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Accepted Manuscript

Title: Obesity and osteoarthritis

Author: Kunal Kulkarni Timothy Karssiens Vijay Kumar

Hemant Pandit

PII: S0378-5122(16)30077-9
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2016.04.006
Reference: MAT 6593

To appear in: Maturitas

Received date: 4-4-2016

Accepted date: 8-4-2016

Please cite this article as: Kulkarni Kunal, Karssiens Timothy,

Kumar Vijay, Pandit Hemant.Obesity and osteoarthritis.Maturitas

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 Osteoarthritis is a leading cause of disability. The knee joint is most affected.

 There is an association between obesity and knee osteoarthritis.
 Rising obesity trends result in more total knee arthroplasty (TKA).
 Obese patients can benefit from total knee arthroplasty despite higher risks and
more uncertain outcomes.
 A high boby mass index (BMI) should not be an absolute contraindication to knee

Obesity and Osteoarthritis

Mr Kunal Kulkarni1, Mr Timothy Karssiens1, Prof Vijay Kumar2, Prof Hemant Pandit3
East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust, Lister Hospital, Stevenage, SG1 4AB, UK
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 110029, India
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford, OX3 7LD, UK

Corresponding author: kunalkulkarni@doctors.org.uk

This paper provides an up-to-date review of obesity and lower limb osteoarthritis (OA). OA is a
major global cause of disability, with the knee being the most frequently affected joint. There is a
proven association between obesity and knee OA, and obesity is suggested to be the main
modifiable risk factor. Obese patients (Body Mass Index, BMI, over 30kg/m2) are more likely to
require total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The global prevalence of obesity has doubled since 1980;
by 2025, 47% of UK men and 36% of women are forecast to be obese. This rising global burden
is a key factor in the growing rise in the use of TKA. It is therefore important to appreciate the
outcomes of surgery in patients with end-stage OA and a high BMI.

This review found that while OA is felt to contribute to weight gain, it is unclear whether TKA
facilitates weight reduction. Surgery in obese patients is more technically challenging. This is
reflected in the evidence, which suggests higher rates of short- to medium-term complications
following TKA, including wound infection and medical complications, resulting in longer hospital
stay, and potentially higher rates of malalignment, dislocation, and early revision. However,
despite slower initial recovery and possibly lower functional scores and implant survival in the
longer term, obese patients can still benefit from TKA in terms of improved function, quality of life
and satisfaction.

In conclusion, despite higher risks and more uncertain outcomes of surgery, higher BMI in itself
should not be a contraindication to TKA; instead, each patient‟s individual circumstances should
be considered.

Obesity, osteoarthritis, arthroplasty, knee, replacement, outcomes

This paper provides an up-to-date review on obesity and lower limb osteoarthritis (OA). It
provides an evidence-based opinion regarding the burden of obesity, its contribution to the aetio-
pathogenesis of osteoarthritis, with specific reference to knee OA, and the impact of obesity on
the outcome of treatments offered to treat end-stage osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the clinical syndrome of joint pain accompanied by varying degrees of
functional limitation and reduced quality of life. Pathologically, it is characterised by localised loss
of cartilage, remodelling of adjacent bone, and associated inflammation.[1]

Globally, hip and knee OA are the 11th highest contributors to global disability, with ageing
populations expected to result in a jump to 4th by 2020. [1-3] This significant disease burden
results in 88,763 hip replacements and 96,986 knee replacements performed in the UK each
year. [4]

The knee is the most frequently affected joint. Knee OA affects 8.5 million people in the UK. [5]
Females are affected more commonly than males (global prevalence 4.8% versus 2.8% for men).
[6] As women live longer, the majority of patients undergoing any total joint arthroplasty (TJA) are
women, comprising 55% to 70% of most studies. [7-13] Opinion remains divided on whether total
knee arthroplasty (TKA) should be performed in patients with higher BMI, given suggested poorer
outcomes and higher risk of complications. The higher additional costs of undertaking TKA in
obese patients (approximately £2,135 per patient) places a higher burden on healthcare services,
so the benefits in terms of functional and symptomatic improvement should be significant enough
to warrant the additional risks. [14]

The global prevalence of obesity has doubled since 1980. [15, 16] Between 1993 and 2012 in the
UK, the proportion of overweight and obese adults increased from 57.6% to 66.6% (men) and
48.6% to 57.2% (women). The precise factors causing obesity remain under debate. The
Foresight Report concluded a “complex web of societal and biological factors that have, in recent
decades, exposed our inherent human vulnerability to weight gain”. [17]

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has defined several classifications of weight, based on
Body Mass Index (BMI), including „overweight‟ (BMI > 25kg/m2) and „obese‟ (BMI > 30kg/m2).[15,
16] Obesity is further sub-classified as class I (BMI 30-34.99kg/m2), Class II (35-39.99kg/m2) and
class III („morbidly obese‟ ≥40kg/m2). A more recent category is „super obese‟ (BMI >50kg/m2).

