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1. A simply form of 150 : 200 is = ....

2. The total students in a class is 40 students. If there are 15 female students. Then the ratio of female
students and male students in the class is...

3. A scale on a map is 1 : 1.200.000. if the real distance between City ”A” dan City ”B” is 60 km,
then the distance between City ”A” dan City ”B” on the map is….

4. Notice the following office sketch!

1 cm

No Question
1 The actual headroom (R.Kepala) area is …
2 The actual warehouse (gudang) area is …
3 The actual area of unit 2 is …
4 The actual meeting room (R. Pertemuan) is …

5. A chicken farmer has enough food to feed 64 chicken for 15 days. If the numbers of chickens is
now 80, then the food supply will run out for ….

6. The ratio of library visitors on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is 3 : 4 : 5. If the total visitors on
these 3 days is 84 visitors, then the total visitors on Wednesday is....

7. In 7 days, 6 workers can complete 126 clothes. If there are 4 workers working for 5 days, then the
total clothes that can be completed is....

8. In buying and selling activites, a loss can occur if ….

9. A seller sells erasers for Rp48.000 per dozen. He gets a loss of Rp500 per pieces. The buying price
of the eraser per piece is ….

10. Four salespeople gathered to report their results for the day. The following details the results of
their sales.
Seller I : Capital (modal) Rp300.000,00, total income Rp400.000,00.
Seller II : Capital (modal) Rp600.000,00, total income Rp750.000,00.
Seller III : Capital (modal) Rp800.000,00, total income Rp1.000.000,00.
Seller IV : Capital (modal) Rp1.000.000,00, total income Rp1.150.000,00.
Among the four sellers, the one who gets the biggest profit percentage is the seller ....
11. The following table lists the price of goods and discounts offered by “MURAH” stores
Types of goods Discounts Price

Earrings 25% Rp40.000

Shirt 30% Rp18.000

Trousers 20% Rp25.000

Tie 10% Rp30.000

Based on the table above, how much the price after the discount!

12. Kila bought a sweater with a price is Rp500.000. However, at the cashier he was only asked to pay
Rp300.000. The percentage of discount is ….

13. Mrs. Aini selles a refrigerator for Rp4.500.000 with 25% loss. The buying price of the refrigerator
is ….

14. The following table the price of goods and discounts in 4 clothing stores
Items Price
Store A Store B Store C Store D

Shirt Rp 180.000 25% 20% 15% 10%

Trouser Rp 200.000 10% 15% 20% 25%

Nata will buy a shirt and trouser at the same store. In order for Nata to get the cheapest price, he
has to shop at ….

15. Notice the following picture !

3a 5a

The value of 3a on the picture is ....

16. Notice the following picture !

The value of x is ....

17. Notice the following picture


If the measure of ACB = 93o then the measure of BAC is ….

18. The sum of  A and  B is 900. If  A = (5x + 5 )0 and  B = (2x + 15)0. Value of A? value of

19. Notice the following picture!


A 3x 0 2x0 D

No. Question
1  BEC ?
2 Value of x ?
3  AEB and  BED complementary each others?

20. The complement of an angles is 250. Then the supplementary is … .

21. Notice the following picture!

(3x – 5)0

(2x + 5)0

A. value of x
B. The measure of angle (3x – 5)o
C. The measure of angle (2x + 5)

22. A triangle with sides a, b, and c. the correct statement according to the triangle is… (more than one
A. b + c > a
B. a + c > b
C. a + b < c
D. a + b = c

23. It is known that a triangle has sides a, b, and c and a<b<c. The triangle is an acute triangle if...
A. a2 + b2 = c2
B. a2 + b2 < c2
C. a2 + b2 > c2
D. a + b < c

24. Notice the statement below!

The correct statement is…. (more than one answer)

A. The measure of the two angles of triangle are 400 and 700. Based on the measure of the angles,
it is an isosceles acute triangle (segitiga lancip sama kaki).
B. The measure of the two angles of triangle are 400 and 1000. Based on the measure of the
angles,it is an isosceles obtuse triangle (segitiga tumpul sama kaki).
C. If a, b, and c are sides of triangle ABC with a + b  c, then triangle ABC is an obtuse triangle.
D. The measure of the two angles of triangle are 600 and 300. Based on the length of the sides and
the measure of the angles, it is an isosceles right triangle.

25. An isosceles triangle has angles 3x0, 3x0 dan (2x + 12)0. The largest angle of the triangle is … .

26. The measure of the angles of triangle is 2x0, (x + 30)0, dan (2x +50)0. The value of x is …

27. The triangle PQR is an isosceles triangle with PR = QR dan  P :  R = 5 : 8. The measure of the
angle  Q is ….

28. To find out the mathematics achievement of junior high school students in a province, it was noted
the mathematics achievement of junior high school students in several schools in that province.
The following statements are true in more than one. The correct statement is… .
A. The population for this data is junior high school students in one province.
B. The sample for this data is junior high school students from several schools.
C. Mathematics achievement achieved by one school only.
D. Mathematics has no achievements

29. From the series of numbers 5, 4, 5, 4, 9, 4, 4, 7, 8, 9 the number that appears most often is…

30. Look at the following data values : 50, 80, 60, 90, 60, 100, 30, 100, 80, 70, 80, 40. 9 the value that
appears most often is…

31. Notice at the following table !

Value 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency 2 3 4 5 7 4 3

No. Question
1 The number of frequency is …
2 The frequency in a value of 7 is …
3 The value that appears most often is …

32. Notice at the following table !

Value 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency 2 3 5 x 3 1
If the average data is 7,4. Then the value of x is…
33. Notice at the following table !
Name of School Total
Male Female
SMP X 980 1050 2030
SMP Y a b ….
SMP Z 575 600 1175
1. value of a
2. value of b
3. The highest total students
4. the average total students of three school

34. Notice at the following table !

Score 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency 10 7 20 10 3
Based on the table above, shows the match results obtained by JFC football. The percentage of
score 4 obtained is … .

35. Mother is making a pot of sweet tea. She added a few spoonfuls of sugar to the pitcher, then stirred
it. To make sure whether the taste is sweet, mother took a spoonful of sweet tea and the tasted it.
A correct sample from the story is...

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