it “overstretched to the reservation pro- place of birth. Article 16
A nine-judge Bench had upheld 27 per vided for entirely different class, consisting guarantees equal opportunity

on economic
cent quota for OBCs but had struck down the of the economically weaker sections”. in matters of public
MAJORITY OPINION: No. Justice stitutional amendment as per the minority 10percentquotabasedoneconomiccriteria. “Moreover...this ceiling limit...has not been employment. The additional
Maheshwari said that “there cannot be opinion. Justice Bhat gave three reasons The first key point in that ruling was that “a held to be inflexible and inviolable for all clauses gave Parliament the

criteria alone?
competition of claims for affirmative action why the exclusion of SC/ST/OBC is uncon- backward class cannot be determined only times to come.” power to make special laws for
based on disadvantages.” Reservation can- stitutional. and exclusively with reference to economic MINORITY VIEW: Although Justice Bhat EWS like it does for SCs, STs,
not be denied to one section (the EWS) be- First, it “others” those subjected to so- criterion”.“Itmaybeaconsideration refrained from expressing a view on whether and OBCs.
cause “that segment is otherwise not suf- cially questionable and outlawed practices, 3 or basis along with, and in addition itispermissibletobreachthe50percentceil-
MAJORITY OPINION: Yes. In his opinion,
fering from other disadvantages.” though they are amongst the poorest sec- to, social backwardness, but it can ing,theminorityopinionwarnedthatbreach-
JusticeDineshMaheshwarisaidthatpoverty 2 Justice Pardiwala said that tions of society, and goes against the idea of neverbethesolecriterion,”thecourthadheld. ing it could “eat up the rule of equality.” The
isanadequatemarkerof deprivationthatthe Article 16(4) is exhaustive for reser- fraternity. Second, the exclusion virtually Second, the SC held that reservation can- minorityopinionalsostatedthatgoingabove
state can address through reservations. The
SC’s earlier jurisprudence holding that “eco-
vation in favour of backward classes but the
section is not exhaustive of the concept of
confines SC/ST/OBC within their allocated
reservation quotas (15 per cent for SCs, 7.5
not cross 50 per cent, unless a special case
was made out in “extraordinary situations
fractions...”However,sincethequestionisalso DEFINITION
termination of backwardness” is somewhat
reservation. The new constitutional amend-
ment introducing another affirmative ac-
tion method is read as separate and distinct.
per cent for STs, 27 per cent for OBCs). Third,
it denies the chance of “mobility from the
reserved quota (based on past discrimina-
and peculiar conditions”.
In the current case, a five-judge court
could not have overruled Indra Sawhney,
on whether a Tamil Nadu law providing for
reservationinexcessof the50percentlimitis
and Economically Backward Classes, and MINORITY OPINION: This exclusion is tion) to a reservation benefit based only on which was delivered by a larger bench, but unconstitutional — Justice Bhat did not “seal
EWS is deemed a separate and distinct cate- the main ground for striking down the con- economic deprivation.” found reasoning to uphold the EWS quota. the fate of the pending litigation...” ON JANUARY 31, 2019,
gory, he said. government notified the EWS
Justice Bela Trivedi in her separate but criteria: beneficiaries must not
concurring opinion upheld the amendment
based on the presumption that “the legisla-
Reservation criteria shift from caste Can private be covered by SC/ ST/ OBC
reservations, and their gross

colleges be
ture understands and appreciates the needs annual family income must be
of its own people.” below Rs 8 lakh. The
Justice Pardiwala said that while he is
“conscious of the fact that the economically
weaker sections of the citizens are not de-
to income, community to individuals forced to have
notification specified what
constituted “income”. Also,
they could not claim benefits
claredassociallyandeconomicallybackward under the EWS quota if their

EWS quota?
classes (SEBCs) for the purpose of Article duetoeconomicconditions,”the majority Constituent Assembly debates to show families possessed certain
15(4) of the Constitution”, separate APURVA VISHWANATH opinionbyJusticeDineshMaheshwarisaid. that ‘backward’ should precede ‘class of specific assets.
1 reservations are not barred by the NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 The 103rd amendment delinked the people’;theframerswantedthebackward
Constitution. His opinion cited the needforclass-basedreservationsfrom“in- classes to share state power, and extend IN OCTOBER 2021, the
Right to Education, another constitutional IN UPHOLDING the 103rd Constitutional adequacyof representation”andthe“need the benefits of affirmative action only to UNDER ARTICLE 15(5) of the Constitution, Supreme Court asked the
amendment that puts an obligation on the amendment introducing a 10 per cent to show backwardness”, and provided thosesociallyandeducationallybackward the state has power to make reservations in government how the Rs 8 lakh
statetoprovidefreeandcompulsoryprimary quota for Economically Weaker Sections guardrails to reservations connected with groupsthatwereexcludedfromthemain- private educational institutions. criterion had been fixed. The
education, as an example of other forms of (EWS), the Supreme Court poverty by allowing a 10 per stream due to historical injustice, stigma, Only Justice Maheshwari’s opinion, part Centre said it would revisit this
reservation. on Monday endorsed a cru- cent quota based on income and discrimination. of themajorityview,engaged withthisissue aspect, and set up a three-
MINORITY OPINION: Justice Ravindra cialshiftinaffirmativeaction criteria of individuals. Justice Ravindra Bhat, who wrote the toanextent.“Unaidedprivateinstitutions,in- member panel to do so. In
Bhat said while laws that provide benefits from being a tool for en- Counsel arguing against minority opinion along with Chief Justice cludingthoseimpartingprofessionaleduca- January 2022, the government
based on “only economic criteria” do not by abling community-based the amendment had told the of India U U Lalit, also identified this shift tion, cannot be seen as standing out accepted the committee’s
themselves violate the right to equality, the
Constitution envisages reservations to only
representation to tackling
individual deprivation. N I F
ly-protected class (under 10
in affirmative action while striking down
the amendment.
4 of the national mainstream. As held
in the aforementioned judgments,
report, which said that the Rs 8
lakh threshold was
be community-based and not individual- “…The observations of percentEWS)lackshistorical “The identifier for the new criteria is reservationsinprivateinstitutionsis “reasonable” and “may be
centric. this Court in the past deci- and continuing lack of ade- based on deprivation faced by individuals. notperseviolativeof thebasicstructure.Thus, retained”. However, the
So while access “to public goods” such as sions that reservations cannot be claimed quate representation caused by structural Therefore, which community the individ- reservationsasaconceptcannotberuledout committee said, “EWS
tax breaks, subsidies can be allowed, reser- only on the economic criteria, apply only or institutional barriers, so as to be eligible ual belongs to is irrelevant. An individual inprivateinstitutionswhereeducationisim- may…exclude, irrespective of
vation in public employment would not be to class or classes covered by or seeking for reservation. Further, there would be no who is a target of the new 10 per cent parted,” the opinion stated. income, a person whose family
permissible.“Itisinconceivablethatthedele- coverageunderArticles15(4)and/or15(5) end to such reservations because there reservationmaybeamember of anycom- The opinion added that Parliament now has 5 acres of agricultural land
tionof caste(aslongasIndiansocietybelieves and/or 16(4); and else, this Court has not wouldalwaysbepeoplepoorerthanothers. munity or class. The state does not — and would have had the benefit of the Supreme and above”. Also, “the
in and practises the caste system) as a pro- putablanketbanonprovidingreservation SenioradvocateSanjayParikh,whoar- perhaps justly so — will not look into her Court’s earlier verdict upholding the consti- residential asset criteria may
scribed ground through a constitutional for other sections who are disadvantaged gued against the amendment also cited background,” the minority opinion said. tutional amendment that introduced the altogether be removed”.
amendment would stand scrutiny,” he said. Right to Education.

Today, battle for America’s soul: stakes, stars and stripes ■ ■ ■ facing the country — more than any other is- ity in the Supreme Court has withdrawn that

sue; and CBS News published a survey that constitutional protection.
EXPERT ForDemocraticvoters,andwhatoncecon- found “65% of voters believe the economy is


expected on the East Coast between
known. California, Nevada, Wash-
ington allow ballots postmarked on
EXPLAINS stituted middle America, the critical issue is
the deep conspiracy by Trumpism to subvert
democracy, driven by those at the far end of
getting worse and 68% say the Biden admin-
istration could do more to combat inflation”.
On almost every issue that matters, there
■ ■ ■

7 pm and 8 pm ET (between 5.30 am
and 6.30 am in India on Wednesday).
Election Day even if they arrive days
Amitabh Mattoo theRepublicanrightwhobelievethatthelast
is a Manichean divide between Trump sup-
porters and the rainbow coalition that once
before this one, I’ve worried about
Early indications of Republican From The Indian Express panel ManyDemocraticvoterswouldargueitis stood by Biden. There is deep economic pre- Republicans taking over and implementing
success could come if races that are IT COULD TAKE WEEKS to know of specialists, exclusive insight Trump who controls the Republican Party, carity,unprecedentedlevelsof racialtension, their policy preferences — against political
expected to be close turn out to be which party will control the Senate, not the other way round. A favourable fundamentaldifferencesoverhealthcare,con- rights in the dark days of Senator Joe
Democratic routs. with close contests in Pennsylvania, midtermsoutcomewouldmakeitextremely cerns over packing the courts (including the McCarthy’s communist witch-hunt in the
Arizona and Georgia likely to INMANYcuriousways,themidtermelections difficult to deny him the presidential nomi- Supreme Court), and violence on the streets early 1950s; against civil rights in the late
AROUND 10-11 PM ET (8.30-9.30 determine final control. In Georgia’s intheUnitedStatesonNovember8arealmost nation two years on. ofmanycitiesinclud- 1950s and early 1960s; against Medicare in
am IST on Wednesday), about an Senate race, if no candidate receives as significant as the presidential polls of two According to the ing Minneapolis themid-1960s;forsmallergovernmentinthe
hour after polls in the Midwest close, more than 50%, a run-off will take years ago. At stake is control over Congress, neo-conservative (where George 1970s;fortaxcutsfortherichinthe1980s;for
media organisations might project place on December 6. critical to legislation and key appointments. scholar Robert Floyd’s “killing” in- a balanced budget in the early 1990s; against
control of the House, if the More significantly, the election results Kagan: spiredtheBlackLives universal health care in the late 1990s and
Republicans build up enough 435 HOUSE, 35 SENATE SEATS are could permanently erode the legitimacy of “This is how fas- Matter movement), early2000s;againstLGBTQrightsinthe2010s.
momentum. up for grabs. Republicans need to the Biden administration and signal the ro- cismcomestoAmer- Atlanta, Dallas, Today I’m not particularly worried about
pick up 5 seats for a House majority, bust return of Donald Trump and Trumpism ica, not with jack- Cleveland, Raleigh, Republicans’ policy preferences. Today I’m
BUT IF THE FIGHT LOOKS CLOSE as 1 to control Senate. Forecasters say in all its Frankenstein-like manifestations. If boots and salutes LosAngeles,andNew worriedaboutthesurvivalofourdemocracy.”
tallies start coming in from the West Republicans will likely win the thereis,inaveryperverseway,apotentialstar (although there have York. In 1968, Paul Simon wrote his song
Coast (which could see more than a House; Senate could be tougher. on the political firmament, it is Trump, and been salutes, and a UNITED STATES America, as he hitchhiked across the US with
dozen tight House races), it could be
days before control of the chamber is REUTERS
the stripes are represented by the deep fault
lines that he has dug within the country.
with a television
MIDTERM ELECTIONS 2022 ■ ■ ■ his friend Kathy: “‘Kathy, I’m lost,’ I said,
though I knew she was sleeping/ I’m empty
These elections are a battle for the soul of huckster,aphonybil- NOVEMBER 8 The landmark and aching and I don’t know why/ Counting
America; a fight to determine what consti- lionaire, a textbook PA RT 2 1973 Supreme Court thecarsontheNewJerseyTurnpike/They’ve
tutes the ‘America dream’ today. And polls egomaniac ‘tapping decision in Roe v. allcometolookforAmerica/Allcometolook
suggest the Democratic Party may be on the into’ popular resent- Wade, rooted deeply for America/ All come to look for America.”
Drishti IAS verge of losing this battle.
The Republicans could win the House of
mentsandinsecurities,andwithanentirena- in the American psyche, was overturned ear-
tionalpoliticalparty—outofambitionorblind lierthisyear.Thecaseconcernedtheconstitu-
Tuesday's vote will be about finding — or
losing — America.
Admissions Open (English Medium) Representatives decisively, and Democrats partyloyalty,orsimplyoutoffear—fallinginto tionalityofaTexasstatutethatmadeitacrime
wouldbeluckytoretaincontrolof theSenate. line behind him.” toobtainanabortionexceptincertainspecific Mattoo is Professor at JNU, and Honorary
GENERAL STUDIES (P+M) FOUNDATION BATCH Latest evidence suggests the composition of circumstances,butwasembeddedinlargeris- Professor at the University of Melbourne. He
OPTIONAL SUBJECTS the Senate will depend on outcomes in four ■ ■ ■ sues related to choices and women’s rights. is a former Visiting Professor at the
Political Science & IR Sociology Public Administration Philosophy critical states — Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylva- Roe established constitutional protection for University of Notre Dame, Indiana
Law History Geography Hindi Literature nia, Arizona — and possibly New Hampshire. However, for most voters, the state of the therightofwomentomakedecisionsfortheir
Americanpoliticsoverthenexttwoyears economy remains the top concern. A New ownhealth,andpavedthewayforgreaterpo-
Karol Bagh, Delhi | Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi | Prayagraj | Jaipur
could witness conflict on a scale not experi- York Times survey found 26% of voters view litical, social and economic involvement of
8010440440 enced in recent history. theeconomyasthemostimportantproblem womeninpubliclife.TheConservativemajor- NEXT: THE NEW CONGRESS
New Delhi

Weiss and Ricky Kirshner, the executive producers and showrunners
behind the the Academy Awards announced Monday. Kimmel, who
hosted the 2017 and 2018 ceremonies, will be the solo host of the 95th
Oscars on March 12.

Deep divide, fretful voters: SAYS CHINA, U.S. BIGGEST POLLUTERS

US midterm elections today Cooperate or perish:

at climate summit
Moon Jae-in with
puppies born from a AMERICANVOTERSarefractured
gifted hunting dog. politicallyandculturallyaheadof
Reuters Election Day, and they are anx-
ious about where their country
is heading — on inflation, abor-
tion, immigration, crime, and
Ex-President much more. They also sense
planstogiveup stake at a time of rising mistrust
dogsfromKim of institutions and each other:
the future of democracy.
Seoul: South Korea's for- Some Americans remain
merPresidentMoonJae-in hopeful, but a fretful outlook
saidonMondayheplansto emerges from interviews with
give up a pair of dogs sent more than two dozen
by North Korean leader Democratic, Republican and un-
Kim Jong Un as a gift fol- affiliatedvotersbeforeTuesday’s Credit: Reuters Credit: AP
lowingtheir2018summit, midterm elections — the first
citing a lack of support since followers of former Thirty-six of the 50 states will elect governors in Tuesday’s US midterm polls.
from his successor. Moon PresidentDonaldTrumptriedto Though the races typically get less attention than the battle for control of
has raised the white haltthecertificationof President Congress, they carry high stakes for issues, such as abortion access, transgender Egyptian President Abdel El-Sisi (centre right) and UN chief Antonio Guterres (centre left)
Pungsan dogs named Joe Biden’s 2020 victory. “This rights and guns. Here’s an overview of what might still happen. Text: NYT with other leaders at the COP27 UN Climate Summit, in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, Monday. AP
"Gomi" and "Songgang" electionishugelyconsequential,”
since their arrival in the said Edward Foley, a professor at SCENARIO1:THECLEAR estimate the Republicans
personal residence after
a question of where our democ-
again, the result of this
year’s midterms won’t just
feel like a Republican
Big question: How
dogs are legally cate-
gorised as state property
our collective self-governance.”
Midterms are always impor-
■ In almost every critical
race, the final Times/Siena
polls suggested that
landslide — it will be a
Republican landslide. A
“red wave” election would
WITH THE world on “a highway
to climate hell with our foot on
much can be raised to
fice said he was entrusted
as their caretaker under
tant because a switch in control
of the House or Senate can stunt
the plans of a sitting President.
voters preferred
Republican control of
the Congress and
not be a surprise; nor
would it be hard to
explain. With
the accelerator,? the UN chief on
Monday told dozens of leaders
to “cooperate or perish,” on
fund the vulnerable?
consultations with the Control of Congress could also disapproved of President Republicans making avoiding further climate catas- therichanddevelopedcountries,
archives and the interior affect various investigations into Biden’s performance, but steady gains in the polls, it trophe, singling out the two the countries that were held re-
ministry, an unprece- Trump, including his role in the Democrats often had the but if they get a does not take any great biggest polluting countries, sponsible for causing global
denteddecision. REUTERS January 6, 2021 insurrection. advantage of incumbency few breaks, it imagination to see them China and the United States. warming through their green-
Dozens of statewide candi- or Republicans had the will leave them stretching out a more “Choose life over death,” for- house gas emissions over the last
dateshavesaidthe2020election disadvantage of an with a lot to feel decisive lead. mer US Vice-President Al Gore one century.
wasstolen;somerunningforpo- unpopular candidate. good about — urged. “It is not time for moral These countries, a group of
POLAND sitions that validate elections even if the scoreboard
cowardice.” Most of the leaders EXPRESSATCOP27 about40,areobligatedtoprovide
‘Drinkingamong have refused to say if they will ■ Turnout is another big showed the Republicans who pleaded for action came moneyforallkindsof climateac-