By 2025, it predicted 47% of UK men and 36% of women (aged between 21 and 60 years) would
be obese. By 2050 the predictions are worse, with 60% adult men, 50% adult women, and 25%
children (under 16 years) forecasted to be obese. Alongside the additional health risks to the
individual – including chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and
elevated cholesterol – obesity is associated with higher healthcare costs; obese patients are
estimated to incur 46% higher inpatient and 27% more outpatient costs. [18, 19]

Link between obesity and knee OA

Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have consistently demonstrated an association between
obesity, usually assessed by BMI, and the prevalence and incidence of knee OA, with obesity
proposed to be the main modifiable risk factor. [20-24]

Several large cohort studies have corroborated these findings using radiographic assessment of
OA, including diagnostic changes of OA and bone volume.[23, 25] Pattern of weight gain may be
relevant, with a shift from normal to overweight in adult life carrying a higher risk for knee OA
requiring TKA than being constantly overweight. [26]
While radiographic markers of OA usually correlate with patient symptoms, this is not always the
case, with studies showing radiographic OA changes to not always be associated with knee pain.
[27] Aiming to show a similar association between obesity and OA using patient symptoms, rather
than radiographic changes alone, some studies have found BMI to be a predictor of knee pain,
independent of radiographic features. [28, 29]

Pathogenesis of obesity and OA

A variable combination of mechanical, humeral, metabolic and genetic factors are thought to play
a role in the pathogenesis of OA. [30-32] With obesity, excess weight increases joint loading,
resulting in deleterious effects on weight-bearing joints. The additional mass can stress articular
cartilage beyond biological capabilities, therefore causing degenerative changes.[23, 24] Gait
analysis has demonstrated weight loss to reduce load across the knee joint, with approximately
0.5 kg weight loss resulting in a two- to four-fold reduction per step. [33, 34]

OA develops when cartilage breaks down faster than it is produced. Fat mass, rather than
skeletal muscle mass, is a risk factor for cartilage defects; for every 1 kg increase in total body fat
there is an increased risk of cartilage defects – a feature of early knee OA. [35] Metabolic and
humeral factors may account for why a higher incidence of OA in individuals with higher BMI and
body fat is found in non-weight bearing joints such as the hands. [36-38] Similarly, metabolic
syndrome increases the risk of knee OA but not hip OA, suggesting mechanical factors may not
be solely responsible. [39]

Does weight loss improve OA?

Despite strong evidence linking weight gain to the development of knee OA, there is a relative
paucity of evidence examining the impact of weight reduction, and the subsequent reduction in
load across the joint, on improvements in either the symptoms or radiographic features of
established OA. [23] [40] [41]

Some studies have shown a reduction in BMI to reduce the risk of development of radiographic
knee OA, with a large population study finding a reduction in BMI of ≥2 kg/m2 over 10 years
decreased the odds for developing knee OA by over 50%. [42, 43] Using symptoms as a marker,
significant bariatric surgery-induced weight loss can improve both hip and knee pain associated
with OA. [40] Non-operative weight loss of at least 5.1%, including through dietary intervention,
also yields symptomatic improvement. [41] Whether weight change modifies both knee joint
cartilage volume and symptoms in the same cohort has not been widely assessed, but surgically-
induced weight loss appears to an effective, rapid and dependable means of increasing medial
joint space while also improving symptom scores.[44] While most studies found significant weight
loss to be required to derive symptomatic and structural improvements, smaller degrees of
weight loss may still benefit people at high risk of knee OA, thereby modifying their trajectory
toward clinically significant knee OA. [41, 45]

Does obesity increase the need for arthroplasty?

