CEFR Revision 3 Society at Risk

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There is an essay-writing competition organized by the local newspaper. You wish to contribute an
article about a person who has no home and lived in a car for several weeks.

Write your article based on the information below.

Jessica Hamilton
● Single – no family
● Lost job suddenly – cannot pay rent
● Stayed in car – had some money to buy cheap food
● Used public facilities – stall keepers helped
● One day wrote article on Internet site
● Kind gentleman offered job – life became better

When writing your article, you should remember to:

● give a suitable title

● use all the notes given
● elaborate on the notes
● write in paragraphs


Write a composition about 350 words on one of the following topics.

1. Describe the life of a street person.

2. Caring for a Patient in the Hospital.
3. Tips for a Healthy Life
4. Write a story ending with:
“…I was glad that I had helped.”
5. Community Service



The National Anti-Drug Association is A policeman suffered a hip fracture

setting up community service centres when he was rammed by a motorcycle
in public housing areas to raise ridden by a man high on drugs.
awareness on drug abuse as well as to 2
monitor rehabilitated drug addicts.
The word rammed can best be replaced
The project is to ensure that people
living in flats do not get involved in with
drugs. The association personnel will A struck C tackled
be present at the centres twice a B beaten D pounded
Caring Charity Foundation is
Based on the article, which of the providing free collection
following statements is correct? services for those who wish to
A The association wants to monitor donate their old but usable
furniture, electrical and
Rehabilitated drug addicts.
other household items. These
B The association wants to raise
will be donated to the poor
Awareness about drug addicts.
and needy. To schedule an
C The association has ensured that flat 3 appointment, kindly call
dwellers are free from drugs. 1300-227464.
D The association personnel will be
Present at the centres once a week. The main purpose of this donation drive
is to channel the items to
Alias Medical Centre will be conducting A recycling centres
two talks, one on “How to Quit B the poor and needy
Smoking” and the other on “The C the Caring Foundation
Withdrawal Symptoms of Drug D charitable organizations
Addiction”. They will be held
concurrently on 26 June at 4pm at the There will be a disruption in water
Seminar Rooms of the hospital. Those supply due to city upgrading works. The
interested, please contact 03-8838116. affected areas are Puchong, Bandar
4 Sunway and Bandar Kinrara. The
The word concurrently means disruption will be from 9am on 19 May
A obligingly C gregariously 5 until 1am on 20 May.
B eventually D simultaneously
How long will the water disruption be?
A 4 hours C 19 hours
B 16 hours D 27 hours

Two men were arrested by the police NOTICE TO RESIDENTS
after a high-speed chase. The suspects According to the guidelines of the
are believed to have been involved in Housing Ministry, telecommunication
several armed robbery cases in the towers below 45 metres in height have
state. One of them, a 39-year-old man, to be located at least 20 metres away
was found with a pistol on him and has from residential properties and 10
two prior criminal records, one for metres and 5 metres for commercial
causing hurt with a dangerous weapon and industrial properties respectively.
and the other for causing mischief. 7
6 According to the notice,
From the above extract, we know that telecommunication towers below 45
the two suspects metres in height need to be located.
A had pistols on them A 5 metres from industrial properties
B were causing mischief B 5 metres from commercial properties
C have prior criminal records C 10 metres from industrial properties
D were arrested by the police D 10 metres from residential properties

A: The influx of immigrants into both

our countries is increasing at an
alarming rate.
B: Yes, we will need to put our heads
together regarding this issue.
The phrase put our heads together in the
dialogue means to
A do something with a lot of interest
B go to a lot of trouble for something
C be brave enough to state an opinion
D share ideas in order to solve a problem


Question 1-7 are based on the following passage.

In the 1960s, Japan was threatened by a heroin epidemic. People were __1__ brazenly
selling and buying drugs on street corners. Today, they no longer face this problem due
to the swift action of the authorities in stamping out this problem. The government
enforced a law in 1963 that called for the __2__ handling of both the addicts and pushers.
A life sentence __3__ meted out for those found guilty of selling heroin, and those found
possessing the drug had to serve jail terms of several years.

