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Inductive teaching is when teacher let students learn in various ways that are suitable for
them. By doing different kind of activities and constantly use different materials for students
to learn.

2. Teacher will just carry the lesson by explaining the information while student sit and learn it
is straight forward but less class interaction.

3. Deductive way is more focused on theRules at the beginning so deductive Teaching would
start by maybe presenting The grammar and the form of what is Going to be learned. to
compare things we usually add er to
the objective and make a sentence with then if the objective is more than two syllables we
add more before it.

4. at the beginning that could be the teacher talking the examples could be in a dialogue or a
video or even like a reading you know could be some reading materials for the learners but
essentially with the inductive way is the examples are given the you know the forefront are
put at the forefront first

5. Level among students are different, so it’s preferable to use deductive approach.

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