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1. Write your answer in 1 whole sheet of paper (use yellow paper) or printed in long bond
2. Submit the activity on/or before October 13, 2023.
3. Good Luck.


1. What kind of pollution bothers you most and how you handle it? (10 Points)

2. How you consider your environment at this time? (5 points)

3. If scientists had to predict the rise in Earth’s temperature in the next one hundred years, what
would they take into consideration? (10 points)

4. How does an environmental issue affect humanity? (5 points)


1. What kind of pollution bothers you most and how you handle it?

Air pollution since the who has identified air pollution as the top environmental threat to
human health worldwide, it is dangerous. Each year, it causes millions of fatalities throughout
the world. It is said to be almost as dangerous as tobacco.
-Don’t burn leaves, trash, and other smoky materials.
-Don’t use gas-powered lawn and garden equipment like blowers.
-Delay the number of trips you take in your car or motorcycle.
-Lessen your fireplace and wood stove usage.
-Don’t barbeque in your grill.

2. How you consider your environment at this time?

Managing your time and study environment The majority of students discover that
successfully managing their time is their biggest obstacle to adjusting to college life and to
thriving in the classroom. This is especially true for students at community colleges who
frequently put in long work days. In addition, adult students have to deal with concerns
including child care, household duties, and family commitments.

You should also take your priorities and ambitions into account when assessing your
schedule or how you spend your time. What in your life—your family, friends, job, studies,
interests, or other pursuits—is currently most important to you? Consider your time
management strategies and determine whether they align with your priorities.

3. If scientists had to predict the rise in Earth’s temperature in the next one hundred
years, what would they take into consideration?

When scientists predict the rise in Earth's temperature over the next one hundred years, they
take several factors into consideration. These factors are based on scientific research,
observations, and climate models. Here are some key considerations:
1. Greenhouse gas emissions: Scientists consider the future levels of greenhouse gas
emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O).
The projected increase in emissions from human activities, such as burning fossil fuels
and deforestation, is a crucial factor in estimating future temperature rise.
2. Climate sensitivity: Climate sensitivity refers to how much the Earth's temperature
responds to changes in greenhouse gas concentrations. Scientists use climate models
to estimate climate sensitivity and determine how much the temperature will increase
based on different greenhouse gas scenarios.
3. Feedback mechanisms: Feedback mechanisms are processes that either amplify or
dampen the effects of climate change. Positive feedbacks, such as the melting of Arctic
sea ice, can accelerate warming, while negative feedbacks, such as increased cloud
cover, can slow down warming. Scientists consider these feedback mechanisms and
their potential impacts on future temperature projections.
4. Aerosols: Aerosols are tiny particles suspended in the atmosphere, such as pollutants
and volcanic emissions. They can have both cooling and warming effects on the climate.
Scientists incorporate the levels and properties of aerosols into their projections to
understand their impact on future temperature rise.
5. Ocean heat uptake: The world's oceans play a crucial role in absorbing and storing heat
from the atmosphere. Scientists consider how the oceans will continue to absorb heat
and how this will influence future temperature rise. This includes understanding ocean
circulation patterns and changes in heat transport.
6. Land use changes: Changes in land use, such as deforestation or afforestation, can
affect the Earth's climate by altering the absorption and release of greenhouse gases.
Scientists take into account these changes and their potential impact on future
temperature projections.
7. Natural climate variability: Natural factors, such as volcanic activity and solar radiation,
can cause short-term fluctuations in the Earth's temperature. Scientists consider these
natural climate variability factors when making long-term temperature predictions.

It is important to note that while scientists use the best available data and models to make
predictions, long-term temperature projections are subject to uncertainties. The complexity of
Earth's climate system and the potential for unforeseen factors make it challenging to make
precise predictions. Nonetheless, the scientific community continues to refine models and
improve understanding to provide the most accurate estimates of future temperature rise.

4. How does an environmental issue affect humanity?

One of the most pressing challenges of our time is the ecological crisis. Environmental
damage is caused by human activity. Today's issues for humanity include deforestation, unjust
farming practices, pollution of the air, water, and land, among others. Natural resources are
becoming scarcer as a result. Global warming and climate change are two more unfavorable
effects of human activity. According to "The Consequences of Climate Change," these
modifications have an impact on the entire planet and may have negative effects on both people
and the natural world. Consequently, it is evident that things need to change for the better.
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