To cut off demand for the drug, drug addicts who were caught had to be confined to
at least 30 days of treatment in __4__ the addict is forced to go without drugs. The
process can be excruciating: the addict will experience severe intestinal cramps, diarrhea,
nerve spasms and vomiting.

Government-run hospitals were specially constructed __5__ house these drug

addicts. The medical profession also cooperated fully, taking the stand that addiction was
not just a personal problem __6__ an offence against society. The government also
carried out campaigns to educate the public on the social and moral ills of the drug. With
the strict __7__ taken by the government, Japan managed to cut down heroin addiction
in the country.

1. A see C seen 2. A lax C subtle

B saw D seeing B harsh D stringent

3. A is C was 4. A why C whom

B are D were B what D which

5. A at C to 6. A or C also
B in D for B but D either

7. A points C measures
B themes D movement

Read the following information and answer the questions that follow.


Seminar Series
12 June 2023
2pm – 6pm “From Partners to Parent” by Dr Mahayanam, Psychiatrist
“Bringing Up Your Baby” by Dr Wan Rafiz, Paediatrician
Lady Hill Hotel,
“Nurturing Young Children” by Dr Susan Kee, Paediatrician
Kuala Lumpur
“Handling Teenagers” by Dr Sim Yee Koon,Psychologist
“Dealing with Difficult Children” by Dr Amir Ismail, Phychiatrist
Limited seats!
So register early
to avoid

For a RM30 registration fee, let our experts answer all your doubts.
Refreshments will be provided.
For more information, call 603-22634044
For payment, kindly make cheques or postal payable to:

Paediatric Society of Malaysia and sent it to:

Lifelong Learning Sdn.Bhd.
20B Jln 17/8

Question 1-5
Using the information given, write the seminar topics in the boxes below.

No. Speaker Seminar Topic

1 Dr Wan Rafiz

2 Dr Sim Yee Koon

3 Dr Mahayanam

4 Dr Susan Kee

5 Dr Amir Ismail

Questions 6-10

Complete the sentences below using the information given.

6. The Seminar Series is held on __________________________________.

7. You need to pay _____________________________ if you want to go for the seminar.
8. You should register early if you are interested to go for the seminar because
9. You can make your payment by _________________________________.
10. You are to make your cheque payable to _______________________________.

Question 1-5 are based on the following passage.

1 About 20 years ago, Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, was not what it is today. Certain social
issues plagued the city. The people did not see it as their responsibility to keep their
city liveable. The city was an eyesore; its streets were festered with heaps of rubbish.
In the dead of night, stray dogs would dig for food in the garbage and the following
morning, rubbish would be strewn all over the place. Besides rubbish, the city of Taipei 5
was polluted with dust and petrol fumes, their rivers filled with waste and their tap
water undrinkable. This was the price the city paid for their drive towards prosperity.
There were also very few parks that people could relax in after work or where children
could play. Taipei was devoid of aesthetic sensibility, communal responsibility, and civic
pride. 10
2 The then Mayor Huang Tachou decided to do something about this. He began the
greening of Taipei. He demolished about 2000 squatter homes in the city centre and
turned the 26-hectare site into a park, with many trees being planted to help purify the
air. He also developed many other parks throughout the city. With the election of Chen
Shuibian as Taipei’s first elected mayor, vast improvements to the city started coming 15
around. He set about rallying the help of the community to rid Taipei of its rubbish,
pollution and strays dogs.
3 First, municipal workers were engaged to clean up the city, district by district both
in public and private areas. Checks were conducted by the officials to ensure that all
rubbish was cleared. Clean-up squads would be summoned should there be any 20
uncollected rubbish. Next, residents were involved in the sprucing up of Taipei.
Residents of a downtown neighborhood were informed that they could not longer
dump rubbish in the streets but were to take them to the garbage trucks at designated
places and times. Residents would dutifully throw their bags of garbage into the
garbage trucks. These residents would throw their trash into officially approved 25
protection bags that they purchased from the local grocers. Residents would be fined
if they used unofficial garbage bags. With this initiative, it encouraged the residents to
reduce their garbage disposal. Shortly after, there would be a second truck that would
come to collect paper, cardboard, cans and glass for recycling. The revenue from the
sale of the protection bags helps fund the garbage collection service. It was a while 30
before the residents took on to this idea. In time, they embraced it and the system was
running smoothly. This idea was brought to the other neighborhoods and when they
saw the result of this neighborhood, they were all for the idea. Soon, the system was
running city-wide.
4 Some residents have even taken a step further and have started sweeping their 35
own neighborhoods. People have realized that they are a community and what each
one does affects another person in their community. Some residents of other
neighborhoods had involved themselves with the city’s reconstruction projects. They
drew up plans to renovate old parks and set about beautifying their surroundings.
5 Laws were also put in place to fine illegal dumpers as well as industries which 40
contributed to pollution. Industries were also required to clean up their mess or forced
to close down. To reduce the air pollution of the city, some public buses are running on
non-polluting compressed natural gas. As for the strays in the city, they were either
adopted or put in government-funded animal shelters.
6 Taipei today is different from what it was years ago. The city is cleaner, with more 45
parks and modern sculptures. This is all due to the change of attitude in the citizens
and constant concerted efforts by them to make their city a beautiful one.