certify the 2024 results. And
there are already more than 100
factor, especially in the
House races in states with
gaining seats and taking
the House. To hold the
DEMOCRATICSURPRISE frompoornationsthatcausedlit-
tle of the pollutionbut often geta AMITABH SINHA
tion — reduction of emissions,
adaptation, capacity building.
forlowbirthrate’ legal challenges against this
year’s election. The US has stood
less competitive races at
the top of the ticket.
chamber, the party will
probably need to win three
■ A surprising Democratic
Tuesday night is unlikely.
larger share of the weather-re-
lated damage. Several called on
each country is supposed to take
Warsaw: Poland’s ruling at the precipice before. Not long of the four critical races: But it does remain within developednationsforreparations, THECLIMATEchangemeetingat action to the best of its ability.
partyleaderhastriggered after Abraham Lincoln’selection Pennsylvania, Georgia, the realm of possibility: which in climate negotiations is Sharm el-Sheikh has agreed to Largewell-developedeconomies
anger in the country and in1860,11stateswithdrewfrom SCENARIO2: Arizona and Nevada. Democrats are still within called “loss and damage.” discussthecreationof afinancial like India or Brazil finance most
an explosion of jokes by
claiming that the coun-
the nation and the Civil War be-
gan. Ultimately, Foley said, the
THEFEELS-LIKE-A-WIN striking distance of a
good night. Unlike in
“Climate change is directly
threatening our people’s lives,
provision to help poor and vul-
nerable countries hit by climate
of their climate action, but the
poorer countries are dependent
try’slowbirthrateispartly election turns on a question: FORDEMOCRATS SCENARIO3: THE previous cycles, they health and future,” said Kenyan disasters. But that has triggered on international finance.
caused by overconsump-
tion of alcohol by young
“Can we actually build the sys-
tem and produce accurate, hon- ■ Democrats cling to a five-
REPUBLICANLANDSLIDE remain competitive in
enough races to win
ing on behalf of the entire
the most obvious and logical
question: where is the money
The biggest grouse against
the developed countries has
women. Opposition est outcomes, and will enough seat majority in the House, ■ If the polls under- control of the House. African continent, which he said going to come from, and how been that they have been run-
politicians and many people believe them?” is looking at $50 billion a year in muchwouldbemadeavailable? ning away from their responsi-
other critics accused climatechangedamageby2050. It is a question that presents bility to provide financial help.
Jaroslaw Kaczynski, a 73-
of being out of touch. In
Elon Musk recommends Putin-linked businessman TheUNchiefsaidtheworld“is
our foot on the accelerator.” He
itself in practically every discus-
sion on climate change action.
The problem is there just isn’t
of Delhi-based Council on Energy,
particular, critics point to
restrictions on abortion
voting for Republicans admits to meddling in polls calledforanewpactbetweenrich
and poor countries to make
ing was more important at this
time than scaling up climate fi-
that have discouraged Washington: Just days after tak- pendent-mindedvoters,”writing: KREMLIN-CONNECTED entre- pressserviceof hiscateringcom- deeper cuts in emissions with fi- pleofordersofmagnitudehigher nance, and delivering it on time.
some women from seek- ing control of social media giant “Shared power curbs the worst preneur Yevgeny Prigozhin ad- pany that earned him the nick- nancial help and phasing out of than what is currently available, “We need capital at a far greater
ing to get pregnant. TwitterInc,billionaireElonMusk excessesofbothparties,therefore, mittedMondaythathehadinter- name “Putin’s chef,” came on the coal in rich nations by 2030 and or pledged. And the needs are scale. While the conversation on
Others note the difficulty on Monday recommended that I recommend voting for a fered in US elections and would eve of US midterm elections. elsewhere by 2040. He called on growing at a very fast pace. climatefinanceistrappedbetween
youngpeoplehaveinrais- voters pick Republican candi- Republican Congress, given that continue to do so — confirming It was the second major ad- the US and China to work to- The UN Framework anegotiatedmaximumanddeliv-
ing families due to rising dates for Congress in Tuesday’s the presidency is Democratic." for the first time the accusations mission in recent months by the getheronclimate,somethingthey Convention on Climate Change, eredminimum,theorderof mag-
costs in a country where US midterm election. “Hardcore Democrats or that he has rejected for years. 61-year-old businessman who used to do until the last few the foundational agreement un- nitude of annual climate finance
inflation is now nearly His tweet on Monday repre- Republicans never vote for the “Wehaveinterfered,areinter- has ties to Russian President years.“Humanityhasachoice:co- der which international climate support to developing countries
18%. AP sentedthefirsttimetheheadof a otherside,soindependentvoters fering and will continue to inter- Vladimir Putin. Prigozhin has operate or perish,” Guterres said. negotiationstakeplace,isclearon should be in trillions and not bil-
major social media platform ex- are the ones who actually decide fere.Carefully,precisely,surgically previously soughttokeephisac- “It is either a Climate Solidarity where the money has to come lions. FULLREPORTON
CHINA plicitly endorsed a US political who'sincharge!",Muskaddedon and in our own way,” Prigozhin tivities under the radar and now Pact—oraCollectiveSuicidePact.” from.Itissupposedtocomefrom
UKminister party. Musk directed his Twitter
message to what he called“inde-
Twitter, which he purchased late
last month. REUTERS
said in remarks posted on social
media. The statement, from the
litical clout. AP
Early warning system for the
Beijing: ChinaonMonday Imran case: Pak CJ likely Russia planning more mass entire world in next five years
hit back at British Trade
Policy Minister Greg
Hands over his visit to
to take up Shehbaz request strikes on infra: Zelenskyy mentof$3.1 billionbetweennow Resilient Island States.
Taiwanfortalkswithsen- ter seeking the constitution of southerncityof Khersonandoc- AMITABH SINHA and2027tocreatetheinfrastruc- India’s Environment
ior officials defying PRESS TRUST OF INDIA the full court commission, the AGENCIES cupying them with troops in SHARM EL-SHEIKH, ture and build capacities in early Minister Bhupendra Yadav, who
Beijing’s warnings not to ISLAMABAD, NOVEMBER 7 report said. “After the Chief NOVEMBER 7 civilian clothes to prepare for NOVEMBER 7 warningsystems.Nearlyhalf the was present at the launch of the
haveofficialcontactswith Justice receives the official re- streetfightinginwhatbothsides countries in the world, most of WMO programme, said Delhi
Taipei,sayingtheUKisgo- CHIEF JUSTICE of Pakistan Umar quest, pros and cons of the UKRAINE’SPRESIDENTiswarning predict will be one of the war's TAKING FORWARD the initiative themleastdevelopedansmallis- backedthenewinitiativeaswell.
ing back on its commit- Ata Bandial is likely to deliberate possibility of formation of the thatRussiaisplanningmoremass most important battles. of the India-backed Coalition for land states, do not have any early Yadav recalled India’s success in
ment to the one-China Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s judicial commission would be strikesonitsenergyinfrastructure The Ukrainian government Disaster Resilient Infrastructure warningsystems,theWMOsaid. building a robust early warning
policy. The two-day visit, request for the constitution of a looked into,” the sources said. asofficialsovertheweekendurged has urged those who have fled (CDRI)atlastyear’sclimatemeet- The WMO said the Global infrastructure.“Overthelastfew
which began on Monday, “fullcourtcommission”toprobe Following last week’s inci- civilians to stock up on essentials the country to not return during ing , the World Meteorological Commission on Adaptation had years, we have made concerted
bears political signifi- hispredecessor ImranKhan’s al- dent, there has also been a dead- andbracefor winter.“Wealsoun- the difficult winter months. Organisation on Monday un- found that spending about $ 800 efforts towards making early
cance. “China rejects any legations that he was among the lock over filing an FIR. derstandthattheterroriststateis Vitali Klitschko, the mayor of veiled a five-year programme to milliononearlywarningsystems warningimpact-basedaswellas
country having diplo- threepeoplewhoplottedtheas- Meanehile, Pakistan's SC on concentrating forces and means Kyiv, warned residents over the set up early warning systems couldavoidlossesupto$3-16bil- more easily understandable and
matic ties or any official sassinationbidonhim,The News Monday ordered the Inspector for a possible repetition of mass weekend to prepare for the acrosstheworldtosavelivesand lion every year. actionablebycommunities...We
interactionswithTaiwan," Internationalreported. General of the Punjab province attacks on our infrastructure. worst. “Let’s be frank, our ene- minimisedestructionfromgrow- Last year, CDRI, an interna- would now like to maximise the
said Foreign Ministry According to sources, the to register a case within 24 First of all, energy,” President mies are doing everything for ing number of climate disasters. tionalorganizationformedthree full potential of Early Warning
spokesman Zhao Lijian Supreme Court is waiting for hours, a directive hailed by the Volodymyr Zelenskyy said. thecitytobewithoutheat,with- Theprogramme,launchedby years ago with India’s backing, Systems,” he added.
said Monday. PTI an official request from Prime former primeminister's partyas Ukraine also accused Russia out electricity, so we all die,” he UN Secretary General Antonio had come up with a similar plan FULLREPORTON
Minister Sharif over the mat- a “first step towards justice”. of looting empty homes in the told Ukrainian news outlets. Guterres, envisages an invest- called IRIS, or Infrastructure for


Amid China threats, Taiwan’s bomb shelters are ‘space for life and death’
places.” “It’s a space for life,” she ple,leadingofficialstodeclarethat mapped out and built by Japan, thendecidedtheydidnotwantto Standing in the tunnel, with ernous bomb shelter, tourists at
DAMIEN CAVE & added. “And a space for death.” Keelung has a higher density of whichgovernedTaiwanfrom1895 ruin the original geology. new bricks of bright orange the half-dozen wooden tables
AMY CHANG CHIEN All over her street and many placestohidethananywhereelse untiltheendofWorldWarII,when On a recent tour, Kuo Li-ya, blending with aging gray stone, snapphotographsof theinterior.
KEELUNG, NOVEMBER 7 more in Keelung — which suf- inheavilyfortifiedTaiwan.Andfor Keelungwasabombingtarget. who heads the cultural heritage shespokeofhistorybutacknowl- But locals favor dark humour.
fered its first foreign attack, by alooselyorganisedbandof urban On a recent morning, it department of Keelung’s local edged that the tunnel could also “Many people told me if a war
VISITORS TO Keelung, a moun- the Dutch, in 1642 — the land- planners,artistsandhistorylovers, lookedmorelikeanartgalleryor government, explained the protectpeopleinanotherconflict. breaks out, they would come to
tainous port city on Taiwan’s scape has been carved up for Keelung’sbombsheltershavebe- anightclub.Railsof lightshugged complicated restoration effort, For many in Keelung, past and my restaurant,” said Miao Hsu-
northerncoast,mightreasonably protection. Kitchens connect to come a canvas — for creative ur- the moist walls, shining on which included running small present threats blur. ching, 34, Pufferfish’s owner.
think that the white wall at the underground passageways that banrenewalandcivildefence. sprouts of green plants, the un- cameras above the tunnel to In recent months, China has “They’re certain that we
back of Shi Hui-hua’s breakfast tunnel into the sandstone. Rusty Some of these havens have derground’sonlyburstsof colour. gauge the strength of the ceil- increased the frequency and in- would still provide food.” For
shopis,well,awall.Onlyafewair gates at the ends of alleys lead to beenrecastasculturalspaces.But Concrete floors had been laid ing. She said she hoped it tensity of military drills off generations, children in Keelung
ventssuggestthattheremightbe dark maws that are filled with thesesubterraneanspacesarenot withdrainageareasonthesides. would eventually be connected Taiwan’scoast.XiJinping,China’s have scared one another with
something on the other side. memories of war, and some- justcoolrelics;onaself-governed Hung Chih-chien, 33, a public to local hiking trails and roads. leader,hasalsobecomemorevo- stories of their ghosts, soldiers
“It’s a bomb shelter,” said Shi, times trash or bats — or an altar island that China considers lost A bunker that has been servant in Keelung’s urban plan- “We want people to know the calaboutunificationwithTaiwan, killed and killing. “It’s important
53, as she waited for the morn- or restaurant annex. property it plans to reclaim, they converted into a temple in ningdivision,saidcityofficialshad history, to know the way this reserving the right to use force. to renovate them and connect
ingrush.“Becausewe’reKeelung There are nearly 700 bomb arealso vital infrastructure. Keelung, Taiwan. NYT initiallythoughtofopeningupthe helped protect Keelung,” she At Pufferfish, a restaurant in them with their surrounding ar-
people, we know these kinds of sheltersinthiscityof360,000peo- Most of the bunkers were space and making it a restaurant, said. Keelung that backs into a cav- eas,” Miao said. NYT

New Delhi



`51,201 `81.92 $93.86 `60,596
Note: Gold, silver rates at Delhi spot market, gold per 10g, silver per 1 kg; Crude oil (Indian basket) as of November 4

SENSEX: 61,185.15 ▲ 234.79 (0.39%) NIFTY: 18,202.80 ▲ 85.65 (0.47%) NIKKEI: 27,527.64 ▲ 327.90 HANG SENG: 16,595.91 ▲ 434.77 FTSE: 7,319.57 ▼ 15.27 DAX: 13,567.53 ▲ 107.68
International market data till 1900 IST


ShouldallowgradualRedepreciation, fires 350

‘Facebook parent
Meta preparing
citing funding
large-scale layoffs’
“Medium-termoutlookisgood… BENGALURU,NOVEMBER7 REUTERS
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7 ‘PLI scheme likely to expand to more sectors’ because of balance sheet
strength, as corporates are will- SOFTBANK-BACKED Unacademy