The evidence strongly suggests an increased risk of obese patients requiring TKA. [46] [47, 48]
Some studies report over 90% patients undergoing TKA are overweight or obese, with the UK‟s
NJR reporting the average BMI of patients undergoing TKR to be 30.85 (i.e. obese). [49] [50] [4]

Higher BMI appears to confer a higher risk of needing total knee arthroplasty (TKA). [8] One
study reported an odds ratio (OR) for requiring TKA of 1.7 for overweight and 5.3 for obese men,
and 1.6 for overweight and 4 for obese women. [51] A similar study found more significant
results, with the highest odds ratio in male patients with BMI 37.5 to 39.9kg/m2 (OR 16.40) and
females with BMI ≥40 kg/m2 (OR 19.05). [46]

Change from an individual‟s baseline BMI may confer greater risk, with an increase in 1 kg/m2 of
BMI from baseline shown to yield a significant 10.5% increased lifetime risk of TKA, and a
5kg/m2 BMI increase to nearly double the risk of TKA, with obese patients requiring TKA from
seven to thirteen years earlier than non-obese counterparts. [47] [52] [53] [100]
Have rising obesity trends increased the uptake of arthroplasty?
91% THA and 98% TKA are performed for OA. [4] The average BMI of patients undergoing TKA
in 2014 was 30.85kg/m2 – a significant rise from an average of 27.5 kg/m2 a decade earlier. By
2030, the global incidence of TKA is forecast to increase by 673%, compared with 2005 levels.
[54] Furthermore, the time between first TJA and TJA of the contralateral joint is also expected to
decrease due to a higher risk of bilateral osteoarthritis at a younger age in obese patients. [55]

Do patients lose weight after TKA?

OA is often felt to be a contributing factor in weight gain due to joint pain limiting an individual‟s
activity, thereby reducing caloric expenditure. TKA has been assumed to tame the weight gain
curve by facilitating activity, with patients not undergoing TKA expected to increasingly limit their
activity as symptoms progress, exhibiting steeper increases in BMI over time. However, the
results of several studies examining post-TJA weight change are inconsistent.[56]

Several large studies and systematic reviews have found no conclusive evidence of weight or
BMI being altered by TKA, at up to five years‟ follow up. [57] [58] Despite this, patients report
significant improvement in functional scores. [57] [59] [60] [61]

A limited number of studies have found patients demonstrate a significant reduction in BMI
following TKA, with one review finding weight loss in 14 to 49% of patients. [57] [56, 58] [62]
Morbidly obese patients in particular were shown to be more likely to lose a clinically significant
amount of weight before and/or after TJA. [61]

Some believe the balance of evidence has shifted increasingly towards concluding that patients
actually gain weight post-TKA. [9, 13, 56, 63-66] [67] However, these patients still demonstrated
a significant improvement in Oxford outcome scores and mobility. [65] [67] Younger patients
have been shown to be more likely to gain weight post-TKA, with their older counterparts more
likely to show weight loss. [61] [13]

TKA cannot therefore be considered as a means in itself to produce weight loss in overweight
and obese patients. Similarly variable results have been found following THA. [3] One important
caveat is the separation of post-operative weight change from function; irrespective of changes in
weight, obese patients with OA are generally still satisfied with the outcomes of surgery –
regardless of whether gains in functional ability can later translate into new physical activity
habits to support weight management. [9, 63, 68]

Are complication rates higher in obese patients undergoing TJA?

Short-medium term
There is an abundance of evidence to suggest higher rates of short-to-medium term
complications following TKA in obese patients, with even higher rates in super obese patients,
resulting in significantly longer hospital stay, with the magnitude of risk increasing with BMI, and
potentially higher rates of malalignment, dislocation, and early revision. [69] [70, 71] [72] [73] [74]

30% of obese patients undergoing TKA have at least 3 comorbidities (e.g. diabetes, coronary
artery disease, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, sleep apnoea), compared with only 7% of non-
obese patients, which increases the risk of peri-operative complications. [13] [59, 75] [76] These
adversely affect anaesthesia, with around 30% of super obese patients requiring intensive care
unit monitoring post-operatively, and 9% requiring respiratory assistance.[77] Increased BMI is
known to independently increase the likelihood of pulmonary embolism (PE) or deep venous
thrombosis (DVT). [78] [79] Higher mortality rates are also reported, with a large meta-analysis
finding 5 kg/m2 higher BMI was associated with 30% higher overall mortality. [80]

Operating on obese patients is technically challenging, and complications can arise due to
difficulties in positioning and failure to gain adequate surgical exposure.[81] Consequently,
obesity is associated with a higher incidence of technical errors during TKA, likely contributing to
poorer range of motion. [82] Poor access may also be a factor resulting in significantly higher
volumes of blood loss reported during TJA in obese patients. [83] Particularly in morbidly obese
patients, obtaining adequate exposure generally results in increased operative time, which can
expose patients to a higher risk of infection and other medical complications. [84, 85]

