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Exacerbate = to make something that is already bad even worse:

2. Tardy = slow or late in happening or arriving:
3. Flags = to put a mark on something so it can be found easily among other similar things:
to warn or tell people about something that is important or is a problem:
to warn or tell people about something that is important or is a problem:

4. Girder = a long, thick piece of steel or concrete that supports a roof, floor, bridge, or other
large structure
5. Traction = the fact of an idea, product, etc. becoming popular or being accepted:
6. Rejig = to change and improve the arrangement of something:
7. Perpetrate = to commit a crime or a violent or harmful act:
8. Bunker = an underground shelter used as protection from bombs
9. Slam = To slam someone or something means to criticize them very severely.

If you slam something down, you put it there quickly and with great force.
If you slam a door or window or if it slams, it shuts noisily and with great force.

10.Strides = an important positive development:

11.Strive = If you strive to do something or strive for something, you make a great effort to
do it or get it. प्रयास करना
12.Strife = violent or angry disagreement:
13.Douse = If you douse a fire, you stop it burning by pouring a lot of water over it.
If you douse someone or something with a liquid, you throw a lot of that liquid over them.
If you douse a light, you turn it off.

14.Plead = to say something as an excuse or explanation:

to make an urgent, emotional statement or request for something: [Request}
to give an official answer to an accusation in a law court: [State}

15.Connivance / connive = the act of conniving, especially by knowing that something bad is
happening and allowing it to continue: मिलीभगत
16.Connive = to plan secretly and dishonestly for something to happen that will be to your
17.Denounce = to criticize something or someone strongly and publicly:
to accuse someone publicly of being something that is bad or wrong:
18.Shroud = to hide something by covering or surrounding it:
19.Fraught with = full of unpleasant things such as problems or dangers:
ausing or having extreme worry or anxiety:

20.Ramifications = the possible results of an action:

21.Infirmities = (a) physical or mental weakness
22.Commission = a request to do a special piece of work:
23.Cede = to allow someone else to have or own something, especially unwillingly or
because you are forced to do so: सौंप दिया
24.Circumspect = careful not to take risks: चौकस
25.Discreet = If you are discreet, you are polite and careful in what you do or say, because
you want to avoid embarrassing or offending someone. विवेकशील
31.set to = to start working or dealing with something in an energetic and determined way:
a short argument or fight:


Attack On attack on the Vishwa HinduParishad
Details Of details of the progress

1. topmost priority
Essay Writing Points

Subject Verb Agreement

1. Twenty people, including two site engineers and 13 workers, were killed when a
girder launcher collapsed on them on Monday night


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