Sectors Approved Actual Actual Actual ing to invest, manufacturing ac- sacked about 10 per cent of its METAPLATFORMSIncisplanning
NOTING THAT foreign exchange applications investment (` cr) production (` cr) employment tivity continues to expand and workforce,oraround350employ- to begin large-scale layoffs this
reserves should be used judi- digital infrastructure (is) becom- ees on Monday citing un- weekthatwillaffectthousandsof
ciously, Chief Economic Advisor Mobile mfg 32 4,258 1,67,770 28,636 ing more and more important in favourablemarketconditionsand employees,theWallStreetJournal
V Anantha Nageswaran on & elec comp improving access to finance and due to the ongoing funding slow- reportedonSundaycitingpeople
Monday said that rupee should Pharma drugs 55 18,669 12,637 13,023 formalisation,” he said. downfortechstartups. familiar with the matter, with an
be allowed to depreciate gradu- Telecom/ 31 689 13,493 10,587 While the world is facing a Unacademy CEO Gaurav announcement planned as early
Mark Zuckerberg, Meta
ally. India’s growth rate is seen to networking polycrisis,whichismultiplecrises Munjalnotifiedthelayoffsinanin- as Wednesday.
chief executive. File
be moderate at 6.5-7 per cent in of high inflation, tightening of ternal email to employees stating Metadeclinedtocommenton
Food products 149 4,166 86,359 1,31,913
2022-23, he said, adding that fi- monetary policy, high interest thatallaffectedemployeeswillbe the WSJ report.
nancing India’s trade deficit TOTAL* 606 40,992 2,85,395 1,97,910 rates, slowdown in China which given a severance pay equivalent Facebook parent Meta in meaningfully, but most other
would be an ‘important’ chal- *for 14 sectors (Source: DPIIT, data till end Sept 2022) affected global supply chain, and to the notice period and an addi- October forecasted a weak holi- teams will stay flat or shrink over
lenge for the year. the Russia-Ukraine war, India is tionaltwomonths.Headdedthat dayquarterandsignificantlymore thenextyear.Inaggregate,weex-
"Wehavenotfacedsuchasit- doing better on both growth and employees will also get an accel- costs next year wiping about $67 pecttoend2023aseitherroughly
uationlikethisinaveryverylong havea targetof 4 per cent but we should augment foreign ex- hopefully in the next two years it inflation fronts and will reap the erated one year vesting period of billion off Meta’s stock market the same size, or even a slightly
time since the end of World War have about 7.4 per cent inflation changereservesjusttokeepour- will happen,” he said. rewards of the hard work done their SOP shares. FE reviewed a value, adding to the more than smaller organisation than we are
II…inrecentyears,wehavefaced ratenow.Sothegapbetweenthe selveswellpreparedforanycon- As per the data shared by the over the last several years, copyof theemail. half a trillion dollars in value al- today”Zuckerbergsaidonthelast
one element or the other…but target and reality is much lower tingencies in 2023 because the CEA in a presentation in the on- Nageswaran said. The CEA said “Even though we realised this ready lost this year. earnings call in late October. The
geopolitics was not an issue, for India than it is for advanced global environment is very risky line event, Rs 40,992 crore of ac- that India needs to maintain muchearlierandtooksomestrin- The disappointing outlook socialmediacompanyhadinJune
commodity prices, only energy countries,”Nageswaransaidatan at the moment,” he said. tual investment is there for PLI macroeconomic stability, con- gent measures such as reducing comesasMetaiscontendingwith cut plans to hire engineers by at
wasanissue,foodpriceswasnot eventorganisedbyindustrybody On the production-linked in- schemesacross14sectorsinclud- tinuedirecttaxreforms,complete ourmonthlyburns,controllingour slowingglobaleconomicgrowth, least30percent,withZuckerberg
an issue at that time…what we Indian Chamber of Commerce. centive scheme, the Chief ingmobiles,pharma,medicalde- ongoingcapexprojectsinthegov- operational spends, limiting our competitionfromTikTok,privacy warning employees to brace for
are facing now is multiple crisis Mostagencieshavebeenlow- Economic Advisor said that it is vices, telecom and networking ernmentandcontinuetoaddress marketing budgets and identify- changes from Apple, concerns an economic downturn.
at all levels." ering their growth forecasts for likely to gain more momentum products among others. 606 ap- the challenges faced by MSMEs. ingotherredundancieswithinthe about massive spending on the Meta’sshareholderAltimeter
"…in 2022-23, compared to India in recent weeks. The and expand to more sectors. “PLI plications have been approved Hesaidthegovernmentisex- organisation, it was not enough. metaverse and the ever-present Capital Management in an open
what we expected at the begin- Reserve Bank of India also cut its isforthemediumandlongterm; which are expected to yield in- pectedtomeetitsfiscaltargetsfor We need to keep optimising and threat of regulation. letter to Mark Zuckerberg had
ning of the year, yes we are going growth projection to 7 per cent it is about creating capacity vestment worth Rs 2.71 lakh thisyear.“Atthemomentourex- building efficient systems for Chief executive Mark previously said the company
to have low growth of 6.5-7 per from7.2percentand7.8percent within India to become a global crore and also expected to result pectation is the fiscal deficit tar- leanerandunprecedentedtimes,” Zuckerberg has said he expects needs to streamline by cutting
cent. But this compared to many earlier. leader, to attract supply chains inemploymentof59lakhpeople. getwillbemet,”hesaid.Thecen- Munjal added. The fresh round of themetaverseinvestmentstotake jobs and capital expenditure.
other countries is a very good Nageswaran said that the into India and to facilitate China- Theactualemploymentstandsat tral government’s fiscal deficit rationalisation at the Unacademy aboutadecadetobearfruit.Inthe Several technology companies,
number and only Saudi Arabia is countryhasadequatereservesto plus-one to happen. The PLI 1.97 lakh. target for this financial year is 6.4 Group was taken due to the mar- meantime, he has had to freeze includingMicrosoftCorp,Twitter
goingtogrowataratefasterthan deal with capital outflows. “We scheme is likely to gain momen- For the medium term, India’s percent of the gross domestic ket challenges forcing the com- hiring, shutter projects and reor- IncandSnapInchavecutjobsand
Indiathisyear.Inflationishighbut should in the short run allow the tum.Rightnowitishappeningin economyshouldgrowattherate product. In April-September, the pany to re-evaluate its decisions, ganize teams to trim costs. “In scaled back hiring in recent
it is not high compared to other rupeetodepreciategraduallyand two or three areas – mobile of 6.5-7 per cent in view of government’s fiscal deficit Munjal added. “Funding has sig- 2023,we’regoingtofocusourin- months as global economic
countries. Other countries had a we should use foreign exchange phones, pharmaceuticals and deleveragingofcorporatebalance widenedtoRs6.20lakhcrore,ac- nificantlysloweddownandalarge vestments on a small number of growthslowsduetohigherinter-
target of 2 per cent but they have reserves judiciously, keeping the chemicals but it has to pick up sheets and the government’s re- counting for 37.3 percent of the portion of our core business has highprioritygrowthareas.Sothat est rates, rising inflation and an
inflation of 8-10 per cent. We fire-power for 2023 as well…we steam in other areas as well and form measures, he said. full-year target. movedoffline,”hesaid. means some teams will grow energy crisis in Europe.
After this round of layoffs, at
least 900 of its people stand af-

Debroy: There should ‘Festive fervour puts auto 3,28,645units

ees in June, and the 600 workers
the company fired in April.


(A Government of Karnataka undertaking)

be a single GST rate


Passengervehicle Corporate Office, “MESCOM BHAVANA”, Bejai, Mangaluru - 575 004

retail sales in fast lane in Oct’ retailslastmonth,
Ph: 0824-2885795
CIN: U40109 KA 2002 SGC 030425
Date: 04.11.2022
Aided by robust festive season offtake, automobile retail —tohavelaidoffitsstaffinthelast
sales in India witnessed a 48% annual jump in October, few months due to a funding
ENSECONOMICBUREAU There are 4 major GST crunch. In the recent past, multi- MESCOM invites SHORT TERM TENDER for Manufacture & Supply of
automotive dealers’ body Federation of Automobile 15,71,165units ple edtech peers like Vedantu, following material as per technical specification:
slabs: 5%, 12%, 18% and Dealers Associations said
Two-wheeler InvactMetaversity,FrontRowhave Name of the Material proposed
STATING THAT the current taxa- 28%. Some demerit and registrations sacked several employees to re- Tender No
for Procurement
tion system is not generating luxury goods in the 28% 20,94,378units witnesseda51% duce their cash burn while Lido MESCOM/2022-23/ 8 MVA, 33/11 KV Power Transformer with 1 No
enoughrevenuestomeetfunding Thetotalretailsaleslast jumplastmonthcompared Learning and Udayy each fired all IND881/CALL-2 OLTC, RTCC &Accessories.
requirements for infrastructure
bracket attract with10,39,845unitsin their100-plusstaffandshutshop
month,up48%from The interested eligible bidders may log on to :
creation and services delivery, additional levy of cesses 14,18,726registrationsin Oct 2021 because their entirely online on or after 08.11.2022.
Prime Minister’s Economic October2021 teaching models didn’t yield de-
AdvisoryCouncilChairmanBibek 74,443units siredresults. FE Sd/- Superintending Engineer (Ele.) (Proc.), Corporate Office
Debroy on Monday said India bydirecttaxes,notGST,orindirect Commercial For Power Related Complaints & Assistance Call Toll Free Number 1912
should have a single goods and taxes,” Debroy said, adding that vehicleretailsales
services tax (GST) rate and an ex- thesewerehispersonalviews.The POSTGRADUATE INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL EDUCATION & RESEARCH, CHANDIGARH
emption-less tax regime. estimate of GST revenue neutral lastmonth,asagainst Global Tender Enquiry Notice No. PI(EP)/22-23/G/06 Phone No. 0172-2756469
The combined tax collection rate made by the Department of Theregistrationslastmonthwere Thefestiveseasonthisyearturned 59,363unitsintheyear- Tender applications are invited for purchase of various items against tender No. 1-10 from the Manufacturers or their sole
authorized distributors/agents. The bidders can place their bids as per terms & conditions contained on
of Centre and states is just 15 per EconomicAffairsmadebeforethe evenbetterby8%asagainst outtobethebestfortheindustryin agoperiod
cent of GDP, while the require- GSTrolloutwas17percent,butthe October2019,apre-Covidmonth thelastfouryears Sr. Equipment/Item Name Quantity EMD Bid submission Bid opening Deptt. Name
ment for government spending average GST rate at present is 11.5 N date Date
Non-Pre Bid cases
on public infrastructure, educa- percent,hesaid.“Wemustbewill- Last month, all the vehicle segments like passenger and commercial vehicles, two-wheelers,
1 Fluorescent Microscope With Colored Camera And Monitor 01 Set. Rs.40,000/- 28.11.2022 29.11.2022 Urology
tion, healthcare and defence is ing to pay tax or we must be will- tractors and three-wheelers performed better as compared to the year-ago period Source: FADA/PTI 2 CUSA 02 Nos. Rs.1,60,000/- -do- -do- Surgical Gastro
around23percentofGDP,hesaid. ingtosettleforreduceddeliveryof 3 Rapid Fast Flow Blood & Fluid Warmer System 02 Nos. Rs.80,000/- -do- -do- Surgical Gastro
“On GST, it is my submission publicgoodsandservices,”hesaid, 4 Portable Ultrasound Machine for Main O.T. 01 No. Rs.50,000/- -do- -do- Neurosurgery
thereforethereshouldbeasingle addingthattherevenueforegone

Rupee rises to 81.92 against USD

5 Ultracentrifuge 01No. Rs.89,680/- -do- -do- Biochemistry
rate. I don’t think we will ever get becauseofexemptionsbythegov- Pre Bid Cases
it,”DebroysaidaddressingaTIOL ernmentis5-5.5percentof GDP. 6 Ultrasound Machine 01No. Rs.1,80,000/- 29.11.2022 30.11.2022 Pediatrics
Tax Congress 2022 event here. Whiletaxevasionisillegal,tax 7 MALDI-TOF MS 01No. Rs.2,50,000/- -do- -do- Medical

Microbiology (R.G.C)
TherearefourmajorGSTslabs avoidance, by using exemption
8 Fully Motorized Microscope With Meta-Analysis And 01 No. Rs.2,20,000/- -do- -do- Stem Cell
now:5percent,12percent,18per clausestoreducetaxburden,isle- Fish Hybridization (TR&M)
cent and 28 per cent. Some de- gitimate. “Do we need these tax nallysettledat81.92,registeringa

9 HPLC 01No. Rs.1,00,000/- -do- -do- Internal Medicine

meritandluxurygoods,whichare exemptions? The more tax ex- ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU USFed rise of 45 paise over its previous (R.G.C)

in the 28 per cent bracket, attract emptionsIhave,themorecompli- MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 7 comments closeamidapositivetrendindo- 10 Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA) 01No. Rs.2,00,000/- -do- -do- Neurosurgery

additional levy of cesses, the pro- cated it becomes. Why can’t we boost mestic equities. Tender document can also be downloaded from website and can be applied on website Bid
ceedsofwhichgotoseparatefund haveasimpletaxstructuredevoid The rupee appreciated by 43 ● sentiment The currency had hit a low of
Security (EMD) should be for the amount as per tender documents either in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit
Receipts (FDR), Banker’s Cheque or Bank Guarantee Form issued by Scheduled Commercial Bank having its validity at least for one
meant to compensate states for of all exemptions. We must at paise to close at a one-month 83.12 in October. year & duly pledged in favour of Director, PGIMER, Chandigarh. The tenders will be opened on the dates given above at 03:00 PM in
the presence of the authorized intending tenderers. Tenders not submitted on the prescribed form, not accompanied with Bid Security
revenue shortfall and repayment somepointagreewewillmoveto highof81.92againsttheUSdollar FAVOURABLE COM- Ontheotherhand,theSensex shall be summarily rejected. The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders received without assigning any
of compensation related loans. acompletelyexemption-lesssys- on Monday amid a weak MENTS from the US closed at 61,185.15 up by 234.79 reason thereof. “PRE-BID CONFERENCE”WITH INTENDING BIDDERS FOR ITEM Sr. No. 6 to 10 shall be held on 15.11.2022 from
03:30 P.M. ONWARDS IN THE PI(EP), OFFICE, PGIMER, CHANDIGARH. The intending bidders are free to join Pre bid Conference
Debroy said that if the differ- tem,”Debroysaid.Theartificialdif- Americancurrencyandsustained Federal Reserve also points or 0.39 per cent, while through video conference. For more details contact: 0172-2756469 at Procurement Branch (Import).
entialtaxratesforproductsofelit- ference between corporate taxes foreign fund inflows. Favourable boosted the forex market Nifty 50 ended at 18,202.80 NOTE 1. The terms and Conditions of the original Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) available on PGIMER Website will remain same. However
on switching over to e-tendering on e-Procurement, the bids will be received in electronic form on e-Procurement website and no bid
ist nature and those of mass con- and personal income taxes (PIT) comments from the US Federal sentiment. The currency higherby85.65pointsor0.47per will be received in Physical form. The EMD will be received in Physical form in Procurement Branch (Import) and scan copy is
sumption is done away with, it should be removed, he added. "A Reserve also boosted the forex had hit a low of 83.12 in cent. to be uploaded in electronic form on e-procurement website, CPPP Portal (Central Public Procurement Portal).
NOTE 2. If any of the tender opening dates happens to be a holiday in PGIMER, Chandigarh, then the same shall be opened on next
wouldlessenlitigation.“Asapolity, lot of unincorporated businesses market sentiment. October. Foreign investors Foreign investors have full working day.
weneedtorecognisethattheGST pay taxes under personal income Thelocalunitopenedat82.14 have pumped Rs 14,538 pumped Rs 14,538 crore Additional Terms and Conditions.
1. The Institute has adopted amended Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) which is available on e-Procurement website
really shouldbe thesameregard- taxes. This (removing difference) and touched an intra-day high of crore into equity and debt intoequityanddebtinNovember ( and Website: Therefore the bidders are requested to go through the
lessoftheproduct.Ifprogressivity will also reduce administrative 81.90 and a low of 82.32 against in November so far. so far. Fullreport Instructions Carefully before submitting bids.
2. The performance bank guarantee will be deposited @ 3% of the Contract value in compliance to the G.O.I. Letter No. F 9/4/2020-
is to be introduced, it is best done compliance,"hesaid. the greenback. The local unit fi- PPD dated 30.12.2021.
3. The above items are relaxed to invite Global Tender Enquiry under rule 161 (IV) of G.F.R rules 2017, therefore Para 5 of Annexure

‘44% of realty deals

‘A’ of NIT will not be applicable in these cases.

RBI Dy Guv to

MFIs: Balance
New Delhi: Tamil Nadu
still involve cash’ borrowers’
Finance Minister Palanivel
Thiaga Rajan has said there ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU
It said property transactions
emerged as the top area of cash interest
isroomforimprovementin MUMBAI,NOVEMBER7 usagefromavaluepertransaction Mumbai: Reserve Bank of India
functioning of GST regime. standpoint in the 2021 survey. (RBI)DeputyGovernorRajeshwar
Speaking at the TIOL Tax SIX YEARS after demonetisation “Theresponsesrevealedthat8 Rao Monday warned microfi-
Congress,2022,hesaidthere ofhighvaluecurrencytoweedout percentofthe11,499respondents nance lenders against irresponsi-
are “sincere concerns” on black money in circulation and to the query had paid over 50 per ble lending and asked them to
whetherGSTismovingtoits check the growth of the parallel cent in cash. Of the remaining, a growbusinesswhilebalancingthe
best possible state by dedi- economy, anecdotal evidence re- whopping 35 per cent refused to interestof vulnerableborrowers.
cating right amount of re- veals that people are still paying divulge, 21 per cent claimed they He said customer protection
sources, human and tech- or accepting black money in real hadpaidnocashduringthetrans- liesattheRBI’sregulationforthe
nology as well as data estate transactions, says a survey. action, 15 per cent had paid be- microfinancesectorandthereg-
analytics. “People are still selling and tween30-50percentofthetrans- ulatorhaszerotoleranceformis-
buying products like hardware, actionincash,13percenthadpaid conduct towards the borrowers.
IndiGoplanes paintsandmanyotherhousehold
10-30 per cent cash and the re-
Speaking at an event last
week, he said that exclusive fo-
New Delhi: IndiGo on delivering services without 10percentof thevalueincash,”it cus on growth and bottom
Mondaysaidthataround30 proper receipts,” said the survey said. The situation may look to lines without considering the
aircraftaregroundeddueto by LocalCircles, a community so- have improved compared to the vulnerabilities of the borrowers
“supply chain disruptions” cial media platform. As much as survey in November 2021 when by any entity is fraught with
andthecountry’slargestair- 44percentofthosesurveyedwho 70percentoftherespondentshad pitfallsandirresponsiblelending
lineisevaluatingwetleasing bought a property in the last 7 admittedtopayingcashaspartof by afew lendersendsupputting
of planes and other options years saying that they had to pay transaction for property acquired the interests of the entire indus-
to boost operations. PTI acomponentincashissomething intheprevious7years. Fullreport try at risk. Full report
worth noting, it said. on

New Delhi
18 CLASSIFIEDS & TENDERS It is for general information that I Jitin S/O, Rajeev Chawla R/o

