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Find out what motivates and drives

The consistency of your answers (response congruence) gives a probability in the answer of
approx 99 %. You chose Job as focus, and your profile is

The Professional Archetype.

More about your individual response congruence below (page 2 paragraph 4), and your % and
what it means, also in the Q&A, as well as in the dictionary.
The professional entrepreneur, or intrapreneur: see below on this page.
This entrepreneurial archetype is very often long-term orientated and is usually a long-term
The company that they build shall survive as long as themselves.
They may also along their lifelong enterprise journey acquire companies that ‘the Starter
archetype or ‘the Innovator archetype has previously started and created, and merge a grow that

The so-called ‘’Pro” archetype undergoes all the phases of entrepreneurship, and by that, it
meant that the enterprise will develop its phases. I.e., from start to profitability and to the
administrative phases related to the scaling of the investment, etc.

This archetype includes a person with all-around ability and often is both stubborn or persistent,
as well as strategic in their thinking.
This is a complex archetype that possesses versatility and the ability to develop themselves to
cope with all the different phases that emerge along the way. This also includes daring to hire
others who are more competent than themselves. The Professional archetype can often build and
devote all of their life to their company.
Personality profile

As a personality profile, this archetype can be described as a person who balances a strong sense
of the task with the ability to see its long-term usefulness to the business. He/she can put the
task in perspective, and this shows in its sustainability of the venture.
Has in its holistic view integrated approach, for example as a starter, inventor, and administrator
This person has a significant strategic capability, combined with balancing short-term with long-
term. He/she wants to start a fast-growing business and stay in it for life.
This personality can free himself/herself from the more emotional elements of entrepreneurship,
i.e., personal motives. And can usually distinguish between the venture and the person.
This person exhibits a perspective in balancing personal motives vs. entrepreneurship.
S/he is often more thought-driven than emotionally driven, which often appears in analytical and
strategic capabilities. Therefore, also has longer decision-making processes.
The Professional entrepreneur exhibits a significant pattern of planned behavior and has an
underlying tendency to see the big picture in his task.
This archetype may have both an extrovert and or introvert orientation, or neither extrovert nor
introvert. This is in the EPT test and its context is referred to as an ambivert orientation. I.e., one
appreciates working independently, but can also contribute a lot in a group.

They also tend to have a high degree of control over the situations that arise along the way. This
archetype, the Professional, can often show like the Serial archetype shows, a high degree of
control over situations that arise along the way. However, from different perspectives and
characteristics and therefore capacity, the Serial entrepreneur does it from flexibility and feeling,
and the Professional archetype from planning and holistic point of view. Also the ability to solve
problems without previous knowledge or experience, using different methods linked to different

To be able to be planning, organizing, and structure. These are a few of many among the
strengths of the Professional Archetypes.
Just by one of them – structure for instance leads to.
A feeling that you have control over the situation is first and foremost nice for yourself, but it is
also an appreciated quality of colleagues and managers. Maybe it’s about becoming more
realistic and reliable when you have a good structure in your work, but it can also be about the
fact that it is a good quality to inspire your colleagues with.

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