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6000 STEEL

6000. 6300. Design ‐

• 6130 ‐ Design Data, Principles and Tools
6310. Structural Steel Members and Components
6100 &
6200 • 6140 ‐ Codes and Standards
• 6200 ‐ Material • Module 1: Tension (Sections ND and use of AISC
• 6310 ‐ Members and Components Manual Part 5 – Tension Member Table)
• 6320 ‐ Connections, Joints and Details • Module 2: Flexure and Shear ((Sections NF and NG
• 6330 ‐ Frames andd Assembles
and use of AISC Manual Part 3 ‐ Beam Design Table)
• 6410 ‐ AISC Specifications for Structural Joints
• 6420 ‐ AISC 303 Code
C d off St
d dP Practice
ti • Module 3: Compression (Section NE and use of AISC
• 6430 ‐ AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code Manual Part 4 ‐ Column Design Table)
6500 • 6510 ‐ Nondestructive Testing Methods • Module 4: Composite Members (Section NL and use
• 6520 ‐ AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code Tests of AISC Manual Composite Beam Design Tables 3‐19
6600 • 6610 ‐ Steel Construction &33‐20)
• 6620/6630 ‐ NUREG‐0800 / RG 1.94
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 1 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 2

6310. Structural Steel Members and Tension Loading : Ties, Hangers, and
Components – Struts
Module 1: Tension
This section of the module covers:
– Introduction
– Design strength
– Net area
– Staggered fasteners
– Block shear
– Design of tension members
– Threaded rods, pin‐connected members

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 3 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 4

I t d ti
Introduction D i St
Design Strength
• SStresses (f) in
i axially
i ll loaded
l d d members
b are A tension member can fail by
calculated using the equation • Excessive deformation (yielding) ‐ Excessive deformation is
f =P prevented by limiting stresses on the gross section to less than the
A yield stress. For yielding on the gross section, the nominal
where P is the load and A is the cross
cross‐ strength is:
sectional area normal to the load. Tn = Fy Ag and φt=0.90
• Design of this component involves • Fracture ‐ Fracture is avoided by limiting stresses on the net
l l ffor section to less than the ultimate tensile strength. For fracture on
– Tension member (gross area) the net section, the nominal strength is:
– Tension
T i member b att connection
ti (net
( t Tn = Fu Ae = Fu (UAn) and φt=0.75=0 75
area) where Ae is the effective net area, An is the net area and U is the
– Gusset plate at connection (net area) reduction coefficient ((an efficient factor))
– Gusset plate at support
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 5 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 6

N t Area
Net A Net Area
Net A
N Area ‐ The AISC SSteell M
Th Manuall iintroduces
d the
h concept off effective
ff i
The performance of a tension member is often net area to account for shear lag effects.
governed dbby the
h response off iits connections.
i The
Th AISC • For
F bolted
b l d connections:
i Ae = UAn
Steel Manual introduces a measure of connection • For welded connections: Ae = UAg
performance known as joint efficiency
efficiency, which is a where shear lag factor
function of x
U = 1− ≤ 0.9
– Material properties (ductility)
and x is the distance from the plane of the connection
– Fastener spacing to the centroid of the connected member and L is the
– Stress
S concentrations
i length of the connection in the direction of the load.
– Shear lag (Most important of the four and addressed
ifi ll b by th
the AISC St
Steell M
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 7 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 8
N t Area
Net A

Net Area

AISC Steel Manual

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 9 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 10

Net Area Net Area

• FFor bolted
b lt d connections,
ti AISC TTable
bl D3
1 gives
• For welded connections, AISC Table D3.1 lists
values for U that can be used in lieu of detailed

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 11 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 12

Staggered Fasteners St
d FFasteners
• Failure line ‐ When a member has staggered bolt holes, a
different approach to finding Ae for the fracture limit state is
t k Thi
taken. This iis because
b th
the effective
ff ti nett area isi different
diff t as the
line of fracture changes due to the stagger in the holes. The test
for the yielding limit state remains unchanged (the gross area is
still the same).
• For calculation of the effective net area,, the Section B2 of the
AISC Steel Manual makes use of the product of the plate
thickness and the net width. The net width is calculated as

wn = wg − ∑ d + ∑
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 13 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 14

d FFasteners
t Block Shear
• Block shear is an important consideration in the
design of steel connections. Consider the figure
below that shows the connection of a single‐angle
All possible tension member. The block is shown shaded.
f il
h ld beb

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 15 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 16

Bl k Shear
Block Sh Design of Tension Members
• The nominal strength in tension is FuAntt for fracture and FyAgtt for • The design of a tension member involves selecting a
yielding where the second subscript t denotes area on the tension member from the AISC Steel Manual with adequate
surface ( bc in the figure above).
• The yield and ultimate stresses in shear are taken as 60% of the
– Gross area
values in tension. The AISC Steel Manual considers two failure – Net area
modes: – Slenderness (L/r≤300 to prevent vibration,
vibration etc; does
not apply to cables.)
– Shear yyield ‐ tension fracture vs Shear fracture ‐ tension yyield
• If the member has a bolted connection
connection, the choice of
Tn = 0.6FyAgv + UbsFuAnt ≤ Tn = 0.6FuAnv + UbsFuAnt (J4‐5) cross section must account for the area lost to the bolt
• Because the limit state is fracture, the equation with the larger of
the two fracture values controls where φt=0.75. • Because the section size is not known in advance, the
default values of U are generally used for preliminary
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 17 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 18

D i off Tension
Design T i Members
M b D i off Tension
Design T i Members
M b
• Detailing of connections is a critical part of structural
steel design.
g Connections to anglesg are generally
g y
problematic if there are two lines of bolts.
• Consider the Gages
g for Angle
g figure
g shown earlier Threaded
that provides some guidance on sizing angles and Rod
– Gage distance g1 applies when there is one line of
– Gage distances g2 and g3 apply when there are two

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 19 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 20

D i off Tension
Design T i Members
M b D i off Tension
Design T i Members
M b
Pinned Connections
Threaded Rod ‐ • Pinned connections transmit no moment (ideally) and often
• Tension on the effective net area utilize components
p machined to tight
g tolerances (plus,
(p , minus
Tn = AsFu = 0.75AbFu
• The figure shows failure modes for pin‐connected members
where As is the stress area (threaded portion),
portion) Ab is andd eachh failure
f il moded must be
b checked
h k d for
f design.
d i
the nominal (unthreaded area), and 0.75 is a lower Specifically, the following limit states must be checked.
bound (conservative) factor relating As and Ab. See
Section J3.6 of the AISC Steel Manual Specification for
• The design strength of a threaded rod is calculated as
ϕTn =0.75 Tn
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 21 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 22