Anwer Mahboob, R/o Dr.Aejaz
Masih B-45, Mujeeb Bagh,
Flat No.1504, Tower 3, Emaar
Palm Gardens, Sec 83,
General public is hereby
informed that my client Mrs.
My client Kamla W/o Late Sh.
Santraj R/o 397, Balmiki Basti,
Gurgaon-122004 have changed Whilst care is taken prior to HC/GD D. MUKHOPADHYAY
Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Davinder Kaur W/o Mr. Near Church Wali Gali,
my name to Jitin Chawla for all Pawanjeet Singh having her GRSEL KOLKATA 08-11-2018
Nagar, New Delhi-110025 Mehrauli, Asola, Fatehpur Beri, acceptance of advertising CISF proudly remembers the supreme sacrifice of this
PERSONAL declare that name of mine, my
purposes. 0040639482-1 address at 209/5, Khasra No.
642, Mohalla Sarai, Shahdara,
South Delhi, Delhi-110074, has
copy, it is not possible to verify brave-heart. On 08-11-2018, he laid down his lives at
Delhi-110032 is the legal owner
disowned and debarred her
I,Bindu Pandey,W/o Dev father and my mother has been I Barsha Pathak D/O, Gadapani son Deep Kumar & his wife its contents. The Indian the altar of duty. His courage and bravery would remain
of the above mentioned property
Shankar Pandey, R/o B-38, wrongly written as YOUSUF Pathak R/o Flat No S3, A38 Jyoti from her all movable, an abiding source of inspiration for the force. The force
ANWAR HUSSAIN and ANWAR Building Freedom Fighter
and is the only person having
immovable properties and has
Express (P) Limited cannot be will remain eternally indebted to him for his noblest
Indian Express Apartment, authority to sell the property. Any
Mayur Kunj,Delhi-110096,have HUSSAIN and RANA ANWAR in Enclave Nebsarai Delhi 110068 person dealing in the purchase no relation with them in future. held responsible for such deed.
of property with anyone, other Sd/- (Shabbir Ali)
changed my name to Bindu my all Educational Documents. have changed my name to than my client shall do so at his/ contents, nor for any loss or
Devi,for all purposes. The actual name of mine, my Barsha Gadapani Pathak for all her own risk and responsibilities Enrol. No. D-508/13 damage incurred as a result of
father and my mother are purposes. 0040639488-1 and my client shall have no
0040639485-1 responsibility or liability of any
CH.NO. 576, SAKET transactions with companies,
I,HINA KAUSAR,W/O. ANWER MAHBOOB and RANA IT is for general information kind whatsoever arising out of
act(s) and/or omission (s).
associations or individuals
MOHAMMAD ISMAIL,ADD-A- respectively, which may be that I Dharam Pal Balyan, S/o advertising in its newspapers
amended accordingly
Shri Aflatoon Singh, residing at
Prakritik Chikitsa Kendra,
E.No. D-1894/2000
That our client Chandramani Sharma
W/o. Late Sh. Jawaharlal Sharma R/o
or Publications. We therefore E-Auction Notice
Village- Gijhore, Near C-79, Hirak Ring Road, Near Pani tanki, recommend that readers
I,Karan Handa S/O Ashok Kumar Sector-53, Noida, Gautam PUBLIC NOTICE
Kusum Vihar-2 BCCL Township,
DELHI-110084,Changed my Dhanbad, Jharkhand- 826005

name to HINA KAUSER,for

Handa R/O A-12,Satyawati Buddha Nagar, Noida-201301, That our client Rajiv Ranjan Sharma (hereinafter referred to
“Undersigned”) do hereby declare and
as before sending any monies or invites e-bids for licensing out Swaran Jayanti
Colony Phase-3, Ashok-Vihar
all,future Purposes.
Delhi-110052,have changed my
Uttar Pradesh, declare that S/o Late Sh. Jawaharlal Sharma,
R/o K-53 Sector 12 Noida (Here in
affirm that the undersigned out of free
Will and consent to disown one of son
entering into any agreements Multipurpose Hall at Jagadhari, Yamuna Nagar on
0040639498-3 name of my wife has been after referred to as “Undersigned”) namely Rajnish Ranjan Sharma S/o with advertisers or otherwise License basis for a period of 9 Years (3+3+3) on
name to Karan Handa.
wrongly written as Sunita in do hereby declare and affirm that for Late Sh. Jawaharlal Sharma, from all
I,Yeshwant Thakur S/o Thakur 0040639498-1 over of last 3 years, relation of the the properties i.e Movable and acting on an advertisement in “as is where is basis” E-Auction documents are
my PPO No.131200000669. The Immovable specifically mentioned in
Singh R/o-B-5/6, 4051, Vasant-
I,INDRAWATI,W/o PRABHU actual name of Wife is Sunita
undersigned with his brother namely
the below mentioned description of any manner whatsoever. available at the website of HTC i.e. www.haryana-
Kunj, New Delhi-110070,have Rajnish Ranjan Sharma S/o Late properties. The above-named son is not
changed my name to Yeshwant
NATH UPADHYAY,R/o-9/772, Balyan which may be amended Sh. Jawaharlal Sharma presently
residing in Dubai, are not fruitful on
according to temperaments of the
undersigned and not the obedient, and as well as on NIC portal http://eauc-
Lodhi Colony, Palika Maternity accordingly. 0070811559-1
Singh Thakur for-all-purposes.
Hospital,LodhiRoad, Delhi-
account of having the temperament
issues, also having different thought
the son is intentionally not taking care of
the undersigned and not fulfilling the for online participation.
0040639521-2 I, Sh. Sameer Khan, S/o Sh. basic needs of the undersigned.
110003,have changed my name
I,Yati, W/o-YogeshAddress- to INDRAWATI UPADHYAY,for Zameer Khan R/o House
process towards each other.
Therefore, considering the above
Therefore, the undersigned has Last date for submission of documents are
severed all the relations with the above-
885,tf-4 Niti khand- 1 all,future purposes. No.1969, Gali Rajan Kucha stated issues, undersigned severed named son and disowned from the 21.11.2022 till 11.00 AM & E-Auction will start from
all the relations to his above-named properties for forever. Henceforth if who
indirapuram Ghaziabad Uttar 0040639498-6 Chalan, Darya Ganj, Central
brother and the family thereof, and soever will deal with the said properties, 23.11.2022 (11 am) to 23.11.2022 (04 pm)
Pradesh 201014, changed my Delhi- 110002, am the owner of not more into the contact with him wherefrom the son has disowned, the

name to Yati Arora

I,Gavar singh rana, S/o matwar the property situated at T- for last one year, Hence the under-signed and the other, family
members of the undersigned shall not For enquiry please call at mobile no.
singh, Address.G-402B phase-6 concerned people are intimated or
aya-nagar,New Delhi-110047,
2501/1, New Subhash Mohalla,
informed, the above-named brother
be responsible for any acts, covenants,
and deeds, the third party and the son 8742901812 (Sh. Rajpal, Assistant General
Nai Wala Karol Bagh, New Delhi.
I,Vishal S/o,No.14243100Y Rank changed my name to GABAR
The Allotment slip of the said
is in person shall not be responsible
for any of his deeds, covenants, and
shall be in own responsible for all such
acts, covenants, and deeds etc. Manager). Managing Director, HTC reserves the
Ex NK Raj Singh Sharma R/o, Singh rana Grand. 0040639498-5
property went missing. It's a acts, neither the undersigned and Description of Properties
1. Hirak Ring Road, Near Pani Tanki, right to accept or reject any or all bids without
H/no.142-A,Vijay Nagar Colony, nor his family is into the contact with
Village, Bawana,Delhi-39,have
I,GINNI KATHURIA W/O HARDEEP humble request to return the the above named brother, and shall
Kusum Vihar-2 BCCL Township,
Dhanbad, Jharkhand- 826005. assigning any reason.
SINGH R/O B-74,RISHI said document if any one finds
changed my to Vishal Sharma
not be responsible for his deeds,
covenants, and acts, in any means.
2. FD having instrument no. 019219,
06503, 90655052, deposited in Bank ISSUED BY
it. Kindly contact on 9810233509
vide affidavit dt.7.11.22, before.
BAGH,DELHI-110034.HAVE if someone finds it. MR. SAMIR KUMAR
Sd/- of India.
3. FD having instrument 15704569, 13613/HRY MANAGING DIRECTOR
Delhi. 0040639503-1 15704568, 15704570 deposited in
CHANGED MY NAME TO GINNI 0040639436-1 Advocate
Ch. No. 858, 8th Floor,
I,V Karthik S/o Vijay Kumar Pillai FOR ALL PURPOSES. Dwarka Court 4. All the Amount deposited into SBI
Bank having account number
R/o,RZB-19,Vijay Enclave, 0040639518-6 Lawyers Chambers, Sector-10,
Dabri, Palam-Village, South- LOST & FOUND Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 34289196137
West, Delhi-110045,have
KEDAR NATH BHARDWAJ R/O Lost original Possession, Site Advocate
changed my name to Karthik Ch. No. 858, 8th Floor, Dwarka Court
HNO.D-1/15,MIG FLAT,SECTOR- Possession Letter, Demand- Lawyers Chambers, Sector-10,
Pillai. 0040639521-5
15,ROHINI,DELHI-110089. cum-Allotment Letter, NOC Dwarka, New Delhi-110075

I,Shweta Tyagi W/o Parveen CHANGED MY NAME TO (Water- Electricity- Inventory)

Tyagi,R/o WZ-106-A,Village DEVENDER KUMAR. of DDA Janta Flat No.BC-82B, Public Notice
General Public is hereby informed that my
Budela Vikaspuri Delhi-18,have 0040639518-5 FF, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi- clients Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Budhiraja S/o
changed my name to Seema 110088. Finder contact Madan Lt. Sh. Madan Lal Budhiraja and his wife
I,Bishan Swaroop S/o Suraj
Tyagi,for all purposes. Lal s/o Hari Chand, Mob. Neena Budhiraja both R/o M-133, Vikas
Bhan R/o G-51,Auchandi Road, Puri, New Delhi-18 have served all their
0040639521-1 9899058872 0040639435-2
Bawana, Delhi changed name relations with their daughter Ms. Nitika
I,Shahjahan Begum W/o Mohd to Bishan Saroop. 0040639503-8 I Chander Sain, s/o Late Shri Budhiraja due to her bad habits. Both of
my above named clients have also
Yamin R/o Y-844,Mangolpuri, Kundan Lal, 2996 Gali Chakki disowned and debarred their said daugh-
Delhi-110083,inform that in my Wali Mori Gate Delhi 6, I have ter from all their movable and immovable
W/O-Bhupender Paul Singh, lost my allotment cum assets and properties. Anybody dealing
Passport-no.H9334332 my
R/O-A-244,Pocket -00,Block- demand letter file no with Ms. Nitika Budhiraja will do so at
father name was written as his/her/their own risk and responsibilities
A,Sector-2,Rohini Delhi-110085 F16(9397)/2012/RHN plot
Muhmmad Hlime,whereas his and my clients will not be responsible for
have changed my name to no1874 Pocket C1 Sector 34
correct-name is Mohammad any act, deed or dealing done by her.
Bhavna Dhiman. 0040639518-4 Rohini issued by DDA. if found Subhash Chawla (Advocate)
Halim. 0040639503-10
kindly contact 9811816201 Enrol No : D/31/1982 M : 9810838189
I,Santosh Sharma 0040639430-9
W/o,No.14243100Y Rank Ex NK PUBLIC NOTICE
VIVEK VIHAR,EAST DELHI, I, Suchitra Gupta, W/o Late Sh.
SHAHDARA,DELHI 110095, D.N. Gupta R/o B-1329, Gaur
changed my name to BHARTI Green Avenue, Abhay Khand-2,
Bawana,Delhi-39,have RIGHTS ADMEASURING 80 SQ. MTRS.,
PATAWARI. 0040639518-1 Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
vide-affidavit dt.07.11.2022, I,Anil Kumar,S/O Mangal Singh (U.P.)-201010 have lost my SMT. SONIA DATTA (SELLER). SELLER HAS
before.Delhi 0040639503-2 R/O,WZ-9A,1st-Floor Sant- ownership papers of Flat LETTER DATED 24.12.2009 & MUTATION
Nagar Extension Tilak Nagar, No.36, Uttranchal Cooperative THE SAID PROPERTY.
Delhi-110018,have changed my INTEREST IN THE AFORESAID PROPERTY,
MOHAN LAL JAIN,R/o C-304, Patparganj, Delhi-110092 from HE/SHE SHOULD INFORM & GIVE INTIMATION
name to Anil kumar,Bhatti,for TO THE UNDERSIGNED WITHIN 15 DAYS
All Futura Purpose.
DELHI,SHAHDARA, DELHI and misplaced mine copy also.
0040639498-10 SUBHASH GUPTA
110095,changed my name to FIR No.694170/2021. Finder
SHANTI LAL JAIN. 0040639518-2 I,Aarti Sandhu W/o Rupesh please contact above address; 125, FIRST FLOOR, ANAND NAGAR,
Kumar R/o 239 Pkt. B-5, Sector- Mobile 9811031862.
I,Roshan Lal S/o Ranu Ram R/o-
8,Rohini Delhi-110085,have 0040639431-1
558, Block-k-2, Sangam Vihar,
changed my name to Aarti. PUBLIC NOTICE
New Delhi-110062,have Lost original General Power of It is for the information of general SR. NAME OF NAME OF OPENING AMOUNT/ WEBSITE OF NODAL
changed my name to Roshan Attorney dt.12/03/1985 public that my client Smt. Kanta No. BOARD/ WORK NOTICE DATE CLOSING EMD (APPROX.) THE BOARD OFFICER/CONTACT
regd.with Noida Authority vide
0040639521-3 2627, Gali No.12, Main Pandav 1 THE PANIPAT PROCESS 03.11.2022 109.15 LACS https://etenders.hry. 9416281313
TAHOOR, ADD-1544,PATAUDI Book No-4 Jild No-165, pages Road, Bholanath Nagar, CO-OP CHEMICAL + 5 10.11.2022 rajkumar_dhi-
HOUSE DARYA GANJ CENTRAL 195-200, Document No-4479, Shahdara, Delhi-110032 has
I,Rameet Singh,S/O Satinderjeet SUGAR MILLS OTHERS
DELHI-110002,Changed my executed by Dhan Dev Kumar severed all her relations with her LIMITED
Singh Kohli,R/O-C-28,Second son Surjeet and his wife Smt.
name to ALFIA EQBAL,for all favouing Nandi Vardhan Jain. PANIPAT
Floor,C C Colony,Rana Pratap Anjali and has disowned them
future Purposes. 0040639518-8 Finder contact N.V.Jain R/o- from all her movable and
changed to my name Rameet I, Sudha Dubey, D/o Aniruddh 14,Arihant Nagar, Rohtak immovable properties due to their
Road, Punjabhi Bagh, New PUBLIC NOTICE misbehaviour and misdeeds. My 13616/HRY
Singh Kohli for future. Prasad Dubey, R/o Post- Sh. Harish Chand, Emp ID client shall not be responsible or
Delhi-26, Mob- 9811039625 liable in future for any acts and
0040639518-3 Soharatagad, Niyav Rajasv
Gaw, Bhadaw, Siddharthnagar,
0040639435-1 19990143 TGT (Natural deeds of her above named son Government of Madhya Pradesh
I,Rajeev Kumar,S/o Ayodhya Science), GBSSS (RK), and/or daughter in law.
Nath Nayyar R/o-WZ-456 T.F
Shoharatgarh, Uttar Pradesh- The allotment and possession Madanpur Khadar, New Delhi Sd/- Ghanshyam Dass Sharma Office of the Engineer-in-Chief Water Resources Department,
272205, have changed my name R/o Village-Phalen, Tehsil
Rishi,Nagar Rani,Bagh Delhi-
letter of the property bearing
Chhata, District Mathura, U.P.-
Enrol. No. D/188/12 Advocate
Jal Sansadhan Bhawan, Tulsi Nagar, Bhopal (M.P.)
to Swati Dubey. 0070811549-1 no:C-9/26, Yamuna Vihar,
110034,have changed my name
Delhi-110053 against which 281403 is absent from official BLOCK, TIS HAZARI COURTS, Email Id: Tel: 0755-2767635 Fax: 0755-2552406
to Rajeev Kumar Nayyar. I, Satyavan, S/o Late Chandra duties since 15/10/2009. Final DELHI-54.
NCR dated 15.10.2022 and N.I.T. No. 941/2022-23/E-in-C/e-tendering Bhopal, Dated 31.10.2022
0040639503-6 Pal Sharma, R/o Village opportunity is given to him to
06.11.2022 was lodged is not Bids for following works are invited on website Last Date of purchase/
Angadpur, Post Angadpur, report to the school HOS PUBLIC NOTICE
I,Radhey Shyam s/o Paras Ram recoverable yet. within a week. Non-reporting Be, it known to all the concerned that my download of Bid Document and submission of bid is 25.11.2022, 17:30 hrs. Any amendment/modification
District Etah, U.P.-207121, have
R/o N-21,South Extension Part- 0040639518-1 shall be considered as client Smt. Rajvinder Kaur w/o late Ranjit
can be seen only on the website. Detailed N.I.T. and other details can be viewed on above mentioned
changed my name to Satyavan Singh R/o Plot no. 119, Lower Ground floor,
1, New Delhi-110049,have deemed resignation. Khasra no. 1931, Block-B, Vasant Kunj
Sharma for all future purposes. HOS
Enclave, New Delhi-110070, have served all
changed my name to Radhey her relations and disowned and disinherited
0070811561-1 S. Tender No. Work District Amount
Shyam Gupta permanently. PUBLIC NOTICE GBSSS(RK),
Madanpur Khadar
her son Parvinder Singh, grandson namely
Ram Neet Singh and her son's wife (Bahu)
No. (Lakhs)
0040639498-2 I, Rasid Ali, S/o Shakur Ahmed, namely Parvinder Kaur from all her movable
New Delhi-110076 and immovable properties as they have
R/o 7/596, West Guru Angad become disobedient disloyal and 1. 2022_WRD_ On Turnkey Basis:- Construction of Kapsi Nagbaba Barrage Dhar 484.00
I,RUBY PARVEEN,W/O Shri Baljit (School ID-1925006) disrespectful to my client and have been
Nagar, Laxmi Nagar, East Delhi, acting against her will and interest. That any 230073 across Beghini river, as per detailed scope of work but not limited
Singh R/O.KG-3/167,Ground and every of their deeds prior to the said
Delhi-110092, have changed my to that.
Floor,Vikas Puri, New-Delhi- publication may be treated as Null & Void.

