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Counseling Philosophy Statement

Caleb Candelaria

Grand Canyon University

Master of Education in School Counseling

As a school counselor in training, my professional identity emanates from the American

School Counselor Association (ASCA) Standards and Competencies. In accordance with the

ASCA, school counselors are expected to demonstrate professionalism, provide indirect and

direct services, as well as perform program planning and assessment. Personally, I believe all

students possess the ability to learn and achieve their full potential. In an effort to assist students

achieve their potential I intend on advocating for students, identifying gaps in student

achievement, and providing guidance for all students.

In regard to theoretical orientation, I believe Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the

most efficient approach to school counseling. CBT is considered a short-term approach that

provides individuals an opportunity to identify important goals and overcome obstacles that

hinder the ability to achieve those goals. Furthermore, CBT provides individuals an opportunity

to replace negative behavioral patterns with positive behaviors. In regard to school counseling,

CBT provides students an opportunity to identify, learn, and practice positive behaviors (study

habits, sleep patterns, time-management) which allow them to achieve academic success.

In accordance with the ASCA Ethical Standards, school counselors should refrain from

imposing personal views, values, and beliefs. Throughout life, I have been exposed to various

cultures and religions which has provided me an opportunity to develop a multicultural

worldview. As a result, I possess the ability to create and establish meaningful relationships with

school stakeholders.

Moving forward, advocacy is an attribute that demonstrates a school counselor’s

leadership ability. School counselors can develop advocacy by addressing the needs and

concerns of school stakeholders. As a school counselor, I intend on advocating the need for

relevant programs that allow students to achieve their true potential. Also, I believe in advocating
for resources that protect a student’s mental and physical wellbeing. For example, I will advocate

for resources pertaining to anti-bullying, suicide prevention, and self-care.

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