Design Example of W‐Shape Flexural

Design of Tension Members
The followingg limit states must be checked.
• Tension on the effective net area
ϕTn = 0.75(2 t beffffFu) where beffff = 2t + 0.63 ≤ b (D5‐1)
• Shear on the effective area
ϕTn = 0.75(0.6AsfFu) = 0.75{0.6[2t + d/2)] Fu } (D5‐2)
• Bearing on projected area
ϕTn = 0.75(1.8 ApbFy) = 0.75[1.8 (d t ) Fy ] (J8‐1)
h 1.8 ApbFy is based
b d on a deformation
d f limit
l state under
d service
loads producing stresses of 90% of yield
• Tension on the gross section
ϕTn = 0.9(AgFy) (D1‐1)

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 23 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 24

Design Example of Tension Members 6300. Design ‐
6310. Structural Steel Members and Components
• Calculate the required tensile strength
Pu = 1.2(40 kips) + 1.6(120 kips) = 240 kips
• Calculate the allowable tensile yield strength
Objective and Scope Met
Pu = FyAg = (36ksi)(2)(3.75in2) = 270 kips • Module
d l 1: Tension
φPu = 0.9(270) = 243 kips
• Calculate the available tensile rputure strength
– Introduction
Calculate U: U = 1− x / l = 1 – (1.18 in./21.0 in.) = 0.944 – Design strength
Calculate An : An = Ag – 2(db+1/16 in.)t = 2(3.75in2) – 2(13/16 in. + 1/16.) = 6.63 in2
– Net area
Calculate Ae : Ae = An U = 6.63 in2 (0.944) = 6.26 in2
• Calculate the allowable tensile rupture strength – Staggered fasteners
Pu = Fu Ae = ((58ksi)(6.26in
)( 2) = 363 kips
p – Block shear
φ Pu = 0.75(363) = 272 kips
• The available strength is governed by the tensile yield limit state – Design of tension members
243 kips > 240 kips ok
o.k. – Threaded rods,
rods pin
connected members
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 25 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 26

6310. Structural Steel Members and Components –

Module 2: Flexure and Shear Introduction to Flexure
This section of the module covers:
– Introduction Components Subject to Lateral Loading
– Analysis
A l i • Beams
– Stability
ƒ Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB)
• Girders
ƒ Flange Local Buckling (FLB) • Purlins
ƒ Web Local Buckling (WLB) • Girts
– Serviceability
– Shear strength
• Joists
– Biaxial bending • Cladding

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 27 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 28

Example of a Typical Floor Plan Example of a Typical Steel Structure

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 29 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 30

Introduction to Flexure Typical

yp Beam Members

• Flexural members/beams are defined as members acted upon

primarily by transverse loading, often gravity dead and live load
effects Thus,
effects. Thus flexural members in a structure may also be
referred to as:
– Girders – usuallyy the most important
p beams, which are frequently
q y at
wide spacing.
– Joists – usually less important beams which are closely spaced,
q y with truss‐type
yp webs.
– Purlins – roof beams spanning between trusses.
– Stringers – longitudinal bridge beams spanning between floor beams.
– Girts
Gi t – horizontal
h i t l wallll beams
b serving
i principally
i i ll to
t resist
i t bending
b di due d tot
wind on the side of an industrial building, frequently supporting
corrugated siding.
– Lintels
Li l – members b supporting i a wallll over window
i d or d door openings

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 31 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 32

Types of Beams Selecting Steel Beams and Girders

• Analysis and formulas for beams

• Types off fl
flexurall section and
d allowable
ll bl
• Compression flange considerations
• AISC rolled
ll d section
ti selection
l ti tables
t bl
• Special
p considerations

Slide No. 33
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 34

Analysis and Formulas for Beams Four Basic Types of Loads

The following topics will be discussed:

» Load
L d
» Shear
» Bending moment
» Stress
» Deflection

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Vertical Shear Force Positive and Negative Shear

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Positive and Negative Bending Steps

p for Determiningg Stress

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Formulas For Calculating Normal
Bending Stress

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Stability Stability
• The laterally supported beams assume that the beam is
stable up to the fully plastic condition, that is, the • Unlike a column, the compression region is restrained
nominal strength is equal to the plastic strength, or Mn = b a tension region (the other half of the beam) and the
Mp outward deflection of the compression region (flexural
• If stability is not guaranteed
guaranteed, the nominal strength will buckling) is accompanied by twisting (torsion)
(torsion). This form
be less than the plastic strength due to of instability is known as lateral‐ torsional buckling (LTB)
– Lateral‐torsional
Lateral torsional buckling (LTB) • LTB can be prevented by lateral bracing of the
– Flange and web local buckling (FLB & WLB) compression flange. The moment strength of the beam
• When a beam bends, one half ((of a doubly
y is thus controlled byy the spacing
p g of these lateral
symmetric beam) is in compression and, analogous supports, which is termed the unbraced length.
to a column, will buckle.

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Stability Stability
• FFour categories
t i off b
h i are shown
h iin th
the fi
– Plastic moment strength Mp along with large deformation.
• Flange and web – Inelastic behavior where plastic moment strength Mp is achieved but little
local buckling (FLB rotation capacity is exhibited.
and WLB, – Inelastic behavior where the moment strength Mr, the moment above
which residual stresses cause inelastic behavior to begin,
g , is reached or
respectively) must exceeded.
be avoided if a – Elastic behavior where
moment strength Mcr is
beam is to develop controlled by elastic
its calculated buckling.
plastic moment.

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Types of Flexural Sections Plastic Section

Flexural sections are classified and

described as:
» Plastic
» Compact
» Noncompact
» Slender

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Laterally Supported Beams Laterally Supported Beams

• The stress distribution on a typical wide‐ • In the service load range the section is elastic as in (a)
flange shape subjected to increasing bending • When the yield stress is reached at the extreme fiber
moment is shown below (b), the yield moment My is
Mn = My = SxFy (7 3 1)
• When the condition (d) is reached, every fiber has a
strain equal to or greater than εy = Fy/Es, the plastic
moment Mp is
(7 3 2)
M = F ydA = F Z
P y ∫

Where Z is
i called
ll d the
h plastic
l i modulus
d l
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Laterally Supported Beams Laterally Supported Beams

• Note that ratio, shape factor ξ, Mp/My is a property of • The AISC strength requirement for beams:
p and is independent
the cross‐sectional shape p of the φbMn ≥ Mu
material properties. – Compact sections: Mn = Mp = Z Fy
– Noncompact sections: Mn = Mr = (Fy – Fr) Sx =0.7FySx
ξ = Mp//My = Z/S
– Partially compact sections
• Values of S and Z (about both x and y axes) are ⎛ λ − λp ⎞
presented in the Steel Manual Specification
p p for all M n = M P − ( M p − M r )⎜ ⎟ ≤ MP
⎜λ −λ ⎟
rolled shapes. ⎝ r p ⎠

where λ = bf/2tf for I‐shaped member flanges

• For W‐shapes,
p , the ratio of Z to S is in the range
g of 1.10 = h/tw for beam web
to 1.15 λr, λp from AISC Table B4.1
– Slender sections: When the width/thickness ratio λ exceed the limits λr of

