20AE503 - CFAD Unit - II

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Aeronautical Engineering
Fourth Semester
20AE503- Compressible Flow Aerodynamics
Regulations 2020
Question Bank
UNIT – II Normal and Oblique Shocks

Q.No Questions Marks CO BL

1 What is Normal shock? 2 CO1 R

2 Write the Hugonoit equation. 2 CO1 R

3 What is meant by detached shocks? 2 CO1 R

4 Define shock polar. 2 CO1 R

5 State the Mach angle. 2 CO1 R

6 Write the θ-β-M relation. 2 CO1 R

7 Define flow deflection angle. 2 CO1 R

8 What is hodograph plane? 2 CO1 R

9 State bow shock. 2 CO1 R

10 What is sonic circle? 2 CO1 R

11 What is Oblique shock? 2 CO1 R

12 Draw the detached shock on blunt body. 2 CO1 R

13 What is concave corner? 2 CO1 R

14 Define Mach wave. 2 CO1 R

15 Write the Mach angle–Mach number relation. 2 CO1 R

16 State the Weak Shock. 2 CO1 R

17 Write the compressible flow normal shock equation. 2 CO1 R

18 State Shock Tube. 2 CO1 R

19 What is strong shock? 2 CO1 R

20 What is convex corner? 2 CO1 R

Q.No Questions Marks CO BL

1 Derive – Normal shock equation. 16 CO1 AP

2 Derive Rankine - Hugoniot equation. 16 CO1 AP

3 Show the expression of Prandtl equation for an oblique shock wave. 16 CO1 AP

4 A re-entry vehicle (RV) is at an altitude of 15 000 m and has a velocity of 1850 m s-1. A
bow shock wave envelops the RV. Neglecting dissociation, determine the static pressure
and temperature and the stagnation pressure and temperature just behind the shock wave 16 CO1 AP
on the RV center line where the shock wave may be treated as a normal shock. Assume
that the air behaves as perfect gas, with 𝛾 = 1.4 and R = 287 J (kg K)-1.

5 A normal shock moves in a constant area tube, as shown in Figure. In region 1 V1 = 100 m
s-1, T 1 = 30 ∘C, and p1 = 0.7 atm. Shock speed Cs with respect to a fixed coordinate
system is 600 m s-1. Find fluid properties in region 2.
16 CO1 AP

6 Explain the Shock Polar. 16 CO1 U

7 Consider a supersonic flow with M=2, P=1atm, T=288k. This flow is deflected at a
compression corner through 200. Calculate M, P, T, P 0, and T0 behind the resulting oblique
shock wave.

16 CO1 AP

8 Derive the oblique shock wave relation. 16 CO1 AP

9 Explain the Pitot static tube corrections for subsonic and supersonic flows. 16 CO1 AP

10 Short note on i) Detached shock wave.

ii) Concave corner and Convex corner. 16 CO1 AP
iii) Flow past over a wedges.
(Note:*Blooms Level (R – Remember, U – Understand, AP – Apply, AZ – Analyze, E – Evaluate, C – Create))
PART A- Blooms Level: Remember, Understand, Apply
PART B- Blooms Level: Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate (if possible)
(Marks: 16 Marks, 8+8 Marks, 10+6 Marks)

Subject In charge Course Coordinator HOD IQAC

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