110018,Changed name after

name to Rashid Ali. PUBLIC NOTICE Anybody dealing with them shall be doing so
at their own risk, cost and responsibility and 2. 2022_WRD_ Construction of Koteshwar Tank automatic gate and increasing Mandsaur 454.27
Be it knows to all that my Clients Sh Ram
0070811563-1 my client shall not be held responsibility in
230074 the length of Canal.
marriage is RUBY DEOL. Kishan S/o- late Sh Ram Swarup, and Mrs.
Pushpa W/o- Sh Ram Kishan Both are
any manner whatsoever for any of their acts.
Sd/- (RAM NARESH) Advocate
0040639503-12 I, Ranveer Singh Gujjar, S/o Resident of H.No-379, Block-29, Trilokpuri
450, Lawyers Chamber, Patiala House 3. 2022_WRD_ Construction of Boundary wall and Repair & Maintenace of Vidisha 60.42
(Himatpuri), New Delhi-110091, my clients
Narender Kumar, R/o E-122, has disowned/served their relations from
Court, New Delhi-01 Mob.: 9910285863
230076 Residential building for Water Resources colony campus sironj.
I,PARVEEN KUMAR SHARMA,S/O their son namely Yogesh S/o- Sh Ram
Saket, Delhi-110017, have
CHIRANJEET LAL R/O A-70, Kishan and their daughter-in-law namely 4. 2022_WRD_ Hiring of 08 Nos Vibratory Compactors Paid Food Type Weighing Sagar 132.01
changed my name to Ranveer Anju Saini, W/o- Sh Yogesh. They PUBLIC NOTICE
NEAR NURSERY PARK, Disowned from their all movable and 230077 10 To 12 Tones with Working Capacity 250 Cubic meters per hour
Singh for all Purposes. immovable properties of Native place and
To be known to all that my client Anil
GUJRANWALA TOWN PART-1, Delhi, due to their unwarranted
Tandon S/o Sh.Hukum Chand Tandon and model in January 2013 and onwards.
0070811540-1 R/o Society Flat No. B-623, Panchwati
DELHI-110009.CHANGED MY behavior/acts and anti-social conduct
towards to my clients. My clients will not be CGHS Ltd, Plot No. 8, Bodella Phase- 5. 2022_WRD_ On Turnkey Basis:- Construction of Dadpur Stop Dam, as per Damoh 592.04
NAME TO PRAVEEN KUMAR I, Namrata, W/o Harshit Kumar, responsible for all any acts, deeds and II, Vikas Puri, New Delhi. The Original
document i.e. Share Certificate in 230078 detailed scope of work but not limited to that.
things done by them, In future, whatsoever,
SHARMA. 0040639503-4 R/o Flat No-1901, 19th Floor, whoever deals, in any manner with them, respect of Society Flat No. B-623,
Block S2, Super Tech they may do so at their own free will and Panchwati CGHS Ltd, Plot No. 8, Bodella 6. 2022_WRD_ On Turnkey Basis:- Construction of Adanwara Stop Dam, as per Damoh 725.13
Phase-II, Vikas Puri, New Delhi has been
I,Naresh Kumar s/o Ram responsibilities.
Sd/- A.K. DEY (Advocate) 230079 detailed scope of work but not limited to that.
Ecovillage-1, Greater Noida lost. An FIR to this effect has been
Chander R/o H. No.144, F/F, DDA Ch. No. 559, Lawyers’ Chamber Block, lodged in Police Station, Vide NCR/LR
West UP, have changed my PUBLIC NOTICE Saket Court Complex, New Delhi-17 No. 953680/2022 dated: 06/11/2022. 7. 2022_WRD_ On Turnkey Basis:- Construction of Digdoli Stop Dam, as per Guna 255.85
Janta Flats, Pul Pehlad Pur,New General public is hereby informed that Any Person(s) claiming any right,
name to Namrata Kumari for all 230080 detailed scope of work but not limited to that,
Delhi-110044,have changed my our client (1.) Sh. Joginder Singh S/o interest, having any objection or found
future purposes. 0070811544-1 Late Arjun Singh (2.) Smt. Mahender Pal in possession of original document
name to Naresh Mongia Kaur w/o Sh. Joginder Singh both R/o may write/contact with above named
IYûSXû³ff ÀfZ ¶f¨f³fZ IYe °fe³f ¶ff°fZÔ ¶fWbX°f ªføYSXe, Sd/-
House No. 4A/8, 2nd Floor, Old Rajinder person at above address within 15
permanently. 0040639503-11 I, Lucky Rani, W/o Late Rajesh Nagar, New Delhi-110060 have days from the date of publication of MXeIYf »f¦f½ff³ff, ¸ffÀIY ´fWX³f³ff AüSX A´f³ff³ff Qû ¦fªf QcSXeÜ Chief Engineer (Procurement)
disowned/ debarred/disinherited their G-18952/22
Kumar, R/o I 109 A, Railway son Mr. Jaspreet Singh and his wife Smt.
this notice.
I,Mohammed Yamin S/o Ismail Manpreet Kaur with immediate effect
Sd/- B.B.N.Deo, Advocate
Bhilawa Colony, Sujanpura SR-II, B Coumpus, Janak Puri, ND-58
Khan R/o Y-844, Mangolpuri, from their all movable and immovable
Road, Alambagh, Lucknow, assets and they have also
Delhi-110083, have changed my ceased/severed all kinds of relations with
Uttar Pradesh-226005, have them since they are not under control of
name to Mohd Yamin. our clients. Henceforth, anyone dealing
changed my name to Anju with them shall be doing so at his/her own
0040639503-9 costs, risks and consequences and our
Sharma. 0070811545-1 clients shall not be liable for the same in
I,Maya W/o Late Khem Chand any manner and under any
I, Lakhan Chaurasia, S/o Kailash circumstances.
R/o Harijan,Mohalla 23,Village RAMA SHANKER & ASSOCIATES
Chaurasiya, R/o Naya Behasa, Advocate
Iradat,Nagar alias Naya,Bans X-32/A, Civil Wing, Lawyers Chambers,
Post- Amausi Airport, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi-110054
Delhi-110082,changed my
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-
name to Maya Devi.
226009, have changed my name
0040639503-7 PUBLIC NOTICE
to Lacchhu Chaurasiya.
General Public is hereby informed that my
I,Manoj Kumar S/o Madhu Paul 0070811548-1 client Nirmala W/O Late Sh. Jai Singh R/O PUBLIC NOTICE
R/O 4488,Ground Floor, Arya C- 91, Suraj park, Samaypur, Sector-18,
For general public my clientess SMT.
I, Ish Kumar, S/o Sh. Kartar Rohini, New Delhi-110042 has severed all
Pura, Subzi Mandi,Malka her relations with their son namely Lalit
Singh, R/o 489, 1st Floor, Chaudhary and Vikram Chaudhary also LATE SH LAKHI RAM SAINI W/O
Ganj,Delhi-110007,have DR SURESH CHANDER R/O 17404
Sector-4, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, their spouse and children’s too on account of
changed my name to Milan their misbehavour and misconducts. My client TAUNTON DRIVE GATHERSBURG,
U.P.-201010, have changed my have debarred and disowned themselves MARYLAND (USA) 20877 AT
Paul. 0040639518-7 from their all movable and immovable PRESENT 3797 NAI BASTI, PAHARI
name to Ish Kumar Targotra for properties and shall not be accountable or DHIRAJ DELHI, it is declared that Sh.
I,Man Mohan S/o Chand Kiran R/o- all future purposes. answerable to any act or omission done by all
Lakhi Ram Saini was the registered
of them. My clients shall not be responsible in
191, Sai-Enclave, Chipayana 0070811542-1 any manner whatsoever.
owner of the property bearing No
3797 situated at Nai Basti Pahari
Buzurg, Gautam Budha-Nagar, Sd/-
Dhiraj Delhi-110006, by virtue of
I, Dev Karan Sharma, S/o Bhairu SANJEET CHHIKARA
U.P -201009 have changed my- Advocate Registered Sale deed Regd as No
Prasad Sharma, R/o House Enrl. No. D-1638/01 2882 in Book No 1 Volume No 2142
name to Manmohan Singh for-all-
No.A-17, Gali No.1, G/F, Kh Ch. No. 729, 7th Floor, on pages 248 to 252 on 6.9.1941 in
purposes. 0040639521-4 Rohini Courts, Rohini, Delhi-85 the office of Sub-Registrar Delhi. The
No.135, Kaushal Puri, Chawala said Sh. Lakhi Ram Saini died on
I,Lakshmanaswamy Farm, Saba Pur, Delhi-110094, 02.01.1988 leaving behind only two
legal heirs i.e. SMT. Minno Devi (wife)
Tattamangalam Velayudhan and have changed my minor Son’s and Smt Ved Chander (daughter) and
Lakshmanaswamy, name from Aman Sharma, after the demise of Sh. Lakhi Ram
Lakshmanaswamy TV and TV aged 6 years to Devansh Saini, Smt. Minno Devi and Smt. Ved
Chander became the owners of the
Lakshmanaswamy,S/o Shri. Sharma forever. 0070811546-1 said property in equal share. Smt.
Velayudhan Tattamangalam Minno Devi W/O late Sh. Lakhi Ram
I, Agrima Agrawal W/o Aviral Saini during her life time executed a
Kandaswamy,R/o-Flat.No:103, Registered Will bequeathing her 1/2
Arora R/o D-145, Sector-26,
Block. No.2,Plot.No-117,Sector- share in the property No 3797 situated
Noida, G.B.Nagar, UP-201301, at Nai Basti Pahari Dhiraj Delhi in
2,Rajender Nagar,Sahibabad,
have changed my name to favour of SMT. VED CHANDER,
Ghaziabad, U.P.-201005,have DAUGHTER OF LATE SH LAKHI
Aggrima Arora. 0040639503-5 RAM SAINI W/O DR SURESH
changed my,name to
CHANDER, vide Registration No. 934
Lakshmanaswamy I SHRITI GARG D/o Late BIJOY in Addl. Book No. 3 Vol No 1506 on
Tattamangalam Velayudhan. PRATAP SINHA R/o E-11, Sector- pages 39 to 41 dated 5.11.2009 with
the office of Sub-Registrar, Delhi-III,
0040639498-8 55, NOIDA have changed my name That Smt. Minno Devi died on
from SHRITI GARG to my maiden 03.11.2018 and after her demise, MY
name that is SHRITI SINHA for all
future purposes. 0040639467-1 PROPERTY FROM BOTTOM TO
TO NAMRATA KUMARI FOR ALL 92,have been changed my name Advocate
FUTURE PURPOSES. to AAYUSH JAIN. 0040639498-7 Ch. No. 373, W. Wing,
Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi-54

New Delhi

NOTICE BOARD EDUCATION C E L E B R A T I O N S , E V E N T S U.P. Project Corpora on Ltd.

(ISO 9001:2015 Cer fied Company)
Gom Barrage, Le Bank, Gom Nagar, Lucknow
No ce No. 14/PCL/PM-33/2022-23(1-48) Dated: 05.11.2022
Very Short-Term e-Tender No ce
U.P Projects Corpora on Limited (A. U.P. Government undertaking) invites percentage rate Tenders
(Two Envelope System) From eligible contractor/firms registered with U.P Projects Corpora on Ltd.
(Category specified in column 9) for following work. Bidders are advised to note minimum
qualifica on criteria.
Approx. Bid Tender Time of Address of Address of Category
Sl. Name of Work Estimate Earnest Processing Completion Zone/Unit tender of
Amity School of Insurance Banking and Actuarial Science, An informative and Hands-on 6th module of “AdvancedFacial Amity School of Business, Amity University UP, has organized Including (Rs. In Officer Contractor
the 1st International Conference on “Entrepreneurship and Sus- GST Lac)
Amity University UP, organized a two-day National Seminar on Aesthetics” course was organized by the Department of Peri-
“Innovations in Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI): odontology, I.T.S Dental College, Muradnagar recently which tainable Business Development” (ICESBD 2022) in association 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Challenges & Opportunities” recently. Chief Guest, P.R. Jais- was part of a six-module course of two days each. This course with College de Paris, France, as knowledge partner recently. Ad- Vill-Kashi, Block - Meerut 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
hankar, MD, IIFC, adressed the gathering during the Inaugural was conducted in association with Center for Facial Aesthetics vising the students during the Inaugural Session, Chief Guest, 1 in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
Vill- Partapur, Block -
Session, Guest of Honor, Mr.Vikas Newatia, CEO, RSA India, Training (CFAT) & Pskov State University, Russia. The pro- Piyush Prasad, National Business Head, Hero Electric Pvt. Ltd,
2 Meerut in Distt - Meerut. 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
averred, “In the last 20 years, Banking and Actuarial Sector has gramme is brain child of Vice Chairman, I.T.S–The Education asserted, “Students must give their 100% to whatever career 18% GST
changed drastically and the use of technology has opened up Group, Arpit Chadha who feels that as the awareness amongst path they choose for themselves and develop an entrepreneur- Vill- Dungrawli, Block -
new opportunities with the development of this sector. the patients is increasing. ial mindset so that they can contribute to nation building.” 3 Meerut in Distt - Meerut. 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
18% GST
Vill- Jawaharnagar, Block -
KRMU School of Basic and Applied Sciences organized an 4 Rohta in Distt - Meerut. 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days T-96, T-96,
18% GST Phase-II, Phase-II,
extension activity “Play on cultural diversity of India” in
Vill- Fazalpur, Block - Pallav Pallav "D" &
Government Secondary School, Garhi Wazidpur, Sohna on 19 th puram, Distt - puram, Distt - Upper
5 Rohta in Distt - Meerut. 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
October 2022. The main purpose to conduct this event is to 18% GST Meerut. Meerut.
explore cultural background of India which gives the individuals Vill- Goon, Block - Jani in 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
a sense of who they are and about the way the society existed Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
and their ancestors lived as culture is not made in one day but it Vill- NanglaHareru, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000 + 180 Days
was something that was in place and practice for so long ago. 7 Mawana in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
This type of event takes on a different name in every state, a 8 Vill- Laliyana, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
EVENT-IMS GHAZIABAD CONFERENCE-JAMIA HAMDARD different form. The event was coordinated by Abhay Barwal Parikshitgarh in Distt - 18% GST
The Institute celebrated "Rashtriya Ekta Diwas" on October 31, Meerut.
Rufaida College of Nursing, Jamia Hamdard in collaboration under the guidance of Dr Neeraj Kumari and Dr Mina Yadav
Vill- Bharala, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
2022 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabh with Association for Transgender Health in India (ATHI) con- (Event Coordinators). Students showed the cultural diversity in Daurala in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
Bhai Patel, the first Deputy PM of India. In true spirit of the unifi- ducted the 3rd International conference IPATHCON 2022 re- form of play. Abhay gave a brief introduction about the play Vill-NangliAajhad, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
cation of the nation, the students, faculty & staff team of the In- cently at Jamia Hamdard. The theme for the conference was where he told that peoples from different states like Gujrat, 10 Daurala in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
stitute took the Integrity Pledge & "Rashtriya Ekta Diwas" Pledge “Building foundations for the delivery of Transgender Healthcare Maharashtra, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab etc are living 11 Vill- Kheri, Block - Daurala 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
thus dedicating themselves towards preserving the unity, in- in the Indian sub-continent”. The welcome address was deliv- a society where the ‘Unity in Diversity’ is the distinct feature of in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
12 Vill- Kaili, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
tegrity and security of the nation. Speaking on the occasion, ered by Prof. Veena Sharma, Principal, Rufaida College of their culture. They represented the diversity in their culture, Indian Kharkhoda in Distt - 18% GST
Dr. Urvashi Makkar, emphasized the relevance of the pledge in Nursing, Jamia Hamdard. Dr. Sanjay Kalra, President, Indian clothing, art forms, customs and Indian languages through Meerut.
terms of its impact on the thought process of individuals which Professional Association for Transgender Health (IPATH) pre- dance, songs, poems and also told the specialty of their states. 13 Vill- NanglaMubarakpur, 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
is then reflected in their actions. sented the scope of the conference. Block- Kharkhoda in Distt - 18% GST
SRM “The societal expectations from science and technology are Meerut.
14 Vill- Khajuri, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
increasing. Thus, the scientific community has the responsibil- Parikshitgarh in Distt - 18% GST
ity to rise to the expectations” said Hon’ble governor to the intel- Meerut.
lectual gathering. Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Biswabhusan 15 Vill- Khardoni, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
Harichandan inaugurated the Science and Technology Exhibition, Rajpura in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
by ISRO and DAE, at SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh re- 6 Vill- Abdullapur, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
Rajpura in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
cently. “It is known that science and technology are the estab-
17 Vill- Uplera, Block - Meerut 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
lished currency of the geo-political world. Any country that has in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
made advances in prosperity has invariably depended on science Vill- Narhera, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
and technology”, remarked Sri Biswabhusan Harichandan ad- 18 Meerut in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
CONFERENCE-SRM UNIVERSITY EVENT- SHARDA UNIVERSITY dressing the science and technology enthusiasts from all over the 19 Vill- Shobhapur, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru, & SRM University- Observing the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, country. He reiterated PM Modi’s vision of the nation - “Jai Meerut in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
AP held a joint press conference on Nov. 03, 2022, at the univer- Sharda Univ. Office of Dean Student Welfare organised a "Run for Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan, Jai Anusandhan”. He further said Vill-Siwaya, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
20 Daurala in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
sity campus following the inauguration of the Science & Technol- Unity" at the campus in which around 800 students, faculty, & that “a developed nation is one that has the capacity for wealth, lit-
eracy, high quality of life and national security . This is your coun- Vill- Mataur, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
ogy Exhibition by Governor of Andhra Pradesh Biswabhusan staff ran & gave the message of unity. Girl students from the 31st
21 Daurala in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
Harichandan. The Annual Meeting of IASc, hosted at SRM re- Battalion of the NCC participated enthusiastically in the program. try, be proud of it, go ahead and our great ambition of Athmanirb-
cently exchanged scientific inferences & innovations through dis- Congratulating the students, YK Gupta, Pro Chancellor, Sharda har will be fulfilled through each one of us”. Addressing the Vill- Nake, Block - Jani in 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
courses on recent scientific breakthroughs. Leading scientists, University, advised "students to follow the path of Sardar Vallabhb- gathering, Prof Umesh Waghmare, President of the Indian Acad- 22 Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
technologists and seasoned academic professionals will be hai Patel, which will surely help them in the future." On the occa- emy of Sciences (IASc), emphasized that the important mandate Vill- NanglaJamalpur, 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
23 Block- Jani in Distt - 18% GST
attending the event and disseminating their scientific expertise sion, Dr. N. Gupta, Dean, students’ welfare; Yashodhara Raj, Co- of IASc is to uphold the cause of progress and to connect with so-
on technology and development. ordinator, NCC ; Mohit Sahni and many others were also present. ciety through the domain of science and technology. Vill- Mundali, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
24 Kharkhoda in Distt - 18% GST
Vill- Shajhapur, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
Tender No : SE/PHC/KKD/52/2022-23 Machhra in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)-Phase II - Providing FHTC by Augmentation of existing WSS at
Chakkittapara Grama Panchayath & Muthukkad Zone-Supplying Laying Testing and Vill- RashoolJahid, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
Commissioning of CWGM/CWPM, Distribution from various Zones. Ph.III Pipeline Work Rohta in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
EMD : Rs. 500000 Tender fee : Rs. 16540+(2978)GST Last Date for submitting Tender : 26
03-12-2022 05:00:pm Phone : 0495 2371046 Website : Vill- Singhawli, Bloc k- 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days 27 Rohta in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
Superintending Engineer
PH Circle 28 Vill- Dilawra, Block- Rohta 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
KWA-JB-GL-6-1016-2022-23 Kozhikode in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
Vill- Kalyanpur, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
29 Rohta in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
TURE Vill-Bhadarpur, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
ANY LIMITED 30 Saroorpur in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
(Gov t. of Jharkhand Undert
aking) Vill- Aterna, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
an, K
chery Chowk, Ranchi-834001, Jharkhand. 31 Sardhana in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
Ph No.: +91-651-2225878; e-mail Id-; Vill- Pabla, Block - Rajpura 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
CIN: U45200JH2013SGC001752 32 in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
NIT No: - JUIDCO/NIT/PPP/ISBTDhanbad/506 Date: 7th Nov, 2022 Vill- Lalsana, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
Tender ID: - 2022_UDD_62055_1 PR No.: 279650 33 Rajpura in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
Corrigendum- 1 34 Vill- Gawri, Block - Meerut 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
All bidders are hereby announced that Corrigendum- 1 Vill- JalalpurJora, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
is released for tender having details as mentioned above for " Hastinapur in Distt - 18% GST
Development of Inter-State Bus Terminal at Dhanbad in Meerut.
Jharkhand on PPP basis”. The bidders are advised to consider the 36 Vill- BehrampurMorna, 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
same before submission of their bids against the tender. Block- Jani in Distt - 18% GST
Note: Corrigendum- 01 can be referred from the e-tender site of Meerut.
Govt. of Jharkhand i.e., ( Vill- NanglaPaatu, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
37 Kharkhoda in Distt - 18% GST
PR 281636 Urban Development Meerut.
Project Director (Technical)
and Housing(22-23).D JUIDCO Ltd., Ranchi Vill- Behrora, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
38 Machhra in D istt - Meerut. 18% GST