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Stress vs. Strain Curves for Different
Classes of Sections Introduction of Beam Buckling

A beam can fail by reaching the plastic moment and

becoming fully plastic (see last section) or fail
prematurely by:
1 LTB,
1. LTB either elastically or inelastically
2. FLB, either elastically or inelastically
3 WLB,
3. WLB either
ith elastically
l ti ll or iinelastically
l ti ll
If the maximum bending stress is less than the
ti l lilimit
it when
h b buckling
kli occurs, th
the ffailure
is elastic. Else it is inelastic.
Figure 15
For b di ϕbMn(ϕ
F bending ( b = 0.9)
0 9)
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 53 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 54

Design of Members for Flexure

(about Major Axis) L t l Torsional
Lateral T i l Buckling
B kli (LTB)

• Compact Members (AISC F2)

• Failure Mode
• Plastic LTB (Yielding)
• Inelastic LTB
• Elastic LTB
• M
Moment tGGradient
di t FFactor
t Cb

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Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB) Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB)
• Nominal Flexural Strength Mn
• Failure Mode – plastic when Lb ≤ Lp and Mn = M p
A beam can buckle in a – inelastic when L p < Lb ≤ Lr and M p > M n ≥ M r
lateral‐torsional mode – elastic when Lb > Lr and Mn < Mr
when the bending Mn
moment exceeds the Mp
C b = 1.0

critical moment.
plastic inelastic elastic

Lp Lr
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Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB) Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB)

• Plastic LTB (Yielding)

– Flexural Strength M n = M p = Fy Z (AISC F2

I eam in
I‐Beam where ZZ= plastic section modulus & Fy= section yield stress
a Buckled – Limits
Position • Lateral bracing limit E
Lb < Lp = 1.76ry (AISC F2‐5)

• Flange and Web width/thickness limit (AISC Table B4


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Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB) Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB)
• Elastic LTB
• Inelastic LTB L p < Lb ≤ Lr Lb > Lr
– Flexure Strength
– Flexure
l Strength
h (straight
( h line
l interpolation)
l )
(AISC F2‐3)
⎡ ⎛ L − L p ⎞⎤ M n = Fcr S x ≤ M p
M n = Cb ⎢ M p − (M p − M r ) ⎜ b ⎟ ≤ Mp
⎜ L − L ⎟⎥ (9 6 4)
⎢⎣ ⎝ r p ⎠⎥⎦ Cbπ 2 E Jc ⎛ Lb ⎞
2 (AISC F2‐4)
Fcr = 1 + 0.078 ⎜ ⎟
⎛ Lb ⎞
S x ho ⎜⎝ rts ⎟⎠
or ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
(The square root term ⎝ rtsmay
⎠ be conservatively taken equal to 1.0)
(c in AISC F2‐8a,b for doubly symmetric I‐shape, and channel, respectively)
⎡ ⎛ L − L p ⎞⎤
M n = Cb ⎢ M p − (M p − 0.7 Fy S x ) ⎜ b ⎟ ≤ Mp ((AISC F2‐2))
⎜ L − L ⎟⎥
⎣⎢ ⎝ r p ⎠⎦⎥ – Limit E Jc ⎛ 0.7 Fy S x ho ⎞
(AISC F2‐6)
Lr = 1.95rts 1 + 1 + 6.76⎜⎜ ⎟
0.7 Fy S x ho ⎝ E Jc ⎟⎠

2 I yC w (AISC F2‐7)
rts =
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 61 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 Sx 62

Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB) Cb for a Simple Span Bridge

• Moment Gradient Factor Cb

– The moment gradient factor Cb accounts for the variation of
moment along the beam length between bracing points. Its
value is highest, Cb=1, when the moment diagram is uniform
between adjacent bracing points.
– When the moment diagram is not uniform
12.5M max
Cb =
2.5M max + 3M A + 4 M B + 3M C (AISC F1‐1)
Mmax= absolute value of maximum moment in unbraced length
MA, MB, MC= absolute moment values at one‐quarter, one‐half, and
three‐quarter points of unbraced length

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Nominal Moment Strengthg Mn as Flange Local Buckling (FLB)
affected by Cb
• Compact Web and Noncompact/Slender Flanges
• Failure Mode
• Noncompact Flange
• Slender Flange
• Nominal Flexural strength
strength, Mn = Min (F2
(F2, F3)

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Flange Local Buckling (FLB) Fl

Flange Local
L lB Buckling
kli (FLB)
• Nominal Flexural Strength Mn
• Failure Mode – plastic when b / 2t f ≤ λ p and Mn = M p

The compression flange – inelastic when λ p ≤ b / 2t f ≤ λr and M p > M n ≥ M r

of a beam can buckle – elastic when b / 2t f > λr and Mn < Mr
locally when the bending
stress in the flange
exceeds the critical Mr
compact noncompact slender


λp λr tf
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 67 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 68
Flange Local
L lB Buckling
kli (FLB) Flange Local Buckling (FLB)

• Noncompact Flange (straight line interpolation) • Slender Flange

– Flexure Strength – Flexure Strength
⎛ λ − λ pf ⎞ 0.9 Ekc S x
M n = M p − (M p − 0.7 Fy S x ) ⎜ ⎟ (AISC F3‐1) Mn = (AISC F3‐2)
⎜λ −λ ⎟ λ2
⎝ rf pf ⎠
kc =
h / tw
(kc shall not be less than 0.35
0 35 and not greater than 0.76)
0 76)

– Limit (AISC Table B4.1)

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Web Local Buckling (WLB) Web Local Buckling (WLB)

• Compact
p or Noncompact p Webs (AISC
( F4)) • Failure Mode
• Failure Mode The web of a beam can
also buckle locallyy when
• C
Compact t Web
W b (Yi
ldi ) the bending stress in the
• Noncompact Web web exceeds the critical
• Slender Web stress.
• Nominal Flexural Strength
Strength, Mn=min (compression
flange yielding, LTB, compression FLB, tension flange
i ldi )
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 71 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 72
Web Local Buckling (WLB) Web Local Buckling (WLB)
• Nominal
N i l Flexural
Fl l Strength
St th Mn
– plastic when λ ≤ λp and Mn = M p • Compression Flange Yielding
– inelastic when λ p < λ ≤ λr and M p > M n ≥ M r – Flexural
Fl l Strength
St th
– elastic when λ > λr and Mn < Mr
Mn M n = R pc M yc = R pc Fy S xc (AISC F4
h Rpc= webb plasticification
l f ffactor ((AISC F4‐9a, b) & Fy=
compact noncompact slender
section yield stress

– Limits (AISC Tables B4.1)

h Lb < Lp = 1.1rt
λp λr
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Web Local Buckling (WLB) Web Local Buckling (WLB)

• LTB (Elastic) Lb > Lr

• LTB (Inelastic) L p < Lb ≤ Lr
– Flexure Strength
– Flexure Strength M n = Fcr S xc ≤ R pc M yc (AISC F4‐3)

