School Lesson Plan On Substance Abuse

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GCU College of Education

School Counseling Lesson Plan Template

Section 1: Lesson Preparation

Grade Level: 9th Grade (Freshman)

Instructional Plan Title: Substance Abuse

Lesson Summary and Lesson focuses on helping 9th grade students identify and understand substance
Focus: abuse. Through power-point presentation, the counseling department will clarify
symptoms or signs of substance abuse. Additionally, the counseling department
will emphasize the negative impact substance abuse has on development.

Classroom and Student Describe the important factors (demographics and environment) and student
Factors/Grouping: factors (IEPs, 504s, ELLs, students with behavior concerns, gifted learners), and
the effect of those factors on planning, teaching, and assessing students. This
should be limited to 2-3 sentences and the information should inform the
differentiation components of the lesson.

Important demographics to consider include IEP, 504, ELL, and “at-risk”

students. Students requiring special assistance will be provided additional
resources (e.g. activities, printouts, additional time, audio devices). Lesson
plans will be conducted in classrooms during home -room period.

ASCA and Academic Academic standards being met in accordance with the ASCA include the
Standards: following ethical standards:

A.1.e – Are concerned with students’ academic, career and social/emotional

needs and encourage each student’s maximum development

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A.3.a - Provide students with a comprehensive school counseling program that
ensures equitable academic, career and social/emotional development
opportunities for all students.

A.4.a – Collaborate with administrators, teachers, staff and decision makers to

create a culture of postsecondary readiness.

A.8.a – Safeguard the welfare of students participating in peer-to-peer programs

under their direction.

A.8.b - Supervise students engaged in peer helping, mediation and other similar
peer-support groups.

Specific Learning 9th grade students will be able to:

 Identify the various forms of substances.

 Identify and describe signs of substance abuse.

 Visualize the consequences of substance abuse on physical and mental

wellbeing via PowerPoint presentation, YouTube Videos, scholast ic
videography and photography.

 Perform an “at-risk” substance abuse assessment that measures

student exposure to substances.

 Identify and describe healthy substance abuse alternatives and coping


Academic Language  Substance abuse

 Assessment
 Coping Mechanisms
 PowerPoint presentation
 Scholastic videography/photography
 ASCA (American School Counseling Association)
 Ethical Standards
 Homeroom
 IEP (Individualized Educational Plan)
 504 (Students with special needs)

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 ELL (English Language Learner)
 At-Risk (Students with behavioral difficulties)

Resources, Materials,  PowerPoint Presentation

Equipment, and  Computer
Technology:  Speakers
 Printer
 Projector
 Projector Screen
 Paper
 Pens/Pencils
 YouTube
 Drug Abuse Signs and Symptoms
 Teen Substance Abuse
 Addiction video

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Section 2: Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set
 Before & after visuals of celebrities.
 Videos showcasing the negative impacts of substanc e abuse.
 Songs that emphasize lives lost from substance abuse.
 Print out of Lyrics pertaining to substance abuse (Weekend by Mac Miller; Other
side by Red Hot Chili Peppers; Other Side by Macklemore).

Presentation/Instructional Strategies Time

 PowerPoint Presentation 2x a year
 Whiteboard (1x per
 Whiteboard Markers semester)
 Whiteboard Eraser
 Computer 45-55
 Headphones/ Audio Devices minutes
 Printout of PowerPoint Slides (Spanish & English)
 Projector
 Projector Screen
 Pens/Paper
 Paper
 Printer

Explain how you will differentiate materials for each of the following groups:

 English language learners (ELL):

- ELL students will be provided presentation slides in English and native language.
Furthermore, an appropriate translator will be provided to ensure ELL students are
provided an opportunity to comprehend lesson plan material. Additionally, ELL
students will be provided an opportunity to participate in lesson presentation
separate from English speaking students.

 Students with special needs:

- Students with special needs will be provided opportunities to meet with the school
counselor and their school case carrier regarding lesson plan material. Also,
activities that correlate with the student’s needs will be implemented into the lesson
plan. Furthermore, students with special needs will have an opportunity to
participate in a longer lesson plan to ensure comprehension. Additionally, students
with special needs may participate in presentations separate from average

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 Students with gifted abilities:

- Resources pertaining to workshops, presentations, and volunteer work will be

provided for students that obtain special abilities, need additional support, or seek
additional counseling

Learning Activities Time


5-10 min
 Substance Abuse Assessment/Survey (current exposure to substances – experience
with substance abuse – reasons why they resorted to substance abuse – feelings
before and after abusing substances – family history to substance abuse)

 PowerPoint Presentation (information pertaining to substance abuse – resources 15-20 min

provided to assist students identify healthy alternatives to substance abuse).

