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You are pilgrims traveling through the deserts of Canaan to a holy site. You have joined a
merchant’s caravan in the hopes that you will keep each other safe. On your perilous journey
you will encounter harsh weather, bustling cities, nomadic tribes friendly and threatening,
wild animals and people whose worldview is strange to you.


1. Choose a HISTORY for your character: scholar; priest; soldier; carpenter; mother;
prostitute; merchant; noble. You were once this thing, but are no longer.
2. Choose your NUMBER between 2 and 7. A low number means you are sinful, on the
path to redemption. A high number means you are blessed, destined for a fall.
3. Choose two POSSESSIONS you have with you: a bag of coins; fine clothes;
waterskins; wineskins; a weapon; a walking stick; dried fish and bread; your family; a
holy book; ink, pen and velum; a map; your pet; your donkey; dried fruit and nuts; a
4. Choose your OATH: to see new lands; to trade stories with strangers; to find a
husband or wife; to settle in a safe country; to never return home; to make a name for
yourself; to join a holy order; to make your fortune.
5. Choose a TRIBE for your character and choose a NAME from the list.
6. As a group, name your GOD. Refer to your game master by this name for the
duration of the game.


1. As a group, pick two BLESSINGS for your caravan: plenty of food; water for several
days; guarded by soldiers; fast; a guide who knows the way; good reputation; a
translator; consecrated.
2. Name the MERCHANT who leads the caravan and their ASSISTANT.


1. As a group, pick one BANE affecting the land: plague; famine; drought; locusts;
thunderstorms; floods; darkness; war.
2. Lastly, name the HOLY SITE to which you travel.

When you attempt to accomplish something by acting out of sloth, hubris, greed, lust, envy,
gluttony or anger, or by tempting another to these sins, roll 1d8 to learn the outcome. If you
roll lower than your number, you succeed. If you roll higher than your number, you fail and
reduce your number by one.

Sloth. When you ignore responsibilities, orders or norms.

Pride. When you boast, preen or act dangerously over-confident.
Envy. When you take from those who have more than you.
Greed. When you take more than you need.
Gluttony. When you take from those who have less than you.
Lust. When you indulge the pleasures of the flesh.
Anger. When you retaliate.

If your number is ever reduced to 1, you are condemned to Hell.

When you attempt to accomplish something by acting out of reason, justice, temperance,
courage, faith, hope or charity, or by appealing to these virtues in another, roll 1d8 to learn
the outcome. If you roll higher than your number, you succeed and increase your number by
one. If you roll lower than your number, you fail.

Faith. When you trust in others.

Charity. When you give of yourself to another.
Reason. When you explain, plan or study.
Justice. When you determine right from wrong.
Temperance. When you show moderation or restraint.
Courage. When you confront pain, danger, or threats.
Hope. When you sustain yourself through trials.

If your number ever reaches 8 you are welcomed into Heaven.

If you roll your number exactly you barely succeed, and the DM introduces a NEMESIS.


When you use your History you may roll +1d and choose whichever die you prefer.

When you use up one of your Possessions you may roll +1d and choose whichever die you

When you use up your caravan’s Blessing you may roll +1d and choose whichever die you

When you are true to your Oath, you may carry forward +1d to a future roll, choosing
whichever die you prefer. You may only carry forward one die at a time.
If you want to help someone else who’s rolling, make a roll using the same Sin or Virtue as
them. If you succeed, give them +1d.

Role or choose on the table below.

You arrive at...

1. A bustling city 2. A pleasant oasis 3. An ancient temple 4. A grand fortress

5. A desolate ruin 6. An impassable 7. A swift river 8. A deep canyon



1. A troupe of 2. A holy order 3. The bandit king 4. The Church


5. A cruel general 6. A secret cult 7. A tribe of nomads 8. A group of slaves

Wants to...

1. Destroy / Corrupt 2. Protect / 3. Steal / Capture 4. Pacify / Occupy


5. Convert / Control 6. Sacrifice / 7. Bless / Curse 8. Free / Enslave


The / A...

1. Queen 2. Orphanage 3. Temple 4. Bazaar

5. Ancient relic 6. Slaves 7. Reservoir 8. Fortress

In order to...

1. Curse the land for 2. Infect the people 3. Spread 4. Dry / drain the
seven generations with lust or anger nightmares local water supply

5. Turn one tribe 6. Rain holy fire 7. Bring angels to 6. Begin the
against another from the heavens punish the wicked apocalypse


When a player rolls their number, they succeed and you introduce a Nemesis. Choose a
Nemesis from the list below.

■ Reveal an unwelcome truth

■ Show signs of an approaching threat
■ Use up their resources
■ Take something away from them
■ Turn their action back on them
■ Separate them
■ Give an opportunity that fits a History, Possession, Blessing or Oath
■ Use their Bane against them
■ Offer an opportunity, with or without cost
■ Threaten someone or something they care about
■ Tell them the requirements or consequences and ask



Male: Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Mannasseh, Mosheh, Abishai, Joab, Asahel,
Obed, Boaz, Haman, Hadad, Zerah.
Female: Hadassah, Bilhah, Zilpah, Zeruiah, Abishag, Baara, Cozbi, Jerioth, Keziah, Maacah,
Milcah, Iscah, Naarah, Orpah, Shiphrah.


Male: Shishak, Osorkon, Takelot, Harsiese, Nimlot, Shoshenq, Hornakht, Akhenaten,

Thutmose, Paramesse, Merneptah, Setnakhte, Pentawer, Nebmaatre, Nesbanebdjed.
Female: Asenath, Tentsepeh, Karomama, Bithiah, Kiya, Meritaten, Iset, Sitre, Tuya,
Henutmire, Isetnofret, Meritamen, Bintanath, Nebettawy, Takhat.

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