⎡ ⎛ λ − λ pf ⎞⎤
M n = Cb ⎢ R pc M yc − (R pc M yc − FL S xc ) ⎜
⎟⎥ ≤ M p Cbπ 2 E J ⎛ Lb ⎞ (AISC F4‐5)
⎜λ −λ ⎟ Fcr = 1 + 0.078 ⎜ ⎟
⎢⎣ ⎝ rf pf ⎠⎥⎦ ((AISC F4‐12)) ⎛ Lb ⎞
S x ho ⎜⎝ rt ⎠⎟
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ rt ⎠

where FL= a stress determined by AISC F4‐6a,

F4 6a b – Limit (AISC Table B4.1)
E J ⎛F S h ⎞
Lr = 1.95rt 1 + 1 + 6.76⎜ L x o ⎟ (AISC F4‐8)
FL S x ho ⎝E J ⎠

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Shear Strength Shear Strength
• Failure Mode
• Failure Mode
• Shear‐Buckling Coefficient
The web of a beam or
• Elastic Shear Strength plate ggirder buckles when
• Inelastic Shear Strength the web shear stress
• Plastic Shear Strength
g exceeds the critical
For shear ϕvVn(ϕv = 0.9 except certain rolled I‐beam stress.
≤2 24√E/Fy, ϕv = 1
h/tw≤2.24√E/F 1.0)
Vn=0.6FyAwCv (AISC G2‐1)

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Shear on Rolled Beams Concentrated Loads

• AISC‐J10 2
AISC‐J10.2 φ Rn ≥ R u
– Local web yielding (use R1 & R2 in AISC Table 9‐4)
• General Form v = VQ/(It) and average form is
1. Interior loads
fv = V/Aw =V/(dtw) Rn = (5k + N)Fywtw
• AISC‐F2 2. End reactions
Rn = (2.5k + N)Fywtw (7.8.3)
φvVn ≥ Vu
φv = 1.0
Vn = 0.6FywAw for beams without transverse
stiffeners and h/tw ≤ 2.24/√E/Fy

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Shear St
th Shear Strength
• Nominal Shear Strength Vn (ϕv = 0.9)
• AISC G2 Nominal Shear Strength Vn
– plastic when λ ≤ λp and τ = τy
(a) For h kE Cv = 1.0 (AISC G2‐3)
– inelastic when λ ≤ λr and τ = 0.8τ y ≤ 1.10 c
tw Fyw
– elastic when λ > λr and τ = τcr
⎡ kv E ⎤
Vn kE h kE ⎢1.10 Fy ⎥
λ > λr (a) For 1.10 c ≤ ≤ 1.37 c Cv = ⎢ ⎥ (AISC G2‐4)
Vp Fy tw Fy ⎢ h ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦
plastic inelastic elastic
⎡ ⎤
(a) For kc E h ⎢ 1.51Ek ⎥ (AISC G2‐5)
1.37 ≤ Cv = ⎢ v

Fyw tw 2
⎢⎛ h ⎞ F ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎜⎝ tw ⎟⎠ y ⎥⎦
λp λr
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 81 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 82

Special Considerations for Designing Serviceability of Beam

Flexural Members
• Deflection
• Deflection – AISC – Section L3: Deformations in structural members and
structural system due to service loads shall not impair the
serviceability of the structure
• Vibration
– ASD ‐ Δmax = 5wL4/(384EI)
As a guide in ASD –Commentary
Commentary L3.1
• Ponding
di ‐ L/240 (roof); L/300 (architectural); L/200 (movable components)
Past guides (still useful) listed in Salmon & Johnson
‐ Floor beams and girders L/d ≤ 800/Fy, ksi
to shock or vibratory loads, large open area L/d ≤ 20
‐ Roof purlins roofs, L/d ≤ 1000/Fy
purlins, except flat roofs

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 83 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 84

Serviceability of Beam Purlins and Girts

• Ponding (AISC Appendix 2, Sec. 2.1)

Cp + 0 9Cs ≤ 0.25
0.9C 0 25 Purlins and ggirts have the same designg
procedures as beams but are lighter due to
Id ≥ 25(s( 4))10‐6
where reduced loading requirements. They are used
Cp = 32LsLp4/(107Ip)
Cs = 32SLs4/(107Is)
in building walls and roofs. The AISC Is a
Lp = Column spacing in direction of girder source of design data
Ls = Column spacing perpendicular to direction of girder
Ip = moment of inertia of primary members
Is = moment of inertia of secondary members
Id = moment of inertia of the steel deck
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 85 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 86

Cladding General Flexural Theory

Sources of design data for cladding are:

• American Iron and Steel Institute, Cold‐

Formed Steel Design Manual

• M
f t ’ handbooks
h db k & product
d t
manuals, for example, Whirlwind Building M x I y − M y I xy M y I x − M x I xy
Systems σ≤ y+ x
IxIy − I 2
xy I x I y − I xy2
(a) Angle free to bend in any direction
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 87 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 (b) Angle restrained to bend in the vertical plane 88
Biaxial Bending of Symmetric Design Example of Tension Members
f bx f by
+ ≤1
Fbx Fby

M ux M uy ⎛ Sx ⎞
Sx ≤ + ⎜ ⎟
φ b Fy φ b Fy ⎜S ⎟
⎝ y ⎠

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 89 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 90

Design Example of Tension Members Design Example of Tension Members

Verified by Calculation using the provisions of the Specification
By AISC Steel Manual • The limiting width‐thickness ratios for the compression flange are:
• Calculate the required flexural strength at midspan λpf = 0.38 √E/Fy
/ y = 0.38 √ (29,000
( , ksi/50
/ ksi )=
) 9.15
wu = 1.2(0.05 kip/ft) = 0.06 kip/ft; Pu = 1.6(18 kips) = 28.8 kips λrf = 1.00 √E/Fy = 1.00 √ (29,000 ksi/50 ksi )= 24.1
Mu = (0.06 kip/ft)(40 ft)2/8 + (28.8 kips)40 ft/3 = 396 kip‐ft λrf > λ > λpf , therefore, the compression flange is noncompact
• Calculate the nominal flexural strength Mn
• By AISC Steel Manual: Select the lightest
g section with the Mp = FyZx = 50 ksi (107 in.3) = 5350 kip‐in. or 446 kip‐ft
required strength from the bold entries in Manual Table 3‐2. ⎛ λ−λ ⎞
⎜ p ⎟ ⎛ 9 .47 − 9 .15 ⎞
M =M − (M − M )⎜ ⎟ ≤ M P = 5350 − ( 5350 − 0 .7( 50 )( 93 .0 )⎜ 24 .1 − 9 .15 ⎟
Select W21x48 with noncompact compression flange at Fy=50 ksi n P p r ⎜λ −λ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠
⎝ r p ⎠
(Sx = 93.0
93 0 in3 & Zx = 107 in3 & λ = bf/2tf = 9.47)
9 47)
Mn = 5310 kip‐in. or 442 kip‐ft.
φbMu = φb Mpx = 398 kip‐ft > 396 kip‐ft. o.k.
• Calculate the available flexural strength
φbMp = 0.9(442 kip‐ft.) = 398 kip‐ft > 396 kip‐ft. o.k.

