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Name: Group:

Theme: modal verb (could/couldn`t)

1. Busca el significado del siguiente vocabulario/ Find the meaning vocabulary.

swimming football basketball gymnastics

boxing running athletics cycling played

walked went climb

2. Completa las palabras. /Complete the words.

● swi________
● runn_____
● _______ed
● __________ng
● w____e__

3. Elabora 5 oraciones con el vocabulario incluyendo el modal verb/ Make 5 sentences

with the vocabulary including the modal verb

● ______________________________________________

● ______________________________________________

● ______________________________________________

● ______________________________________________

● ______________________________________________

4. Completa las oraciones usando could/couldn`t/Complete the sentences use


● I__________________played good football two years ago.

● Lia ______________ climb so bad.
● The baby_________________so good.

5. Como repaso escribe tres oraciones con el verbo was/were / As a review, write three
sentences with was/were verb.
● ______________________________________________

● ______________________________________________

● ______________________________________________

6. Escribe un párrafo con la descripción de alguna actividad que no podías hacer hace
tiempo/ Write a paragraph describing an activity that you couldn't do in a long time.

7. Practica tu vocabulario /Practice your vocabulary.

danced — bailo call – llamar tell – decir people – gente learn – aprender
heart – corazon witting – esperar pain – dolor rain – lluvia
hear – escuchar listened – escuchado domain – dominio
biometrics – biometria

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