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Assessment Number:.........................................................


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Year 12 (HSC Class of 2023)
Task 1 - Theory and Data Analysis
Weighting 20%

General Instructions ⋅ Reading time – 3 minutes

⋅ Working time – 60 minutes

⋅ Write using black pen

⋅ Draw any diagrams using pencil

⋅ NESA approved calculators may be used

Total marks: 42
Assessment Number: …………………..

Section 1 (14 marks)

Use Source 1

1. A. cepa produces bulbs as a form of vegetative propagation. Identify another type of

vegetative propagation that other plants use and outline ONE advantage and ONE
disadvantage of your example.
(3 marks)

2. Using the information in Source 1, draw a diagram of a cross section of a single onion floret
and label your diagram using the underlined words from the paragraph. (3 marks)

3. Explain what the bolded sentence suggests about the type of pollination that must occur in
onion plants for successful fertilisation. (2 marks)

4. Identify an environmental situation where wild onion plants would produce more flowers
than bulbs and explain your answer. (2 marks)

5. Farmers in developed countries like Australia have access to scientific knowledge that
allow them to manipulate the reproduction of crops and livestock to control pests and

Source 1 provides information about the Allium leaf miner.

Outline how Australian farmers could use selective breeding to control the threat of the
Allium leaf miner to their onion crops. (2 marks)
Assessment Number: …………………..

6. Source 1 mentions some aspects of the sexual reproduction of Allium leaf miners.

State whether these insects carry out internal or external fertilisation and define your
chosen type of fertilisation. (2 marks)

Assessment Number: …………………..

Section 2 (11 marks)

7. The images below show the development of a human foetus after fertilisation.

Order the images from 1-5 to show the development of the human foetus from fertilisation.
(2 marks)

8. The image below show the changes in the endometrium thickness during the uterine cycle.

a) What is the name of the first phase of the uterine cycle? (1 mark)

b) Using the axis provided, finish both graphs to show the relative concentrations of
the two hormones responsible for triggering the phase shown in (a). Label each line
with the correct hormone. (2 marks)

9. The graph below shows the relative concentrations of various hormones during a human

a) Identify the week in which hCG peaks during pregnancy. (1 mark)

b) Outline the role of hCG in facilitating a successful pregnancy. (2 marks)

Assessment Number: …………………..

10. The following are concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in women during the
different stages of their ovarian cycle:

● 1.4 to 9.9 units/mL

● 6.2 to 17.2 units/mL
● 1.1 to 9.2 units/mL

a) Identify which concentration range above would represent ovulation. (1 mark)

b) Describe the role of FSH in ovulation. (2 marks)

Assessment Number: …………………..

Section 3 (17 marks)

11. Distinguish between the processes of mitosis and meiosis by completing the table below:
(2 marks)

Mitosis Meiosis

Number of

12. The following graph shows the total amount of DNA present in a cell during various stages
of the cell cycle (A-E). Each stage of the cell cycle is separated by a red line.

Identify the section of the cell cycle that represents DNA replication and the section that
represents mitosis. (2 marks)

DNA replication …………………………………

Mitosis …………………………………

13. The diagram below show two chromosomes lined up prior to crossing over.
a) Label the two brackets on the image to name the structures. (2 marks)

before crossing over after crossing over

b) The process of crossing over will take place at the junction indicated by the black
lines. In the box above, draw the chromosomes after crossing over has taken place.
(2 marks)

Answer this question in the space above.

Assessment Number: …………………..

14. The images below show two stages of meiosis; anaphase 1 and anaphase 2.

Compare anaphase 1 with anaphase 2. (2 marks)

15. The image below shows a strand of DNA.

Add the following information to the image:

a) Hydrogen bonds between the complementary bases

b) Draw a rectangle around ONE nucleotide
c) Label to 3’ and 5’ end of each strand
(3 marks)

16. Source 2 (separate sheet) provides information about DNA replication.

Using your own knowledge and the information provided in Source 2, describe the process
of DNA replication.
(4 marks)


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