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1. Fill in the blank
Look at the picture then fill in the blank with suitable verb-2.

1. Last Saturday, Joe, the ice cream 4. His father ... him a pill.
monster ... at half past eight. a. gave
a. wake up b. give
b. woke up c. giving
c. waking up
5. Then Joe ... , ‘Can I have some ice
2. He ... a terrible headache. cream?’
a. had a. say
b. having b. saying
c. have c. said

3. He ... into his father’s bedroom. 6. ‘Of course’, his father ....
a. go a. smile
b. going b. smiling
c. went c. smiled
2. Comparative and superlative adjectives
Put the words in correct order!

1. cheaper – the torch – than – is – the mobile phone.

2. Black games console – the – most expensive – all – of – the – is.

3. phoned – her grandma – Linda – last – week – .

4. ? – you – did – do – holiday – what – last

5. we – feel – sad – yesterday – didn't – .

3. Reading

Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Who gave Ben a bike?

Answer: __________________________________
2. How is his new bike?
Answer: __________________________________
3. Where does he go with his bike?
Answer: __________________________________
4. What does Ben love to do with his friends?
Answer: _________________________________

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