South East Asia's Largest and World's Deepest Floating PV Plant

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Inauguration of Southeast Asia's Largest and the World's Deepest

Floating Photo-voltaic by Indonesian President Joko Widodo

On November 11, local time, Indonesian President Joko Widodo attended the

inauguration ceremony of the Indonesian Cirata floating photo-voltaic project contracted

by the East China Institute and delivered a speech. The project is the first floating

photovoltaic project in Indonesia, the largest floating photo voltaic project in Southeast

Asia, and the deepest floating photovoltaic project under construction in the world,

which will play an important demonstration and leading role in the development of clean

energy in Indonesia and even Southeast Asia.

▲ Indonesian President Joko Widodo attended the inauguration ceremony of the Cirata floating photo-voltaic project in
Indonesia contracted by the East China Institute and delivered a speech
▲ The first floating photovoltaic project in Indonesia - Cirata photovoltaic project contracted by Power China
Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited

With an installed capacity of 192 MW, the Cirata Floating PV Project is a national-level

strategic project in Indonesia, and the PV site is located in the prestigious Cirata Reservoir

in Bandung District, West Java Province, about 130 kilometers from the capital Jakarta.

After the completion of the project, it is expected to generate 300,000 MWh

of electricity per year, save 117,000 tons of standard coal per year for Indonesia, and

provide enough power for 50,000 households, greatly alleviating the power supply

shortage around West Java Island, Indonesia, and helping the Indonesian government

achieve the goal of renewable energy as soon as possible with photovoltaic power generation.
▲ Sub-arrays are being attached with Arrays - Cirata Photovoltaic Project

Viewed from the sky, 13 photovoltaic arrays are arranged on the water, and the

project covers an area of about 250 hectares, with a maximum water depth of more than

100 meters. The underwater terrain here is complex, the slope is steep, and the water

depth of 100 meters brings great challenges to the design and construction of geological

exploration and anchoring systems.

On the basis of accurately evaluating the stress of the anchoring system, the project

team innovated the design scheme of the anchoring system to ensure that the drift

distance of the phalanx could meet the design requirements under the condition of high

and low water levels, and successfully completed the construction of the anchoring

system. At the same time, the project team also overcame a series of construction

problems brought about by the local rainy season that lasted for half a year every year to

ensure the success of the project.

▲ Cirata floating Photovoltaic Project: Anchor is placed by MV Barge

As the world's largest archipelago country, Indonesia is dotted with lakes and is rich in

solar energy resources near the equator. As the first large-scale centralized PV project in

Indonesia, the Cirata PV project uses local suppliers, subcontractors and workers in Indonesia

to the greatest extent, which not only drives the development of the local PV
industry and provides employment opportunities, but also provides valuable experience

demonstration for the subsequent construction of PV projects.

▲ Group photo of representatives of all parties involved in the project

Cirata floating photovoltaic project

It is to promote the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative

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Renewable energy development for Indonesia

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