BANARAS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, VARANASI-221004 Vill- GeshupurBafawrat, 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
39 Block- Daurala in Distt - 18% GST
Bid No. E-77/2022-23 E-TENDERS Dated: 27.10.2022
E-Tenders are invited for & on behalf of the president of India for the supply of following
items. Only e-offers will be accepted for which venders must have class III Digital GOVERNMENT OF JHARKHAND izi= la[;k &1 40 Vill-Narangpur, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
Signature and registrations on IREPS The details of tenders are in the following
sequence S.No., Tender No.(Due Date), Description and Quantity. 1. 0 9 2 2 1 0 8 2 A , OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER Parikshitgarh in Distt - 18% GST
(12.12.2022), Chassis Assembly Module to PL No. 18001233, 19 Nos. 2. 09221267, DRINKING WATER & SANITA
JAMTA Meerut.
(13.12.2022), Relay (GP) to PL No. 18180024, 355 Nos. 3. 09221061B, (28.12.2022),
Vill- Baparshi, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
Panel Module - DVR 301, to PL NO. 18120880, 23 Nos. 4. 09211136D, (18.11.2022), Very Short e-Procurement Notice 41 Saroorpur in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
Brush Assembly Movable Contact, to Pl No. 18420126, 51 Nos. 5. 09221083B,
(18.11.2022), Sheet Assembly Cover, to Pl No. 18022273, 23 Nos. 6. 09221039B, Tender no- DWSD/EE/JAMTARA – 15/DWSD/JMT/2022-23 Dated 05/11/2022
(14.12.2022), Relay (GP), to PL No. 18180048, 71 Nos. 7. 09221025C, (28.12.2022), Vill- Garmadiyayi, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
Power Supply- 55 AC 275 DC, to PL No. 18120787, 06 Nos. 8. 10221005B Construction of Solar Based Mini water Supply scheme (SVS Cluster 42 Sardhana in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
(14.12.2022), Clevis Assembly Part No. 16050186, 225 Nos. 9. 10211307B, 4 B) in Kundhit block, Comprising of suitable R.C.C. / Framed
(03.01.2023), Plate- Cam (Modified) Part No. 16142664, 711 Nos. 10. 08222234, 1 Name of the Work Structure ESR , Distribution Lines , Source ( as required ) and FHTC Vill- AlampurBujurg, 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
Advertise Tender (21.11.2022), Pad ASM Lat Trust (PL No. 17020244) Qty. 1987 43 Block- Rajpura in Distt - 18% GST
Nos. 11. 08221923, Advertise Tender (21.11.2022), Snap Strip Rubber (PL No.
all complete job in the Kundhit Block of Jamtara District under D.W.
17270753) Qty. 232 Meter. 12. 06221114A (23.11.2022) (i) IGBT BASED 3-PHASE & S. Division Jamtara on Turnkey basis for the Year 2022 -23.
DRIVE PROPULSION EQUIPMENT WITH PHYSICAL MEDIUM i.e. ESD/EMD/OFG Rs. 6,15,25,160.00 (Rs Six Crore Fifteen Lakh Twenty Five Vill- Ukhlena, Block - 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
FOR MULTI FUNCTIONAL VEHICLE BUS (MVB) AS PER IEC 61375 TERMINAL 2 Estimated Cost 44 Rohta in Distt - Meerut. 18% GST
Thousand One Hundred Sixty ) only
BETWEEN MAIN TRANSFORMER AND TRACTION CONVERTER, AUXILIARY 3 Earnest Money Rs. 6,16,000.00 (Rs Six Lakh Sixteen thousand ) only. Vill-Bohla, Block - Barout 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
CONVERTER INTERFACING CONNECTORS, CABLES AND CABLE LOOMS 4 Cost of BOQ Rs. 10,000.00 ( Rs Ten thousand ) only 45 in Distt - Baghpat. 18% GST
5 Time of Completion 9 Month + 1 Month( Trial and Run )
EL/SPEC/0071 REV 5 FOR IGBT BASED 3-PHASE DRIVE PROPULSION Vill-Shilana,Block- 27.68 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
EQUIPMENT (II) CLW/ES/3/0458 ALT.E FOR CONTROL CABLES (III) Date of publication of Chhaprauli in Distt - 18% GST
6 14.11.2022 up to 4.00 P.M. 46
CLW/ES/3/0459 ALT B FOR SCREENED CABLES (IV) CLW/ES/3/0124 ALT O FOR Tender on Web site Baghpat.
Date ,Time and Place 22.11.2022 up to 12.30 P.M. at the office of Engineer in chief , D.W.&
Set (ii)(AMC) Comprehensive Maintenance Contract for IGBT based Propulsion 7 Vill-Gopalpur,Block- 27.67 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
System for 3 phase electric locomotives for three years As per Drg No Nil As per of Pre Bid meeting S. Department , Nepal house , Ranchi.
47 Haldour in Distt - Bijnor. 18% GST
Specn CLW/AMC/C D&D/01 issued on March 2016 to PL No 29748227 Qty 81 Last date /Time for
Nos. 13. 06221261 (24.11.2022) 3-PHASE ASYNCHRONOUS TRACTION MOTOR 8 26.11.2022 up to 4.00 P.M.
receipt of Bid Vill-Chandanangli, Block - 27.67 0.55 5000+ 180 Days
ROTOR SCHEME- II) FOR TRACTION MOTOR 6FRA. 6068 OF WAP-7 LOCO Last date for receipt of 48 Haldour in Distt - Bijnor. 18% GST
9 28.11.2022 up to 1.30 P.M.
OR LATEST AND STR NO CLW/ 2008/ 3PHTM/ STR/001, ALT - 2 OR LATEST to PL. Date of opening of The tender document can be downloaded from the website www.h p:// during
No. 29941180 Qty 2347 Nos. 3- Phase Asynchronous Traction Motor (Resistance 10 28.11.2022 up to 4.00 P.M.
ring mechanically interlocked to end plate design rotor, scheme-II), For Traction the period 05.11.2022 to 12.11.2022 The tender should be submi ed up to 01:00 PM on 12.11.2022
Motor- 6FRA 6068 of WAG-9 Loco without Active Speed Sensor Spec. CLW Spec Name & address of Executive Engineer Drinking Water & Sanitation Division
no. 4TMS. 096. 081 Alt-3 or latest and STR no CLW/2008/ 3PHTM/STR/0001 Alt-2 11 The technical bid shall be opened on same day at 02.00 P.M. Prospec ve bidders are advised to
office inviting tender Jamtara..
or latest. to PL No. 29940606 Qty. 648 Nos. 14. 04223217, (28.11.22) Set of Bracket
Part No. 29615318, 505 Set. 15. R/A (Double Bid System) 04223223, (18.11.2022) Name and Address of Executive Engineer Drinking Water & Sanitation Division regularly check through U.P. Projects Corpora on Ltd. Web site and e-
Axle Box Bearing Part No. 29010020 qty. 5342 Nos. Note.: For Complete details of Opening Officer Jamtara.
EMD and downloading of tender documents and Hindi Version also available at Contact no of tendering web site www.h p:// for all other terms and condi ons, qualifying
website www.blw. and, Corrigendum 13 Sunil Bakhla 8084325805
Notice, Date: 28.10.2022, S.No. 1. Bid No- E-70/2022-23, Tender No. 01221249A, Procurement office criteria, corrigendum / amendments etc., if any, separate adver sement will not be made for the
Revision- 1, Details of Correction- Due Date: 27.10.2022, Revised Due Date: Helpline no of e-
14 0651-2480345 same. For any clarifica ons / queries the prospec ve bidders may contact office of the person given
10.11.2022, Note: All other terms & conditions will remain unchanged for above procurement cell
tender. Corrigendum Notice, Date: 28.10.2022, S.No. 1. Bid No- 57,65,68,73,
Tender No. 05215250A, Existing Due Date: 02.11.2022, Revised Due Date: Further details can be seen on website. in col. No.7 & 8. Undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any
23.11.2022, S.No. 2. Bid No- 72, Tender No. 05225244, Existing Due Date: uksV%& izkDdfyr jkf'k ?kV&c<+ ldrh gSA ifjek.k&foi= esa vafdr izkDdfyr jkf'k ds vk/kkj ij ifjek.k foi= dk ewY; ,oa reason.
01.11.2022, Revised Due Date: 08.11.2022 vxz/ku dh jkf'k ns; gksxhA Project Manager, Unit-33
P.R.O./BLW/S-81 PCMM Executive Engineer
Drinking Water & Sanitation Division U.P. Projects Corpora on Ltd., Meerut.
/blwvaranasi “ Website:-” PR 281583 Drinking Water and Sanitation(22-23).D Jamtara.
New Delhi

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)
Celestial pressures Although I know you
will hit you in the tend to worry about
wallet if you're not your financial
careful. This is not security, I also know
the last time I'll warn you about that there is every reason to feel
the perils of financial hopeful about the future. You
mismanagement, but I'll also may not have to do anything to
remind you of the good you can make a windfall come your way.
do. It's all a matter of keeping But you will have to keep your
your eye on the ball, and taking eyes open - otherwise it might
nothing for granted. pass you by.
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
Your hopes may be If you are in a
slightly unrealistic, negative mood, then
but there's nothing you may be
wrong with attracting difficult
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson optimism. Others may find your circumstances. Astrology, you
enthusiasm infectious, and the see, assumes that ultimately we
impact on your social life are all much more responsible
should be very welcome for our own destinies than we at
indeed. Anyone who comes into first imagine. Adopt an
contact with you will benefit optimistic attitude and you
from your positive approach - could attract a much better
and you'll bask in the glory. class of event.
1 Base character in Shakespeare 1 Clearly write a note according
(6) to fact (8) GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 - Dec 22)
4 Persistently preoccupied Bess 2 Its contents go to pot Nothing is ever Money can
does wrong (8) (3,5) quite as it seems. You become an all too-
9 Type inclined to be emphatic 3 Party rising in power in old may have been consuming passion,
(6) Scandinavia (4) labouring under not because of your
10 Driving one around the bend 5 One withdraws before the some kind of misapprehension, astrological character at birth,
(8) wine is served (6,6) but I don't think you have been but on account of the current
12 Try to catch what’s said (4) 6 Calm yet just quits (4) completely wrong in all planetary disposition. You're as
13 Stop running and stand (5) 7 They make light of upsets respects. There's therefore no happy to give as to receive and
14 Stick with it (4) (6) need to feel too embarrassed or you'll be a soft touch for any
17 Exchanging gold is enough 8 The extent to which regretful. Besides, favourable charity. And good for you.
for accommodation (7,5) undergraduates work (6) financial deals add to the
20 He cheats - by giving two 11 How an actor gradually gains CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
cards instead of one? (6-6) experience? (5,2,5) MARVIN by Tom Armstrong spirit of optimism.
You'll give advice
23 Friend totally childless (4) 15 Loopy sort of topic (5) CANCER (June 22 - July 23) only when, and if,
24 He introduces us to the 16 Piece of land is on lease (5) Individualistic and you are asked for it.
girl (5) 18 Pole is fired and insulted independent The point is that
25 Agnes loses heart and (8) Cancerians are although you have been
grows old (4) 19 He struggled to maintain favoured, rather than through a great deal, you have
28 Patching battered headgear faith in the past (8) those of you who tend to follow not yet fully understood enough
(8) 21 Way in which a girl is taken the herd. In any event, there to be able to tell others what
29 Ran away and got locked in by a man (6) seems to be plenty of scope to they should do. Wait until you
up (6) 22 Get off - it’s on fire (6) enjoy yourself and every know exactly what's what
30 Possibly reunites trains 26 He comes from opportunity to have a party. before making your next move.
(8) Constantinople - or Istanbul (4) Don't wait for other people to
31 Offer to be a watchman (6) 27 Over 501 (4) take the lead - or you might AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
have to wait forever. A temporary
SolutionsCrossword4892:Across:1Boast,4Dilemma,8Rib,9Taskforce,10 advantage could
Illness,11Odium,13Ringer,15Stalks,18Bleat,19Callfor,21Soonafter,23Nap,24 LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) soon become a
Thistle,25Clyde.Down:1Barrier,2Ambulance,3Title,4Desist,5Leftout,6Mar,7 Expect agreement personal route to
Abeam,12Idlefancy,14Extract,16Scruple,17Scathe,18Beset,20Lyric,22Obi. over contentious permanent success. This is
issues, but only why your timing must be
if you are prepared perfect and your appreciation
to lay yourself on the line. of circumstances extremely
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel5s
If you hold something
back then I am afraid that
acute. Complacency is not
permissible at the moment:

Instructions partners, children, friends and you have to stay very alert if you
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, associates will instinctively are to catch every passing offer
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 realise that you're not being and invitation.