Significantly higher rates of superficial (wound) and deep (peri-prosthetic) infection have
consistently been reported in obese patients. [86] [87] [72] Morbid obesity, diabetes, and younger
age are independent risk factors that confer even higher rates of deep infection, with reported OR
of between 3.2 to 9 compared to controls [59] [88] [132] Super obese patients have even greater
OR of 21.3.[88]

Despite the significant evidence-base suggesting higher complication rates, it is important to note
that several large studies have reported similar anaesthetic times, length of stay, wound infection
rates, and complication rates at up to 10 years post-operatively, resulting in comparable implant
survivorship to non-obese patients. [89] [7, 90, 91] [92] [93] [94]

The prevailing opinion has been that obese patients experience poorer functional outcomes after
TKA compared with non-obese counterparts, due to a combination of higher earlier complications
and an assumption of increased loads across the joint contributing to earlier wear. [95, 96] Earlier
studies had found significantly poorer functional scores (including pain, stiffness, range of motion
and physical function) and inferior survivorship (using revision and pain as end-points) at up to 4
years post-operatively in obese and morbidly obese patients. [87] [95] Approach has generally
been to advise patients to lose weight prior to consideration for TKA.

However, a number of these studies were limited by small sample sizes, low event rates, failure
to consider comorbidities, short follow up periods, and failure to stratify patients by BMI. [97] As
obese patients tend to have lower preoperative functional scores, higher postoperative scores in
the non-obese may reflect a pre-operative difference. [70] Furthermore, very few studies
distinguish function scores from practical patient satisfaction (i.e. whether patients felt they had
benefitted from surgery). One of the few studies to evaluate patient satisfaction reported similar
3-year pain and function outcome scores between obese and non-obese patients; however,
almost a third of patients with BMI >35 kg/m2 reported being dissatisfied following TKA and
would not have the procedure again. [98]

A significant body of evidence has since amassed that challenges the belief that obese patients
have poorer longer-term outcomes following TKA and suggests they benefit from TKA as much
as their non-obese counterparts despite more technically challenging surgery, more post-
operative complications, slower initial recovery, and possibly lower functional scores. [69] [72, 88]
[94] [99] While non-obese patients may show greater initial improvement in function and pain
scores, some studies have found no significant difference in the longer-term. [47] [91] [92] [100]

Similar findings have been reported following unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA), a less
invasive option for OA affecting a single compartment of the knee, with one study reporting no
significant difference between obese and non-obese patients in implant survival or Objective
American Knee Society Score at mean follow up of 5 years. [102] While there was a significant
trend with other functional outcomes (Oxford Knee and Functional American Knee Society
Scores) decreasing with increasing BMI, the opposite trend (p<0.01) was observed in pre-
operative Oxford Knee Score, with its change increasing with BMI (p=0.048). The mean age at
surgery was significantly (p<0.01) lower in patients with higher BMI. The authors concluded that
increasing BMI was neither associated with increasing failure rates nor was it associated with
decreasing benefit from UKA.

While lower BMI is a predictor of better post-operative physical function, over 80% of patients are
nonetheless satisfied with the results of TKA at up to 14 years follow up, irrespective of BMI,
reporting significant and persistent relief of pain, improved physical function, and overall
satisfaction. [103] [104] Data from the UK‟s National Joint Registry (NJR) shows worse pre-
operative Oxford Knee Scores (OKS) in obese patients, with more variable post-TKR scores,
median scores in obese patients were 3 to 4 points lower than for other BMIs. [4]

Several large studies have reported significantly poorer implant survival in obese patients, with a
systematic review concluding 10-year implant survival rates of 92.74% in obese patients,
compared with 98.45% in the non-obese. [105] [86] [106] As a result, the need for revision
increases. However, the evidence-base is not consistent, with a substantial body concluding no
significant difference in overall implant survival post-TKA in obese patients, compared to their
non-obese counterparts, as evaluated by radiographic analysis and revision rates. [93] [94] [101]
[107] [108] [109]

With unclear longer-term results on implant survivorship, the advantages of improved function,
quality of life and patient satisfaction may therefore outweigh the increased shorter-term risks of
TKA in obese patients. [110]

