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Indian Institute of Technology Goa, School of lectrical Sciences

Semester lI, 2022-2023, End-semester Examination

EE 222 EM Waves

Duration: 180 Mins Marks: 100

Roll No. 20420? Name: huhn eot

This is an open book exam but no printed materials are allowed

Overwritten answers will not be considered for re-evaluation.
Assume the suitable data if any required and state it clearly

01.For the cases shown below, answer whether bulb will glow if so then at what time the bulb
will glow after turning the switch ON for and justify? Assume system is lossless.
(10 Marks)
LY ighteav


02. Derive the expression for radiation pattern of an elementary magnetic dipole(10 Marks)

03. Derive the relationship between vector magnetic potential and scalar electric potential, and
therebydeduce non-homogeneous wave equation. (10 Marks)

04. Show that interaction of two linearly polarized waves can lead to the circularly polarized
wave. (10 Marks)
05. You might have observed that moment when you open the water tap, water will hit the
bucket and spills, when water is somewhat filled then the spilling will start to reduce.
Explain the reason for this in the context of transmission lines. (5Marks)

06. At what frequencies may the earth be considered a perfect dielectric, ifo =5X 10-3 S/m,
y = 1,and [, = 8? Can a be assumed zero at these frequencies? (10 Marks)

07. In free space, E(z, t) = 50cos(wt - Bz) a, (V/m). Find the average power crossing a
circular area of radius 2.5 m in the plane z = constant. (10 Marks)

08. A load impedance 90-j25 is to be matched to 50 2 using singe stub matching. Find the
length and location of stubs. (15 Marks)

09. Based on your learning experience from this course (EE222), provide at least four daily
observed phenomenon which can be explained through Maxwell's equations, state and
justify the same (10 Marks)

10. Consider a parallel plate capacitor, using Poynting theorem show the region in which the
power flow takes place and extend the same to comment on why energy stored in the
capacitor is (1/2)CV² ? (10 Marks)

Happy Exams

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