1. From paragraph 1,
1. From paragraph 1
(a) what were the problems that Taipei was facing?
[1 mark]

(b) what was Taipei devoid for?

[1 mark]

2. From paragraph 2, what did Mayor Huang do with the site of the squatter homes?
[1 mark]

3. From paragraph 3,
I. why do you think the residents threw their rubbish into officially approved
protection bags?
[1 mark]

II. where was the money from the sale of the protection bags channeled to?
[1 mark]
4. (a) From paragraph 4, besides sweeping, what did some of the residents involve
themselves in?
[1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 5, who did the government fine?

[1 mark]

5. From paragraph 6, why do you think Taipei is a more beautiful city today?
[2 marks]



Read the following stanzas of He had such quiet eyes and answer the questions that follow.

If only she’d had been wise

And listened to the advice
Never to compromise
With pleasure-seeking guys
She’d be free from the “ hows and whys”

Now here’s a bit of advice

Be sure that nice really means nice
Then you’ll never be losing at dice
Though you may lose your heart once or twice

Bibsy Soenharjo

1. From the first stanza, what should the woman have done?
[1 mark]

2. What does the poet mean when he says “She’d be free from “the hows and the whys”?
[1 mark]

3. What can you deduce about the woman’s character?
[1 mark]

4. What is the poet’s advice in the last stanza?

[2 marks]

Short Story
Read the extract from the short story The Fruitcake Special and answer the questions that follow.
Aunt Mimi, I like my Aunt Mimi, but she simply can’t mind her own business. She has wanted me
to find a husband for ages. She didn’t like the thought of me being single and having a career. She
thought it wasn’t natural for a twenty-seven-year-old woman like me not to be married. Aunt
Mimi thought that the least she could do for me was to find me a husband. I was used to this by
now but it was still embarrassing.
“Aunt Mimi – how nice to see you,” I said.
Aunt Mimi looked at me and smiled “Anna, my little girl…but look at you: you’re not a little
girl anymore, you’re twenty-three-year-old woman already! How time flies!”
“Actually, I’m twenty-seven, Aunt Mimi,” I said. She always got my age wrong.
“So soon? And you’re not married yet? Your mother was married when she was eighteen.
Eighteen! And you were born when she was nineteen.” Aunt Mimi looked sad as she said this.

1. What did Aunt mimi like doing?

[1 mark]

2. What did she want her niece to do?

[1 mark]

3. What did the niece find embarrassing?

[1 mark]

4. Do you think it is important for a person to be married? Explain why.

[2 marks]

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