The global prevalence of obesity is rising. With a forecasted 11 million more obese individuals in
the UK by 2030, costs of treating preventable obesity-related diseases are set to increase to £2
billion/year. [111] Coupled with an ageing, older population, the burden of OA is also set to rise,
resulting in the demand for TKA expected to rise up to 600% over the next 15 to 20 years. [112]
[113] With a growing proportion of obese patients requiring TKA, it is important that patients,
clinicians and healthcare providers are prepared for the additional technical, medical and
financial peri-operative challenges. [114]

There is growing evidence to suggest longer-term outcomes of TKA in obese patients are
comparable to those of their non-obese counterparts. However, this may be at the expense of
more short-to-medium term complications. TKA in morbidly obese patients requires 7% higher
hospital resource utilisation. [115] An infected TKR requires up to 4 times the resources of a
primary TKA – an important consideration given the reportedly higher rates of deep infections
following TKA in obese patients. [116] However, these additional costs need to be balanced
against the „hidden‟ costs of reduced quality of life and impaired function in those with
symptomatic OA.

TJA in overweight and obese patients remains a contentious subject. In the UK, the National
Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) advise “referral for joint replacement surgery
should be considered for people with OA who experience joint symptoms (pain, stiffness,
reduced function) that have a substantial impact on their quality of life and are refractory to non-
surgical treatment. Referral should be made before there is prolonged and established functional
limitation and severe pain.” [1] In practice – for financial grounds or otherwise - most Clinical
Commissioning Groups (CCGs) usually require reasonable attempts for weight management to
have been made in patients above certain BMI thresholds (particularly morbidly obese, i.e.
≥40kg/m2) prior to eligibility for TJA, including through referral to specialist services. [117, 118]
For those unable to achieve weight loss, exceptional case-by-case exceptions may occasionally
be considered, including severe pain, mobility compromise, an immediate risk of loss of
independence, or where further delay would increase the technical difficulty of the procedure.

Expecting obese patients with OA to lose weight prior to TKA may be unsuccessful as their
symptoms may limit the ability to exercise. There also remains the belief that TJA is crucial for
weight loss. [13] Irrespective of guidelines and referral criteria, preoperative weight loss should
nonetheless be encouraged to improve surgical outcomes and the patient‟s general health and
wellbeing. [63] Options include lifestyle measures, non-operative treatments (behaviour
medication and pharmacological treatment), and surgically assisted weight loss. [120] Bariatric
surgery for specific patients - such as the morbidly obese and in whom lifestyle and medical
treatments have failed – can be successful (expected excess weight loss of ≥50%), resulting in
improved medical comorbidities, health-related quality of life, and likely significantly improved
functional outcomes from TKA. [7, 30, 121]
High preoperative BMI should therefore not necessarily preclude TKA, with evidence suggesting
TKA can yield positive outcomes in patients with higher BMI, including improvements in quality of
life, mobility, and pain. However, to manage expectations, both surgeons and patients should be
aware that functional and symptomatic improvement may not be as great as in non-obese
patients, and may be compromised by a higher incidence of perioperative and short-term
complications, particularly in the morbid and super obese, with a higher risk of need for revision.
[13, 49, 63] Each patient being considered for TKA is unique and the decision to proceed with
surgery should only be made after full counselling regarding the likely risks and benefits in the
context of a patient‟s individual circumstances. Preoperative weight loss - particularly in morbidly
and super obese patients - may improve outcomes, and post-TKA activity and behavioral
intervention programmes may also be advisable to maximise benefit from TKA, with studies
demonstrating that patients value the additional support in encouraging an increase in physical
activity and exercise following TKA. [122]

While OA is can contribute to weight gain, it is unclear whether TKA facilitates weight reduction.
Surgery in obese patients is more technically challenging. This is reflected in the evidence, which
suggests higher rates of short-to-medium term peri-operative complications following TKA,
including wound infection and medical complications, resulting in longer hospital stay, and
potentially higher rates of malalignment, dislocation, and early revision. However, despite slower
initial recovery and possibly lower functional scores and implant survival in the longer-term,
obese patients can also benefit from TKA (in terms of relatively improved function, quality of life
and patient satisfaction). In conclusion, despite higher risks and more uncertain outcomes of
surgery, higher BMI in itself should not be a contraindication to TKA, with each patient‟s
individual circumstances considered

KK and TK wrote the initial draft and completed the final edits. VK and HP reviewed and edited
the initial draft as senior authors.
All authors declare that they have participated in the preparation of the paper and that they have
seen and approved the final version.

Conflict of interest
None declared.

No funding has been received for this article.

Provenance and peer review

This article has undergone peer review.

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