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 91 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 92

6300. Design ‐ 6310. Structural Steel Members and Components –
6310. Structural Steel Members and Components Module 3: Compression

Objective and Scope Met Thi section

This ti off th
the module
d l covers:
• Module 2: Flexure and Shear – Introduction
– Introduction – Design factors
– Analysis
y – Load and member forces
– Stability
ƒ Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB) – Stability and end‐support considerations
ƒ Flange
l Locall Buckling
kl ((FLB)) – AISC‐allowable
ll bl stress and
d lload
d tables
ƒ Web Local Buckling (WLB) – Parameters and format of column design tables
– Serviceability
– Shear strength – Design examples of columns
– Biaxial bending
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 93 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 94

i Definition of Columns
• Compression (Section NE and use of AISC Manual Columns:
Part 4 ‐ Column Design Table)
• Are
A lilinear structural
t t l members
b loaded
l d d
y alongg their longitudinal
g axis
• Have a uniform cross section (usually)
• Are oriented vertically in a structure
• Are often connected to beams and other
Structural members

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 95 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 96

Introduction to Compression Introduction to Compression

n Axial Compression
– Generally referred to as: “compression members”
because the compression forces or stresses dominate
their behavior.
– In addition to the most common type of compression
members (vertical elements in structures),
compression members include:
• Arch ribs
• Rigid frame members inclined or otherwise
• Compression elements in trusses
• shells

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 97 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 98

Introduction to Compression Introduction to Compression

• General • General
– Columns include top chords of trusses and – Mode of Failures for Columns
i bracing
b i members.b 1 Flexural Buckling (also called Euler buckling) is the
primary type of buckling. Members are subject to
– In many cases, many members have flexure or bending when they become unstable.
compression in some of their parts. These 2. Local Buckling: This type occurs when some part or
include: parts of the cross section of a column are so thin that
• The compression flange they buckle locally in compression before the other
• Built‐up beam sections, and modes of buckling can occur. The susceptibility of a
column to local buckling is measured by the width‐
• Members that are subjected simultaneously to
thickness ratio of the parts of the cross section
bending and compressive loads.

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 99 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 100

Introduction to Compression Introduction to Compression
• General • General
Euler Buckling – Local Buckling

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 101 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 102

Introduction to Compression Introduction to Compression

• General • Wh
Why isi a column
l more critical
iti l th
than a b
– Mode of Failures for Columns (cont’d)
( ) or a tension member?
3. Torsional Buckling may occur in columns that have – A column is a more critical member in a
certain cross‐sectional configurations. These columns structure than is a beam or tension members
fail by twisting (torsion) or by a combination of because minor imperfections in materials and
torsional and flexural buckling. dimensions mean a ggreat deal.
– This fact can be illustrated by a bridge truss
that has some of its members damaged by a

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 103 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 104
Introduction to Compression Introduction to Compression

• Why is a column more critical than a beam • Columns Bay

or a tension member? (cont
d) – The spacing
p g of columns in plan
p establishes
what is called a Bay.
– The bending of tension members probably will
nott b
be serious
i as the
th tensile
t il loads
l d will
ill tend
t d to
t – For example,
example if the columns are 20 ft on center
straighten those members; but the bending of in one direction and 25 ft in the other
any compression i membersb iis a serious
i matter,
tt direction the bay size is 20 ft × 25 ft.
direction, ft
as compressive loads will tend to magnify the – Larger bay sizes increase the user’s flexibility in
b di in
bending i those
th members.
b space planning.

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 105 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 106

6310. Structural Steel Members and Components –

Introduction to Compression Design Factors
• Columns
C l B
The two most important design factors in
structural analysis of beams and columns
• Strength
Stren th
• Stability

A third design
g factor for columns is:

25 ft • Serviceabilityy
20 ft Bay Si : 20 ft × 25 ft
B Size
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 107 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 108
Design Factors Design Factors
The p
parameters that can control or affect the
behavior of a column are:
• LLoad
d magnitude,
it d P
• Load eccentricity, e
• Area of cross section, A
• Radius of gyration r
• Effective length, KL = Le
• End‐support
nd support conditions
• Initial straightness
• Residual stress
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 109 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 110

Column Slenderness Column Slenderness

• Slenderness Ratio
Based on the slenderness of a column, – The longer the column becomes for the same cross
columns are classified as: section, the greater becomes its tendency to
buckle and the smaller becomes the load it will
• Short carry.
– The tendency of a member to buckle is usually
• Long measured by its slenderness ratio, that is
• Intermediate L (1)
Slenderness Ratio =
h r=
where = radius
di off gyration
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 111 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 112
Buckling Load The Euler Formula
• If the
h axial
i l load
l d P is
i applied
li d slowly,
l l it i will
ill ultimately
li l become
b large
l Critical Buckling Load and Stress
enough to cause the member to become unstable and assume
the shape
p shown byy the dashed line. – Many columns lie between these extremes in
• The member has then buckled and the corresponding load is which neither solution is applicable.
termed the critical buckling load (also termed the Euler buckling – These intermediate
length columns are
l d after
load f the h mathematician
h i i Euler
E l who h formulated
f l d the h
relationship in 1759).
analyzed by using empirical formulas to be
desc bed later.
ate .
– When calculating the critical buckling for
columns I (or r) should be obtained about the
weak axis.

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 113 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 114

The Euler Formula The Euler Formula

• Example 1 • Example 1 (cont
A W10 × 22 is used as a 15‐long pin‐ Using a W10 × 22, the following properties can
connected column. Using Euler expression be obtained from the LRFD Manual:
(formula), A = 6.49 in2, rx = 4.27 in, and rx = 1.33 in

a. Determine the column’s critical or buckling Therefore,

Th f minimum
i i r = ry = 1.33
1 33 in.
load, assuming the steel has a proportional a. L 15 × 12
= = 135.34
limit of 36 ksi. r 1.33
π 2 (29 ×103 )
b. Repeat
p part
p (a)( ) if the length
g of the column is
π 2E
changed to 8 ft. Fe = = = 15.63 ksi < 36 ksi
(L / r )2 (135.34)2
OK column is in elastic range
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 115 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 116
The Euler Formula Residual Stresses
• Example 1 (cont’d) • Residual stresses are stresses that remain in
b. Usingg an 8‐ft W10 × 22:
a member after it has been formed into a
finished product.
L 8 ×12
= = 72.18 • Causes:
r 1.33
1. Uneven cooling that occurs after hot rolling of
π 2E π 2 (29 ×103 ) structural shapes.
Fe = = = 54.94 ksi > 36 ksi
(L / r )2 (72.18)2 2. Cold bending or cambering during fabrication.
∴ column is in inelastic range and 3. Punching of holes during fabrication.
Euler equation is not applicable 4. Welding.