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe entirely straight.

Wheretwotakecounselthereisno_____.-SiliusItalicus (4,2,5) PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
nineverticalcolumns,in VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) You find it hard to
eachoftheninehorizontal Even if you feel shut know who to trust
KLAAO AAECNP rowsandineachofthe in a corner and and what to believe.
nineboxes. unwanted, there That's hardly
really is a great deal surprising, for other people are
going for you. For one thing, a not exactly sure what they are
UYLLS DEORFK DifficultyLevel
mystery which may have been doing. If I were you, I'd trust
unsolved for many years is my instincts as never before.
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; about to be cleared up. You may But, then, you're not me.
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; even have forgotten what it was That's why you must judge
5s=VeryHard;6s= you didn't know in the your own affairs with such
Answer: Where two take counsel there is no lack of plans. - Silius Italicus Genius first place. great care.

Victoria Park, Meerut E - Procurement TENDER NOTICE
Bids are invited for Spec No. APT-e-02/2022: for the work of Supply,
SHORT TERM E-TENDER NOTICE Short term e-tender is Erection, Testing, and commissioning of (i) 132kV LILO line from Pithapuram
invited for supply of 525 nos. 11 KV Pilfer Proof Metering -Koruprolu line to proposed 400/220/132/33 KV Kakinada SEZ SS on MC
Cubicles (Different ratios) against tedner specification no. Towers. ii) 132 kV DC/SC line and UG cable from Kakinada SEZ SS to M/s
Lyfius pharma, with 1 No. Metering bay at M/s Lyfius pharma SS iii)
PVVNL-MT/ COM/ 19(s)/22-23. EMD is Rs. 2,36,250 the Interlinking of 132 KV Ramavaram-Peddapuram and 132 KV Peddapuram-
tender is to be submitted by 14.00 hrs of 22.11.2022 and Pithapuram lines at Peddapuram SS iv) 3 Nos. 132KV bays at Kakinada SEZ
the Part-I of tender shall be opened after 14.30 hrs of the SS IN Kakinada District on turnkey basis. Tenders are available in from 07.11.2022, at 05.00PM Phone No.
same date. In case of amendment in NIT or extension in 0866-2429232, Ext. No. 2074, 2087
opening date, information will be published on e-tender Sd/- Chief Engineer/Projects,
website and on R.O. No. 1351PP Dt. 07/11/2022 APTRANSCO/VS/VJA
“Help line Number For Information of Theft of Electricity:
“1800-180-3002 (Meerut) & 1800-180-8752 (Lucknow)” GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA
NATION” Sd/- Superintending Engineer (Commercial) For CENTRAL (R&B) CIRCLE, BHUBANESWAR
B - 800
Managing Director ´fÂffaI : 349 dQ³ffaI : 07.11.2022 Mail i.d
E-Procurement Short Tender Call Notice No. 07 of 2022-23
No. 3149 (Estg.) Bhubaneswar the 05.11.2022
The Chief Construction Engineer, Central (R&B) Circle
Bhubaneswar on behalf of the Governor of Odisha invites
percentage rate bids for one number road work to be received
in online bidding, double cover system for construction work as
detailed in : The details of bid
documents will be available in the above website from 5:00
P.M of 10.11.2022 to 3.00 P.M of 16.11.2022. The bidders
must possess compatible Digital Signature Certificate of Class
II or III. Bids received online shall be opened at 5.00 P.M. of
16.11.2022 in the Office of the Chief Construction Engineer,
Central (R&B) Circle Bhubaneswar.
Further details can be seen from the e-procurement portal
Addendum / Corrigendum, if required, will be available only in
the Website. Sd/- Er. T.K. Panda
Chief Construction Engineer
Central (R&B) Circle, Bhubaneswar


I.A.NO.6282 OF 2019
O.A.NO. 690 of 2018
State Bank of India
Stressed Assets Management Branch
Secunderbad Branch, 5th floor,
Rear Block of HMWSSB Compund,
D.No.6-2-915, Khairatabad,
Hyderabad-500004. Represented by its
Assistant General Manager ...APPLICANT
M/s. Athena Chhattisgarh power Limited
(ACPL) & others ...DEFENDANTS
M/s. AIP Power Private Limited (Formerly)
M/s. Athena Infraprojects Private Limited
(Presently) Regd Office: Hall No.1,
1st Floor, 15, Bhikaji Cama place,
NBCC Tower, New Delhi-110066.
Please take notice that the Applicant herein
filed the above O.A. for recovery of debt of
Rs. 66328499342/-against you and others.
The matter is posted for your appearance
before the Hon'ble DRT-II, Hyderabad. ou are
required to appear on 28.11.2022 at 10.30 AM
before the DRT-II, Hyderabad either in person
or through Advocate to answer the
application, failing which the matter will be
decided in your absence.

New Delhi

Sri Lanka Cricket said it has suspended Danushka
Gunathilaka from all forms of cricket following his ar-
rest in Sydney over an alleged sexual assault and will not

Icc T20 World Cup 2022 consider him for any selections. The 31-year-old was was
denied bail by a court in Sydney on Monday. REUTERS

From standby to standout LakshyaSen


Immense self-belief, fearlessness, and hard work behind rise to stardom of Pakistan’s hard-hitting batsman Mohammad Haris AustralianOpen
New Delhi: Suffering from a throat in-
fection, star Indian shuttler Lakshya
SANDIP G Sen has withdrawn from the upcom-
NOVEMBER 7 How Pakistan beat NZ in all ing Australian Open Super 300 bad-
minton tournament. The 21-year-old
INSIDE A congested room of the Maazullah
KhanCricketAcademyinPeshawar,agroupof three World Cup semifinals from Almora picked up the infection
just before the Hylo Open, where he
middle-agedmenwerescatteredaroundatel- lost in the opening round to Hong
evision set. Their shining eyes were fixed on a 1999: The Shoaib-Anwar show Kong's Ng Ka Long Angus in
stubbled young man on the screen. He was NITIN SHARMA in Manchester at 50-over WC Saarbrucken,Germany.TheAustralian
fidgetingwithhishelmet,rehearsinghisshots, NOVEMBER 7 Open is scheduled to be held from
tapping the turf a few times, as he waited No doubt we shall hear about this in November 15 to 20 in Sydney. The
breathlessly for the bowler to steam in. NEW ZEALAND has never beaten the next YouTube video, Shoaib Akthar Commonwealth Games champion
The moment arrived. Mohammad Haris, Pakistan in a world-cup semi-final. In was fabulous at Manchester, taking three said the fact that he has no chance of
whose batting was the sole interest of the three past encounters, in 1992, 1999, and wickets, including the crucial dismissal qualifyingfortheWorldTourFinalalso
group, drove the first ball firmly to the extra 2007, Pakistan would triumph. The of Stephen Fleming. Though Chris Cairns played a role in his decision of with-
coverfielder.Amongthewatchinggroupwas Indian Express looks at the three games remained unbeaten on 44 in the total of drawing from the tournament.
Pervez Khan, Haris' childhood coach who to detail Pakistan’s dominance. 241, New Zealand were helped by
narrated to The Indian Express how it was to
watch his ward take on some of the fastest
1992: The Inzamam show in Pakistan’s generosity: there were 47 ex-
tras! Somewhat like Rohit Sharma now, Sumitinsemisof
Auckland to end Crowe’s dream
bowlers in the world on the biggest stage.
“Helooksingoodtouch,thefeetaremov- ItwasMartinCrowe’sgoldencuprun.
Saeed Anwar didn't have a good run with
scores of 10, 6, 25, 28, 9, 23 and 36.
ingwell,”Khanrememberstellinghisfriends Having topped the round-robin format Though he came to form with a hundred New Delhi: Indian boxer Sumit (75kg)
after the first shot. One of his colleagues with seven wins with their only loss against Zimbabwe in the last super-six eked out a 3-2 win over Thailand's
asked him: “Chhakka kab aayega (when will against Pakistan, New Zealand were the game. Anwar and Wajatullah Wasti Borworn Kadamduan to advance to
he hita six), sir?” But evenbefore Khan could favourites against Pakistan in Auckland. smashed a 194-run opening stand to put the semifinals and assure another
answer, he saw Wayne Parnell’s ball blast They were 130 for 3 in 35 overs when the game beyond the Kiwis. medal for the country at the Asian
onto his former ward’s helmet. Crowe took charge. ChampionshipsinAmman,Jordanon
Haris stood shellacked. He forced a smile “With Mushtaq Ahmed in the 1992
2007: Gul magic in Cape Town Monday.Sumit,thereigningThailand
at skipper Babar Azam at the non-striker's World Cup, I got in his eyeline and sug- during T20 WC Openchampion,wonbyspiltdecision
end. The on-air commentators were won- gested with my body language that he With talks of a spinner-friendly sur- against his Thai opponent in the last
deringwhetherhewasbloodedtoosooninto was bowling to someone with a big rep- face, New Zealand replaced Chris Martin eightround.India'sguaranteedmedal
the team. Until the day before, he was just a utation. It's not an ego thing, it's kind of with the offie Jeetan Patel and Pakistan tally is now 11 at the on-going presti-
reserve. But as he went through the manda- making yourself aware that it's going to brought in Fawad Alam for Salman Butt. gious championships following
tory concussion tests, the coach whispered be him versus me for the next half an At 75 for 2, New Zealand seemed set for a Sumit's triumph. Meanwhile, the
to himself: “See how he responds.” And he hour,” Crowe once said. Pakistan would 160-plus total but Umar Gul intervened other two Indians in action -- Sachin
stoutly told his colleagues: “Abhi ayega leak 91 runs in the last 10 overs, with with a double strike of Scott Stirs and (71kg) and Lakshya Chahar (80kg) --
chhakka (now, he will hit a six).” Crowe finding support from Chris Harris Peter Fulton in the 14th over. And when exited after defeats in their respective
Oncue,Hariswhippedthenextball,from and Ian Smith. But Crowe couldn’t take Alam removed Craig McMillan, Gul quarterfinal bouts.
Kagiso Rabada, imperiously for a maximum. the field, as he hurt his legs and without knocked out the dangerous Jacob Oram.
As everyone sat mesmerised by the
their mercurial captain, New Zealand
would slowly fade out on the field after a
But Ross Taylor swung 17 runs of the fi-
nal over against Mohammad Asif to get Indiawingold,bronze
some bowler over fine-leg. Before the coach
good start.
Imran Khan promoted himself to
New Zealand to 143.
Pakistani openers Imran Nazir and
could evenbegincelebrating,hepummelled No.3 but couldn’t get the run-rate up. At Mohammad Hafeez raced to 60 in 7 New Delhi: India won two medals — a
Rabada for another boundary, a ferocious 30th over mark, Pakistan needed 142 at overs. Though Hafeez fell to Styris, Nazir gold and a bronze — in the Para
pull. The coach just stood awe-struck. “I 7.15 per over. But when Imran fell in the continued the onslaught, hitting Oram Shooting World Championship at Al
know his potential, but watching him play 34th over, a new batting superstar for two consecutive sixes in the12th over Ain, UAE, on Monday. India's Rahul
those strokes against one of the best fast would emerge: Inzamam-ul-Haq. With as Pakistan reached 95 for 1 in 12 overs. Jakhar, Singhraj and Nihal Singh
bowlers in the world, I was lost for words,” the great street-fighter of a batsman The asking rate fell below 7 for the first claimed the gold in P3 team event --
he told this paper. Javed Miandad in his ears, he would time. Though Nazir, Younis Khan, and 25m pistol mixed SH1. In the individ-
However,whathadmadethecoachpredict plunder 60 runs off 37 balls before he Shahid Afridi fell in quick succession, ual event, Rahul Jakhar (21 points)
his ward’s response was no sixth sense, but a fell, leaving Pakistan needing 36 off 32. Misbah-ul-Haq and Shoaib Malik en- bagged a bronze medal, finishing be-
deepunderstandingofhisgameandmind.His Mohammad Haris’ innings against South Africa and Bangladesh were Miandad found an able ally in Moin sured Pakistan’s entry to the final where hindKimJungnamof SouthKoreaand
memory rolled back. Khan still remembers a momentum-fuelling knocks that Pakistan had been frantically searching for. AP Khan to seal the game. we know what happened. Olseken Denysiuk of Ukraine. In the
confident young boy at the doors of the acad- P3-mixedairrifleproneevent,India's
emyintheArbabNiazCricketStadium.“Hetold Avani Lekhara shot 630.6 to finish
me he had not played with a hard ball. But he hadoncelookedtedious.Atonestage,eventhe himfortheSouthAfricatour.Herepaidthefaith answersforeverything.Whateverthey(team- believes he can do anything on a cricket 19th in the qualifying round.
did not show any fear when he faced the hard academy seemed far. It was an hour from his withthreefifty-plusscoresinsevengames,and mates)askme,Iwouldgivethemeverybitofin- field,” his coach chimed in. Sidhartha Babu was placed 17th with
ballforthefirsttime.Helookedtotallynatural; home in Mushtarzai, a quaint village near the wastwiceadjudgedplayerof thematch. formation. I liked to do research about every Suddenly,frombeingareserveplayer,Haris a score of 631.3 points.
goodeyesandhands,”herecalled. Buddhist ruins of Takht-i-Bahi. Haris' mother “Everything seemed like a dream, every- topicandupdatemyknowledge,”hetoldZalmi hasbecomeanindispensablebatsmanforhis
The naturalness is evident. Haris' strokes
are neat and fluent. There are no awkward
wasreluctanttosendhimtoacricketacademy, thing happened so fast,” he would say in that
fearingitwouldaffecthisacademics.Buthisfa- interview. It was only a matter of time before
TV. In that interview, Haris was asked who his
toopentheinnings.“Weneedfirepoweratthe EPL: Southampton
or extravagant movements. He is seldom in
two minds; rarely premeditates, or loses his
therconvincedherof thepossibilitiesof being Pakistan Super League franchise Peshawar
a good cricketer. “My mot- Zalmisoughthissignature.
viewer followed up: ‘Do you want to be like
like Haris,” Shahid Afridi tweeted. Waqar
shape when playing the strokes, and has a her wasn’t too keen about Khan was not surprised. myself.Idon’twanttobelikesomeone,because Younis is convinced that nobody in the Southampton: Southampton sacked
sparklingclarityof mind.In many ways,heis me playing cricket and The naturalness is “He has talent, and that Iconsidermyself asthebest.” Pakistan team understands T20 cricket as manager Ralph Hasenhuettl on
reminiscent of a young Mohammad Yousuf. would scold me for that. evident. Haris' strokes would take him only So confident of his skills that after he much as Haris does. The sudden parachuting Monday after a poor start to the
The naturally-endowed gifts, though, Butmyfatherhadnoprob- higher,” he said. At the smashed a 32-ball 70 against Islamabad intothelimelighthasnotdazedordazzledhim. Premier League season that has left
were carefully nurtured, as only Pakistan lems as he knew that peo- are neat and fluent. academy,Harisisprojected United in just his second PSL game, Haris Hetakesitnormally,asthoughhewereordained them in 18th place after six defeats in
cricketcould, withouttrampling on the orig- plecanmakeabignamein There are no awkward or as the perfect role model. held aloft a bracelet with the words for it. Not arrogance, just immense self-belief. their last nine games. "Hasenhuettl
inal. “He used to wicket-keep too, and so we thisgameinthesameway extravagant movements. “Heishumble.Afterhisde- #BeTheBest. Whenever he tweets, he uses After the Bangladesh game, he exuberantly departs having made a significant
worked a lot on his fitness. He was always that the likes of Aamir but match for Pakistan, he this hashtag too. “I value fearlessness and joinedthefansoutsidethestadiumforcelebra- contribution to the club,"
willingtowork extra hard andwouldalways Sohail and Wasim Akram came to the academy and consider it to be a central trait of my person- tions,patientlysignedautographsandposedfor Southampton said in a statement.
be at the academy,” Khan said. had done. But I promised my mother that I gifted us his jersey,” Khan said. The piece of ality. This is what my parents have taught selfies,andobligedinterviewrequeststoapack "However, we now believe it is an ap-
Years later, Pakistan fielding coach Abdul wouldnotcompromiseonmyacademics.And cloth he would treasure for a lifetime. me,” he would explain. ofyoutubersfromPakistan,oneaftertheother. propriate time to make a change.
Majeedwouldsaythesame:“Whatevertask Ididjoincollege,” It’s this fearlessness that has catalysed One of them asked him. “How do you Sunday's dismal display in their 4-1
Harisisgivenasa'keeper,abatterorafielder, Three years on, the year he joined college, ■■■ Pakistan’s turnaround in the T20 World Cup. feel?” He replies: “I feel normal.” “Nervous home defeat by Newcastle United left
he has the ability to accomplish it with the HariswaspickedforthePeshawarU-19team; His 11-ball 28 against South Africa and 18- tha?” “Kya nervous?” Even when he was the south-coast club languishing in
utmost dedication. He frequently asks me to ayearlater,heprogressedtotheU-19national During his U-19 days, Haris got a peculiar ball 31 versus Bangladesh have been the sort struck flush on the helmet, he didn’t betray the relegation zone after only three
conduct the most demandingsessions in or- team. His first tour, to Sri Lanka was under- nickname.MrGoogle.Heproudlyexplainsthe of momentum-fuelling knocksthatPakistan nerves. It’s Haris' bravado, as much as the wins from 14 league games so far.
der to enhance his skills as a fielder.” whelming, as he scored just 82 runs in four reason. “Kyunki mere paas knowledge zyada had been frantically searching for. “He is strokes, that has value-added to Pakistan’s PTI & REUTERS
The journey to the national side, though, youth ODIs. But the selectors persisted with hain(BecauseIhavemoreknowledge)!Ihave what you see, a confident young man, who renaissance. Or #BeTheBest attitude.