 Videos (Media footage associated with consequences of substance abuse – 8-10 min
testimonies- behavior difficulties- life changes)

 Photography (Before/after visuals associated with substance abuse) 5 min

 Music (Print out of lyrics associated with consequences of substance abuse) 5 min

 Group discussion (Allow for questions and open-communication) 6 min

 Workshops 30-40 min

 Volunteer Work 1-2 hours

Explain how you will differentiate activities for each of the following groups:
 English language learners (ELL):

- ELL students with have equal opportunities to comprehend material during learning
activities. Information will be provided in English and their native language to ensure
students are able to comprehend material. Additionally, ELL students will be
allowed to attend a separate presentation specifically for ELL students.

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 Students with special needs:

- Students with special needs will be allowed to attend a separate presentation

offered /designed specifically for those with special needs. Presentation and
instruction will be communicated at a pace that meets the needs of the student and
extra time will be allocated to ensure students comprehend the material.
Presentation and learning activities may be split into two sessions rather than one.

 Students with gifted abilities:

- Students with gifted abilities will be offered an opportunity to perform projects that
enhance student understanding of substance abuse. Furthermore, students with
gifted abilities may be asked to develop a community partnership in effort to raise
substance abuse awareness in the community.

 Early Finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional

- Early finishers are expected and advised to reflect and document any questions
they may have upon completing learning activities during the lesson plan.

Assessment of Learning Time

Learners differ in the ways they navigate a learning environment and express what they k now.
Your goal in this section is to explain the various ways in which your students will demonstrate
what they have learned. Explain how you will provide alternative means for response, selection,
and composition to accommodate all learners. Will you tier any of these products? Will you offer
students choices to demonstrate mastery? This section is essentially differentiated assessment.
In a bulleted list, explain the options you will provide for your students to express their
k nowledge about the topic.
 Assessments - students will perform assessments in an effort for school counselors to 10-15 min
assess the level of substance abuse exposure amongst students. Additional
assessments include the amount students resort to substance abuse as a means to
overcome stress or difficulties.

 Non-graded Quiz – quizzes will be implemented into lesson plans to ensure students
understand and comprehend lesson plan material. Quizzes will not be graded, but will 10 min
determine the student’s comprehension of lesson plan material. Low level scores may
result in additional resources or 1:1 counseling.

 Online Courses/Modules – online courses and modules will provide an interactive

platform for students to engage in learning material. These platforms will ensure a 20-35 min
student comprehends information prior to continuing further in course/module chapters.

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 Role playing – role playing will provide students an opportunity to demonstrate various
scenarios in which substance abuse occurs. Students will identify and understand 20-25 min
healthy alternatives and coping mechanisms to substance abuse. Additionally, students
will have an opportunity to discuss personal experiences pertaining to substance abuse.
Role playing will be conducted in a safe and warm environment that promotes diversity
and advocates self-care.

Explain if you will differentiate assessments for each of the following groups:
 English language learners (ELL):
- Counseling will assess the student’s comprehension of lesson material and provide
resources for students that demonstrate low comprehension levels. For ELL
students, resources and lesson material will be provided in their primary language.

 Students with special needs:

- Counselors will collaborate with teachers to ensure which students require special
needs. These students will be provided additional time to complete assessments
and lesson plan activities. Also, students with special needs are allowed to
participate in a separate lesson plan presentation. Additionally, activities such as
role play and listening to music will be implemented to assist students comprehend
lesson plan material.

 Students with gifted abilities:

- Students with gifted abilities will be asked to participate in additional workshops and
presentations. Additionally, students with gifted abilities may be asked to lead group
discussion and activity

 Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional

- All ninth graders are too report to their homeroom and participate in lesson plans
performed by the school counseling department. Attendance is mandatory unless
an excused absence is reported by school attendance. Students who finish
assessment material early are advised to document questions regarding substance
abuse as well as document personal encounters pertaining to substance abuse.

© 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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