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 117 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 118

Residual Stresses Residual Stresses

• Residual Stresses in Rolled Sections • Residual Stresses in Rolled Sections
– In wide‐flange or H‐shaped sections, after hot
rolling, the flanges, being the thicker parts, cool Maximum compressive
Stress, say 12 ksi average
more slowly than the web region. ((83 Mpa)
p )
i (‐)
– Furthermore, the flange tips having greater (‐)
exposure to the air cool more rapidly than the
region at the junction of the flange and the web.
Tension (+)
– Consequently,
q y, compressive
p residual stress exists at ( )
flange tips and mid‐depth of the web, while tensile
g and the web at
residual stress exists in the flange Figure 1. Typical residual stress
pattern on rolled shapes
the regions where they join.
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 119 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 120
Material Imperfections Buckling Stress vs Slenderness
• The critical buckling stress is often plotted as a function
• Effect
Eff t off M
t i l IImperfections
f ti and
d Fl
Flaws of slenderness as shown in the figure below. This curve
– Slight imperfections in tension members and is called a Column Strength Curve. From this figure it can
be seen that the tangent modulus curve is tangent to
beams can be safely disregarded as they are of the Euler curve at the point corresponding to the
little consequences. proportional limit.
– On the other hand, slight defects in columns
mayy be of majorj significance.
– A column that is slightly bent at the time it is
put in place may have significant bending
moment resulting from the load and the initial
lateral deflection
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 121 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 122

Stability and End‐Support Types of End Supports

Rotation fixed and translation fixed
This section covers the following topics:
– Types of end supports Rotation free and translation fixed

– Slenderness ratio
ratio, K factors
factors, and effective Common member
End conditions
lengths Rotation fixed and translation free

– Sideway effect
Rotation free and translation free
– Moment magnification effects

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 123

a b c d e f

Slenderness Ratio
Dashed line
show buckled
shape of column

K Values
Support Theoretical K value
0.5 0.7 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0

design value when

d Ideal conditions
are approximated
0.65 0.80 1.2 1.0 2.10 2.0

Rotation fixed and translation fixed

Rotation free and translation fixed

End condition code
Rotation free and translation free

Rotation free and translation free

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 125 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 126

Column Formulas Column Design per AISC

Figure 1
1. LRFD Critical Buckling Stress • The above equations for the critical buckling stress are
given in Section E.2 of the specification.
co u
Long column
• The figure
g below illustrates the above equations
q and
the transition point. AISC specifies a maximum
slenderness ratio, KL/r, of 200 for compression
Inelastic buckling

φc Fcr
λc = 1.5 Elastic buckling
( l Formula)
(Euler l )

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000
r 127 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 128
Column Design per AISC Column Design per AISC
Flange and
Fl d webb compactness • AISC writes that if exceeds a threshold value λr , the shape is
• For the strength associated with a buckling mode to develop, local considered slender and the potential for local buckling must be
buckling of elements of the cross section must be prevented
prevented. If addressed.
local buckling (flange or web) occurs, • Two types of elements must be considered
– The cross‐section is no longer fully effective.
– Compressive strengths given by Fcr must be reduced – Unstiffened elements ‐ Unsupported along one edge parallel
• Section B5 of the LRFD specification provides limiting values of to the direction of load
width‐thickness ratios (denoted λr ) where shapes are classified as (AISC LRFD Table B5.1,
B5 1 p 16
– Compact – Stiffened elements ‐ Supported along both edges parallel to
– Noncompact the load
– Slender
(AISC LRFD Table B5.1, p 16.1‐15)

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 129 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 130

Column Design per AISC Column Design per AISC

The figure on the Tables for design of compression members ‐
following page • Tables 4.2 through 4.17 in Part 4 of the AISC LRFD
specification present design strengths in axial
member limits (λr) compression for columns with specific yield
for different cross‐ strengths, for example, 50 ksi for W shapes. Data are
section shapes that provided for slenderness ratios of up to 200.
have traditionally • Sample data are provided on the following page for
been used for
d i
some W14 shapes p


B5.1, p16.1‐183)
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 131 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 132
Effective Length
Column Design
• The AISC LRFD table
per AISC
p presented earlier presents
p p
values for the design load
based on a slenderness
i calculated
l l d usingi theh
minimum radius of
W14 samples gyration ry . Consider now
(AISC LRFD p 4‐21) the figure shown.

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 133 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 134

Effective Length Example Problems for Columns

• In such a case, slenderness about the minor axis may • Example 3
not control because the effective length for minor a. Using AISC Manual, determine the design
axis buckling is half that for major axis buckling. In strength φc Pn of the 50 ksi axially loaded W14 ×
this case, the effective slenderness ratio must be 90 shown in the figure. Because of its
checked about each axis. considerable length, this column is braced
• The tables in Part 4 of the AISC specification can still perpendicular to its weak axis at the points
be used but one must now check for the following shown in the figure. These connections are
two slenderness ratios: assumed to permit rotation of the member in a
plane parallel to the plane of the flanges. At the
⎛ KL ⎞ ⎛ KL ⎞ same time, however, they are assumed to
⎜ ⎟ and ⎜ ⎟
⎝ r ⎠x ⎝ r ⎠y prevent translation or sideway and twisting
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 135 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 136
Example Problems for Columns Example Problems for Columns
φc Pn x y
• Example 3 (cont’d)
(cont d) • Example 3 (cont’d)
of the cross section – Note that the
about a longitudinal axis 10 ft column is braced x
passing through the perpendicular
p p to y 10 ft
shear center of the General support its weak y axis as
⎯ xy direction 10 ft 32 ft
cross section. shown. 10 ft
– Repeat part (a) using Bracing
the column tables of 12 ft
Part 4 of the AISC 12 ft
W14× 90
W14× 90
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 φc Pn 137 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 138

Example Problems for Columns Example

p Problems for Columns
• Example 3 (cont’d)
(cont d) Example 3 (cont

a. The following properties of the W14 × 90 can Table 1

b obtained
be bt i d ffrom the
th AISC M Manuall as
A = 26.5 in 2 rx = 6.14 in ry = 3.70 in

Determination of effective lengths:

K x Lx = (0.8)(32 ) = 25.6 ft
K y Ly = (1.0 )(10 ) = 10 ft Governs for Ky Ly
K x Ly = (0.8)(12 ) = 9.6 ft

See Table for the K values

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 139 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 140
Example Problems for Columns Example Problems for Columns
• Example 3 (cont
d) • Example 3 (cont’d)
(cont d)
Computations of slenderness ratios: b. Using columns tables of Part 4 of AISC Manual:
⎛ KL ⎞ 12 × 25.6 Note: from part (a) solution, there are two
⎜ ⎟ = = 50.03 Governs
⎝ r ⎠x 6.14 different KL values:
⎛ KL ⎞ 12 × 10 K x Lx = 25.6 ft and K y Ly = 10 ft
⎜ ⎟ = = 32.43
⎝ r ⎠y 3.70
Which value would control? This can
Design Strength: accomplished as follows:
KL K y Ly
= 50.03 ≈ 50, Table 3 - 50 gives φc Fcr = 35.4 ksi K x Lx
r = Equivalent
∴φ c Pn = φ c Fcr Ag = 35.4(26.5) = 938 k rx ry
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 141 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 142

