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Name (Nombre): Group(Grupo):

Theme (Tema): modal verb (could/couldn`t)

1. Practica el vocabulario de actividades deportivas y busca su significado. /Practice

vocabulary of sports activities.

swimming football basketball gymnastics

boxing running athletics

2. Completa las palabras. /Complete the words.

● Fo___b_ll
● Ru____ng
● G___nas__cs
● Bo____g
● A____etics

3. Completa las oraciones con las palabras anteriores/ Complete the sentences with
the words above.

● I could ____________ so fast

● My brother played_____________
● Lia couldn`t did_____________the last week.
● I could did _____________

4. Dibuja cuatro palabras del vocabulario/ Draw four vocabulary words.

5. Elabora 3 oraciones con could/couldn't usando el vocabulario anterior/ Make 3
sentences with could/couldn't using the previous vocabulary

● ___________________________________

● ___________________________________

● ___________________________________

6. Traduce las siguientes oraciones/ Translate the following sentences.

● My cousin could play football.


● I couldn't do athletics.


● Sophie and Manson could run so fast. Now they can`t.


● Eleonor couldn't swim. Now she can swim because practice all days.

7. Como repaso, elabora 3 oraciones con can/can`t/ As a review, make 3 sentences
with can/can't.

● ____________________________________

● ____________________________________

● ____________________________________

8. Practica tu vocabulario/ Practice your vocabulary. :)

cycling – Ciclismo played – Jugué walked – Camine

went – fue climb – Escalar question – pregunta ask – preguntar
pencil – Lápiz can – poder borrow – pedir prestado
copy – copiar shape – forma geologist – Geólogo
biologist – Biólogo Algorithm – Algoritmo Automation – automatización

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