With his bouncers and slower balls, Curran 2.0 ready to torment India
improve in the rest of the cricketing areas,” potentvariation.Balajispokeabouthowmuch aware that this is a format in which there will
ABHISHEKPUROHIT BalajitoldTheIndianExpress,recallinghowea- effort Curran had put in to develop different bedayswhennothingwillcomeoff.Thisflex-
NOVEMBER7 ger the all-rounder would be to contribute in types of bouncers in his arsenal. ibility to adapt, along with the itch to always
team meetings. “I remember he wanted to master the be in the fight, has marked out Curran for big
ONANAprileveningin2019attheWankhede “At CSK, with MS Dhoni and other biggies slower bouncer, for example. He figured with things ever since he was named Player of the
Stadium,Kieron Pollardwas on the rampage. intheteam,hewouldboldlyraisehishandand the dimensions of the ground - he is always Series against India on debut in the 2018 five-
EverytimeSamCurran,thenjust20,raninto contributemeaningfullyintheteammeetings. studying them and you can see it reflected in Test contest in England.
bowl, one could almost sense the next six He would debate the plans for different bats- his bowling at different grounds - a slow “He’sfantastic.Ilovehismindset,”England
coming. Six of Pollard’s 10 sixes were hit off men, even who should bowl when, and was bouncerwasalwaysagoodweapon.Howhard white-ball captain Jos Buttler had said about
Curran’s left-arm medium-pace, which cost alwaysveryeagerwithcricketingchats.Ithink he worked at that for hours! He also likes his Curran. ‘He always wants to bowl the tough
54 runs in four overs. DhonivaluedandlikedthatattitudeinCurran quickersurprisebouncerandalwaystestsout overs.Hewantstotakewickets.Ithinkyoujust
It was Curran’s maiden Indian Premier and has guided him quietly.” the batsmen,” Balaji said. forgethowyoungheis—we’llseehimgofrom
League season for then Kings XI Punjab and In the UAE leg of IPL 2021, Curran had a “One definite area of improvement is strength to strength.”
though he tried hard, he just didn't have the couple of expensive games, going for 55 and how well he uses the crease these days. If Balajiconcurs,andmentionsCurran’sabil-
pace and variations to escape punishment on 56. Buthe wouldbe back in thenetswithen- there is no swing on offer, he will right away ity with the bat as well; he averages nearly 25
a small ground. thusiasm seeking to work on getting better, go round the stumps. His angles of release, in Tests and strikes at 135-plus in T20s. “He is
Three years later in the T20 World Cup, he Balaji said. both over and round, are always varying; thetypewhowantstheballorbatunderpres-
hasbecomeEngland’sgo-todeathbowler,con- “Yes, he did go for a few big overs in some small tweaks but effective.” sure. I feel he is a tremendous talent with the
cedingamere34runsfrom41deliveriesinthe games(atCSK),butimmediatelylookedtosee AnexampleofthiscameagainstSriLanka, batandonlybecauseofEngland’slongbatting
last-four-over stage. In must-win games how to improve. He has leaked runs but that when Curran began the 19th over going wide line-up he is batting low,” Balaji said. “With
against New Zealand and Sri Lanka, Curran temperament means he hits the nets with Sam Curran (2nd left) has been England’s go-to death bowler in the World Cup. AP outsideofftoHasaranga.Butwhenhesawthe otherteams,Icaneasilyseehimbattinghigher.
bowled two miserly overs each at the death, great ambition to either improve the idea or batsman shuffle across to try and reach the He wants it. Very, very keen.”
takingthecrucialwicketof GlennPhillipsand comeupwithanewideainthenextgame.As wide line, he went closer to the stumps and WhileCurranhasspokenabouthowplay-
giving away a solitary boundary across those in either improve the ball that made him leak the stumps, as the case may be?’ When he is pace. “Just got a little bit stronger whilst I had delivered yorkers at Hasaranga’s feet. ing under pressure in the IPL has aided his
four overs, that too an inside edge from runs or come up with a new option.” convincedwiththeanswer,hewillhitthenets my injury, and yeah, I think (after) the break, Curran has used the wide yorker to good progress, Balaji also talks about how support
WaninduHasaranga.Sowellhashemadethe “He would be initially very upset on such with great enthusiasm.” camebackrefreshedandeagerandready,alot effect in this tournament, a delivery that is from CSK fans boosted him.
transition from being a primarily Powerplay days and would tell me, ‘oh! Why did I bowl of energy... I also feel having had a consistent hard to control with his action, according to “It also helped that he was so loved by the
swing bowler to a versatile T20 operator that thatballinthatsituation?Ishouldn’thave.’If I Back with a vengeance runinthesidehasreallygivenmeconfidence,” Balaji.“Withhisslightlyround-armishaction, CSK fans. They would keep calling him ‘kadai
hehaskeptveterandeath-oversspecialistChris thought the ball was fine, but the execution Curran had missed the 2021 T20 World Curran had said after taking 5 for 10 against thewideoutside-off yorkerwasalwaysgoing kutti singham’ (the youngest lion cub).
Jordan out of the England XI. probablywasn’t,hewouldlistenintently.Next Cupwithastressfractureof thebackandalso Afghanistan in Perth. to be a difficult ball to master. But he worked Imagine, you are a young boy coming from
Curran had spent a couple of seasons at match day, he would try that ball again, and skipped the IPL auction this year to focus on “These Australian decks, obviously, my hard at it. Not a surprise that all these little England and being loved by fans in another
Chennai Super Kings after his debut year at would come back with a smile. his recovery. After making his comeback first time playing here as well, so I'm really changes - the angles, the different deliveries countryfaraway.Theselittleintangiblethings
Kings XI, and his bowling coach there, former “He is a quick learner and always asks against India in July, he did well on the enjoying the bounce and the pace, and you are all coming on perfectly now.” add to the overall confidence.”
India pacer L Balaji, is “not at all surprised” by questions but isn’t the type to blindly follow Pakistan tour and against Australia in can obviously use the dimensions of the AccordingtoCricviz,Curranhasbeenbowl- OnThursday,though,theconfidentCurran
how much he has improved. justbecauseIamthebowlingcoach.Hewould October to make a solid case for a spot in ground as well.” ing more slower balls and bouncers, and also will have to make do without the support of
“Becausemorethanabowlerorabatsman, ask questions: ‘Why should I do that? How England’s T20 World Cup XI. Theconditionsandincreasedstrengthhave attacking the stumps more this year than he CSKfansattheAdelaideOvalinthesemi-final
I have admired him as a captaincy material. will the angle help me with that particular Duringhisrehab,Curranhasworkedhard also made Curran’s bouncer more effective, diduntil2021.Curranhassaidthatheistrying against India.
Thatkindofapersonalitywasalwaysboundto ball?Isn’titbetterif Igocloserorfartherfrom onhisfitness,whichhashelpedhimaddsome andhisslowerballhasinturnbecomeamore tobeasadaptableashecanbe,butisalsofully WITHINPUTSFROMSRIRAMVEERA

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New Delhi

All things big & small that build up towards the kick-off of Reds’ owners
Liverpool to face the greatest sporting spectacle on earth - the FIFA World Cup would consider
Real in last 16 in a new shareholders
repeat of ’22 final Alves in and Firmino out for Brazil; ASSOCIATEDPRESS

Germany sweat on Muller, Reus fitness

ASSOCIATED PRESS THE OWNER of Liverpool confirmed on
NYON, NOVEMBER 7 Monday that it is open to selling shares in the
REAL MADRID will play Liverpool, again. offers from potential buyers. Fenway Sports
Bayern Munich will play Paris Saint- Group(FSG)saidinastatementthatitremains
Germain, again. Two rematches of recent committedtotheclub,whichitboughtin2010

Champions League finals were set up and has guided to a new era of success.
Monday by the draw for the round of 16 as Responding to a report by the Athletic,
some of Europe's top heavyweights were which claimed Liverpool had been put up for
paired together. WORLD CUP sale, FSG said it would consider new share-
Madrid beat Liverpool in the 2018 and ROUNDUP holders.“Therehavebeenanumberof recent
2022 finals, to extend its competition changesofownershipandrumorsofchanges
record to 14 titles, and Bayern beat PSG in in ownership at EPL clubs and inevitably we
2020 to become European champion for are asked regularly about Fenway Sports
the sixth time. Tite trusts 39-year-old Alves as Group's ownership in Liverpool,” it said in a
The trend even continued one hour Coutinho fails to make cut statement. "FSG has frequently received ex-
later at UEFA headquarters with the first BRAZILCOACHTiteonMondaynamedhis26- pressions of interest from third parties seek-
pairing made in the Europa League draw. manWorldCupsquadforQatar,including39- ingto becomeshareholdersinLiverpool. FSG
Barcelona will face Manchester United, year-old defender Daniel Alves while leaving hassaidbeforethatundertherighttermsand
the team it beat in the 2009 and 2011 out Liverpool forward Roberto Firmino as the conditions we would consider new share-
Champions League finals, in the knockout five-timeschampionsprepareforthetourna- holders if it was in the best interests of
playoffs of the second-tier competition in ment starting on November 20. Liverpool as a club.
February. For defending champion Madrid, Aston Villa attacking midfielder Philippe “FSG remains fully committed to the suc-
having a difficult path to the title is noth- Coutinho is one veteran who didn't make the cess of Liverpool, both on and off the pitch.”
ing new. The Spanish team's remarkable list after sustaining a thigh injury in training FSG bought Liverpool for just 300 million
run last season saw it knock out PSG, over the weekend that will sideline him for pounds ($343.5 million) in 2010, but the club
Chelsea, Manchester City and Liverpool to several weeks.The Brazil boss will be taking could now be worth in the region of 4 billion
lift the trophy. onlyfourcentre-backs,withJuventus'Bremer Bayern to rest Müller to pounds ($4.58 billion).
behind Marquinhos, Thiago Silva and Eder boost World Cup chances Todd Boehly and Clearlake Capital paid
PSG-Bayern showdown Militao,whileleavingRogerIbanez(Roma)and 4.25 billion pounds ($4.87 billion) to buy
PSG being paired with Bayern meant a Gabriel Magalhaes (Arsenal) out. Germany face more injury concerns Chelsea in May, which was the highest
blockbuster draw at this stage for French Arsenal's Gabriel Martinelli was included ahead of the World Cup with Bayern amounteverpaidforasoccerteam.Liverpool
champion as well. PSG's quest for a first in a list dominated by 12 players from the Munich set to rest Thomas Müller and has a bigger stadium and more storied his-
European title was ended in March by English Premier League. BorussiaDortmund'sMarcoReushav- tory as one of the most successful teams in
Karim Benzema's stunning late hat trick in The squad and Tite will gather on ingmoreissueswithhisankle.Various world soccer, having won the Champions
the second leg in Madrid. November 14 at Juventus' training facilities in injuries and illnesses have restricted Leagueonsixoccasions.Ithasre-established
The tough draw was made possible be- Turin,whereBrazilwillholdafive-daytraining Müller to only two substitute appear- itself asoneof theleadingclubsinEuropeun-
cause PSG finished second behind Benfica camp before flying to Doha on November 19. RobertoFirmino(secondfromright)hasscored8goalsforLiverpoolthisseason. Reuters ances since the start of last month. der FSG and won its first league title in 30
in its group after the Portuguese club BrazilwillopentheirWorldCupcampaign Coach Julian Nagelsmann said on years — and 19th overall — in 2020.
scored a crucial stoppage-time goal in a 6- against Serbia on November 24 and also face Mondaythatthe33-year-oldMülleris ManagerJurgenKlopphasalsohelpedthe
1 win last week at Maccabi Haifa. Switzerland and Cameroon in Group G. of migrant workers who were hired to build andlackof accesstoshowersinaccommoda- recoveringbutwillberestedforgames club win the Champions League, Club World
PSG sports director Luis Campos dis- Brazil's 26-man squad for the 2022 WC infrastructurefortheWorldCupinQatar.The tions. against Werder Bremen on Tuesday Cup,FACupandLeagueCupsincebeinghired
missed a suggestion the club was made to Goalkeepers: Alisson (Liverpool), Ederson charges relate to a complaint dating back to and Schalke on Saturday to avoid risk- in 2015. But he has spoken publicly of the dif-
pay dearly for last week's results. After (Man.City),Weverton(Palmeiras).Defenders: 2015thatwasfiledbyFrenchadvocacygroup
Swiss trouble in goal ing a further injury setback. ficulty in challenging Abu Dhabi-backed
playing out a 2-1 victory at Juventus, PSG Bremer(Juventus),EderMilitao(RealMadrid) Sherpa against Vinci Construction Grands There’s not much luck being a Switzerland “I'dliketogivehimsomerestbefore Manchester City in the transfer market.
players said they had not realized that the Marquinhos (PSG), Thiago Silva (Chelsea), ProjetsandtheFrenchexecutivesof itsQatari goalkeeperaheadof theWorldCupsquadbe- the World Cup to let the structure heal “Nobody can compete with City in that,”
group win was at risk from Benfica's late Danilo (Juventus), Daniel Alves (Pumas), Alex subsidiary, including accusations of using ingnamedonWednesday.WithYvonMvogo fully,” Nagelsmann said. Kloppsaidlastmonth.“Youhavethebestteam
surge in Israel. "It's really motivating for us Sandro (Juventus), Alex Telles (Sevilla). “forced labour.” going off injured playing for Lorient against “Since we've got all the attacking in the world and you put in the best striker
to play this match. (against Bayern)," Midfielders: Bruno Guimaraes (Newcastle), The Nanterre prosecutor had closed the case PSG, all three goalkeepers named in the pre- players healthy now and have a lot of (Erling Haaland) on the market. No matter
Campos said at the draw. Casemiro (Man. United), Everton Ribeiro without further action in 2018, but Sherpa, viousSwiss squad in September are now out choice, it's not the sort of game where what it costs, you just do it ... What does
“It's a great opportunity to take a re- (Flamengo), Fabinho (Liverpool), Fred (Man. which was joined by several former work- of action.Yann Sommer, the undisputed first youneedtoplaythroughthepainortake Liverpooldo?Wecannotactlikethem.It'snot
venge, many players played the (2020) final United),LucasPaqueta(WestHam).Forwards: ers, filed a new complaint that led to the choice, and Jonas Omlin both sustained an- arisk.”GermanycoachHansiFlickisdue possible.”
against Bayern.” Lionel Messi is one PSG Antony(Man.United),GabrielJesus(Arsenal), opening of a judicial investigation. kle injuries in October playing for Borussia toannouncehissquadonThursday.
player who did not play in the final two Gabriel Martinelli (Arsenal), Neymar Jr (PSG), Qatar has faced intense scrutiny ahead of Mönchengladbach and Montpellier, respec- Dortmund coach Edin Terzic said Nobody can
years ago. Then with Barcelona, Messi was Pedro (Flamengo), Raphinha (Barcelona), thetournament for its labourlaws andtreat- tively. Sommer told Swiss daily Blick his Reus had to cut training short on
on the receiving end of Bayern's 8-2 rout in Richarlison (Tottenham), Rodrygo (Real ment of hundreds of thousands of migrant prospects for the World Cup look good, Sunday because of ankle pain but that
compete with City
the single-leg quarterfinals, which was the Madrid), Vinicius Jr (Real Madrid) workers, mostly from India, Bangladesh, though he seems unlikely to get game time onMonday“itdidn'tlookquitesobad.” in that. You have
last time he faced the German champion. Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and other South beforetheGroupGopeneragainstCameroon Reus has barely played for Dortmund the best team in the
The full draws: RB Leipzig v Manchester French building group in Asian countries. Sherpa said it collected tes- on November 24. inthelastfiveweekswithankleissues world and you put in
City; Club Brugge v Benfica; Liverpool v trouble over working conditions timonies about the working conditions at Brazil and Serbia are also in the butreturnedtoplay23minutesoffthe the best striker
Real Madrid; AC Milan v Tottenham French construction company Vinci said on some of the construction sites operated by group.SwitzerlandcoachMuratYakinatleast bench in a 3-0 win over Bochum on (Erling Haaland) on
Hotspur; Eintracht Frankfurt v Napoli; Monday that one of its subsidiaries has been Vinci's subsidiary, which included working has another option, Gregor Kobel, playing in Saturday.
the market. No matter what it costs,
Borussia Dortmund v Chelsea; Inter Milan summoned by an investigating judge to an- in temperatures over 45 C (113 F) with insuf- standout form in the Champions League for DortmundplayWolfsburgonTuesday.
v Porto; Paris St Germain v Bayern Munich swerchargesthatitdidnotrespecttherights ficient water, the withholding of passports, Borussia Dortmund. you just do it.” - Jurgen Klopp


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