Example Problems for Columns Example Problems for Columns

• Example 3 (cont
K L K L • Example 3 (cont’d)
Equivalent K y Ly = ry x x = x x
rx rx / ry The Interpolation
p Process:
• For Ky Ly = 15 ft and 16 ft, column table (P. 4‐23) of
The controlling Ky Ly for use in the tables is larger of Par 4 of the AISC Manual, gives respectively the
the real Ky Ly = 10 ft, or equivalent Ky Ly: following values for φc Pn: 947 k and 925 k.
rx Therefore, by interpolation:
for W14 × 90 from bottom of column tables = 1.66
ry 15 947
φ P − 947 15.42 − 15
25.6 15.42 φc Pn ⇒ c n = ⇒ φc Pn = 938 k
Equivalent K y Ly = = 15.43 > K y Ly = 10 ft 925 − 947 16 − 15
1.66 16 925
For K y Ly = 15.42 and by interpolation :
φc Pn = 938 k
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 143 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 144
Effective Length Effective Length
For columns in moment‐resisting
frames, the tabulated values of The effective length factor for a column along a selected axis can
K presented on Table C‐C2.1 of be calculated using simple formulae and a nomograph. The
procedure is as follows:
AISC Specification will not
suffice for design. Consider the • Compute a value of G, defined below, for each end of the
column, and denote the values as GA and GB , respectively
f shown
h that
h iis
Σ(EI / L )col
permitted to sway. G=
Σ(EI / L )beam
• Columns neither pinned not
fixed. • Use the nomograph provided by AISC (and reproduced on
the following pages). Interpolate between the calculated
• Columns permitted to sway
sway. values
l off GA and
d GB to
t ddetermine
t i K
• Columns restrained by
members framing into the joint
at each end of the column
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 145 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 146

Effective Length Eff ti LLength

Effective th
• Th
The di
ti ti b between
braced (sidesway
i hibit d) and
inhibited) d unbraced
b d
(sidesway inhibited)
frames iis iimportant,
t t as
evinced by difference
b t
between the
th values
l off K
calculated above.
• What are bracing
AISC specifies G = 10 for a pinned support and G = 1.0 for a fixed support.
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 147 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 148
Beam Columns
Beam‐Columns Loads and Member Forces
The following column loading and effects
Based on the nature of loading of a column, should be determined:
columns may be classified as beam‐
columns Such columns support both lateral
columns. • Bending and axial loading
and axial loading. • Eccentricity of applied load
• Shear loading

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 149 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 150

Bending and Axial Load on a Column Beam Columns

The basic stresses in a structural member due
to axial load, P, and bending, M, and their
applicable formulas are:

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 151 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 152
Axial Load and Bending Calculating Shear Loading
a load
oad and
a d bending
be d g about both
bot axes:
a es For columns subject
j to shear loading:

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 153 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 154

Sample Problem: Determining K

Factors for Columns Effective
Sidesway Factor K in
t d
I/L = 0.652
Fi d
A Pinned
D i
GA = 0.652 + 0.761
2(1.608) + 1.5(1. 478)
I/L = 1.608 I/L = 1.478
= 0.260
I/L = 0.761
0 761
G B = 10
B Pinned
Answer: K = 0.76
0 76

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 155 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 156
Sideway Effect Moment Magnification Effects

The total moment on the

column becomes:
M = P (e +Δ)

Since: Mmax = M1 + M2
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 157 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 Then: Mmax = M1 + P∆max 158

Combined Bending and Axial Load Methods of Second‐order

Second order Analysis
• Amplified First
Order Elastic Analysis (Section C2.1b)
C2 1b)
• Doubly and Singly Symmetric Members in Flexure and
Pu 8 ⎛ M ux M uy ⎞
• For Pu ≥ 0.2 + ⎜ + ⎟ ≤ 1.0 (H1‐1a)
φc Pn φc Pn 9 ⎝ φb M nx φb M ny ⎟⎠

• For Pu < 0.2 Pu ⎛ M ux M uy ⎞

+⎜ + ⎟ ≤ 1.0 (H1‐1b)
φc Pn ⎜
2φc Pn ⎝ φb M nx φb M ny ⎟⎠

• Unsymmetric and Other Members in Flexure and

• fa f f (H2‐1)
+ bw + bz ≤ 1.0
Fa Fbw Fbz

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 159 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 160
2nd‐Order Analysis
y byy Amplified
p 1st‐ 2nd‐Order Analysis by Amplified 1st‐
Order Elastic Analysis Order Elastic Analysis
• 2nd‐order flexural strength Mr • B1 is an amplifier to account for second order effects
M r = B1 M nt + B2 M lt (C2‐1a)
(C2 1a) caused by displacement between brace points (P δ)
• 2nd‐order axial strength Pr • B2 is an amplifier to account for second order effects
b) caused db
by di
l off b
d points Δ)
i ((P‐Δ)
Pr = Pnt + B2 Plt • If B1≤1.05, it is conservative that
B1 =
(C2‐2) Mr=B2(Mnt+Mlt)
1 − αPr

B2 = ≥1
ΣPe 2
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 161 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 162

2nd‐Order Analysis by Amplified 1st‐ Sample Problem: Determining Allowable

Order Elastic Analysis Axial Compressive Stress of a Column

• Cm is a coefficient assuming no lateral translation of frame Refer to AISC Manual of Steel

(no trans
erse loadin
loading)) C
i 13th edition,
di i P
Part 4
4, to
C m = 0. 6 − 0. 4 ( M 1 ) (C2‐4)
determine the allowable axial
• Pe1 is
i the
th elastic
l ti critical
iti l buckling
b kli resistance
it with
ith zero
compressive stress for a column with an
Pe1 = eeffective
ect e length
e gt o of 12 ftt aand
d a radius
ad us o
(K1 L )2 (C2 5)
• ΣPe2 is the elastic critical buckling resistance for the story gyration of 1.49 in. Fy = 36 ksi steel.
– For moment frames Π 2 EI (C2 6a)
ΣPe 2 = Σ
(K 2 L )2
– For all types (C2‐6b)
ΣPe 2 = RM
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 163 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 164
Sample Problem: Designing Column with
C bi d Axial
Combined A i l and
di LLoads
d Design Example of Compression Members
• For W10×33,
W10×33 calculate the available axial strength
For a pinned‐pinned condition, K = 1.0
Since KLx = KLy = 14.0 ft and rx > ry, the y‐y
y y axis will govern.
Pc = φcPn = 253 kips

