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Bidang Studi : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal :

Nama : No. Ujian :
Kelas : II ( … ) Waktu :.............Menit

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b,

or c! (Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan
menyilang huruf a.b. atau c)
1. We say ............
7. ........ is a table.
a. good evening
b. good night a. This
c. good morning b. Those
c. These

8. Lani and Erika are eating in the

……. (Lani dan Erika sedang
2. Teacher : …………………., students? makan di ......................................... )
Students : We are fine, thank you. a. classroom
a. Are you student
b. canteen
b. Hello
c. yard
c. How are you
9. Anna : Do they like camping?
3. morning – mother – good
Didi : ……………………..
The correct arrangement is………..
a. Good morning mother
a. Yes, they are.
b. Mother good morning
c. Good mother morning b. No, they are not.
c. Yes, they do.
4. When we will go to school, we will say………..
to our
(Saat akan pergi ke sekolah kita akan 10. hobby – my – is – writing
mengucapkan The correct arrangement is ………..
….. kepada orang tua kita) a. My hobby writing is.
a. good bye b. Writing is hobby my.
b. good afternoon c. My hobby is writing.
c. good night

5. When we will meet our teacher, we go to

(ketika kita akan menemui guru kita, kita pergi
a. teacher office
b. library
c. canteen

6. This is a …………….

a. cupboard
b. computer
c. blackboard
II. Match ! IV. Answer these questions based on the text!
(Jodohkanlah!) (Jawablah pertanyaan berdasarkan teks!)
A. I am dancing B. This is a library
Hi, my name is Yahya. Let me tell you about my
C. I like swimming D. These are books
school activities.
E. This is book F. Teacher office
In the morning, I go to school by bicycle.
G. My hobby is reading a book H. I am writing
Usually, my friends and I meet on the way to
11. school, then they always say “Hello” to me.
In my school, I study together with my
friends. My teacher always teaches us some
lessons in the class.
In the afternoon, when the class ends, I say
“good bye” to the teacher. Then, I go home
from school with my friends and I say “good
12. bye” to my friends when we part each other.

21. Who is the writer?

22. When do Yahya and his friends go to school?
23. What do his friends say to him when they
14. ………………………………………………
24. What does Yahya say to his teacher when the
class ends?
25. Mention an expression of parting in the

III. Fill in the blank!

(Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini!)

16. I say ........................................... to my mother

in the afternoon.
17. His hobby ............. collecting stamps.
18. The Indonesian of swimming is
19. Those ................ computers.
20. My hobby is …………………… a song.

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