• Calculate the required flexural strengths including

second order amplification ((Cm = 1.0 & α = 1.0))
Π 2 EI Pe1 = π2(29000)(171 in4)/(1 x 14 x 12)2 = 1730 kips
Pe1 =
(K1 L )2
B1 = ≥1 B1 = 1/[1 – 1.0(350/1730)] = 1.254
1− r

Amplified Mux = B1 (Mux) = 1.254 (60) = 75.24 ft‐kips

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 165 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 166

6300. Design ‐ 6310. Structural Steel Members and Components –

6310. Structural Steel Members and Components Module 4: Composite Members
This section
Thi ti off th
the module
d l covers:
Objective and Scope Met
– Composite Action
• Module 3: Compression
– Effective Width
– Introduction
– Design factors – Nominal Moment Strength
– Load and member forces – Shear Connectors, Strength and Fatigue
– Stability and end‐support considerations – Formed Steel Deck
– AISC‐allowable stress and load tables – Composite Column
– Parameters and format of column design tables
– Design examples of columns
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 167 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 168
Calculating Composite Beam Section
Properties C
it Action
A ti

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 169 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 170

Eff ti Width
Effective N i l Moment
Nominal M t Strength
St th
Nominall Moment Strength h off Fully
ll Composite Section
(AISC 13th Edition Art. I3.2a)
⎛ ⎞
hc / t w ≤ ⎜ λ p = 3.76 / E ⎟
⎝ F yf ⎠

Mn = based on plastic stress distribution on the Composite Section;

Φb = 0.9

2. ⎛ ⎞
AISC‐I3 hc / t w > ⎜ λ p = 3.76 / E ⎟
1. Interior ⎝ F yf ⎠
BE ≤ L/4
BE ≤ b0 (for equal beam spacing) Mn = based on superposition of elastic stresses, considering the effect of
2. Exterior shoring;
BE ≤ L/8 + (dist from beam center to edge of slab
BE ≤ b0/2 + (dist from beam center to edge of slab)
Φb = 0.9

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 171 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 172
Pl ti Stress
Plastic St Di
t ib ti Sh
Shear C

Case 1 (if a ≤ ts)

Case 2 (if a > ts)
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 173 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 174

Shear Variation N i l Strength

Nominal St th Qn

Qn = 1
1. Headed Steel Stud
(AISC Eq. I3‐3)

Qn = 0.5 Aw f c ' E c ≤ Rg R p Asc Fu

2. Channel Connectors
(AISC Eq. I3‐4)

Qn = 0.3(t f + 0.5t w ) Lc f c ' Ec

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 175 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 176
i l Strength
h Qn Connector Design
i – Fatigue
i Strength
nZ r I
p≤ (AASHTO LRFD Eq.‐1)
Vsr Q

Zr = α d 2 ≥ 5.5 d 2/2; (AASHTO LRFD Eq.‐1)

where α = 34
5 – 4.28
4 28 log N (AASHTO LRFD Eq
6 10 7 4 2‐2)


BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 177 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 178

Composite Column Section (rolled Filled

ill d Composite
i Column
l Example
steel shape
p encased in concrete))

Using Effective Section Properties

P0 = As Fy + Asr Fyr + 0.85 Ac f ' c

Π 2 EI eff
Pe1 = EI eff = E s I s + 0.5 E s I se + C1 E c I c
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 (K 1 L ) 2
179 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 180
Filled Composite Column Example Filled Composite Column Example
Π 2 EI eff
• Ac = bfhf+π(r‐t)2+2bf(r‐t)+2hf(r‐t) Pe1 =
Ac = (8.5
(8 5 in.)(4.5
i )(4 5 in.)
i ) + π(0.375 i )2 + (8.5
(0 375 in.) (8 5 in.)(0.375
i )(0 375 in.)
i ) + 2(4.5
2(4 5
( K 1 L )2
in.)(0.375 in.) = 48.4 in. 2 • Pe = π2(2,180,000 kip‐in.2)/(1.0(14 ft)(12 in./ft))2 = 762 kips
• b1 h12 2(b2 )(h22 ) π 8 π (r − t ) 2 h2 4(r − t ) 2 • P0/Pe = 684 kips/762 kips = 0.898
0 898 ≤ 2.25
2 25
Ic = + + 2(r − t )( − ) + 2( )( − ) = 111in.4
12 12 8 9π 2 2 3π •
• P = A F + A F + 0.85 A f '
0 s y sr yr c c
Pn = P0 0.658
p /P
[ 0 e
] = (68
684 kips )[0.658
] = 470
70 kips
• P0 = (10.4 in.2)(46ksi) + 0.85(48.4 in.2)(5 ksi) = 684kips

• φcPn = 0.75(470 kips) = 353 kips > 336 kips o.k.
EI eff = E s I s + 0.5 E s I se + C 3 Ec I c

• EIeff = (29,000 kis)(61.8 in.4) + (0.90)(3,900 ksi)(111 in.4)

= 2,180,000 kip‐in.2
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 181 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 182

AP1000 Sandwich Steel‐Concrete‐Steel AP1000 Sandwich Steel‐Concrete‐Steel

(SCS) Structures (SCS) Structures
How the composite section works:
• Composite action is between the concrete and the steel faceplates.
• The steel p
plates and the concrete act as a composite
p section after the
concrete has reached sufficient strength
• The composite section resists bending moment by one face resisting
tension and the other face resisting compression
• The steel plate resists the tension and behaves as reinforcing steel in
reinforced concrete
• The composite section is under‐reinforced so that the steel would yield
before the concrete reaches its strain limit of 0.003 in/in
Typical Structural Floor Module
• The steel faceplates are strained beyond yield to allow the composite
section to attain its ultimate capacity

Typical Structural Wall Module

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 183 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 184
AP1000 Sandwich Steel‐Concrete‐Steel 6300. Design ‐
(SCS) Structures 6310. Structural Steel Members and Components
• Design theory is the same as earlier described for concrete‐filled tube Objective and Scope Met
section for compression and composite beam for flexure
• The size and spacing of the shear studs is based on Section Q1.11.4 of • Module
d l 4: Composite Members
AISC‐N690 to develop full – Composite
p Action
– Effective Width
• Basedd on research,
h concrete and
d steell composites similar
l to the
h structurall
– Nominal Moment Strength
modules have significant advantages over reinforced concrete elements of – Shear Connectors, Strength and Fatigue
equivalent thickness and reinforcement ratios:
– Formed Steel Deck
• Over 50 percent higher ultimate load carrying capacity
• Three times higher ductility – Composite Column
• Less stiffness
ff degradation
d d under
d peakk cyclic
l lloads,
d 30 percent ffor concrete
and steel composites versus 65 percent for reinforced concrete
BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 185 BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 186

6300. Design ‐
6310. Structural Steel Members and Components

Objective and Scope Met

• Module 1: Tension
• Module
M d l 2:2 Flexure
Fl and
d Sh
• Module 3: Compression
• Module 4: Composite Members

BMA Engineering, Inc. – 6000 187

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